Utterance Behavior of Users While Playing Basketball with a Virtual
Divesh Lala
, Yuanchao Li
and Tatsuya Kawahara
Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan
Human-Agent Interaction, Joint Actions, Virtual Basketball, Wizard-of-Oz, Conversation Analysis.
Research on human-agent interaction has focused mainly on domains which are conversational in nature, but
little work has been done on examining the behavior of interactive agents in domains such as team sports.
This paper analyzes utterance behavior in this domain, specifically a virtual basketball game with an agent
teammate. The main motivation is to assess the nature of utterances during the course of a game. We use a
Wizard-of-Oz system which allows a hidden operator to appropriately respond to user utterances. Utterances
are analyzed by annotating and categorizing according to Searle’s illocutionary speech acts. We nd that
there is evidence to support the process of the user beginning with basic utterances needed to play the game,
confirming that the agent can understand them, and then moving to more complex utterances. We also find
that non-task utterances are used and their proportion increases as the game progresses.
Embodied conversational agents (ECAs) have been a
major focus for interaction research because face-to-
face conversation provides a rich source of phenom-
ena where speech, eye gaze and facial expression can
be measured and analyzed. However scenarios such
as sports where parties interact by navigating in an
open space and use full body movements to engage
in collaborative actions cannot be handled by ECAs.
Virtual agents which can function in these environ-
ments have been identified in previous work (Lala
et al., 2014). Aside from sports, other related sce-
narios include a human-agent team assisting victims
across a disaster area or even a human and agent lift-
ing furniture around a house. Autonomous agents
which can function in such virtual environments are
more feasible than real world robots which do not yet
have navigation ability which is on par with humans.
These type of interactions are also of a different
nature to conversation. Unlike one-on-one conversa-
tion, interactions are relatively infrequent, often re-
peated, and are used to achieve a shared goal. An
example of this is basketball, with the interactions be-
ing passing. In terms of utterance and dialog analysis,
such interactions have received relatively little focus.
The lack of research for this type of agent motivates
our work. We wish to create an agent which can rec-
ognize speech from the user and interact with them in
a natural manner. In order to do this, we require not
only a speech corpusbut data on the type of utterances
used so we can create a dialog model.
The domain of our study is a virtual basketball
game with an agent acting as a teammate. The user
is able to play the game using only their bodies and
without hand-held devices. Our methodology in this
work is to conduct a Wizard-of-Oz (WOZ) experi-
ment, annotate and categorize all utterances, then dis-
cover patterns during gameplay. Unlike conversa-
tion we are able to analyze temporal patterns because
of the repetitiveness of collaborative actions such as
Understanding temporal behavior of the human is
important for agents because they may be better able
to infer the human’s internal state. For example, at
the beginning of an interaction a human may be unfa-
miliar of how to behave to communicate effectively.
As familiarity with the agent increases, the observ-
able human behavior also changes. Such information
is crucial for any virtual agent system, not only bas-
ketball. Therefore, being able to estimate this sense
of familiarity has several implications for the design
of agents.
We propose that utterance behavior changes over
the course of an interaction. More specifically, we hy-
pothesize that the changes over time are related to the
Lala D., Li Y. and Kawahara T.
Utterance Behavior of Users While Playing Basketball with a Virtual Teammate.
DOI: 10.5220/0006119400280038
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2017), pages 28-38
ISBN: 978-989-758-219-6
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
types of utterances used. At the beginning of the game
the human is unsure of the capabilities of the basket-
ball agent in terms of what speech it understands, so
will confirm that it can understand commands such
as passing. We consider such utterances which con-
tribute directly towards the achieving of the goal of
basketball to be task utterances. As the interaction
progresses, if the agent can prove that it can effec-
tively understand the human, the human starts to ex-
periment with more complex task utterances.
H1 Over the course of an interaction user utterances
become more complex, from co-ordinating basic
to more complex tasks.
Our second hypothesis concerns utterances which
are not task utterances. These can include praising or
apologizing to a teammate, which provide evidence
that agents are considered as social partners rather
than machines. We propose that the proportion of
task to non-task utterances decreases over time as the
language of users becomes more social towards the
H2 The ratio of task to non-task utterances decreases
over the course of an interaction.
