computation bottlenecks.
We demonstrated the performance of our method
by an evaluation on three multi-camera video se-
quences, confirming the accuracy improvement over
the classical triangulation method when there are fre-
quent and severe occlusions. Performance compar-
ison with state-of-the-art trackers on the widely used
PETS2009 video sequence shows that our tracker out-
performs other methods. Furthermore, the analysis of
the local estimations as well as the fused result reveals
that huge positional errors in local estimation often
correspond to occlusion and that our fusion method is
able to minimize these errors.
As future work, we will explore the possibility of
integrating other view specific attributes, which can
potentially correlate to the accuracy of the local po-
sition estimations, into the proposed fusion method.
These attributes include calibration accuracy at the
target’s position, distance between the target and the
camera, and so on. We will also conduct experiments
to show the genericity of our fusion method by de-
ploying different single view tracking algorithms on
different camera views and observing the accuracy
improvement in the fused results.
The work was financially supported by FWO through
the BOF–GOA project the project 01GA2111W “Dis-
tributed Smart Camera Systems”.
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