on one or more aspects of the phase space describing
the system. It is sufficient to enable the identification
of solutions or the determination that such equipment
does not yet exist.
In our estimation, the completion of a task is not
dependent on a swarm if all requisite technologies can
be deployed on a single agent. However, if the tech-
nologies cannot be implemented on a single agent,
then a swarm is required.
We illustrated these principles using two classes
of swarms: accumulation swarms and gradient ascent
swarms. All developed gradient ascent swarms which
achieved the task. It was demonstrated that mini-
malist stigmergic swarms consisting of two agents
could achieve the gradient ascent task, as could larger
physicomimetic swarms, as long as they implemented
the technological and behavioral requirement that
emerged, even when they had to do it cooperatively.
These developments enable us to approach the
problem of swarm engineering from a different point
of view than has generally been employed. The global
properties amount to metrics on the state space of the
system and their time derivatives enable the identifi-
cation of technologies that are related to the achieve-
ment of the goal. The design problem, then, is re-
duced to developing a method of applying these tech-
nologies sequentially so that the system will move in
state space from its initial state to a predetermined
one. As a result, this approach reduces the swarm
design problem to a multidimensional search through
technology space, guided by the movement through
phase space.
We have focused in this study on designing low di-
mensional swarms with simple design requirements.
We turn in future work to more complex swarms
whose design requirements are multidimensional as
opposed to single dimensional.
The authors would like to acknowledge the efforts and
assistance of several students of the Illinois Math-
ematics and Science Academy. These students are
Katherine Bezugla, Ankit Agrawal, and Rohit Mitta-
palli. These students assisted in some of the simula-
tion programming for Section 4 in this paper.
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