Furthermore, we noticed that effects such as blur and
lighting (e.g. blooming, reflection and shadows, com-
pare also the two pictures on the bottom row in figure
2, especially the false shadow up in the middle) in-
fluence the results significantly. More sophisticated
interpolation methods should give these cases special
consideration, by e.g. explicitly modeling them.
Finally, while PSNR values give a good indication of
how well these methods would work for view predic-
tion, it is an open question how much this will im-
prove coding efficiency in practice. This is especially
true since the projection might lead to deformations or
shifts of the edges, which might be noticeable in the
measured PNSR (and SSIM) values, but which could
easily be corrected by a motion vector.
The research presented in this paper was funded by
Ericsson Research, and in part by the Swedish Re-
search Council, project grant no. 2014-5928.
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VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications