Utilization of Audio Guide for Enhancing Museum Experience
Relationships between Visitors’ Eye Movements, Audio Guide Contents,
and the Levels of Contentment
Kazumi Egawa
and Muneo Kitajima
University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan
Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Nigata, Japan
User Evaluation, User Experience, Cognitive and Conceptual Models, Eye Movements, Museum Novice,
Audio Guide.
Museums provide the opportunities of acquiring knowledge concerning artistic, cultural, historical or scientific
interest through a large number of displays. However, even if those masterpieces are visually accessible to
all the visitors, the background of these works of art is not necessarily acquired because the visitors do not
have enough knowledge to fully appreciate them. Audio guide is a commonly used tool to bridge this gap.
The purpose of this study is to gain understandings of relationships between visitors’ eye movements for
acquiring information by seeing, the contents of the audio guide that should help them to understand the
objects by hearing, and the levels of contentment from the museum experience. This paper reports the results
of an eye tracking experiment in which nineteen participants were asked to appreciate a variety of pictures
with or without audio guide, to fill in a questionnaire concerning subjective feelings, and to attend a follow-
up interview session. It is found that the participants could be classified into four categories, suggesting an
effective way of providing audio guide.
Acquiring knowledge is an essential activity that all
people should conduct; in some cases, it is for ac-
complishing certain task goals, and in other cases, it
is not related with any concrete superordinate purpose
but “acquiring knowledge” itself becomes the goal of
people’s activities. In any cases, by accomplishing the
activity of acquiring knowledge, people should find
the feeling of satisfaction, or contentment, and the ac-
quired knowledge should contribute to establish new
connections in the existing network of knowledge in
their brains, which would become a basis for acquir-
ing a series of new knowledge in the future.
1.1 Acquiring Knowledge at Museum
In recent years, museum has been considered as one
of suitable places for learner-centered learning and
lifelong learning. This is because of the form of learn-
ing that is presented at museum. Museum is a build-
ing in which objects of artistic, cultural, historical
or scientific interest are kept and shown to the pub-
lic. People visit a museum building and approach an
object in which they are interested, stay a while in
front of the object to study it, then approach to an-
other. This process continues until they decide not to
do so. This style of learning is considered as “self-
paced learning”. It is an effective learning method
to improve performance (Tullis and Benjamin, 2011),
guided by their motivation. When the works of art in
the museum are displayed in such a way to facilitate
self-paced learning, it would make possible learner-
centered learning. A critical condition for lifelong
learning would be the maintenance of motivation of
learning. Museum setting provides a necessary con-
dition for it.
This paper focuses on experience at museum and
deals with the question how the activity of knowledge
acquisition is carried out at museum. Museum is the
place where a variety of valuable opportunities for ac-
quiring knowledge are provided to people. Museum
novices visit for the purpose of acquiring knowledge
about the works displayed there. The content of
knowledge about the works must not be general but
highly individual because the information concerning
the objects, which is general and accessible via expla-
nation boards, has to be integrated with the existing
Egawa K. and Kitajima M.
Utilization of Audio Guide for Enhancing Museum Experience - Relationships between Visitorsâ
Z Eye Movements, Audio Guide Contents, and the Levels of Contentment.
DOI: 10.5220/0006119500170026
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 17-26
ISBN: 978-989-758-229-5
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
network of knowledge in the person’s brain to become
his/her knowledge.
1.2 Comprehending Objects at Museum
with Seeing and Hearing
Comprehending objects displayed at museum is anal-
ogous to comprehending texts on a book. According
to the construction-integration theory of text compre-
hension (Kintsch, 1988; Kintsch, 1998), the cogni-
tive processes for comprehension involve two stages:
1) activation of knowledge to construct a knowledge
network that is associated with the representations re-
sulted from perception of the object a person is look-
ing at, which is an automatic activation process of rel-
evant knowledge stored in his/her long-term memory
for the perceived object, followed by 2) a network
integration process to obtain a coherent meaning of
the perceived object that is consistent with the current
context, which could be an automatic unconscious
process or a deliberate conscious process depending
on the level of difficulty involved in the comprehen-
sion process.
In some cases it is not necessary to activate ad-
ditional knowledge for gaining the feeling of com-
prehension if the object is familiar to him/her. In
other cases, however, it requires more cognitive steps
to fully comprehend the object by overpassing infer-
ences because the object is too difficult to gain an im-
mediate understanding. This paper deals with the lat-
ter case, and seeks a way to alleviate this difficulty by
timely providing audio guide, which should interfere
at the minimum with the visual modality of a museum
novice which is used by him/her heavily for observing
the object. The content of audio guide should acti-
vate necessary knowledge to comprehend the object
through another modality than visual. If the infor-
mation provided by audio should activate the part of
knowledge that is missing in the knowledge activated
by the visual information, the person is likely to reach
better comprehension state, that is not being able to
achieve otherwise.
1.3 Measuring Conscious/Unconscious
Processes in Comprehension
The processes of comprehending an object start with
the processes of observation, which could be con-
trolled either consciously or unconsciously, in other
words, they could be deliberate or automatic. It is
known that the processes controlling human activities
are dual, known as the dual-processing theory (Kah-
neman, 2003; Evans, 2003; Evans and Frankish,
2009; Evans, 2010). In addition, the working of long-
term memory should be regarded as autonomous,
which means that the memory reacts to the represen-
tation of perception automatically and it does not be-
have as a passive data-store, similar to a database sys-
tem that stores a huge amount of digital data (Kitajima
and Toyota, 2013; Kitajima, 2016).
Visual information processing starts with feeding
visual stimuli to the brain, followed by either un-
conscious or conscious information processing for
comprehending objects. Gaze points of a person
should indicate the visual information of the object
that might be used for further unconscious or con-
scious processing with automatic knowledge activa-
tion in long-term memory, that should contribute to
reaching comprehension of the object. Note that the
memory activation process is autonomous, not con-
trolled top-down by higher cognitive processes that
issue the command of retrieval of necessary portion
of knowledge.
The locations where the visitors are looking at,
i.e., the gaze points, are measured by using the eye-
tracking technology. If the network of knowledge is
activated sufficiently, he/she would gain the feeling
of satisfaction, or contentment, which is measured by
questionnaire or interview. This paper addresses the
possibility of facilitating knowledge activation via the
audio modality by providing audio guide, which is
subsidiary to the visual modality in appreciating ob-
jects at museum.
1.4 Purpose and Outline of the Paper
For the purpose of enhancing self-paced learning, this
paper studies the effect of audio guide on the levels
of contentment of museum novices by analyzing the
patterns of eye movements while appreciating objects
with or without audio guide. This paper starts with a
section describing a model of contentment in museum
experience and explaining visual information acquisi-
tion in museum experience. Then, the following sec-
tion describes an eye tracking experiment conducted
with nineteen museum-novice participants, who were
asked to appreciate a variety of paintings with or with-
out audio guide. Finally, the last section is presented
for describing the results of experiment and discus-
sion concentrating on the possibility of enhancement
of self-paced learning at museum for museum novices
with timely provision of audio guide.
People visit museum to study objects they are interest-
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
ed in. It is carried out mainly by observing objects
through their eyes. As the results of their observation,
they have different levels of feeling of satisfaction, or
contentment. In the following subsections, content-
ment in museum experience and visual information
acquisition in museum experience are described.
2.1 Contentment in Museum
In the study of investigating elicitation of emotions
while viewing films, the following types of emotions
are considered (Gross and Levenson, 1995):
relief anger surprise
arousal sadness fear
interest tension pain
contempt disgust happiness
confusion embarrassment amusement
In the present study, it was assumed that similar emo-
tional reactions would occur while studying objects
at museum. These sixteen emotion types are used
to investigate the emotional structure of contentment
through the internal relationships among the emotion
types listed above. People visit museum for the pur-
pose of acquiring knowledge. They would have a
feeling of satisfaction on accomplishment of the goal.
This type of contentment is named “Cerebral Hap-
piness” which is accomplished by “The Intellect”,
one of seventeen happiness goals proposed by Mor-
ris (Morris, 2006). In the present study, the sixteen
emotional states that should occur in response to the
activity of observing objects, and the degree of Cere-
bral Happiness is measured by having the participants
fill in the questionnaire as shown by Table 1. Q1 is for
measuring emotional state and Q2 through Q9 are for
measuring Cerebral Happiness.
2.2 Knowledge Acquisition in Museum
2.2.1 Eye Movement in Museum Experience
Museum experience involves appreciation of objects.
Since most part of information is visual, eye move-
ments are important information to understand ap-
preciation behavior of museum visitors (Solso, 1996;
Yarbus, 1967b). Figure 1 illustrates the perceptual
and cognitive processes that are carried out in the
brain while appreciating objects. The appreciation
process goes as follows:
1. Perceives via vision the information conveyed by
painting that exists in the external physical world,
2. Detects visual features such as edges of the per-
ceived objects on the retina via optical processes,
and then transmits the results by electrical infor-
mation to the brain,
3. Associates the information processed in the visual
cortex with the knowledge stored in the cerebral
cortex to learn and/or estimate the objects, which
is called semantic processing,
4. Initiates eye movements and/or body movements
in response to the results of the semantic process-
The pattern of eye movements is an external parame-
ter that should reflect the intension or purpose of the
museum visitors (Yarbus, 1967a).
Semantic Processing
Processing movement
of the body
e.g., eye movements
- -
Figure 1: Cognitive Model (Solso, 1996).
Figure 1 illustrates a cyclic process of optical pro-
cessing, semantic processing, and motor processing,
i.e., eye movements. It is reported that the number
of cycles carried out for a single object depends on
the degree of the smoothness of learning of the ob-
ject, which is proportional to the length of time to
appreciate the object. The shorter the appreciation
time becomes, the less effective the museum novice
feels his/her learning progress (Okumoto and Kato,
2010). The appreciation time could be additionally
characterized by the change of the number of fixations
per unit time as appreciation behavior develops (Ja-
cob and Karn, 2003). This paper uses these factors
to characterize the museum novices’ appreciation be-
2.2.2 Using Audio Guide to Enhance Museum
Novices’ Experience
This paper focuses on the addition of audio guide,
which should have effect on the cycle introduced by
Utilization of Audio Guide for Enhancing Museum Experience - Relationships between Visitorsâ
Z Eye Movements, Audio Guide
Contents, and the Levels of Contentment
Table 1: Evaluation items of subjective contentment.
Question Content
Q-1) For the following 16 kinds of emotions, please answer the strength that you have felt.
1) relief 2) anger 3) surprise 4) arousal
5) sadness 6) fear 7) interest 8) tension
9) pain 10) contempt 11) disgust 12) happiness
13) confusion 14) embarrassment 15) amusement 16) contentment
Q-2) I felt contentment from painting appreciation.
Q-3) It was my favorite painting.
Q-4) I found the meaning of the painting.
Q-5) I found the value of the painting was found.
Q-6) I wanted to know more about the painting.
Q-7) That study has developped new knowledge.
Q-8) I found where should I watch.
Q-9) I wanted actually to go to a museum of art.
Figure 1, especially during the semantic processing.
In order to deal with additional information channel, it
is necessary to consider the semantic processing with
a broader perspective in which the object is compre-
hended using various sources of information includ-
ing the directly perceived information as shown in
Figure 1.
Comprehension process involves knowledge acti-
vation process, triggered by perceptual information
acquired from the external environment, the appear-
ance of objects in museum in the specific context of
this paper, and currently activated knowledge through
the preceding cognitive processes including expecting
what to happen, reflecting on the past events, making
inferences of what comes next, etc. Comprehension is
achieved solely on the ground of the activated knowl-
In order to take into account the simultaneous,
asynchronous, and automatic activation of knowl-
edge through visual and audio information chan-
nels, resulting in a motor behavior of eye movements
after processing visual-audio information, this pa-
per adopts a comprehensive unified model, MHP/RT
(Model Human Processor with Realtime Constraints),
that is capable of simulating action selection pro-
cesses by underlying perceptual–cognitive–motor
processes and autonomous memory activation pro-
cess (Kitajima and Toyota, 2013; Kitajima, 2016).
The heart of the model is that coherent behavior in
the ever-changing environment is possible by syn-
chronization of automatic unconscious processes and
deliberate conscious processes by using activated por-
tion of memory with the process of resonance. One of
the case studies that applied MHP/RT to understand
people’s behavior was effectiveness of guidance in-
formation provided from a person sitting in the pas-
senger seat of a car to the driver who was not famil-
iar with the area he/she was driving (Kitajima et al.,
2009; Kitajima, 2016). The degree of effectiveness
was dependent on the contents of activated knowl-
edge of the driver. This paper considers that this is
a similar situation, where a museum novice would be
benefitted by the provision of audio guide while ob-
serving objects. When audio guide is provided timely,
it should be most effectively used to enhance the ex-
isting knowledge of the museum novice. The timing
would be characterized in relative to the perceptual
information that has been collected from the environ-
ment visually. It is assumed that the museum novice
should have a feeling of satisfaction if the information
provided though audio guide is smoothly integrated
with the then-activated knowledge to form more com-
plete knowledge, necessary for understanding the ob-
An eye tracking study was conducted to understand
the effects of audio guide on the eye movement pat-
tern and the level of contentment of museum novices
who had intension of acquiring knowledge concern-
ing the objects used for the experiment.
3.1 Participants
Nineteen undergraduate students received course
credit for participation in the present study (all mu-
seum novices, 15 males, 4 females, average age =
21.4, SD = 0.6). All had normal or corrected-to-
normal vision and naive about the purpose of this ex-
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
3.2 Stimuli
In order to simulate the activity of viewing painting,
six images of painting and three audio guides were
prepared with permission from the Bridgestone Mu-
seum of Art.
Three types of painting, i.e., portrait, landscape,
and abstract, were selected since people tend to look
at overt elements such as faces or objects. Landscape
has many elements, abstract has no elements, and por-
trait is between them. Two artistic works were used
for each type of painting, and one of the works was
presented with audio guide, and the other without it.
The set of stimuli with audio guide is called “audio
guided set”, and the one without audio guide, “no
assistance set” hereafter in this paper. Six paintings
were presented on a PC display one by one to each
3.3 Apparatus
Stimuli were controlled by Microsoft Powerpoint
2013 and were displayed on a 35 inch LCD moni-
tor in a testing room equipped with soft lighting and
sound attenuation. Eye movements were recorded us-
ing an eye mark recorder of nac (EMR-9), which had
a sampling rate of 60 Hz and a coverage area with the
horizontal angle of 44 degrees and the vertical angle
of 33 degrees. Participants were seated approximately
1100 mm from the monitor and made responses using
a mouse. Their chins were fixed using a chin support.
The experiment was carried out with one participant
at a time. Figure 2 depicts the arrangement of the ex-
Figure 2: Experiment environment.
3.4 Evaluation
The 25 items listed in Table 1 were evaluated by a
questionnaire using seven-point scale (1 = weak, · · · ,
7 = strong). Eye movements were evaluated using two
parameters; the viewing time and the frequency of fix-
Figure 3: A part of a questionnaire.
3.5 Procedure
First, participants were asked if they had understood
the purpose of the present study and agreed to partic-
ipate. After adjusting participant’s sitting posture and
fixing his/her chin, a calibration process was carried
out to ensure that the visual object and the eye mark
were located at the same position.
Before starting the experiment, each participant
was told to watch the displayed images carefully, to
do his/her best not to move his/her head, and to re-
move the image by clicking when he/she felt enough.
After that, a practice session was carried out with an
Participants were explained the experimental pro-
cedure. In the experiment, all participants viewed
3 non-assisted images first and then followed by 3
audio-guided images. Participants were allowed to
have a break after finishing the non-assisted images
if they requested it. Three images in each section
were shuffled according to the latin square method.
The order was chosen by Table 3. When the partici-
pants clicked to remove each image, they were asked
to fill in a self-evaluate questionnaire shown by Ta-
ble 1. At the end of the experiment, participants were
interviewed about their reasoning in their evaluations
and whether they had seen the images before.
Due to the change in position of EMR head unit dur-
ing the break, participant 19’s eye movement cannot
be measured accurately. Therefore, participant 19’s
audio-guided data was removed from the analysis.
4.1 Contentment and Eye Movements
In this part, in order to clarify the relationship be-
tween contentment evaluation and eye movements,
the correlations between them were examined. Ta-
ble 4 shows the significant correlation coefficients be-
Utilization of Audio Guide for Enhancing Museum Experience - Relationships between Visitorsâ
Z Eye Movements, Audio Guide
Contents, and the Levels of Contentment
Table 2: List of the stimuli used for the eye tracking experiment.
Type Artist Title Date Length of audio guide [sec.] ID
Portrait Sekine Shoji Boy 1919 - P
Portrait Fujishima Takeji Black Fan 1908-09 65 Pa
Landscape Asai Chu Laundry Place at Grez-sur-Loing 1901 - L
Landscape Paul Cezanne Mont Sainte-Victoire and Chateau Noir 1904-06 79 La
Abstract Paul Klee Island 1932 - A
Abstract Zao Wou-Ki 07.06.85 1985 87 Aa
Table 3: The presentation order of stimuli.