We also propose that the utterance behavior of the
user has some relationship to the subjective percep-
tion of the agent. This utterance behavior is measured
in terms of the number of task, non-task, and total
utterances from the user, and their perception of the
agent is measured through a standard questionnaire,
with the dependent measures being intelligence, ani-
macy and likeability. Such a relationship would have
implications for human-agent research. If the per-
ception of the agent can be estimated through the ut-
terance behavior of the user, then we have a useful
method of user attitude which can be estimated in
H3 There is a relationship between the frequency of
task, non-task and total number of user utterances
and the the perception of the agent in terms of in-
telligence, animacy and likeability.
Our approach to answering these questions is to
conduct Wizard-of-Oz experiments using the virtual
basketball system described in Section 3. We then
describe how we analyze utterances during the exper-
iment by categorizing them according to Searle’s illo-
cutionary speech acts. The motivation for this catego-
rization is described in Section 4. From this data we
use frequency analyses and questionnaires to address
the above research hypotheses.
The contribution of this work is an analysis into
the nature of user utterances over time when interact-
ing with a basketball agent. This work can provide
guidelines for designing agents which can act appro-
priately with the user in terms of speech behavior, by
knowing what kind of utterances are suitable at par-
ticular moments.
Much research into embodied agents has been related
to ECAs. Sophisticated techniques for multi-modal
interaction have been able to create ECAs which exist
in many specialized and real-world domains such as
counseling, job interviews and museum guides (De-
Vault et al., 2014; Baur et al., 2013; Bickmore et al.,
2011) as well as those that partake in more general
conversation such as Greta and sensitive artificial lis-
teners (Schroder et al., 2012; Niewiadomski et al.,
2009). The purpose of these agents is to engage the
user in social interactions primarily through conversa-
tion, by using social signals to regulate their behavior.
On the other hand, embodied agents have been de-
veloped which engage in a shared virtual task with
the user, the earliest being Steve (Rickel and John-
son, 1999; Rickel and Johnson, 2000). These types
of agents also communicate with the user through
multiple modalities and are often used as training
systems. In Steve’s case the speech acts were well
structured. The focus in our work is on unstructured
speech where the user is free to say anything. Joint ac-
tions as a basis for communication in teams has been
implemented in other work, although this focused on
robots or agents which were not humanoid (Li et al.,
2015; Bradshaw et al., 2009).
Many studies have analyzed spoken dialog behav-
ior of humans towards virtual agents (Campano et al.,
2014; Langlet and Clavel, 2014; Veletsianos, 2012;
Robinson et al., 2008; Kopp et al., 2005). These
dialogs have been social in nature and any task is
largely achieved through conversational means. Task-
based systems requiring teamwork arguably contain
more command-based language (“Go there”, “Pick
that up”). Severalstudies have also investigatedsocial
dialog by an ECA in a task-based setting (Veletsianos,
2012; Bickmore and Cassell, 2005; Gulz, 2005), with
no clear consensus. It would appear that the value of
social dialog in these environments is user-dependent.
Furthermore, we could not identify any studies which
examine the change in utterance behavior during a
single session, which is a main focus of this work.
Real world communication in team sports, includ-
ing basketball, has also been studied (Poizat et al.,
2012; Travassos et al., 2011), but there is limited work
on interactive virtual teammates in a sporting domain.
Naturally there are basketball video games but com-
Utterance Behavior of Users While Playing Basketball with a Virtual Teammate
Figure 1: The virtual basketball environment. Screenshot of the game is shown in the left figure while in the right figure the
user is shown interacting inside the immersive display environment. A Kinect sensor and pressure pad are used for interaction
and navigation purposes.
munication is done through peripherals rather than
human body interactions. Furthermore, in a video
game the user actually controls all the players, so joint
actions are not required. Ideally we would use a robot
which could play basketball but this currently does
not exist.
In this section we describe the virtual basketball en-
vironment and the design of the Wizard-of-Oz agent
used in the experiment.
