Figure 4: Summary of message passing.
7.2 Communication Overhead
Each TA sends two types of messages - ARR and
T H U T IL. During any type of hazard TA need not to
send any extra message. So according to figure 4 the
number of messages sent by all Train Agents remains
same irrespective of number of hazards occured. Each
Segment Agent sends 7 types of messages. Number
of messages REQ, DEPT , WAIT and GRANT re-
mains unchanged irespective of number of hazards.
But number of OT GRANT , OT REQ, LINK PROB
messages changes depending on the number and type
of hazards. As shown in Figure 4 number of messages
sent by all Segment Agents is not increased a lot with
the increase of number of hazards.
With the increase in number of trains and tracks in
Indian Railways, the on demand scheduling task be-
comes time consuming. As per the case study it is evi-
dent that Multi-agent based approach described in this
paper has promising aspects for taking dynamic deci-
sion more accurately. As Railway Network graph is
not too much complex as complete graph, no prepro-
cessing is required like other DCOP algorithms like
(Petcu and Faltings, 2005) and (Modi et al., 2005). It
is a major advantage to have additional time for multi-
agent communication. In this paper robustness is im-
plemented in Railway Network. To support this re-
search the microscopic view of ‘how to change track
and optimize the delay at junction points’ should be
taken under consideration in the near future.
This research work is funded by Visvesvaraya PhD
scheme of DeitY (Department of Electronics & Infor-
mation Technology), Govt. of India.
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ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence