Written records of octopuses leaving the water have
existed for over 2,000 years (Balme, 1991). The
Octopus Alpheus is known to leave the water to
crawl between tide pools (Norman, 2000). More
recently, Boyle (1991) wrote, “Octopuses are
particularly prone to escape from aquarium tanks.
Loose lids are of little value because the octopuses
will easily lift them and push their way out of the
tank” (Boyle 32).
2.1 Cognition Evidence
It is not surprising to learn that the octopus is
considered to be the most intelligent of all
invertebrates (Linden, 2002); it learns simple mazes
(Boal, 1996), uses landmark navigation while
foraging (Mather, 1991), and uses tools (Mather,
2.1.1 Cognition Efficiency
Experimentation results do not imply that octopuses
are smarter than human children; however, the
octopus is a model for efficient cognition given the
limited amount of available neurons in its brain —
500 million in the octopus as opposed to almost 100
billion in Homo sapiens.
Biologists at the Seattle Aquarium challenged a
female Enteroctopus dofleini — a giant Pacific
octopus — with a childproof bottle, the kind that can
puzzle Homo sapiens. The results were staggering,
“To open the lid it was necessary to push down on
the lid at the same time as turning it … the octopus,
accomplished this task in 55 minutes … Further
presentations resulted in a decrease of the average
opening time to 5 minutes” (Anderson, 2006).
2.1.2 Distributed Cognition
Distributed neurons allow the octopus’ arms to
problem-solve autonomously; the “arms are not
entirely under the control of the octopus' brain . . .
two thirds of its neurons reside not in its central
brain but out in its flexible, stretchable arms”
(Harmon, 2013).
The “Octopus’ arms have a mind of their own
… as a result, the arms can problem-solve how to
open a shellfish while [the octopus] is busy doing
something else, like checking out a cave for more
edible goodies” (Nuwer, 2013).
2.1.3 Arms React after Detachment
Researchers, working at St. George's University of
London and the Anton Dohrn Zoological Station in
Naples, Italy, demonstrated that, "the arms are
capable of reflex withdrawal to a 'noxious' stimulus
without reference to the brain." (Harmon 2013a)
Other experiments show an active nervous system
after detachment, “the arms can react after they’ve
been completely severed. In one experiment, severed
arms jerked away in pain when researchers pinched
them" (Nuwer, 2013).
2.1.4 Arm Ambidexterity
A series of interactions were performed to determine
if the octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) had arm
preference when reaching for objects; the results
supported the hypothesis of ambidexterity of the
arms. All arms are equally willing to work; arm
selection is based on availability and relative
proximity (Wülker, 1910).
2.2 Summary of Principles of
After investigating the behavior of the octopus and
the embedded cognition of its arms, we can clearly
see that the octopus — when viewed as a processing
system — is a superb model for efficient cognition.
Let’s now generalize the cognition principles
governing the octopus’ system. As a way of keeping
the principles as generic as possible, the arms will be
referred to as “members” and the octopus will be
called “system.”
2.2.1 Principle 1: Member Awareness
Each member must be aware of its surroundings and
abilities. This principle is derived from the fact that
each arm can react to its environment even when
detached from the head.
2.2.2 Principle 2: Member Autonomy
Each member must operate as an autonomous
master (not as a slave); this is essential to self-
coordinate allocation of labor. This principle is
derived from the fact that the arms are not entirely
under control of the octopus’ head.
2.2.3 Principle 3: Member Solidarity
Each member must cooperate in solidarity; when a
task is completed each member should