in matrix form. We find a solution with a quantitative
computation using the matrix, then search for a better
solution considering a qualitatively equivalent model
of the object.
The main contributions of this work are as fol-
• We presented a sound and complete algorithm to
provide quantitativesolutions, and implemented it
as a system with a graphical user interface.
• We extended the algorithm so that a qualitative so-
lution can be obtained when the granularities of
units differ.
The method described is useful for analyzing or
designing a projection of three-dimensional objects.
An evaluation measure on the obtained solutions
is determined based on the user’s purpose. When su-
perposing more than two units, the black tiles that are
not hidden provide room for a third unit to be placed.
Therefore, it is not always true that fewer covered tiles
offer a better solution. The location of a black tile of
a resulting figure is also an evaluation measure candi-
As part of future work, we plan to evaluate the
obtained solutions to handle superpositions of more
than two units.
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