DDPM is compared with extremely efficient detection
(XED). The simulation results indicate that the aver-
age number of witness for the DDPM protocol is 7%-
10% higher than that for XED. The reason for this is
that in XED, only neighbors are responsible to check
whether any node has been cloned or not whereas in
DDPM, the neighbors, the intermediate nodes based
on prefix and the destination node all serve as witness.
Furthermore this set of nodes varies for each round of
detection and is not predetermined. This exhibits the
superiority of the DDPM.
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for clone detection in mobile sensor networks. We
aimed to solve the problem of avoiding picking a de-
terministic set of nodes that existing approaches suf-
fer from. Our initial simulations show that DDPM can
outperform existing state-of-art approached like XED
with by providing a higher security level. DDPM also
reduces the communication overhead. DDPM is ID-
oblivious as well as area oblivious. For our future
work, we will measure the performance by incorpo-
rating several independent DDPM systems with dif-
ferent random numbers and vary the network density
to check performance in the case of sparse mobile
sensor network.
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Distributed Clone Detection in Mobile Sensor Networks