Non guided Audio guided
1 2 3 4 5 6
Pattern 1 L A P Aa Pa La
Pattern 2 P L A La Aa Pa
Pattern 3 A P L Pa La Aa
tween all evaluation items of subjective contentment
and items of eye movements. As shown, positive
emotions such as happiness and amusement mainly
have an effect on viewing time and frequency of fixa-
tions. And it shows the feeling of knowledge acquisi-
tion decreases as the frequency of fixations increase.
4.2 Audio Guide on Portraits
In this part, only two portrait images from the no as-
sistance set and the audio-guided set were analyzed.
There was no significant statistical difference such as
the average of all participants, but the following ten-
dency was seen. Also at this point it was suggested
that there are two attributes as follows.
The experimental result indicates that audio guide
did affect the viewing time and the frequency of fixa-
tions. Most of the participants, as it can be observed
for participants 6 and 9, tended to evaluate their con-
tentment low when there is no assistance. On the
other hand, contentment evaluation tended to be high
when there is an audio-guide assistance. However,
there were some participants, as it can be observed
for participants 1 and 17, who evaluated contentment
to be high although there is no assistance and stated
even higher contentment evaluation for audio guide.
Therefore, the results of participants 6, 9, 1, and 17
were examined.
Audio-guide changed not only the contentment
evaluation but also how the participants perceived the
images, because audio-guide provided the informa-
tion regarding images and the images’ point of inter-
est. Figures 4 to 6 graphically illustrate the change of
contentment. As shown in Figures 5 and 6, all par-
ticipants could not feel Cerebral Happiness without
audio guide, but they could feel it with audio guide.
In the viewing time aspect, audio-guide assistant
increased most participants’ viewing time greatly ex-
ceeding the length of the audio-guide assistant, which
was about 65 seconds as shown in the Figure 7. Con-
versely, there were some participants such as partici-
pant 1 and participant 17 whose viewing time didn’t
change significantly. The experiment result indicates
that the change in the viewing time tended to conform
with the contentment evaluation.
For eye movements, most participants with audio-
guided assistant tended to look at a certain location
following the audio-guide resulting in reducing fre-
quency of fixations. However, the frequency of fixa-
tions of some participants such as participant 17 in-
creased instead. According to the interview, partici-
pant 17 stated that he was distracted by audio-guide.
Moreover, he stated that he would like to have in ex-
planation text instead of audio-guide. Figure 8 graph-
ically illustrates the change of eye movements.
Figure 4: Effect on contentment.
Figure 5: Effect on acquisition of knowledge.
4.3 Audio Guide and Viewing
Time/Frequency of Fixations
In this part, all images were analyzed. To analyze
the effect of contentment and audio-guide, a viewing
time - frequency of fixations plot is created as shown
in the Figures 9 to 11. Figure 9 does not show any
obvious result. However, when the data between non-
assisted and audio-guided assistant are separated, a
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Table 4: Correlations between evaluations and eye movements in non-guided portrait.
Happiness Amusement Contentment Q-7
Viewing Time [sec] 0.508
0.111 0.270 0.394
Frequency of Fixation [counts/sec] -0.502
p < .05
Q-7: “That study has activated new knowledge.
Figure 6: Effect on acquisition of point of interest.
Figure 7: Effect on viewing time.
Figure 8: Effect on frequency of fixations.
Figure 9: Time - frequency of fixations plot.
clear trend can be seen in Figure 10 and Figure 11. In
non-assisted condition, the viewing time and the fre-
quency of fixations did not have any clear interaction.
On the other hand, these plots concentrated within the
certain area for audio-guided condition.
Figure 10: Time - frequency of fixations plot: non-guided.
Figure 11: Time - frequency of fixations plot: audio-guided.
4.4 Cluster Analysis
By using participants’ contentment evaluation, a table
of participants’ contentment acquisition was obtained
as shown in the Table 5. This table was further ana-
lyzed with quantification method no.III in order to see
any trend in participants. In the result, the way of
each acquisition of contentment was described in two
dimensions: the first axis was “abstract painting – fig-
urative painting.”, and the second axis was “guide is
necessary – guide is unnecessary”. With the score re-
sulted from quantification method no.III, participants
can be classified and grouped into four types as shown
in Figure 12 using the Ward method. Although partic-
ipant 16 was classified in Group C with the score, this
Utilization of Audio Guide for Enhancing Museum Experience - Relationships between Visitorsâ
Z Eye Movements, Audio Guide
Contents, and the Levels of Contentment
participant had a different way to feel contentment.
It was supposed that participant 16 might be a par-
ticipant who doesn’t feel contentment with paintings.
Therefore, the score of participant 16 was not plotted.
Figure 12: Contentment acquision.
5.1 Audio Guide
According to the interview, participants who per-
ceived positive emotion evaluated their contentment
high. This occurred because contentment is also a
positive emotion, and it might be difficult to differ-
entiate the positive emotions in the individual. The
participants who evaluated high contentment tended
to think about background of paintings, which would
result in an increase in viewing time and a decrease
in frequency of fixations. On the other hand, partici-
pants who perceive negative emotions while viewing
a particular image didn’t think about background of
However, as presented in Section 4.2, novices,
who couldn’t have any ideas without guide, got idea
and felt contentment with audio guide. Audio guide
led participants to watch the explained point without
hesitation and the frequency of fixations tends to de-
Still, there are also novices think the audio guide
is annoying such as participant 17. Most of novices
can enjoy paintings with any information because
of their ignorance about paintings. But the novices
who needed specific information at that time think
the audio guide is annoying and want the explanation
text instead when audio guide lead them into another
point. Difference between point of interest and audio
guide might increase the frequency of fixations.
The concentrated phenomena presented in Section
4.3 is caused by audio-guided since it leads partici-
pants to look at the point of interest in the same se-
quence. In fact, the impressions of paintings with au-
dio guide was the same for most of the participants.
5.2 Analysis of the Need of Particular
The characteristics of the cluster classified in Section
4.4 were considered in this section.
Group A
They can’t understand abstract without audio
guide, but they could enjoy in their way(e.g.
brushwork, colors).
Group B
They are classified as typical museum novices: it
is difficult for them to have their own ideas. Al-
though it is possible to feel contentment with au-
dio guide, they want explanations of overt ele-
ments for audio guide instead of the information
of artist.
Group C
They can enjoy paintings with audio guide, and
also enjoy portrait and landscape which are easy
to understand without audio guide.
Group D
They can feel contentment without audio guide.
When the contents of audio guide is not they want
to know or from the time constraints, audio guide
annoys them.
This paper studies the effect of audio guide on the
levels of contentment of museum novices by analyz-
ing the patterns of eye movements while appreciat-
ing objects with or without audio guide. For that
we have done eye tracking experiments and show the
effects of audio guide and possibility of using eye
movements to estimate novice’s contentment. Con-
tentment can be used to differentiate each person’s
image perception. This information can be used to
decide what kind of support a particular person needs
and enhances novices’ experience. Still, we could not
get much statistically significant results, so it is im-
portant to improve the method in the future.
In this paper, we supported that providing an audio
guide without additional displays such as text guide,
which have been used widely in museums. Moreover,
other assistances, e.g., text guide and video guide,
should be considered in the future. Understanding the
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Table 5: Contentment acquisition of each subject.
Participant Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Portrait X X X X X
Landscape X X X X X X X X X X X X
Abstract X X X
Portrait (Audio) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Landscape (Audio) X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Abstract (Audio) X X X X X X X X X X X
X: contentment, blank: not contentment
effectiveness of assistance for novices can be also ex-
tended after considering the length and timing of as-
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Number 15H02784.
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Figure 13: Sekine Shoji, Boy, 1919, ID: P.
Utilization of Audio Guide for Enhancing Museum Experience - Relationships between Visitorsâ
Z Eye Movements, Audio Guide
Contents, and the Levels of Contentment
Figure 14: Fujishima Takeji, Black Fan, 1908-09, ID: Pa.
Figure 15: Asai Chu, Laundry Place at Grez-sur-Loing,
1901, ID: L.
Figure 16: Paul Cezanne, Mont Sainte-Victoire and
Chateau Noir, 1904-06, ID: La.
Figure 17: Paul Klee, Island, 1932, ID: A.
Figure 18: Zao Wou-Ki, 07.06.85, 1985, ID: Aa.
HUCAPP 2017 - International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications