Figure 4: Results (good classification rates) obtained on the
USPS data set as a function of the gaussian kernel parame-
We independently generate 50 different banana-
orange data sets and show the average performance
(±1 standard deviation) in fig. 2. We conclude that
most of the time our method achieves better results
than LM for a wider range of the kernel parameter
We now show the results obtained on the USPS
data set. As shown in fig. 4, our method provides
higher performance for almost all the kernel parame-
ter values considered.
In this paper, we propose a new approach to solve
the domain adaptation problem when no labeled tar-
get data is available. The idea is to perform a pro-
jection of source and target data onto a subspace of a
RKHS where source and target data distributions are
expected to be similar. To do so, we select the sub-
space which ensures nullity of a Maximum Mean Dis-
crepancy based criterion. As source and target data
become similar, the SVM classifier trained on source
data performs well on target data. We have shown that
this additional constraint on the primal optimization
problem does not modify the nature of the dual prob-
lem so that standard quadratic programming tools can
be used. We have applied our method on synthetic
and real data sets and we have shown that our results
compare favorably with Large Margin Transductive
Transfer Learning.
As an important short term development, we must
propose a method to automatically determine an ade-
quate value of the gaussian kernel parameter used in
our paper. We also have to consider multiple kernel
learning. Finally, more complex real data sets are to
be used to benchmark our transfer learning method.
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