650 700 750 800 850 900 950
True projection
Estimate: RANSAC
Estimate: Mean Distance
Figure 5: Comparison of the optimization criteria.
achieved a high success rate with a test set consist-
ing of complex trajectories. The best results were ac-
quired by using unfiltered Leap Motion data, LOESS
smoothed 2D trajectory data obtained using the KCF
tracker, mean distance based optimization criterion,
10 points for the camera matrix estimation, and by re-
straining the minimum distance between the two ran-
dom points selected in each iteration. With the cur-
rent nonoptimized, single-core MATLAB implemen-
tation, the camera calibration and temporal alignment
takes about 30 minutes for trajectories of 10 seconds.
Future work will include enhancing the computation
performance in order to make the method efficient
for high-speed imaging. Besides combining the tra-
jectories recorded with a camera and 3D sensor, the
method provides an intuitive way to perform the cam-
era calibration and holds potential in other similar ap-
The research was carried out as part of the COPEX
project (No. 264429) funded by the Academy of Fin-
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VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications