We have provided an algorithm for the transient be-
havior, the variance and covariance structure for the
output process and inter-departure time in two-node
tandem queue. Some numerical results are presented.
We also showed that the results can be applied to
derive approximate formulae for the due-date perfor-
mance and the distribution of the number of outputs
in a time interval.
The algorithm is based on the Markovian arrival
process (MAP) which gives closed formula for vari-
ance and asymptotic variance. This is a different point
from the other methods in the literature for variance
of departure process. The algorithm requires only the
inversions of the block matrices of size 4 in the com-
puting process. Thus the computational complexity of
the algorithm dose not severely depend on the buffer
size of the system. The approach using MAP can be
easily applied to the system with more general ser-
vice, failure and repair time than exponential case.
Although the method developed in this paper is
quite efficiently, it will be limited to apply the method
to the system with multiple nodes due to the rapid in-
crease of the number of states when the number of
stations and the buffer capacities increase. There-
fore developing approximation methods to estimate
the second moment measures in multiple node system
are required. There are many approximation methods
for throughput in a complicated system, for exam-
ple, decomposition method and aggregation method
(Dallery and Gershwin, 1992; Li et al., 2009) that use
the the two-node system. The method of analyzing
the two-node system can be used as a building block
of analyzing the more complex system.
The authors are very thankful to three anonymous re-
viewers for valuable comments and suggestions.
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