Design and Evaluation of a High Throughput Seismic Sensor
Tools for Planning, Deployment and Assessment
Marco Manso
, Mourad Bezzeghoud
and Bento Caldeira
Instituto de Ciências da Terra, Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal
Departamento de Física, Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Évora, Évora, Portugal
Keywords: Seismic Network, Sensor Network, Seismology.
Abstract: The rapid technological evolution in sensors, sensor platforms and networking is enabling the deployment
of large sensor networks for "live" monitoring of seismic activity with high spatial resolution. In this regard,
this paper describes our work in developing an online "High Throughput Seismic Sensor Network". We
present the architecture and implementation comprising seismic sensors and servers (running data collection
services) connected through internet-enabled technologies. We validate and assess the system, as well as
identify bottlenecks, by means of experimentation. Based on the collected empirical data, we were able to
identify methods and tools to support effective planning and implementation of sensor networks based on
two main indicators: Sensor Network Transmission Rate (SNTR), which provides the overall network
sensor data transmission throughput and thus an indication of the required network capacity; and CPU
Sensor Network Performance Index (CSNPI), which provides an indication of a server capability to handle
network sensor data. As we progress in our work to field deploy seismic sensor networks, we will continue
to use these tools to plan and deploy future sensor networks, as well as assess improvements and
modifications along the way.
The technology applied to sensors and sensor
platforms has evolved in a strong and fast pace over
the last years, resulting in increased performance,
reduced energy consumption, improved
connectivity, miniaturization and reduced cost.
These innovations bring to scientific communities
and experimenters promising prospects such as the
deployment of large sensor networks for "live"
(online and real-time) monitoring of seismic activity
with high spatial resolution. Simultaneously, when
considering the implementation of such networks
that often require high data throughput, it becomes
critical to address questions such as: What is the
sensor network throughput and expected network
load? What is the system required capacity to
process all sensor data?
In this paper we present our work towards
deploying an online "High Throughput Seismic
Sensor Network" comprising several seismic sensors
(real and simulated) and data collection services, all
of them connected using internet-enabled
technologies. This paper is structured as follows: in
section 2 we present related past and on-going work
in this field; in section 3 we present our design and
implementation (including equipment selection) of
the system; in section 4 we describe experiments
conducted with the aim to assess and validate the
design and gather empirical data allowing to address
the presented key questions and create methods and
tools to support future planning decisions and assess
improvements and modifications along the way;
section 5 concludes the paper.
The deployment of large scale high density sensor
networks aims to bring to the field of seismology
high resolution geo-referenced measurements: in
2001 and 2002, the California Institute of
Technology (CalTech) deployed more than 5200
low-cost stations with an average spacing close to
Manso M., Bezzeghoud M. and Caldeira B.
Design and Evaluation of a High Throughput Seismic Sensor Network - Tools for Planning, Deployment and Assessment.
DOI: 10.5220/0006127701290134
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS 2017), pages 129-134
ISBN: 421065/17
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
100m with the purpose to better define the Long
Beach Oil Field (Lin et al, 2013; Inbal et al, 2015);
in addition, CalTech's established the Community
Seismic Network (CSN), an earthquake monitoring
system based on a dense array of low-cost
acceleration sensors (more than 1000) aiming to
produce block-by-block measurements of strong
shaking during an earthquake
(; the University of
Southern California's (USC) Quake-Catcher
Network (QCN) (Clayton et al, 2011) began rolling
out in the San Francisco Bay Area comprising 6000
tiny sensors, being part of the densest networks of
seismic sensors ever devoted to studying
earthquakes (Science 2.0). These networks allowed
measuring seismic activity with high resolution that,
by correlating the signal with time and space,
allowed, for example, producing "shake maps"
directly from observations. High-density sensor
networks can be relevant to other fields as well.
Indeed, studies have taken place to demonstrate the
detection of important geospatial events such as
earthquakes and hazardous radiation, where sensor
data correlation improved data quality and brought
additional insights (Liu, 2013).
Inspired by these efforts, we leverage on recent
technological developments to realise a "High
Throughput Seismic Sensor Network" comprising a
large number of sensors capable of autonomous
operation (i.e., do not require a computer or an
external device to collect and transmit data),
network using Internet-based technologies and be
affordable (sensor cost inferior to €40). Affordability
was proven by our first fully functional sensor
prototype, presented in (Manso et al, 2016), that had
a cost below €25.
In this section we present the system design of the
seismic sensor network, that mainly comprises a
Sensor Platform component (to measure the
variable(s) of interest and transmit data), a Server
component (to collect, store, process and visualise
sensor data) and the Network component (to enable
data exchange between sensors and server(s)). A
large number of sensors is expected to be deployed.
As such, a server cluster implementation is
envisaged to ensure scalability and distribute load
over multiple processors and computers.
Ultimately, system resources (sensors and
servers) will be accessible globally over the World
Wide Web (i.e., Internet) relying on many of the
latter's components (e.g., routers and gateways). It is
not the scope of this work to describe these thus, for
simplicity purposes, the Internet and its components
are treated as means to exchange information and
are depicted as a cloud. It is also assumed that
sensors are able to connect to servers. A general
view of the system is presented in Figure 1. The
sensor and server components are described next.
Figure 1: Seismic Monitoring System: General View.
3.1 Sensor Component
The sensor component purpose is to measure a
physical quantity of interest, that, in our case is
ground motion and transmit the output variable
associated to the measure. Following the general
design in (Manso et al, 2016), the selected elements
constituting the sensor component are presented in
Table 1.
Table 1: Sensor Implementation.
Element Architecture Component as in
(Manso et al, 2016)
(ESP-01 model)
Acquisition and Processing Board
(32-bit processor at 80MHz);
Storage (on-chip SRAM);
Networking (Wi-Fi)
MPU-6050 Sensor: 3-axis 16-bit accelerometer
(0.06mg resolution at 2g)
Up to 200Hz measurement
Internal clock
with NTP
Real-Time Clock
3.3v Power
Supply Board
Power Supply
I2C Bus Data Interface (connecting the
ESP8266 to the MPU-6050)
The ESP8266 is selected because it provides a
fast and programmable microcontroller, embedded
Server (Cluster)
SENSORNETS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks
Wi-Fi capabilities and support of a wide range of
libraries (via the Arduino community).
Time synchronisation is achieved by means of
Network Time Protocol (provided by the server
component running its own NTP server). NTP can
keep time accuracy of all machines within the same
subnet within one millisecond (NTP, 2003), which
suffices for our application scenario.
For sensor measurement purposes, we use a 3-axis
accelerometer. We select the low cost MPU-6050
because it provides a good resolution (16-bit), high
frequency measurements (up to 200Hz) and
incorporates an internal FIFO allowing to store up to
170 measurements. The FIFO also allows
decoupling the sensing cycle (running in the MPU-
6050) from the main processing and networking
cycles (running in the ESP8266) reducing the risk of
missing sensor samples. The MPU-6050 is
categorized as Class-C (resolution from about 12 to
16 bits, typically over 2g ranges) that have found
applications in generating reliable pictures of
regional seismicity and strong shaking (Evans et al,
3.2 Server Component
The implemented server component collects and
stores data received from sensors. It also runs a NTP
server allowing to synchronize sensors.
The server runs an HTTP server that can be accessed
by sensors over a local network or the Internet and
used to send measured data. The server code is
implemented in node.js since its event-driven and
non-blocking I/O model delivers high performance
and scalability. It is also highly integrated with
Internet-based technologies and supports multi-core
Two server platforms will be implemented. Their
main characteristics are presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Server Implementations.
Server Main Characteristics
Server PC
Intel Core 2 Duo 64-bit (dual core)
Built-in Ethernet
OS: Ubuntu Server 16.04.1 LTS
(Xenial Xerus, Linux Kernel 4.4)
Raspberry Pi 3
CPU: ARMv8 64-bit quad-core
Built-in Ethernet
OS: Raspian (Debian Jessie, Linux
Kernel 4.4) 32-bit
3.3 Server-Sensor Communications
The communications between sensors and server(s)
fully rely on Internet-base technologies. The base
protocol will be the ubiquitous Internet Protocol
(IP). Considering the need to support a high sensor
throughput, which produces measurements with a
frequency up to 200Hz, the websocket protocol
(Fette and Melnikov, 2011) is selected due to its
capability to handle high data throughput and its
easy integration with Internet-based technologies.
In this section we describe a set of experiments
conducted to assess the network system based on
collected empirical data. The derived analysis and
observations allow developing methods and tools to
support planning and design of future deployments.
4.1 Setup
We are interested in evaluating the system
comprising sensors exhibiting high data throughput
(up to 200Hz sensor data frequency, i.e., the highest
frequency of the selected accelerometer).
The experiment setup is depicted in Figure 2. In this
setting, all components are part of the same local
network. Multiple sensors are deployed. The server
component is accessible via the websocket protocol.
To collect sensor data, the server runs a node.js
application that is capable to distribute, as needed,
sensor requests across all available CPU cores (i.e.,
load balancing), thus fully exploiting its processing
Figure 2: Experiment Setup.
The sensors used in this experiment are simulated
and mimic the actual throughput of the sensor
component described in Table 1.
Server (Multi-Core)
Lo cal
node.js Server Application
Core 1
Core 2
Core ..
Design and Evaluation of a High Throughput Seismic Sensor Network - Tools for Planning, Deployment and Assessment
Figure 3: Network Transmission Rate measured per number of sensors per frequency. It is important to note that
measurements pertaining to 100 and 150 sensors at 200Hz and 150 sensors at 100Hz were obtained using formula (1).
Figure 4: ServerPC Performance measured based on the percentage of CPU allocated to process sensors' requests.
4.2 Measurements
4.2.1 Network Transmission Rate
We start by measuring the actual network
transmission rate as a function of the number of
sensors and their measurement frequency. For this
purpose, we used the "System Monitor" tool
provided by Ubuntu, thus these measurements are
only approximate and are presented in Figure 3.
As expected, the transmission rate increases
proportionally with the number of sensors and their
frequency. This relation can be approximately
described and generalised according to formula (1).
SMsgSize x SFreq(sensor)
All sensors
SNTR (Sensor Network Transmission Rate) is
the amount of data (in KiB) transmitted per
SMsgSize is the size (in KiB) required to
transmit a single sensor measurement. It also
includes protocol overheads (in our case,
0.14KiB per message).
SFreq(sensor) is the measuring frequency (in
Hz) of the respective sensor.
It can be verified that the formula provides
predictions that are close to the measured values, as
exemplified below:
10 sensors at 10Hz produce 13KiB/s against
14KiB/s given by the formula;
75 sensors at 200Hz produce 2050KiB/s against
2100KiB/s given by the formula;
100 sensors at 200Hz produce 2080KiB/s
against 2800 KiB/s given by the formula;
10 sensors at 100Hz produce 124KiB/s against
140 KiB/s given by the formula
25 sensors at 200Hz produce 760KBi/s against
700KiB/s given by the formula.
The SNTR is useful to determine the server
workload (as presented next) and the network
capacity requirements.
4.2.2 Server Performance
The server performance is assessed based on the
percentage of CPU (%CPU) allocated to process all
sensors' request, which varies according to the
number of sensors and their sample frequency (both
used to determine the SNTR). The lower the %CPU
the better is the server performance. Average
SENSORNETS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks
Figure 5: Raspi3 Performance measured based on the percentage of CPU allocated to process sensors' requests.
Figure 6: Example of CPU Usage Provided by Top in Raspberry Pi 3.
allocations above 60% should be avoided to ensure a
healthy server.
We present in Figure 6 an example visualisation of
the %CPU allocation provided by the top application
running on the Raspi3. It is visible the 4 instances of
nodejs handling sensor requests. At the moment the
snapshot was taken, the overall CPU usage was
22.3% CPU. Note that applications not related with
the monitoring system also consume resources (top
Next, we present measurements for the two server
platforms we selected.
(a) ServerPC Performance
The ServerPC performance measurements are
presented in Figure 4. As expected, increasing the
number of sensors and/or sensors' frequency
increases the %CPU. Based on the performance
measurements, we see that the relation is
proportional and can be approximately described
according to the following formula:
CPU_Load =
x 100%
CPU_Load is the percentage of CPU (%CPU)
allocated to process all sensors' request.
SNTR is described in (1).
1310 is the value that characterises this server
capability to handle network sensor data (units
are KiB/s). We name this value the "CPU
Sensor Network Performance Index" (CSNPI).
From Figure 4, the recommended maximum number
of connected sensors to a single ServerPC (i.e.,
%CPU less than 60%) are 25, 50 and 125 if,
respectively, a frequency of 200Hz, 100Hz and
50Hz are used. Adapting formula (2) to (2.1), we
can infer that a single ServerPC may support in good
health about 560 homogeneous sensors at 10Hz.
x 1310
SMsgSize x SFreq x 100
Where n
is the maximum number of
sensors recommended.
(b) Raspi3 Performance
The Raspi3 performance measurements are
presented in Figure 5.
Similar to the ServerPC, a relation can be
established and described according to formula (2),
however with the CSNPI that characterises the
specific platform, obtained from the performance
measurements. The formula for the Raspi3 is
presented in (3).
Design and Evaluation of a High Throughput Seismic Sensor Network - Tools for Planning, Deployment and Assessment
CPU_Load =
x 100%
The variables in (3) are the same as in (2). Note that
the Raspi3 CSNPI value is almost 5 times smaller
than the ServerPC CSNPI, thus one can conclude
that it copes with 5 times less sensors.
From Figure 5 the recommended maximum number
of connected sensors to a single Raspi3 are 5, 10 and
25 and 125 if, respectively, a frequency of 200Hz,
100Hz, 50Hz and 10Hz are used.
(c) Generalisation
The formula to determine the expected server CPU
load when handling an arbitrary number of sensors
(exhibiting a known SNTR) is presented in (4),
which is a generalisation from (2) and (3).
CPU_Load =
x 100%
The CSNPI value can be determined for any server
platform and, as demonstrated herein, is a useful tool
to assist the design of a network involving a high
number of high-throughput sensors and servers,
providing a method to determine the recommended
(and highest) number of connected sensors a server
(or a cluster of servers) can support, based on a
sensors message size and frequency.
In this paper we presented our work towards
deploying an online "High Throughput Seismic
Sensor Network". An architecture has been
described comprising seismic sensors and servers
(running data collection services) connected through
internet-enabled technologies. Experiments were
conducted that successfully validated the design
across different system configurations, as well as
identify its limitations. The experiments also
gathered important empirical data that allowed us to
create methods and tools to support future planning
decisions towards deploying real sensor networks.
For this purpose, two network-related indicators are
Sensor Network Transmission Rate
(SNTR), which provides the overall network
sensor data transmission throughput and thus an
indication of the required network capacity.
CPU Sensor Network Performance Index
(CSNPI), which provides an indication of a
server capability to handle network sensor data.
Based on these indicators, we are now able to
determine the recommended number of sensors to
deploy based on network and server capabilities.
Conversely, we can also determine the network and
server requirements based on the number of sensors
we aim to deploy.
Our next steps include the evaluation of the sensor
network capability to respond to seismic events and
their field deployment involving a large number of
components (thus a high network throughput is
expected). Thus we will rely on the above tools for
proper planning and implementation.
Furthermore, we will use these tools and methods to
measure and empirically validate the effects of
system- and component-level improvements (such as
message compression to reduce size, use more
efficient communications protocols, modify network
protocol parameters, incorporation of message
brokers). System- and component-level
improvements will be addressed in future work.
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SENSORNETS 2017 - 6th International Conference on Sensor Networks