Figure 2: Polarization map for m = n = 2 and α = 0. Colors
indicate irradiance level: red for high irradiance and violet
for low irradiance. Arrows indicate the electric field.
Figure 3: Same that figure 2 for m = n = −1.
source can be easily modified by simply varying a dis-
tance in the proposed experimental setup. The state
of polarization is always linearly polarized and its az-
imuth varies in different ways depending on the cho-
sen values for the characteristic parameters defining
the source. In the particular case of selecting m = n,
for any concentric ring to the source axis, the azimuth
of the polarized light rotates periodically in the whole
circle and the number of periods correspond to 2|m|
in a complete circle. The sense of rotation changes
with the sign of the m value.
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terio de Econom
ıa y Competitividad under projects
FIS2013-46475 and FIS2016-75147.
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PHOTOPTICS 2017 - 5th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology