Gamification of Information Security Awareness and Training
Eyvind Garder B. Gjertsen
, Erlend Andreas Gjære
, Maria Bartnes
and Waldo Rocha Flores
Dept. of Telematics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway
SINTEF, P.O.Box 4760, Sluppen, N-7465 Trondheim, Norway
EY, P.O.Box 20, Oslo Atrium, N-0051 Oslo, Norway, {erlendandreas.gjare, maria.bartnes},
Information Security, Security Awareness, Gamification.
Security Awareness and Training (SAT) programs are commonly put in place to reduce risk related to insecure
behaviour among employees. There are however studies questioning how effective SAT programs are in terms
of improving end-user behaviours. In this context, we have explored the potential of applying the concept of
gamification i.e. using game mechanics – to increase motivation and learning outcomes. An interactive SAT
prototype application was developed, based on interviews with security experts and a workshop with regular
employees at two companies. The prototype was tested by employees in a second workshop. Our results
indicate that gamification has potential for use in SAT programs, in terms of potential strengths in areas where
current SAT efforts are believed to fail. There are however significant pitfalls one must avoid when designing
such applications, and more research is needed on long-term effects of a gamified SAT application.
An employee receives an e-mail from someone claim-
ing to be from the IT department, asking for their
login information related to some important system
management event. What does the employee do?
This scenario is only one of numerous situations
where the employee is in a key position to either cause
or prevent a security breach. Even if the company’s
technical security is cutting edge, a simple user error
can sidestep almost any security barrier.
Security breaches frequently involve employees
with low motivation to follow guidelines and poli-
cies, and/or lack of awareness, knowledge, and abil-
ity to recognize and intercept threats and attacks. Ef-
forts made to tackle these issues include the imple-
mentation of Security Awareness and Training (SAT)
programs. The purpose of an SAT program is to in-
crease awareness regarding information security, ex-
plain rules and proper behaviour for use of IT sys-
tems, and produce the skills and competence the em-
ployees need to work securely (NIST, 2003). Still,
trend reports show high numbers of security breaches
linked to human error (Verizon, 2016), and stud-
ies indicate that current SAT programs largely fail
to accomplish their goal of improving end user be-
haviour (Bada et al., 2015). Recent research suggests
that personalising security training content can make
training personally more relevant and understandable,
and combining this with practical exercises will more
likely lead to improved security behaviour (Rocha
Flores and Ekstedt, 2016).
The purpose of this study has been to consider if,
and possibly how, the use of gamification i.e. ap-
plying game concepts and mechanisms to engage and
motivate people – can make a better learning environ-
ment for SAT programs. In this paper we present an
evaluation of a prototype which applies gamification
to security awareness training. We have conducted
an empirical study with data collected through inter-
views and group workshops. The focus has been to
identify how employees are best motivated to engage
in security training—with a basis in gamification.
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2
presents background on SAT and gamification. Sec-
tion 3 describes our method, before section 4 intro-
duces our concept and prototype. Section 5 reports
our results, followed by a discussion in section 6. Fi-
nally, section 7 concludes our paper.
This section presents existing literature on security
awareness and training, and gamification. Potential
ties between challenges, proposed solutions, and good
practices for security training are identified, as well as
Gjertsen, E., Gjære, E., Bartnes, M. and Flores, W.
Gamification of Information Security Awareness and Training.
DOI: 10.5220/0006128500590070
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 59-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
problems that gamification is known to solve.
NIST (2003) accentuates the importance of taking
a step-by-step approach to the construction of secu-
rity competence in order to change behaviour or re-
inforce good security practices. Shaw et al. (2009)
outline three distinct states of awareness, or compe-
tence, that need to be considered when developing an
SAT program: perception, comprehension, and pro-
jection. First, it is important to make sure that recip-
ients have an elementary conception of what security
is, such that they are able to perceive the importance
and relevance of having a focus on information secu-
rity. Then, one must ensure that learners are able to
comprehend the actual purpose of the content — that
the potential risks give meaning and are inherent to
the learners. Finally, the goal of an SAT program is
ultimately to affect employee behaviour towards secu-
rity policy compliance. Will the learner acknowledge
the policies and adjust their behaviour to follow them,
after completing the training?
Behaviour change is a precarious subject and is
actually more a case of psychology than of security
itself (Tsohou et al., 2015; Bada et al., 2015). The
first thing to acknowledge is that people are different
and somewhat unpredictable. This affects both how
people regard security in general, as well as how they
will respond to security training (Beris et al., 2015).
Tsohou et al. (2015) provide an aggregated list of fac-
tors that have been mentioned in extant literature to
affect security policy compliance. Seemingly, there
are several factors to consider other than just aware-
ness. For example, people may have different opin-
ions as to “how big a risk actually is” when it comes
to security breaches or attacks. If the perceived risk of
a security breach is low, one might not be as mindful
to enact according to the security policies (Siponen
et al., 2014). Other factors, such as benefit versus cost
of compliance and work impediment, may lead peo-
ple to diverge from compliance because the efforts of
acting securely are considered too much of an incon-
venience. Moreover, some people may in fact doubt
their self-efficacy in that they are unequipped to han-
dle security related issues. Tsohou et al. (2015) claim
that these factors come as a result of “cognitive and
cultural biases” that people may have, based on their
personal beliefs and experiences.
While security practices apparently rely on sev-
eral factors, one of them is how well people are aware
and able to assess risk and apply knowledge to miti-
gate threats. In order to increase this knowledge, the
question is how to maximise the effects of security
training. In this, we seek to motivate people in devel-
oping their skills and embedding new knowledge in
their daily routines.
Motivation is at the core of gamification. Deter-
ding et al. (2011) define gamification as “the use of
game design elements in non-game contexts”. An-
other definition by Huotari and Hamari (2011) fo-
cuses more on the goal of gamification, namely “a
process of enhancing a service with affordances for
gameful experiences in order to support user’s overall
value creation”.
The idea of using gamification in SAT programs
is not entirely novel. Thornton and Francia (2014)
present a study on a “tower defence game” aimed
at teaching students about password strengths. It is
however not clear which aspects of gamification were
used in the game.
Baxter et al. (2015) present a study which utilises
elements such as a story, goals for the employee, feed-
back and progress. The authors acknowledge that
their solution lacks “other gamification techniques
such as competition based on points and leaderboards,
achievement badges or levels, or virtual currencies”.
The game follows a fictional investigation of a breach
of security which may have compromised an interna-
tional bank’s customer data. The study evaluated the
effectiveness of the solution in two different experi-
ments. First, it was assessed how the solution rated
against (1) no training, to determine if gamification
would be able to educate at all, and (2) training with-
out gamification, to see if it was better than traditional
training. Results showed that the gamified training
is better than no training, but actually less effective
than traditional training. In the second experiment, a
much larger population was used to assess the differ-
ence between gamified training and no training. The
results showed that the gamified training did not im-
prove knowledge acquisition. In both experiments,
the users of the gamified solution did however rate the
training as more enjoyable, more fun, and less bor-
ing than the ones using the traditional training. The
authors identify two main limitations for the study.
Firstly, as already mentioned, the gamified solution
was missing some of the core elements of gamifica-
tion, which could have been decisive for the overall
results. Secondly, the training was short in duration,
and only a one-time effort—and thus not able to as-
sess the long-term effects.
Several other studies have tried to assess the ef-
fects of gamification. Hamari et al. (2014) conducted
a review of 24 empirical studies to investigate if gami-
fication actually works. The conclusion was that gam-
ification has in fact shown positive effects in improv-
ing learning outcomes on multiple occasions. How-
ever, it was emphasised that the effects depend on the
users and the context in which the technique has been
applied. It was also noted that there are currently few
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
high quality studies on the actual effects of gamifica-
It is worth noting that several studies seem to em-
ploy a different definition and practice of gamifica-
tion than the one we use. For example, gamification
is not the same as serious games, such as actual games
(virtual worlds) or computer simulations of real world
scenarios, created for educational purposes. Conse-
quently, studies that merely consider the use of actual
video games in SAT programs (e.g. CyberCIEGE by
Cone et al. (2007)) are not considered as very relevant
input for the scope of our work.
A flexible qualitative research design was chosen for
our study. To support the exploring nature of ex-
perimenting with a new artefact in an already famil-
iar context, our approach resembles a single itera-
tion instance of the Design Science Research Pro-
cess (DSRP) (Peffers et al., 2006). Using an inter-
active gamified learning software prototype as the
design artefact, we wanted to explore if, and pos-
sibly how, gamification can provide a more engag-
ing learning environment for security and thus give
added motivation for practising good security be-
haviour. Our explorative approach is supported by
Lebek et al. (2013), which has reviewed literature
on security awareness and behaviour. Since the field
is dominated by quantitative research, they conclude
that qualitative studies could add value noting also
the infrequent application of experimental studies.
The main data collection was done through work-
shops with a total of 10 employees from two large
Scandinavian companies in the knowledge-based in-
dustry. Additionally, prior to the workshops, a series
of interviews were conducted with five security stake-
holders from the same companies. The interviews
were used as a means of quality assurance of the idea
of using gamification in SAT from a company’s per-
spective, and as such, as a foundation for arranging
the employee workshops.
The workshop participants were mainly employ-
ees who do not work directly with information secu-
rity, but all had encountered previous security aware-
ness and training efforts in their workplace. At com-
pany A, the group consisted of two representatives
from the human resources department, a quality and
security leader, and two knowledge workers. Coin-
cidentally, one of these has information security as a
main area of expertise. At company B, all the partici-
pants were from the human resources department.
Research data were gathered through the follow-
ing combination of interviews and workshops as data
collection methods:
Interviews: A total of ve one-hour long inter-
views were conducted to gather information on the
companies’ experiences with SAT programs. The top-
ics addressed were “general challenges with security
awareness”, and “gamification—and common train-
ing goals for employees and the company”. The in-
terviews were conducted in a semi-structured manner
with open-ended questions, and the interviewees were
encouraged to elaborate and use examples to illustrate
their answers.
Workshop 1: The main focus in the first work-
shop was to identify overlaps between the desired
business outcomes and the users’ motivations for
good security behaviour, i.e. why is it important to
learn about security? Concurrently, there was a dis-
cussion to identify which motivational factors that
users consider the most important for security train-
ing. The discussions were guided using a graphic
slide-set with images and video related to the sub-
jects. The participants were asked to choose five mo-
tivational factors that they would consider to be the
most important in a gamified SAT solution, based on
the 24 game economy factors listed in Burke (2014).
Their results were submitted to a web form, and then
discussed in plenary.
Workshop 2: Building on the results of the first
workshop, an interactive prototype game with some
sample content was created. This prototype is de-
scribed in Section 4 below. The purpose of the sec-
ond workshop was to let the participants test the pro-
totype in order to get a hands-on impression of what
a gamified security training application might look
like. Based on this, the participants were asked to
give their impressions on the use of gamification in
SAT, and if this approach seemed more engaging, and
furthermore; its potential of improving learning out-
comes. After playing through the sample content that
was developed for the prototype, the workshop partic-
ipants answered an anonymous questionnaire where
they recorded their opinions on the experience.
Our idea of a gamified learning application should
make people positively engaged with good security
practices. An interactive prototype was designed
and developed to investigate this hypothesis further.
The prototype application contains security aware-
ness material and training exercises wrapped in a
gamified experience, using several familiar game-
mechanisms such as points, progress, badges and
Gamification of Information Security Awareness and Training
Figure 1: An overview of the prototype application interface.
leaderboards. A screenshot of the application is
shown in Figure 1. The general circumstances around
the application are the following:
The employee controls when and where the train-
ing takes place by accessing the learning applica-
tion through a web browser or an associated mo-
bile application.
There would be a large selection of tasks and ex-
ercises divided into different security categories.
Multimedia content types include videos, quizzes,
and links to external resources. There would also
be different types of tasks to attain diversity in the
learning environment. The content should also be
regularly updated and extended.
The exercises would be concise and compact.
Each task or exercise should take only about five
minutes to complete.
The employee is free to complete any exercise
they want, in whichever order they want. This
gives the player a certain amount of autonomy
and thus a more emergent engagement model in
that employees do not have to follow a strict path.
However, some restrictions must apply to ensure
that the employees receive the required type and
amount of training.
The prototype that was used in the second work-
shop constitutes a limited representation of the con-
cept explained above. There is only a selection of
gamification elements present, but it serves as an ex-
ample of what a gamified solution might contain. SAT
material is presented in different exercise formats and
grouped into different categories. The user holds a
separate progression in each category, along with an
overall score. By completing exercises, the user gets
points that will eventually lead to increased skill level.
A social timeline shows interactions from each player.
Users are further able to track their own, as well
as other users’ progress through a leaderboard (as
seen in the main menu). Although not implemented,
another menu item labelled “Challenge-a-colleague”
represents an idea of letting colleagues challenge each
other on security related topics, through one-on-one
quiz battles. Additionally, users should be able to re-
port real life security incidents through the applica-
tion, which in turn will award points.
This section presents the results from the interviews
and workshops. The interviews report reflections on
how SAT could be improved in general and what
goals would be important for a gamified SAT effort,
from the perspective of the two companies. These be-
liefs are given below, indicated by security experts of
theirs. From the workshops, the results are presented
per workshop, as they were chronologically depen-
dent. The first workshop laid the ground for the devel-
opment of the prototype, which in turn was the foun-
dation for the second workshop.
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
5.1 Interviews
The interviews form a shared perception that secu-
rity behaviour is challenging to improve, mainly since
employees do not always understand the real risks
connected with security breaches. Main reasons for
this were outlined as a fundamental lack of compe-
tence on the subject, and that security breaches do
not directly affect people themselves. An example
given here was that for other fields where employ-
ees are required to have awareness and competence,
such as Health and Safety Environment (HSE), peo-
ple are more motivated to engage in the training, be-
cause failure to comply with those policies can result
in personal injury.
A point made by interviewees at both companies
concerned a common misconception among many
employees; security behaviour is “something special”
apart from what they are usually concerned with. This
can be because security periodically receives high at-
tention and falls in the background typically until “the
next campaign”. Instead, the participants expressed a
desire to make security more embedded in the overall
company culture.
In terms of training content, the security experts
expressed that they would like to incorporate mate-
rial which is as relevant and personalised as possi-
ble for the target audience. Examples mentioned here
were: (1) use of analogies to make the material eas-
ier to relate to for learners, (2) use of real stories (e.g.,
news stories) that describe security events and/or con-
sequences of security breaches, and (3) make the in-
formation tangible, i.e. describe it in a way that peo-
ple understand and can visualise. Training also has
a tendency to be too lengthy, resulting in that people
will try to avoid it or put it off until the last minute.
Social norms and persistent behavioural expecta-
tions are also believed to be a powerful way of embed-
ding good security practices, especially towards new
employees. Over time, this will help to create good
habits among the employees to practice favourable se-
curity behaviour. Furthermore, interviewees from one
company held forward that one could establish an in-
ternal company “brand” for good end-user security; a
brand that employees will associate with something
positive, and that can create a “talk of the office”. It
was also considered important to continuously receive
feedback from the employees in order to efficiently
adapt the training to their needs and capabilities. Fi-
nally, current training methods tend to lack a proper
way of measuring the effects of various activities on
the actual security behaviour.
The business objectives related to security train-
ing were similar for both companies in ensuring that
employees handle sensitive information in a way that
does not lay the ground for loss or disclosure of that
information—as a result of a security breach. It is
therefore said to be important that the management
communicate and highlight the advantages of secu-
rity, and to show that it is a vital part of the company’s
culture and values. It is assumed that it is in every-
one’s best interest to work in line with those values.
A serious security breach can have consequences for
the employees as much as for the business itself, es-
pecially when it comes to financial losses. Contrar-
ily, a common objective is to retain an enjoyable at-
mosphere at work. Thus, if gamification can help to
make security awareness and training entertaining and
pleasurable, it was seen as a positive contribution to-
wards that objective. Moreover, as added by one inter-
viewee: good security behaviour is usually something
that employees will need in order to interact securely
with IT systems outside of work as well. By incorpo-
rating good practices at work, one will also be more
aware of security risks at home and on travels.
5.2 Workshop 1
In assessing motivational factors of a gamified ap-
plication for SAT, the answers from group A promi-
nently feature factors related to self-esteem and social
capital. Mastery was the single factor mentioned by
most, which was explained with the need to feel that
the training has a purpose, and that completing it has
a challenge to it that leads to a sense of achievement.
It was however also proposed by two participants that
some would maybe prefer physical rewards more than
virtual goods—at least that the final prize is some-
thing tangible.
The answers from group B show a clear indica-
tion that the users value progression as a motivational
factor. This was justified by the wish of getting feed-
back from the training; some form of confirmation
that you have completed something, or that you are
in fact moving towards some goal. Another highly
rated factor was discovery. This was explained by
the desire to discover new knowledge and learn new
things. Concurrently, as with group A, it was men-
tioned by two of the participants that there should be
a reward for the “winner”, with an emphasis on ex-
trinsic prizes.
The workshop participants also came up with
some SAT related goals that they could expect all em-
ployees have in common with their employer:
Business Prosperity: Training is important to se-
cure the business, in the sense that all parties gen-
erally wants the business to go well. Moreover, it
was mentioned that the work they have done and
data they have produced has personal value, in the
Gamification of Information Security Awareness and Training
sense that many hours of work and dedication has
been put into it.
Work Gratification: A common goal for both
employees and the company is to have content-
ment in the workplace. A gamification-based SAT
could give employees a positive experience with
the training and thus feel more satisfied.
Competence Growth: Employees are generally
eager to learn new things and increase their com-
petence. If security would appear as an impor-
tant part of their work, they would be motivated
to learn about it. Additionally, security aware-
ness and competence is something one would ap-
ply outside of work, e.g. while browsing the web
at home.
Clear Reasons: It is very important to explain
why some practices and processes are regulated
by security. Clear reasons may have significant
impact in employees towards compliance with
regulations, and may also affect the perceived
risks of security breaches.
Additionally, both groups declared that there is a
significant value in the use of social media compo-
nents. Interaction with other colleagues, e.g., shared
accomplishments, comparison of ratings and engage-
ment in collaborative challenges are strong motiva-
tional triggers. Moreover, the participants said it
would be more encouraging to engage in something
that others also do and care about.
5.3 Workshop 2
After playing with the gamified prototype and the in-
cluded learning material, participants submitted an-
swers to the following three questions:
1. Was your impression that the use of gamification
can lead to more motivation towards completion
of the training?
2. Do you think that the use of gamification can lead
to improved learning outcomes from the training?
3. Do you think that the use of an application like
this would make you think more about security
when at work?
All participants answered yes to the first and third
question. Nearly all answered yes to the second ques-
tion as well, however two participants at company A
said that they were not sure whether the actual learn-
ing outcomes would be improved. Rather, they em-
phasised that they would probably pay more attention
during the training as it would be less tedious, and that
the use of gamification could help reduce the battle of
repeating the training. Beyond that, the participants
justified their answers by identifying the following at-
Progression: Continuous track of progress in
terms of levels, points and leaderboard ranking
would create a sense of individual progression—
and that “you are in fact increasing your knowl-
Competition: Elements such as the leaderboard
could spark competition between co-workers. It
was however pointed out by some participants that
competition may not resolve as an engaging fea-
ture for all types of people.
Interactiveness: High level of interactiveness
was said to potentially defeat some tediousness of
e-learning (with more motivation) and also lead to
more concentration—as in improved learning out-
Conciseness: Short and compact exercises that
do not require any particular allocation of time in
order to complete. Learning outcomes could be
improved in the way that you would get served
“small portions of information” at a time.
Accessibility: Related to the conciseness, the
ability to commence the training “when you feel
like it” was mentioned as a sense of freedom that
would lead to a more positive attitude towards the
training as a whole. Also, the fact that the train-
ing is more likely to be “spread out” can result in
a higher awareness and longer-lived mindset to-
wards always-on-security.
The participants were also asked to consider
whether they would use the application voluntarily.
Interestingly, the answers at company A and B were
quite dissimilar. The majority of participants at com-
pany A said that they would consider using the ap-
plication voluntarily some minutes per day (though
this was indicated to be of competitive reasons). At
company B, the participants were quite clear in that
they probably would not use the application volun-
tarily without any requirement from the management.
One participant pointed out that even though it is in-
teresting, it would still feel like work. However, they
emphasised that the gamified training was more en-
gaging, and that a minimum requirement of comple-
tion (e.g., by points) would not negatively affect that.
Lastly, the participants were asked to consider the
most/least engaging type of exercise, and the opin-
ions were rather diverse. There were however mul-
tiple participants at company A who pointed out that
the most engaging thing about the exercises was the
variety itself; that different types of exercises as a
whole made the application more interesting. It was
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
also mentioned that is was liberating to be able to in-
dividually choose training topics, and that one could
mix them freely.
This section leads a discussion on the use of gami-
fication in security awareness and training programs.
It is attempted to infer if and how gamification could
be used in SAT. We also outline some directions for
further research.
6.1 The Factors of Motivation
In essence, the purpose of gamification is to increase
motivation (Burke, 2014). At the same time, motiva-
tion is arguably one of the main challenges in secu-
rity awareness and training; motivation to learn and
motivation to act. Rigby (2015) proposes that more
effective gamification should build on a triad of psy-
chological needs that consistently represent universal
sources for motivation. These needs amount to what
is known as Self-Determination Theory (SDT) (Ryan
and Deci, 2000), comprising competence, autonomy
and relatedness.
Competence is in many ways the same as mastery,
and in the first workshop, this was the factor that was
mentioned by most participants in group A to drive
motivation. It was argued that the presented material
should represent some form of challenge, some im-
pression of interference that must be overcome. Mas-
tery can be constructed with both internal and ex-
ternal forces. The solution needs to correctly assess
the user’s skill level in order to create a reasonable
degree of challenge. Concurrently, mastery can be
achieved with the use of points, levels and achieve-
ments, in that the player has “mastered” a level, or
unlocked an achievement that few others have. More-
over, mastery can be enforced by the use of positive
feedback, such as “excellent”, “awesome”, or “good
job”. In the prototype, this was used when a player
had completed an exercise, or reached a new level.
This contributes to let the player know that the efforts
had meaning and that they indeed were accomplish-
ments. Furthermore, Deci (1971) found that external
rewards like positive reinforcements can increase the
intrinsic motivation in the activity. One should how-
ever be very careful not to offer external rewards in
a way that makes players expect to be rewarded for
playing. In this case, rewards quickly turns into a neg-
ative motivational force, e.g. because someone feels
that they can never win, or that they simply become
spoilt with being rewarded for something they should
not need to be rewarded for. As a consequence, they
will turn to into not engaging with activities that does
not result in rewards (Rigby, 2015). In the same way,
it will not matter over time if you award people virtual
points or badges if there is no deeper meaning to them
than simply being points and badges. They should in-
stead encourage and reward exploration, risk-taking
(in the game), and extra practice, which indeed feel
like achievements to the player (Ramirez and Squire,
The second factor in SDT, autonomy, means that
people should have independence and freedom to
make their own choices. For gamification, this typ-
ically means that the players are able to act freely in
the play space (at least to some degree). In the pro-
totype, the workshop participants (WPs) were able
to for example choose whether they wanted to take
all the exercises in the “password” category in one
go, or if they wanted to mix tasks from several cat-
egories. Additionally, as opposed to regular security
awareness and training (e.g., traditional e-learning),
our gamified concept further promotes autonomy by
letting employees control their training in terms of
time, location and duration. Short and compact ex-
ercises means that training can be divided up in five
minute intervals that can be freely distributed.
Relatedness, which is the third factor of intrinsic
motivation (self-determination), conveys the fact that
security training is important for business prosperity
and development of personal intellect, and that the ef-
fort of a single individual matters. This should prob-
ably be considered in particular when creating learn-
ing material (regardless of gamification approach), in
terms of emphasising the way an individual could rep-
resent the entire difference between causing or pre-
venting a security breach — as described in the intro-
duction. Further, relatedness is also affected by social
aspects, such as feeling supportive of each other in
our training. In the prototype this was also empha-
sised through the social functionality which enables
players to keep an eye on the others. For example,
the answers to the questionnaire in workshop 2 fea-
tured comments like: “It was fun to track people on
the leaderboard”, and “It was nice to follow the other
players’ progressions on the activity timeline”.
Progression. In the first workshop, the participants
tabulated a series of factors that they had experienced
as pros and cons in previous training solutions. They
also defined what they considered to be the most im-
portant motivators to be used in a security aware-
ness and training solution. One of the recurring fac-
tors was progression. It was said that a sense of ad-
vancement and accomplishment is usually something
Gamification of Information Security Awareness and Training
that is missing in current solutions. Completed train-
ing is often just recognised by a status change (e.g.,
from “incomplete” to “complete”). The feeling of
progression would naturally be something that people
perceive differently, however in a general sense, one
might argue that it could be triggered by two things:
(1; internal) a feeling that you have “used your brain”
to process information or to solve exercises that you
had not encountered before, and (2; external) getting
feedback from some source that acknowledges your
efforts and tells you that you have successfully com-
pleted something—that you are moving closer to your
Supporting the first claim, Puhakainen and Sipo-
nen (2010) discovered that successful training solu-
tions should in fact account for the learners previous
knowledge; and present the material in ways that will
trigger cognitive processes with the learner. How-
ever, this requires careful design of the actual con-
tent; the material that is presented. Thus, training
programs should incorporate methods for assessing
what the learner already knows, including processes
for efficiently handling the repetitiveness of the con-
tent. This may however turn out to be a taxing process
that could require a good deal of resources.
As for the feedback, this is where the gamifica-
tion steps in. First of all, the basics: points, levels,
and achievements represent a trivial way of recognis-
ing someone’s endeavours. However it does not—and
should not—stop there to avoid a shallow focus on
the “points/badges/leaderboards triad”. Progression
can be relative—i.e. relative to others; other play-
ers. Social capital was presented by Burke (2014) as
one strong motivational factor; the ability to share and
compare your achievements with your peers. Maslow
(1943) said that one of the basic needs for human
motivation (as part of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs)
is the esteem; self-esteem and esteem of others. So-
cial esteem, receiving feedback in the form of recog-
nition, attention, and appreciation from other people
are strong motivational drivers. Seen also in line with
SDT, the use of social interaction is important in a
gamified application. The prototype used such social
triggers in elements like the leaderboard, where peo-
ple could compare their scores, and the activity time-
line, where players could view their own and other
players’ achievements.
Competition. For many people, comparison—as
with the prototyped timeline and leaderboard—will
almost instinctively evolve into competition. And
competition can be a source of great engagement.
However, as Burke (2014) points out: “In gamifica-
tion, we most often want everyone to win”. This
is certainly true for security awareness and training;
the objective is to educate everyone. Consequently,
introducing competition into gamified solutions, es-
pecially as the one considered in this study, can be
risky. When using competition based elements, it is
important to balance them, and also let people opt out.
One feature in the prototype that was honoured by the
WPs, was the ability to filter the leaderboard, such
that you could choose with whom you are compet-
ing. This way, if a player ranks low on the global
leaderboard, they may still be competitive in their
department or among their friends. Other players
may choose not to follow the leaderboard at all. The
activity timeline had a similar filtering mechanism.
One participant emphasised that they would receive
sufficient motivation from simply tracking their own
progress. Still, comments from the second workshop
included: “Competitions would probably make me
use the application more frequently”, and “Challenge-
a-colleague needs to be implemented!”
It is not easy to anticipate exactly how people will
react to different competitive elements within an ap-
plication. Some might find it engaging, some might
find it demotivating. An important aspect will how-
ever be that players can choose which competitive
level they wish to be on. Burke (2014) suggests
that an alternative way of creating competition is by
using a “collaborative-competitive” approach, where
people are competing as teams rather than as indi-
viduals. Building on the team spirit, it could create
a more healthy form of competition, where people
would fight for their team, and potentially lose as a
team, which is a softer way of losing than if you are
6.2 Shared Goals for Security
In line with gamification definitions from section 2,
Burke (2014) states that goals should be used to con-
struct a path that will lead employees to reach their
goals. Building on this approach, both the inter-
viewed security stakeholders and the WPs were asked
to identify what the goals with security awareness and
training are, i.e. why should employees care. We have
reason to believe that it is indeed possible to find a
common ground where both employer and employees
are in full agreement that security is something good,
and something we should all strive for—which is at
its core a good starting point for security awareness
and training.
Related to this are some noteworthy factors which
ultimately affect the employees’ compliance with se-
curity policies and regulations. Among them were
normative beliefs, social pressure, and habits (Tso-
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
hou et al., 2015). During the interviews it was put
forward that “security is often viewed by employees
as a separate concern from all else that comprises
the company culture”. The company culture typically
consists of a manifold of behavioural expectations
and normative beliefs that employees in the respective
company possess and follow (Ruighaver et al., 2007);
much like “the way things are done around here”. Se-
cure practices need to be a part of the culture and
the norms. One example that is featured repeatedly
in the gamification literature is a marketing concept
by Oracle (2016), which uses the social aspects of
gamification to reduce people’s power consumption.
In short, Opower lets people compare their electricity
usage with the one of their neighbours; with statisti-
cal overviews and feedbacks upon low consumption
etc. If you use more electricity than your neighbours,
you would possibly feel like you are deviating from
an expected group behaviour (Burke, 2014). Opower
utilises the fact that people often want to align their
behaviours with a group’s social norms—which in
this case would be to save energy. As result, it has
helped save over 9,6 billion kWh of electricity in the
U.S. (as of May 2016, Oracle, 2016). However, it is
not to be ignored that introducing new social norms
and behavioural expectations can be a tricky affair.
The use of a gamified training application could pos-
sibly help to attain the recognition that security needs,
and, as suggested by a WP, for example create a topic
for the occasional small talk around the coffee ma-
chine or in the elevator, e.g. topics like “How far have
you come?”. If this could be achieved, it would also
reinforce the effects of the social esteem.
6.3 Persisting Learning Outcomes
One of the main ideas considered in this study is that
of having a long-term and continuous training pro-
gram, with small exercises that are short in content
and duration. This would allow the employees to
distribute the training according to their own prefer-
ences, and complete the training on their own terms.
As with any educational program, the purpose of
an SAT program is to facilitate meaningful and mem-
orable learning outcomes for the employees. Shaw
et al. (2009) concluded that hypermedia, or online ap-
plications, with the use of elements such as interac-
tivity, adaptability, social learning, convenience, and
instant feedback, have positive correlations with im-
provement of security awareness. The results from
this study, particularly from the second workshop, in-
dicate the same—i.e. that gamification can be a use-
ful tool in creating improved learning outcomes for
SAT programs. This can be explained by (1) reduced
tediousness of the training, such that one might pay
more attention during the training, (2) more motiva-
tion towards completing the training, that is, people
are not so reluctant to actually doing it, and (3) con-
ciseness and availability of the exercises, such that
employees are free to do the training when when they
want and also spread it out over a longer time period.
Although already mentioned as a motivational factor,
the latter argument also conforms to what is known
as the spacing effect; that learning is greater when
the training is spread out over time (Bahrick and Hall,
2005). This particular principle is applied in several
products under a common idea of “microlearning”.
Another aspect of endurance is that people must
not get tired of our SAT efforts. There is little long-
term value in a system that creates huge immediate
engagement, but falls short in maintaining this en-
gagement. An example would be adding game ele-
ments to learning material with low quality. It would
not matter how good the gamification design is, if
people discover that they are completely wasting their
time. Zichermann (2011) says that in order to create
an engaging and meaningful system, it is important to
determine how the system can “move the users along
a path of mastery in their lives”. This implies that we
shall not seek gameful experiences in themselves, nei-
ther only the motivational affordances. Gamification
should rather be used to engage and inspire people
in achieving their goals (Burke, 2014), hence reach-
ing psychological and behavioural outcomes (Hamari
et al., 2014). Considering this in an even bigger per-
spective, framed by the Aristotelian idea of a good
life, involves thinking that our gamified application
can be used for people to exercise and develop a good
life (Sicart, 2015). In this case, keeping oneself (and
your employer, family, friends) safe from security
threats is potentially one such aspect of a good life,
and one which a gamified application should strive to
support on a personal level.
6.4 Personalisation and Freedom
Official guidelines (e.g., NIST, 2003; PCISSC, 2014)
are unambiguous: an SAT program needs to be de-
signed with the target audience in mind. This is a ma-
jor challenge that applies to any SAT program. It was
pointed out in the first workshop that content which
did not appear relevant to the work of the individual
employee only had a demotivating effect. Based on
the conclusions of Puhakainen and Siponen (2010),
and recommendations from NIST (2003), together
with opinions collected from the interviews, a suc-
cessful SAT application needs both to take into ac-
count are previous knowledge, and to adapt the con-
Gamification of Information Security Awareness and Training
tent to fit job roles and responsibilities. The intuition
is that gamification in itself cannot explicitly simplify
the process of delivering the right content to the right
people. However, small and concise exercises allows
for more easily segregation of the content into dif-
ferent blocks or components of exercises that can be
served to people with different job roles. In order to
handle previous knowledge, there could be an intro-
ductory assessment that establishes an understanding
of the current competence level of every new user.
The user could then be assigned blocks of exercises
accustomed to their current level of knowledge.
Another challenge that is fundamental to all SAT
programs, is the process of reiteration. A company
will typically have periodical (e.g., annual) security
campaigns, where the material is quite similar every
time. From the security perspective, that is in general
alright, as the employees typically need to be aware
of the same things from one year to another (perhaps
with some minor alterations). However, as mentioned
by the WPs, the repetitiveness can be quite tiresome.
The purpose of using gamification is for the most
part to make the training less tedious, and help defeat
the negative view that people may have on security
(at least on the training) itself. Beris et al. (2015) sug-
gest that the e-learning component of SAT programs
only have a positive effect on those who have posi-
tive emotions towards security. There is however a
possibility that gamification can create positive emo-
tions towards learning, hopefully making people learn
more over time, and contribute to positively affect-
ing their behaviour. An interesting question here for
further research is whether gamified learning would
appeal to people who wouldn’t otherwise be open to
learning with traditional means.
Burke (2014) says that gamified solutions func-
tion best if they are opt-in, i.e. voluntary. If users en-
gage with something mandatory—even if it is called
a “game”—there is always a risk that it will turn into
feeling like work (Rigby, 2015). Mollick and Roth-
bard (2013) found that consent correlates with how
the use of gamification is perceived in the workplace.
Although they could not conclude that consent di-
rectly influences the actual performance, their results
showed that if there was consent from the employees
to engage in the program, then it would improve their
positive affect. Similarly, without consent, it would
decrease. A suggestion made by the WPs was to have
periodical campaigns, where a minimum amount of
activity is in fact mandatory. This will result in a de-
crease of autonomy, however people will still be able
to control and distribute their own training within the
limits of the decided training period. In some cases,
employees might also do more training than what is
expected or mandatory. But again, this relies on con-
tent which is found relevant and meaningful. A topic
in the second workshop was to evaluate whether using
the training application could be voluntary—implying
that people would actually use the application and in-
dividually prescribe to the right amount of training.
The opinions were slightly divided between the two
groups (answers were both yes and no), and actual
usage data would need to be collected over time to
say something more precise about this.
6.5 Further Work
The results and our discussion must be considered
in line with the context in which the study was con-
ducted. As described in section 3, our data are based
on professional opinions and personal opinions from
employees in two Scandinavian companies, based on
a single iteration of a gamified prototype for SAT. Our
work serves to complement the overall research in the
areas of security awareness and training, and gamifi-
cation, and especially the combination of these. Es-
sential in both design science and gamification is the
iterative approach of (re-)design and testing to find
out how well a particular mechanism performs, and
naturally more work needs to be done to find a gami-
fication design which performs well in practice.
Considering that the WPs are from two differ-
ent companies, there may be cultural factors involved
in their attitudes towards the gamified prototype.
Ruighaver et al. (2007) have analysed a framework
from organisational culture which contains eight di-
mensions to consider related with security practices of
end users. Examples of dimensions include how em-
ployees are motivated, how open the organisation is to
innovation and personal growth, and how employees
are allowed to consider work as also a social activity.
It should be investigated further if these factors have
particular impacts on how to design a gamified SAT
Studying companies over time could be used to
find out what security improvements can be attributed
to a gamified SAT program they use. In contrast to
Baxter et al. (2015), who only measured gamification
impact from a one-time effort, the long-term effects
of a durable program would be of much greater inter-
est. From our work we derive a hypothesis that al-
though short-term learning outcomes may be reduced
with gamification, there is a potential to keep peo-
ple open to learning about security at more occasions,
than without gamification. Hence, the overall knowl-
edge acquisition adds up to a greater sum, in addi-
tion to whatever additional positive effects gamifica-
tion may have, such as making security less boring,
and instead more meaningful.
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
A more advanced study would involve deploying
a gamified training application with a company for
a longer period of time. To investigate the knowl-
edge acquisition results, one could allocate one group
of users who only use normal training as a control
group. To find out if training should be mandatory or
not, another group could be assigned mandatory use
of the application, while others have complete auton-
omy in their learning efforts. An interesting output
from this kind of study would be to see how often
the users would use the application, and if it is more
than strictly required. And eventually; see if use of
the application leads to changes in security behaviour,
norms and practices within the company.
This study has considered the use of gamification in
security awareness and training programs. Based on
indications that current SAT programs are unsuccess-
ful in providing employees with the needed knowl-
edge or at least behaviour change an alternative
concept has been drafted, and a prototype has been
developed. In order to explore the appropriateness
of this prototype, qualitative data have been collected
through interviews with security experts, and work-
shops with user groups.
Through the study, it has been found that many of
the problems that SAT is currently facing, are prob-
lems that gamification is intended to solve. The gami-
fication design process has the end user in focus: why
should the employee be interested in SAT? The study
discovered four reasons for this, through the goals that
were agreed as common between employer an em-
ployees. It is necessary that SAT programs are con-
structed to fulfil those goals. Another important ques-
tion is: what drives the employees’ engagement? We
found that mastery and progression were the two most
important motivational factors for our WPs. Addi-
tionally, the more self-determined the training is, the
more motivating it will be. It is also clear that compe-
tition can be engaging for many, and potentially de-
motivating for others. When the purpose of the solu-
tion is to educate everyone on an equal level, it is im-
portant to use competition as well as external rewards
with high caution. Gamification has further potential
to deliver personalised content to users based on their
skills and role in the company.
A general opinion among the WPs was that cur-
rent training courses are too long. An important as-
pect that was considered is the use of small, concise
exercises, as opposed to hour-long e-learning courses.
It was discovered that this feature can give two impor-
tant outcomes: (1) provide the users with a sense of
autonomy about the training, and (2) improved learn-
ing outcomes due to the spacing effect, and that the
threshold for commencing the training is lower, when
it does not require planning—it can be done on the go,
when there is time, given that this is supported by the
learning platform.
Ultimately, the whole purpose of an SAT pro-
gram is to create good security behaviour among em-
ployees. There are certain things that employees
do because they are following social norms, the be-
havioural expectations of the organisation, and good
security behaviour should be among those things.
However, infiltrating the corporate culture and creat-
ing new social norms is not a trivial task. As was
pointed out by one of the interviewed security experts:
“it takes time”. Behaviour change is tough, however,
the results from the workshop proposed that, if SAT is
something the employees are exposed to frequently, it
can at least make users think—and talk—about secu-
rity on a more regular basis.
Studying the effectiveness of security awareness
programs is still rather immature as a research field,
and the specific use of gamification in SAT programs
is relatively unexplored. We argue that new ap-
proaches capturing this topic is of high importance,
and this study contributes with exploratory results.
These results are based purely on qualitative data col-
lection methods; most of the data are views, opin-
ions, and impressions. Thus, there are no concrete
evidence that can actually show if gamification will
improve the security awareness and training process.
As such, our results could be used as input for other
researchers when designing studies to capture the ef-
fectiveness of different approaches in SAT programs.
It is necessary to study larger populations over time to
determine whether gamified training is more effective
than regular training.
The authors would like to thank the two organizations
that contributed to our study, and the employees who
participated in our workshops and interviews in par-
ticular. This work has received funding in a minor
part from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under grant
agreement No 699306 under European Union’s Hori-
zon 2020 research and innovation programme.
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ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy