Figure 4: Confusion matrix regarding the model perfor-
mance on the real test set. The starting point of the graph is
11 since the minimum amount of pedestrians in the real test
set is 11.
should mention that Chan et.al experiment in (Chan
et al., 2008) was done by hand-crafting highly spe-
cialized features and exhaustive labeling. This results
approve the suitability of synthetic data as a surrogate
for the small real data when using DCNN.
In this paper we explore the benefits of synthetic data
generation for the application of deep convolutional
neural networks for a crowd counting problem with
small training set. We propose an algorithm for cre-
ating a highly realistic synthetic dataset of pedestri-
ans in a walkway to train the proposed DCNN with.
Moreover, we provide a system trained with synthetic
images capable of predicting the number of pedestri-
ans in an image to a satisfactory extent. The obtained
results suggest the incorporation of synthetic data as
a well-suited surrogate for the missing real along with
alleviating required exhaustive labeling.
There are still many open questions to be ad-
dressed such as, when and to what extent synthetic
images are applicable as a substitute to solve real
world problems. which is the best network architec-
ture for counting the crowd?
This work has been partially funded by the Spanish
MINECO Grants TIN2013-43478-P and TIN2012-
38187- C03. We gratefully acknowledge the support
of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of a Tesla
K40 GPU used for this research.
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ICPRAM 2017 - 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods