Face Presentation Attack Detection using Biologically-inspired
Aristeidis Tsitiridis, Cristina Conde, Isaac Martín De Diego and Enrique Cabello
Computer Science and Statistics, King Juan Carlos University, Calle Tulipán S/N, 28933, Mostoles, Madrid, Spain
tsitiridis@gmail.com, {cristina.conde, isaac.martin, enrique.cabello}@urjc.es
Keywords: Face Biometrics, Presentation Attack Detection, Anti-Spoofing, Biologically-inspired Verification,
Biologically-inspired Biometrics.
Abstract: A person intentionally concealing or faking their identity from biometric security systems is known to
perform a ‘presentation attack’. Efficient presentation attack detection poses a challenging problem in
modern biometric security systems. Sophisticated presentation attacks may successfully spoof a person’s
face and therefore, disrupt accurate biometric authentication in controlled areas. In this work, a presentation
attack detection technique which processes biologically-inspired facial features is introduced. The main goal
of the proposed method is to provide an alternative foundation for biometric detection systems. In addition,
such a system can be used for future generation biometric systems capable of carrying out rapid facial
perception tasks in complex and dynamic situations. The newly-developed model was tested against two
different databases and classifiers. Presentation attack detection results have shown promise, exceeding 94%
detection accuracy on average for the investigated databases. The proposed model can be enriched with
future enhancements that can further improve its effectiveness and complexity in more diverse situations
and sophisticated attacks in the real world.
Present-day security systems exploit a variety of
biological characteristics to identify individuals.
There is an extensive range of security applications
that utilise such characteristics to safeguard and
restrict access or control. For example, non-intrusive
biometric patterns extracted from the finger, palm,
iris, voice, gait and their fusion in multimodal
biometric systems, can provide an abundance of
information about the identity of a person. However,
none of these metrics are as informative, widely
adopted or as publicly accepted as an individual’s
face. Appearance perception and in particular facial,
plays a vital role in survival and everyday social
interactions. As a consequence, the human brain
over millions of years has evolved to perform facial
perception in an effortless, rapid and efficient
manner (Ramon et al. 2011). Face perception is a
challenging problem due to appearance variations
from illumination, pose, facial expressions, aging,
clothing accessories and temporal facial changes. It
remains a widely explored and efficient method,
applied in diverse environments without
necessitating substantial participation and
inconvenience from any individuals. Modern day
applications making extensive use of facial
perception tasks include mobile phone
authentication, border or customs control, visual
surveillance and human-computer interaction.
However, the ever increasing complexity, power and
processing speed has been pushing the biometric
research community to explore new ways of
optimising face biometric systems. Therefore, it
should not come as a surprise that biology has
recently become an increasingly valuable source of
inspiration for reliable, power efficient and
alternative methods (Meyers and Wolf 2008; Wang
et al. 2013).
‘Face recognition’ is a generic term that
describes a set of methods concerning face
perception. More specifically, face verification
applies various image processing methods in order
to confirm an individual’s identity according to their
travel documents and either accept or reject it. Face
identification focuses on identifying a particular
individual and the subject’s face is compared against
other individuals from a pre-stored database. The
present research work centres on face verification.
Every person’s face is continuously evolving in
Tsitiridis A., Conde C., Martà n De Diego I. and Cabello E.
Face Presentation Attack Detection using Biologically-inspired Features.
DOI: 10.5220/0006124603600370
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 360-370
ISBN: 978-989-758-225-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
complex ways over time and different facial features
may unintentionally alter the appearance in a
significant way e.g. scars, glasses, piercings,
hairstyles, wrinkles, tattoos. More importantly for
the purposes of this work, face biometric systems are
susceptible to intentional presentation attacks.
Impostors can acquire another person’s high quality
facial image print with small digital cameras. Such
cameras help to discretely or secretively capture
facial images from unsuspected individuals.
Moreover, with the availability of face images from
public or social media, it has become relatively easy
to reproduce a person’s frontal image. Basic
presentation attacks usually are: a) printed face on a
paper sheet. Sometimes a printed face is shown with
eyes cropped out in order for a subject’s eyes to
blink underneath it. b) Digital face displayed on a
screen from digital devices such as tablets,
smartphones, and laptops. This kind of face
presentation can be static or a video. In video attacks
facial movements, eye blinking, mouth/lip
movements or expressions are simulated. c) A 3D
mask (paper, silicon, cast, rubber etc) specifically
moulded for a targeted face.
In addition to the above, an impostor may also
try spoofing an identity by using more sophisticated
appearance alteration techniques or their
combinations: 1) Glasses corrective or otherwise
and/or contact lenses with possible colour change. 2)
Hairstyle, change in colour, cut/trim, hair extensions
etc. 3) Make-up or fake facial scars. 4) Real and/or
fake facial hair. 5) Facial prosthetics and/or plastic
All of these elaborate impostor attacks are
commonly known as ‘Face presentation attacks or
Spoofing Attacks’ and give rise to another term
‘Presentation Attack Detection (PAD)’ which
includes the detection of all intentional impostor
attempts in face verification and identification with
the use of algorithm specifically tailored for this
problem. Accurate and fast PAD is a major concern
in authentication systems across many platforms and
applications. Finally, high PAD rates are extremely
important for matters of personal and public
Presentation attacks in images are usually detected
from motion, liveness, texture, quality and by
spectral information from sensor-based approaches.
Motion-based techniques are mostly employed with
video sequences to detect motion anomalies between
frames. Some representative methods apply Eulerian
Video Motion Magnification (Wu et al. 2012),
Optical Flow (Anjos et al. 2014), and non-rigid
motion with face-background analyses fusion (Yan
et al. 2012). Liveness-based approaches extract
image features that investigate the liveness of a
particular subject. Using this approach, algorithms
scan liveness patterns of certain facial parts such as
facial expressions, mouth or head movements, eye
blinking, and facial vein maps (Pan et al. 2008;
Chakraborty and Das 2014). Texture based methods
investigate texture, structure and overall shape
information of faces. Commonly used texture-based
methods rely on Local Binary Patterns (Chingovska
et al. 2012; Maatta et al. 2011; Kose et al. 2015),
Difference of Gaussians (Zhang et al. 2012) and
Fourier frequency analysis (Li et al. 2004). For
quality characteristics, a notable image quality
method in (Galbally et al. 2014) proposes 25
different image quality metrics as extracted between
real and fake images in order to train classifiers
which are used for detecting potential attacks.
Sensor-based approaches involve the use and fusion
of various sensors. A method that uses a light field
camera sensor with 26 different focus measures with
image descriptors and authors in (Raghavendra et al.
2015) have reported promising PAD scores. With
the aid of infrared sensors authors in (Prokoski and
Riedel 2002) analyse facial thermograms for rapid,
and varied illumination environments. Similar
thermography methods are presented in (Hermosilla
et al. 2012; Seal et al. 2013).
In general, a biologically-inspired vision
architecture consists of alternating hierarchical
layers mimicking the various processing stages of
the primary visual cortex (Hubel and Wiesel 1967).
It is known that as visual stimuli travel up the
cortical layers, visual information progressively
exhibits a combination of selectivity and invariance
to object translations such as size, position, rotation,
depth etc. In the past, there have been many vision
models and variants inspired from this layered
approach such as the ‘Neocognitron’ (Fukushima et
al. n.d.), ‘Convolutional neural network’ (LeCun et
al. 1998), and ‘Hierarchical model and X’
(Riesenhuber and Poggio 2000). Over the years,
these models produced remarkable results on a
variety of different object perception tasks and today
they are being recognised as an equal alternative to
statistical approaches in computer vision. In face
perception, biologically-inspired methodologies
have been applied successfully for some years and
have been proven reliable as well as accurate
(Meyers and Wolf 2008; Rose 2006; Wang and
Face Presentation Attack Detection using Biologically-inspired Features
Chua 2005; Lyons et al. 1998; Slavkovic et al. 2013;
Li et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2013; Perlibakas 2006;
Pisharady and Martin 2012). There are many
common characteristics between all of these
algorithms and perhaps the most important aspect is
the extensive use of Gabor filters i.e. texture-based
features, as their building block operation. The main
reasons for designing a biologically-inspired model
would be its projected efficiency, parallelisation and
speed in extremely demanding future biometric
applications with uni-sensor and multi-sensor data.
Contemporary state-of-the-art methods are efficient
for current processes and sensors but would struggle
to cope with an increase in available sensor
information and sifting through each frame for
example with sliding windows or pixel-by-pixel
approaches would require an incredible amount of
available resources in storage capacity, processing
speed and power. Until today there hasn’t been a
complete biologically-inspired schema specifically
developed to tackle sophisticated PADs in face
verification systems. The main contributions of this
research work were to:
a) Present a novel hierarchical biologically-
inspired algorithm which behaves comparably
to other state-of-the-art texture-based
b) Introduce visual area V2 of the brain texture
operations for face perception for the first time
and integrate them with the existing biological-
like approach.
c) Explore the model’s applicability in
face presentation attack detection using standard
databases and classifiers.
d) Propose the basis for further research in this
particular area.
2.1 Structure
There is undeniable evidence (D and D 1991; Van
Kleef et al. 2010; Axelrod and Yovel 2012)
concerning the layered hierarchical structure of the
mammalian brain. The main advantage of this
topology is the progressive creation of a view-
invariant representation of objects with some
important invariance properties such as size,
position, rotation and illumination. Similarly, the
structure of the model here follows an alternating
layer configuration that pools bio-inspired features
as extracted from face images (Figure 1).
The extracted features at higher dimensions can
be either used with classifiers or directly with
distance measures as will be demonstrated in the
results section 5. Ultimately, the main purpose of
this research is to detect face spoofing attempts and
invariance properties such as size and position are
important. Therefore on this particular pursuit, any
additional invariance properties that would
otherwise have been more meaningful for face
recognition (Yokono and Poggio 2004; Pisharady
and Martin 2012; Rolls 2012), add complexity or
processing delay and are not explored.
2.2 Centre-surround Channels
Cone receptive fields in human retinae are tuned to
different wavelengths of light. Bipolar retinal cells
Figure 1: The proposed model structure. Several layers L1 to L5 progressively process spatial and spectral facial features.
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
bear the task of unifying incoming visual
information from cones and rods (Engel et al. 1997).
Furthermore, on-centre and off-centre bipolar cells
operate in a centre-surround process between red-
green and blue-yellow wavelengths. For example,
on-centre Red-Green (RG) bipolar cells maximally
respond when red hits the centre of their receptive
field only and are inhibited when green is at their
surrounding region. Vice versa, this operation is
reversed for an off-centre RG bipolar cell where
excitation only occurs when the detectable green
wavelength is incident in the surrounding region. As
shown in Figure 2, this is can be further applied for
the blue-yellow and lightness channels.
The colour opponent space is defined by the
following equations (Van De Sande et al. 2010):
O1 = (R-G)/2
O2 = (R+G-2B)/6
O3 = (R+G+B)/3
Figure 2: Examples of on-centre and off-centre receptive
fields in bipolar cells for colour opponency channels. The
plus sign refers to when the particular colour is on and the
minus off.
2.3 Area V1 – Edge Detection
As visual signals travel to the primary visual cortex
through the lateral geniculate nucleus, area V1
orientation selective simple cells process incoming
information (Hubel and Wiesel 1967) from the
retinae and perform basic edge detection operations
for all subsequent visual tasks. They serve as the
building block units of biological vision. It is already
well established from literature that orientation
selectivity in V1 simple cells can be precisely
matched by Gabor filters (Marcelja 1980; Daugman
1985; Webster and De Valois 1985).
A Gabor filter is a linear filter which is defined
as the product of a complex sinusoid with a 2D
Gaussian envelope and for values in pixel
coordinates (x,y), it is expressed as:
=exp -
X = xcosθ–ysinθ
Y = -xsinθ+ycosθ
In equation (1), γ is the aspect ratio and in this
work is set to 0.3. Parameter λ is known as the
wavelength of the cosine factor and together with
parameter σ the effective width, specify the spatial
tuning accuracy of the Gabor filter. Ideally, to
optimise the extraction of contour features from V1
units for a particular set of objects, some form of
learning is necessary to isolate an optimum range of
filters. However, this process adds complexity and it
is time-consuming since it requires a huge number
of samples, as experiments on convolutional neural
networks have shown in literature. In order to avoid
this step, Gabor filter parameters are hardcoded
directly into our model following parameterisation
sets that have been identified from past studies. Two
different parameterisation settings have been
considered (Serre and Riesenhuber 2004; Lei et al.
2007; Serrano et al. 2011). Our preliminary
experiments have shown that the two particular
Gabor filter parameterisation ranges, have no
noticeable effect on PAD results. Thus, we chose the
parameterisation values given (Serrano et al. 2011).
Additionally, it is known that V1 cell receptive
field sizes vary considerably (McAdams and Reid
2005; Rust et al. 2005; Serre et al. 2007) to provide a
range of thin to coarse spatial frequencies. Similarly,
four different receptive field sizes were used here
with pixel dimensions 3x3, 5x5, 7x7 and 9x9.
Coarser features are handled by area V2, explained
in the next section.
2.4 Area V2 - Texture Features
The significance of textural information is often
neglected or downplayed in past presentation attack
detection and biologically-inspired vision studies.
However, the role of cortical area V2 in shape and
texture feature extraction is crucial and V2 cells
share many of the edge properties found in V1.
Nevertheless, V2 cell selectivity has broader
receptive fields and is attuned to more complex
features compared with V1 cells (Hegdé and Van
Essen 2000; Schmid et al. 2014). In addition to
broader spatial features, this layer processes textural
information and is therefore capable of expressing
Face Presentation Attack Detection using Biologically-inspired Features
the different nature of surfaces. This is a crucial
advantage in face presentation attack detection
where there is a wealth of information hidden within
the texture of faces, facial features or face attacks.
For example, texture of beards, skin, and glasses can
prove a valuable feature against spoofing attacks
mimicking their nature. Therefore, accurate
representation of texture facial features or the lack of
such features where these would be otherwise
expected is an important indication of falsification.
V2 cells are effectively expressed by a sinusoidal
grating cell operator though other shape
characteristics also correspond well (Hegdé and Van
Essen 2000). The grating cell operator has not only
shown great biological plausibility with respect to
actual V2 texture processes but has also proven
superior to Gabor filters in texture tasks (Grigorescu
et al. 2002). Its response is relatively weak to single
bars but in contrast, it responds heavily to periodic
patterns. The approach used here (Petkov and
Kruizinga 1997) consists of two stages. In the first
stage grating subunits generate the responses of on-
centre and off-centre cells. In the following stage,
grating cell responses from at a particular orientation
and periodicity are added together.
A certain response Gr of a grating subunit at
position (x, y), with orientation θ and periodicity λ is
given by (Petkov and Kruizinga 1997):
x, y
1, if n, M
0, if n, M
< ρM,
where n {-3…2}, ρ is the threshold parameter
between 0 and 1 (typically 0.9). For the current
position (x´, y΄) along x and y directions from
starting point (x ,y), the maximum activities of M are
calculated as followed (Petkov and Kruizinga
0, n= -3,-1, 1
π, n = -2, 0, 2
The responses at M(x, y)
in equation 8, are
simple cell responses with symmetric receptive
fields along a line segment 3λ. Essentially this
means that there are three peak responses for each
grating subunit at point (x, y) at a given orientation
θ. This line segment is split in λ/2 intervals. The
particular position of each interval defines the
response of on-centre and off-centre cells. In other
words, a grating cell subunit is maximally activated
when on-centre and off-centre cells of the same
orientation and spatial frequency are activated at
point (x, y). In equation 9 φ
is the phase offset and
for values between 0 and π, it corresponds to
symmetric centre-on and centre-off operations
In the second part of V2 grating cell design, a
response w of grating cell centred on (x, y) along
orientation θ and periodicity λ, is the weighted
summation of grating subunits with orientations θ
and θ+π, as given below:
x', y'
x, y
Parameter β is the summation area size with a
typical value of 5. For our experiments, the number
of simple cells were empirically chosen at 3 and all
other parameter values were set at default values
according to (Petkov and Kruizinga 1997).
2.5 From Input Data to Presentation
Attack Detection
Input Layer: The purpose of the input layer is to
prepare image information by scaling down all input
RGB images to a minimum of 300 pixels for the
shortest edge. This particular image size was chosen
as a good compromise between speed/time and
computational cost.
Layer L1: This layer plays the role of the lateral
geniculate nucleus and separates visual stimuli in the
appropriate double-opponency channels (Figure) as
given from section 2.2 while scaling all pixel values
to the same range between 0 and 1.
Layer L2a: Gabor filter operations perform edge
detection according to parameterisation values given
in section 2.3. It is important to note that after
obtaining filtered outputs from all Gabor filters (in
total 192) for each double-opponency channel, a
maximum operator is applied so that a particular
maximum response of L2a vectors (x
... x
) in a
neighbourhood j is given by:
The maximum operator is a well-known non-linear
biological property exhibited by certain visual cells
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
at low levels of visual cognition, pooling
visualinputs from previous layers (Lampl et al.
2004; Riesenhuber and Poggio 1999) to greater
receptive fields. This hierarchical process gradually
projects meaningful visuospatial information to
higher cortical layers in the mammalian brain
Layer L2b: In this layer grating cell operations
are performed according to the settings given in
section 2.4. Subsequently, grating outputs are
spatially summed with outputs from L2a, in order to
form a single L2 output for each of the three double-
opponency channels. Spatial summation is another
cognition property of the visual cortex and like the
maximum operator it is intended to combine several
inputs into outputs for higher layers. Spatial
summation is used in this layer in order to preserve
the spatial integrity and sensitive texture information
in faces (Figure 3).
Layer L3: The three double-opponency channels
after spatial summation, contain both edge and
texture features and along with the RG-BY spectral
channels from L1 that contain the spectral
differences of each image, are fed through
histograms with a window size of 20 units and bin
size of 10. These values were empirically selected
from experimentation as ideal for the particular layer
dimensions. These spatial histograms have been
used before in the context of face recognition but
with lower level features at L1(Zhang et al. 2005) .
Here they are employed at an intermediate level
of feature processing and with various types
biological-like features. It is further important to
note here that since all these spatiospectral channels
carry different types of visual information, they are
never mixed together.
Layer L4: In this layer all image data from the
previous layer are simply concatenated and sorted in
a multidimensional vector for either the training or
testing phase, without any further processing. Vector
dimensions vary according to the size of the dataset
and choice of parameters within the model. For
example, if in the previous layer L3 different
settings for the spatial histograms were to be used on
different datasets (i.e. different number of images),
the vector size would be different for each case.
Layer L5: Supervised classification takes place
in this layer and any classifiers used can be trained
with the extracted feature vector from L4. Training
data are selected by following the 10-fold cross-
validation technique. The supervised classifiers
chosen for this work were a SVM with a linear
kernel and KNN with Euclidean distance.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 3: A genuine access attempt versus a photo-print attack. Top row shows the progressive process of a genuine photo
attempt. Bottom row shows the printed photo attack. Column (a) shows the input layer images. Column (b) the L2a layer as
processed from edge detection Gabor filters, column (c) the L2b layer processed from texture grating cells and column (d)
the combined layers L2a and L2b after spatial summation. The richness and depth of edge-texture information in the
original image (top row) is apparent. .
Face Presentation Attack Detection using Biologically-inspired Features
All presentation attack detection experiments were
conducted with MATLAB using standard computer
hardware. The databases employed for this work as
well as the different spoofing attacks that were
explored, are explained further in section 3.1 below.
It is important to note that in all experiments for
both genuine and impostor attacks, only one photo
per person was used from the entire video
sequences. Since our model currently does not
perform any liveness detection method, successive
video frames are not being considered. For the
purpose of homogeneity and statistical accuracy
between datasets, train and test data were divided
with the cross-validation technique, bypassing the
original train/test data split found in the CASIA
3.1 Databases
The CASIA Face Anti-Spoofing (Zhang et al. 2012)
database is a database from the Chinese Academy of
Sciences (CASIA) Centre for Biometrics and
Security Research (CASIA-CBSR). This database
contains videos at 10 seconds of real-access and
spoofing attacks of 50 different subjects, divided
into train and test sets with no overlap. All samples
were captured with three devices at different
resolutions: a) low resolution with an old 640x480
webcam, b) normal resolution with a more up-to-
date 640x480 webcam and c) high resolution with a
1920x 1080 Sony NEX-5 camera. Three different
attacks were considered, a) warped, spoofing attacks
are performed with curved copper paper hardcopies
of high-resolution digital photographs from genuine
users, b) cut, attacks are performed using hardcopies
of high-resolution digital photographs from genuine
users, with the eye areas cut out to simulate eye
blinking, c) video, genuine user videos are replayed
in front of the capturing device using a tablet.
The MSU Mobile Face Spoofing Database or
MFSD (Wen et al. 2015) for face spoof attacks,
consists of 280 video clips of photo and video attack
attempts of 35 different users. This database was
produced at the Michigan State University Pattern
Recognition and Image Processing (PRIP) Lab, in
East Lansing, US. The MSU database has the
following properties, a) mobile phones were used to
acquire both genuine faces and spoofing attacks, b)
printed photos were generated as high-definition
prints and their authors claim that these have much
better quality than printed photos in other databases
of this kind. Two types of cameras were used in this
database, a) built-in camera in MacBook Air at a
resolution of 640x480, and b) front-facing camera in
the Google Nexus 5 Android phone at a resolution of
720x480. Spoofing attacks were generated using a
Canon SLR camera, recording at 18.0Mpixel
photographs and 1080p high-definition video clips
and iPhone 5S back-facing camera, recording 1080p
video clips.
3.2 Results
The PAD biologically-inspired model explained in
section 2.5 was evaluated against two databases,
CASIA and MFSD. The main concern of our
experiments was the detection success rate of
spoofing attacks made by potential impostors.
Keeping this in mind, consideration was primarily
given to whether a fake access could be successfully
detected or if the subject’s image was a genuine
access attempt. This was treated as a two-class
classification problem. The applied biometric
evaluation procedures are defined for the spoofing
False Acceptance Rate (sFAR) and False Rejection
Rate (FRR) as:
sFAR =
Impostor attacks seen as genuine
Total number of attacks
Rejected genuine access attempts
Total number of genuine access attempts
Moreover, overall performance of the
presentation attack detection is further presented
according to (SC37 ISO/IEC JTC1 and Biometrics
2014) with an additional measure, Average
Classification Error Rate (ACER). The average of
impostor attacks incorrectly classified as genuine
attempts and normal presentation incorrectly
classified as impostor attacks is given by:
All scores were obtained using 10 folds in the
cross-validation technique and in order to further
testify performance scores, the L4 feature vectors
were applied under two different classification
schema. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) with a
linear kernel and k-nearest neighbour classifier of
n=2 nearest neighbours with Euclidean distance as a
distance measure. In reality, the number of
neighbours varies according to the dataset but for the
two class problem here out of all n values, 2
produced the best average on both datasets as found
through cross-validation.
Figure 4 and Figure 5, show the overall
classification or detection accuracy rates for the two
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
classifiers SVM and KNN. These accuracy rates are
defined as the number of images for each database
correctly classified as genuine or fake, i.e true
positives and true negatives. It is quite evident in
both figures that SVM portrays a desirable and
consistent detection rate which persists at rates over
85%. Depending on the choice of training and
testing data, it is also apparent that significant
deviations in results can occur. This is largely due to
the small sample sizes from both databases, leading
to significant statistical variance. The average
classification accuracy scores from all trials in table
1, also highlight the large differences between the
two classifiers.
Figure 4: Overall classification/detection accuracy rate of
10 trials with two different classifiers, SVM (blue) and
KNN (red) for the CASIA database. –
Figure 5: Overall classification/detection accuracy rate of
10 trials with two different classifiers, SVM (blue) and
KNN (red) for the MFSD database.
From SVM scores in table 1 it can be deduced
that our PAD model performs well under both
databases. Better performance is achieved for the
MFSD database which is not entirely surprising
since it consists of higher resolution images and high
resolution print attacks. In addition, there is greater
variability of features from the subjects in the MFSD
Table 1: The average classification percentages (%) and
standard deviation values of 10 trials with cross-
CASIA 92.75 57.37 5.06 10.18
MFSD 97.08 82.08 3.82 9.97
The detection accuracy rates in table 1 provide
an insight into the overall ability of the PAD model
to detect spoofing attacks. From these results it is
seen that the model can achieve a high detection rate
at 97% with relatively acceptable standard deviation
value of 3.82 for the SVM case in the MFSD
database. The KNN classifier with the CASIA
database has shown the worst performance overall.
This result indicates how important feature selection
and classifier choice can be for presentation attack
detection. If there is a significant overlap in feature
attributes then KNN portrays sensitivity which
requires fine-tuning. KNN sensitivity is also
illustrated in the large differences between trials in
Figure 5. The relatively low number of features in
higher dimensional space in our case is a problem
better suited for a SVM. While conclusions from
table 1 can be useful, biometric evaluation becomes
more meaningful when measured in terms of sFAR
and FRR and table 2 more effectively capture the
nature of error.
Table 2: Average sFAR and FRR percentage scores with
SVM classifier after 10 trials.
CASIA 2.77 14.58 8.67
MFSD 3.44 5 4.22
Table 2 shows that error percentages are
relatively small and comparable with other state-of-
the-art algorithms that have used these databases in
the past. The sFAR percentages for both databases
are comparable but there is a significant difference
between the two databases in their FRR percentages.
Naturally, this is also reflected onto the ACER
A significant difference of 9.58% between FRR
percentages indicates the difficulty of distinguishing
attacks from genuine access attempts in the CASIA
database. In effect, this proves the importance of
image quality in terms of both verification and
presentation attack cases since the CASIA database
consists of photos with lower quality than MFSD.
Face Presentation Attack Detection using Biologically-inspired Features
We further wanted to investigate the impact V1
and V2 operations of edge and texture have on the
overall performance of presentation attack detection.
These tests were only performed for the SVM linear
kernel case. In table 3 below, we provide V1 PAD
values alongside values of V1 and V2 of the
complete model (table 1) for comparison. As seen
from this table, not only overall PAD scores drop for
V1 only operations but standard deviation values
across all trials indicate a worsening performance.
While these values are indicative in these early
stages of experimentation, another study on
optimum parameterisation for each layer may yet
reveal a more important relationship between edge
and texture features for accurate presentation attack
Table 3: The average classification percentages (%) and
standard deviation values of 10 trials with cross-validation
for V1 and V2 operations.
V1 only
CASIA 90 92.75 8.6 5.06
MFSD 95.63 97.08 6.25 3.82
Furthermore, the performance between the two
datasets can be viewed from the Detection Error
Tradeoff (DET) curve as shown in Figure 6. The
DET curve for the CASIA dataset contains more
samples and therefore is slightly larger, yet superior
performance of the model is noticeable for the
MFSD database.
Figure 6: DET curve of SVM scores for the CASIA (red)
and MFSD (blue) databases.
In this work we have presented a novel presentation
attack detection hierarchical algorithm that relies on
the extraction of edge and texture biologically-
inspired features, by mimicking processes of the
visual cortex and particularly of areas V1 and V2.
By using two different datasets for the most
common and basic attacks, we have achieved results
that average at 94% detection rates. ACER scores
for both databases indicate a tolerable error
performance that will in the future be compared with
other existing state-of-the-art algorithms. It was
further obvious from our experiments that the nature
of data is well separated in classification by a SVM
Overall, the results have been promising and the
proposed model can serve as the foundation for
further enhancements. Future work will include
refinement of the biological-like operations to
increase performance and speed, optimisation for
video and real time processes, experimentation with
more datasets, different types of attacks such as 2D
and 3D masks, and experimentation in dynamic –
real world scenarios.
This work has been part of the ABC4EU project and
has received funding from the European Union’s
Seventh Framework Programme for research,
technological development and demonstration under
grant agreement No 312797.
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