reach the favoured collaboration before, during and
after a crisis (Powley, 2009; Ödlund, 2010). Such
indicators were not detected through the case analysis
and interviews. Within the paper, performance
indicators are not substantiated due to the generality
of the conceptual soft system analysis model.
Since power allocation for power consumers,
besides technical constraints, comes with ethical and
political concerns, the SSM approach was considered
to be informative by the respondents in this paper. As
described in Section 4.2, the approach provides a
means for structuring the complex situation of
collaborative national response planning. The case
reported on herein, S
TYREL, shows that emergency
response planning is characterised by multiple
stakeholders providing different views and
perspectives in a distributed environment. Section 4.3
suggests that SSM enabled an open mind-set among
the people interviewed, facilitating discussion and
suggestions for improvements. As such, increased
comprehension of this type can provide a good basis
for further improvement of organisational learning
and knowledge management. In consequence, these
improvements can provide a solid support for
achieving reliable decision processes and support for
decisions. Thus, applying SSM in the current stage of
the emergency preparedness and response planning
process resulted in an improved understanding of the
complexity of the process and the relationships
between the involved parties.
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Department alongside the project: “Från myndighet
till medborgare och tillbaka: En studie av samverkan
och kommunikation inom ramen för Styrel”.
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