3.1 Basketball Environment
Our system is designed so that the user is able to
play basketball without the use of keyboard, mouse or
hand-held peripherals. This system was also used in
previous research to analyze non-verbal signals (Lala
et al., 2014) . Our aim is not to implement a realis-
tic simulation of actual basketball. This would require
overcoming several technical issues which are outside
the scope of our work. We concede that the realism
of the game can influence the types of utterances used
and the results of our study, and this limitation is dis-
cussed later in this paper. For now our focus is only
on the interactions between a human player and agent
teammate, so body movement and speech recognition
is required as a means to facilitate natural communi-
cation. The actual physics of the game need not be
accurately modeled.
The user stands in the middle of an immersive en-
vironment, with eight surrounding displays project-
ing the basketball game. They are represented by a
semi-transparent avatar which they can see in a third-
person view. The body movements of the user are
tracked using a Kinect sensor located in front of them,
so gesture recognition of passing, shooting and drib-
bling can be achieved. To navigate in the environment
the user walks in place on top of a foot pressure sen-
sor which recognizes their walking motion and moves
their character forward. Due to the limitations of the
Kinect sensor, in order to turn in the environment the
user does not turn their body but rotates their view-
point by standing on the extreme edges of the pres-
sure sensor. Although the user must generally be fac-
ing towards the Kinect sensor, the immersive displays
allow them to perceive the whole of the environment,
which is necessary in a dynamic game such as bas-
ketball. Screen shots of the game environment are
shown in Figure 1. The game is simplified to 2 vs. 2
pickup basketball to stimulate communication. In this
version of basketball, each team takes turns at trying
to score in one goal only. Opponent agents have the
same physical properties as the teammate agent. They
will attempt to block the path of the human and find
space to shoot goals.
3.2 Wizard-of-Oz Agent Design
Our aim is to eventually create a fully autonomous
agent which will recognize human speech. For this
reason, we should also use our experiment as a
method to collect a number of utterances to create an
appropriate speech corpus, which will be in Japanese.
We can then use this corpus as a knowledge base for
an autonomous agent, and use techniques such as key-
word spotting to associate human utterances with be-
haviors and intentions.
One method of collecting corpus data is to simply
observe real basketball matches. However real bas-
ketball largely differs from virtual basketball in terms
of the richness of communication channels. Real
life behaviors make use of facial expression, subtle
hand movements and eye gaze which are not recog-
nized in our system. Another approach would be to
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: Categorizations of basketball utterances based on Searle’s taxonomy (Searle, 1975). Categories in italics are defined
as task utterances.
Illocutionary act Utterance category
Assertive describing the state of the game
Directive calling for a pass, ordering (strategy), ordering (shoot)
Commissive throwing a pass, statement of intention
Expressive acknowledgment, apology, celebration, disappointment, encouragement, praise, thanking
Declarative -
Unclassified small talk, other
analyze a multi-player basketball game. This also
has drawbacks because as humans we can assume
many capabilities of each other, including the ability
to recognize complex speech. It is likely that most
humans will assume their human teammate under-
stands this speech and so use utterances which coordi-
nate human-human activities rather than human-agent
play. Research suggests that the type of communi-
cation partner (agent or avatar) affects behavior (Fox
et al., 2015; Aharoni and Fridlund, 2007).
Due to these issues, we opted to use a Wizard-
of-Oz (WOZ) agent. The advantage is that the user
assumes that their teammate is artificial while we can
provide it with intelligent behavior. The design of the
WOZ agent is important because it should not reveal
that it is being controlled by a human operator. For
this reason the WOZ agent is controlled by keyboard,
with triggers for gestures and utterances rather than
real-time motion capture and synthesis of a human
voice. The utterances are created using OpenJTalk,
a Japanese language speech synthesis program (Open
JTalk, 2015). This program allows us to create speech
for the agent in the form of pre-recorded sound and
then playing the sound files during the game at appro-
priate moments. In total, only 18 sound recordings
were used.
The initial utterance categories of the agent were
calling for a pass, celebration, disappointment, en-
couragement and acknowledgment. After the first
three experiments we found that we could not encom-
pass a lot of behavior so added new utterance cat-
egories in subsequent experiments to help grow our
speech corpus. We subsequently added categories of
throwing a pass, apologizing and stating an intention
to move. The choice of which individual utterances
in the same category to use was random. Speech was
used to both instigate and respond to the human team-
mate. For example, the agent could use encourage-
ment if the human was struggling or call for a pass if
in free space.
The WOZ operator had knowledge of the goal of
the experiment, but their decisions were made to try
and simulate those of an average, rational player who
aimed to collaborate with their human teammate. Al-
though the game is extremely easy to win using a key-
board, the WOZ operator did not fully realize this ca-
pability in order to make the game more balanced.
In this section we describe the methodology used to
annotate and categorize the utterances used by users
in the basketball game. Categorization of dialog in
human-agent interaction has been addressed in pre-
vious research which argued for categorizing dialog
based on speech act theory (Traum, 1999; Traum,
2000). However, the majority of this work was in the
domain of conversation or conversation as a means of
gathering information. The domain of our system is
more specific. It is dialog which occurs while a team
sport is being played. From our experiments we ob-
served that the type of dialog differed greatly. Utter-
ances tended to be short (two or three words), much
like the interactions (one utterance per party), and of-
ten repeated at various stages during play. Conver-
sational dialog often involves elaboration, explaining
and question-answering as well as facilitation mecha-
nisms such as turn-taking and backchannelling.
It would appear that basketball as a domain is sim-
pler than conversation in terms of the length and type
of utterances used. The richness of signaling therefore
comes from the context of the game and other modal-
ities. If a player with the ball says “Here!” while
turning towards their partner,the partner can infer that
this is a signal to receive a pass. Such domains have
rarely been examined in real or virtual settings, al-
though research on dialog for online teamwork has
been conducted (Taylor, 2012). Therefore we have no
domain-specific categorization which we can apply.
Several standardized taxonomies for utterance
classification exist and one of the most well-known is
the labeling of utterances as illocutionary speech acts
as described by Searle (Searle, 1975). Others have
also been devised such as DAMSL (Core and Allen,
1997) and DIT++ (Bunt, 2009) which label utterances
Utterance Behavior of Users While Playing Basketball with a Virtual Teammate
as dialog acts. These taxonomies address some draw-
backs of Searle’s categorizations by allowing multi-
ple labels of an utterance and providing a hierarchi-
cal structure for categorizations. The dialog acts have
been used as the basis for other coding schemes which
either refine the tags (Jurafsky et al., 1997) or relate
them to specific domains such as meetings (Shriberg
et al., 2004).
However a problematic issue with using dialog
acts for virtual basketball is that there are many la-
bels to choose from which are applied to human-
human conversation rather than basketball-type inter-
action, as described above. For this reason, we opt to
use Searles speech act categorizations. Although the
number of labels is smaller, they better represent the
more limited range of utterances used in basketball.
Furthermore, annotating and classifying the types of
utterances is more clear-cut under the categories de-
fined by Searle as opposed to multi-dimensional or
hierarchical labeling. Table 1 displays the categoriza-
tions of specific basketball activities under Searle’s
We now clarify some of the more ambiguous cat-
egories. Describing the state of the game is an ut-
terance from the user which explains the current sit-
uation but does not make any subjective assessment,
such as haittenai ([the ball] didn’t go in)”. Order-
ing (strategy) is an utterance detailing steps the agent
should take in the game, such as moving to a particu-
lar location. This excludes passing or shooting com-
mands. Passing (calling and throwing) and order-
ing (shoot) were designated as specific categories due
to them being the major task behaviors in basketball.
Encouragement is a general category containing ut-
terances which are used to give the agent support. We
include utterances used when the agent is attempting
to perform a task or expressing regret for a mistake.
Examples include ganbare (do your best)! and ii
yo (it’s OK)”.
Previously we described task utterances as those
being directly related to the achieving of a shared
goal. We can therefore also label all commissive and
directive speech acts in addition to acknowledgment
as task utterances because these are said in order to
win the game.
We conducted experiments with 15 Japanese speakers
who played the basketball game with a Wizard-of-Oz
operator. Prior to the game they were shown an in-
struction video and given a training session to famil-
iarize themselves with the game. During this train-
ing session the agent would also take part and engage
in a greeting with the participant. This was to en-
sure that the participants were aware that the agent
had the ability to understand speech. We did not pro-
vide details as to what speech the participants should
use during the experiment. They were free to speak
and interact with the agent however they liked. Each
game lasted 15 minutes. All speech data and game
data (positions of the game objects, players, and their
body poses) was recorded so that we could go back
and watch the games. Participants were also asked to
submit questionnaires which gave subjective evalua-
tions of the perceived intelligence, animacy and like-
ability of their teammate (Bartneck et al., 2009).
Each recording of the basketball game was ob-
served and all user utterances were transcribed, both
lexical and non-lexical. We used the following pro-
cess to annotate an utterance:
1. If the utterance is not a communicative act toward
the agent, ignore it. This removes self-directed
speech. This information is maintained for the
corpus but is not part of our analysis at this stage.
2. Label the utterance according to the categories in
Section 4. This is subjective but when observing
the games the appropriate categorization is gener-
ally clear, particularly compared to conversation.
3. Note if the categorization is the first of its kind
during the basketball game. For example, if the
participant says “Thanks” and a thanking utter-
ance has not been used in the game then this con-
stitutes a new category.
4. Note if the utterance is the first of its kind within
the same category. We consider similar utterances
in different categories to be distinct. For example,
“Pass” can be used when either calling for a pass
or throwing a pass. Variations of the root word
constitute the same utterance. In Japanese we con-
sider the utterance “Pasu shiro to be the same as
Pasu shite, the common root being “Pasu”. Al-
though this is not entirely accurate because of nu-
ance, it is satisfactory for this analysis. We also
combine repeated utterances into one utterance,
defining repetition if it is spoken within 500 mil-
liseconds with no interruption by the agent.
Interpretation of the meanings of utterances was
not difficult due to the context of the utterance being
apparent in basketball. Nevertheless, the annotations
were also checked by a native Japanese speaker and
inter-observer reliability was around 95%. The end
result of this is a script consisting of time-stamped ut-
terances by both user and agent, and their associated
categories. This provides us with the necessary tem-
poral information for our analysis.
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: The left figure shows the ratio of new utterances to total utterances divided into 15 1-minute blocks. The right figure
displays the ratio of new categories to total utterances.
Table 2: User utterances for all games (abbreviated). Task
utterances are in italics.
Utterance category % total
Call for pass 18.2
Praise 13.3
Throw pass 9.7
Ordering (strategy) 9.0
Acknowledgment 8.4
Celebration 6.3
Encouragement 6.3
Apology 5.7
Statement of intent 4.1
Table 3: Distribution of utterances under Searle’s illocu-
tionary acts.
Illocutionary Act % total
Assertive 3.5
Directive 31.0
Commissive 13.8
Expressive 47.8
Unclassified 3.9
We first provide some general statistics on the utter-
ances. The 15 participants spoke a total of 934 cat-
egorized utterances, of which 153 were unique. We
identified one outlier, a participant who did not use
any utterances during their interaction with the WOZ
agent. Table 2 displays the distribution of the utter-
ances for the top ten categories. We can see that utter-
ances are fairly equally spread between task and non-
task, although for specific categories, task utterances
An analysis of the basketball utterances according
to Searle’s illocutionary speech acts are displayed in
Table 3. We see that almost half of all utterances are
expressive in nature, while almost a third are direc-
Table 4: Median order of utterance categories.
Utterance category Order
Call for pass / Throw pass 2
Acknowledgment 4
Celebration / Praise / Thank 5.5
Ordering (shoot) / Disappointment 6
Ordering (strategy) 6.5
Encourage 7
Apology 7.5
Statement of intent 8.5
tive. This would indicate that communication which
expressed emotion or the participant’s internal state
to the agent was more heavily used than command-
based language. Around 15% of utterances were com-
missive, with the user informing the agent about what
they were going to do.
To analyze temporal behavior we divided the time
periods for all participants into 1-minute blocks. The
distribution of utterances per block was approxi-
mately uniform. There was a mean average of 4.2
utterances per participant per minute. We calculated
the proportion of new utterances to total utterances
in each block. Results are shown in the left diagram
of Figure 2. Until the sixth minute (where there is a
peak), the majority of utterances are new. The rate of
new utterances then drops after this time and remains
fairly steady. We performed the same analysis for the
proportion of utterances in new categories, as shown
in the right diagram of Figure 2. Similarly, the drop
over time is gradual before leveling off from around
the eighth minute.
A general overview of the data shows that both
task and non-task utterances were used. It would also
appear that even after 15 minutes, users would try to
sporadically use utterances and dialog with commu-
nicative intent which they had not previously used be-
fore in the game.
Utterance Behavior of Users While Playing Basketball with a Virtual Teammate
6.1 Task Utterance Complexity
H1 states that users will attempt basic task utterances
before complex ones, so we are interested in the order
in which new utterance categories are spoken. We an-
alyzed the order of new utterance categories and only
considered those which were present in a majority of
games, of which there were 12. For example, if “Call
for pass” was the first category uttered in a game we
recorded its order as 1. We took the median of the
orders for all games to determine which types of ut-
terance were likely to be spoken before others. The
results are shown in Table 4.
What does utterance complexity mean in the con-
text of basketball? Complexity could mean the choice
of words used, but as we have stated most utterances
were only a few words at most. If we take complexity
as the type of action, then the most basic of basketball
collaborative actions are to do with passing - asking
the agent to receive a pass and signaling that a pass
is to be thrown. These can involve both speech and
gesture. More complex utterances may be directives
which order the agent to perform a particular action or
strategy. Results in Table 4 appear to support H1. The
first utterances from the user are basic passing actions
and acknowledgements. Strategic ordering utterances
are used later in the game. In terms of Searle’s classi-
fication, there does not appear to be any definite pat-
tern of ordering.
6.2 Task Utterance Ratio
H2 states that the proportion of task utterances from
the user changes during the game. We defined “dur-
ing the game” as relative to the number of user ut-
terances to account for individual differences in user
behavior. To be specific, we divide the total number
of utterances of a user into half and compare how the
proportion of task to non-task utterances changes over
the second half of the interaction. We take a moving
average with a large window that can encapsulate a
general trend. We first normalized by total utterances,
n. For the m
utterance u
, we calculate the propor-
tion of the previous m (n/2) utterances which are
task utterances k(u
). This creates a simple moving
average for the second half of utterances.
) =
= TU]
m (n/2)
,m > n/ 2
with TU indicating whether the utterance is a task ut-
After normalizing for all users, we then calculated
the mean percentage change in task utterance propor-
tion during the second half of utterances. Figure 3
Figure 3: Mean percentage change of task utterance propor-
tion for second half of utterances.
displays this trend. It can be seen that the second half
of utterances exhibits a decrease in task utterance pro-
portion with approximately 6% less task utterances
than the first half. The decrease isn’t gradual but fluc-
tuates. This gives some support to our hypothesis H2.
6.3 Perceptions of Agent
We analyzed the results of the Godspeed question-
naire by summing the items for perceived intelli-
gence, animacy and likeability. Cronbach’s alpha was
above 0.8 for all these measures so we could treat
each measure as a single variable. Results in Table
5 show that for all three measures the average score
was middling, indicating that users did not generally
have strong opinions about the agent. We also found
a positive correlation (R-squared value 0.57) between
perceived intelligence and likeability.
Table 5: Results of Godspeed questionnaire on perception
of agent teammate.
Measure Max possible Mean Std. dev.
Intelligence 25 17.9 3.0
Animacy 15 8.2 2.2
Likeability 25 18.5 2.6
However, we could not find any evidence to sup-
port H3, which was to assess if there were any corre-
lations between user utterance behavior and their per-
ception of the agent. The number of total utterances,
task utterances and non-task utterances had no signif-
icant correlation with perceived intelligence, animacy
or likeability. From the questionnaires we also found
no evidence that users could tell that the agent was ac-
tually controlled by a hidden operator. We did not ask
the participants about this in the questionnaire itself
(to prevent alerting them about the true nature of the
experiment), but instead spoke with them casually af-
ter the experiment. Several participants remarked on
how they were surprised that the agent could under-
stand their utterances.
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Our research assessed utterance behavior during in-
teraction with agents which engage in repeated joint
actions with humans. Through a WOZ experiment we
were able to produce an agent which could understand
the human and react appropriately to a wide range
of utterances. Our analysis involved annotating and
categorizing utterances then assessing changes over
We showed that users tended to begin with utter-
ances which confirmed the agent’s understanding of
basic passing tasks, before moving on to more com-
plex utterances such as strategic commands (H1). We
found that subjects used both task and non-task dia-
log and found some evidence that the proportion of
non-task dialog increased during the second half of
the interaction (H2). There was no evidence that ut-
terance behavior of the user was indicative of their
perception of the agent (H3). We now discuss lim-
itations of this study and then further discuss these
results in a broader context and their implications for
future research.
Aside from our hypotheses, we also found that the
language of users was varied in terms of the categories
of utterances and Searle’s taxonomy. This is encour-
aging because it shows that users did not treat the
agent as a simple machine which interacted through
commands. In fact, according to Searle’s taxonomy,
expressive utterances were the most common, with
language indicating praise, disappointment, encour-
agement and apologizing often used. As with real
basketball, socially expressive language seems to hold
just as much importance in virtual basketball as task-
based language. Our hope is this that this type of re-
sult can be replicated with an autonomous agent.
7.1 Limitations
There were several limitations in this work. The
biggest limitation is that the experiment had a small
sample size so our results are only indicative in na-
ture. Although we found evidence of correlations
these need to be reproduced to claim any substantial
pattern of behavior. In future work, we plan to more
robustly test these findings by using more participants
and increasing the range of utterances of the agent to
accommodate more complex behavior, such as strate-
gic ordering. Furthermore, as we are also aiming to
create a Japanese speech corpus, this experiment was
performedusing Japanese-speakingparticipants. Cul-
tural or linguistic differences could produce different
results in other settings.
One other major limitation is that the game is not
exactly the same as real-life basketball. This is not
only restricted to physical realism, but also the fidelity
of the agent in terms of gaze behavior and body move-
ments. Clearly basketball uses multimodal interaction
rather than speech alone. We did not account for these
non-verbal features in our analysis, although anecdo-
tally we did observe that users often used non-verbal
signals together with speech, particularly when call-
ing for a pass. The agent itself could only utter a
very limited set of phrases. This meant that the user
could only communicate with it in a limited manner,
mainly giving commands and receiving acknowledg-
ments. A more sophisticated agent would need to be
able to accommodate small talk behaviors. Addition-
ally, an agent which sounded human-like rather than
using a synthesized voice as in this study could have
produced better results.
We acknowledge that results of this study could
change if a more realistic game was used. How-
ever, we also believe that the general hypothesis of
communicative behavior shifting from simple to com-
plex meanings would still hold. The difference is the
form that this behavior would take, given the ability
to smoothly combine speech, gesture and gaze as op-
posed to reducing signals to speech alone. The chal-
lenge is to infer the intended message of the user
from a wide range of modalities. Clearly this requires
more effort than our study, where only verbal utter-
ances were analyzed. Another challenge for an au-
tonomous agent is to recognize complex multimodal
signals, which is more difficult than one modality (in
our case, speech recognition).
From the perspective of the user, there was some
variation in the ability to play the game smoothly,
which may have hindered their motivation to interact.
A few users had trouble using the system to pass and
shoot which made interaction with the agent trouble-
some. For these users the focus was on getting the
system to work rather than collaborative actions.
7.2 Implications for Agent Design
The long-term goal of our work is to produce an au-
tonomous basketball agent which can interact natu-
rally with the user. However, this does not mean the
results cannot be generalized to other domains. Pre-
viously we stated that basketball is part of a set of
domains which utilize open navigation and full body
movement as communicative tools. Another example
is helping out victims in a disaster area. We argue
that the basic ideas presented in this work still apply
to these domains, in that users start by testing basic
capabilities of the agent. For a task-based agent these
are functions which contribute to the accomplishment
Utterance Behavior of Users While Playing Basketball with a Virtual Teammate
of the shared task. Once these have been satisfied, the
user is likely to test other capabilities of the agent by
engagingin more social language and complex behav-
iors. We have shown in our experiment that the order
of such behaviors can be somewhat estimated. When
designing an agent which uses repeated joint actions,
we should ensure that we facilitate the user’s process
of capability testing by creating situations where the
agent can prove itself.
This initial experiment can provide a useful base-
line for comparison with a fully autonomous agent.
We now have a substantially larger corpus from which
utterances can be generated, so this should provide a
more interesting ground for comparison. Using the
corpus we can create an autonomous agent which uses
speech recognition. We can then define the utterances
the agent uses for specific game actions. From our
findings, the agent model should regulate its utter-
ances according to the amount of time spent interact-
ing with the user.
We propose a conceptual agent model based on
our findings. During the initial interaction, the agent
should showthat it can express and understandsignals
related to simple passing behaviors by actively trying
to engage the user in these joint actions. This can be
achieved by initiating the joint action through speech
and proving to the user it understands this behavior.
Several repetitions of these joint actions can be per-
formed. Once this capability has been established, the
agent moves to non-task and complex task behaviors
using a similar process, gradually building up com-
mon ground between itself and the user. With more
sophisticated technology, agents and robots which en-
gage in repeated joint actions such as in basketball
will become more viable, so we propose analyzing
behavior in this environment as a potential research
From our experiment it would appear that user ut-
terance behavior is not correlated with their percep-
tion of the agent’s perceived intelligence, animacy or
likeability. This means that we cannot use real-time
utterance analysis in this environment as a means to
gauge user enjoyment or satisfaction. It is likely that
an analysis of prosodic features of speech such as vol-
ume and pitch would produce a correlation with these
perception measures, but this requires a more sophis-
ticated recording system than we used for this work.
It is also likely that there are non-speech features of
the agent which influences user perception.
7.3 Changes in Human Behavior
This work examined behavioral changes over one ses-
sion of play. In other longitudinal studies with agents,
multiple sessions are often used to gauge changes in
communicative behavior. We argue that both can be
useful, particularly in the case where the same type of
interactions occur repeatedly. Although in this work
the changes were not drastic even after 15 minutes, we
would like to find some underlying state of the user
which can be inferred from their behavior. What we
could not identify was what causes humans to try new
utterances. This information would be extremely use-
ful for agent design because we could use it to speed
up the process of the human understanding the capa-
bilities of the agent. The context of our agent makes
this crucial because the human must interact with the
agent with no prior knowledge of its capabilities.
7.4 Integrating Task and Non-task
One important result of the experiment is that most
participants used dialog which wasn’t just directly re-
lated to playing basketball. A basketball agent has
a particular shared task with a human, as opposed to
conversation where the goal might just be to interact
socially. The question then arises of how and when
to reliably transition from task to social dialog. In
the case of basketball, the situations to use both are
clearly defined. Task dialog is used during play, while
stoppages in play or reactions to an event are precur-
sors to non-task dialog. Social dialog can be consid-
ered as a subset of non-task dialog, and is completely
unrelated to basketball. For example, during the game
an agent may ask if the human plays other sports. We
did not find any examples of such utterances in our
experiment, but this may need to be considered in the
future. After all, many situations such as basketball
are essentially tasks which often require social lan-
7.5 Comparison with Previous Findings
Our previous work had analyzed body communica-
tion during the basketball game. We did not conduct
a thorough investigation of body movement in this
work, but from casual observations, previous results
generally held. Explicit body signals were mainly
with the arms and mostly were related to passing in-
teractions. Similarly, both task and non-task commu-
nicative signals were used. However in this experi-
ment observable non-task signals such as apologizing
and celebrating were done through speech only. One
explanation could be that oral communication can ex-
press non-task signals much clearer. For example,
apologizing without speaking may be unintuitive to
humans without detailed recognition of facial expres-
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
sions. Examination of passing also showed similari-
ties in terms of the initiator and role of the interaction.
Participants tended to use speech the most when call-
ing for a pass from the agent, while were less likely to
use speech in the opposite situation. In any case, the
combination of speech and gesture should be more
thoroughly addressed in future work.
In this paper we analyzed human utterance behav-
ior during interaction with an embodied basketball
teammate controlled by a Wizard-of-Oz operator. We
found evidence that the utterances from humans to-
ward the agent progressed from coordinating basic
tasks to more complex tasks. We also found that hu-
mans used both task and non-task utterances, with an
increase in the proportion of non-task utterances in
the latter half of the interaction. There was no corre-
lation between utterance behavior and the perception
of the agent. These results suggest that humans first
test if the agent can understand basic speech related
to the game before experimenting with more complex
joint actions. Non-task dialog should also be consid-
ered and be used as the user becomes familiar with
the agent. Since we have gathered many utterances
for a speech corpus our next step is to create a fully
autonomous basketball agent.
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ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence