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APPENDIX: Transition from
Pseudo-inverse to Transposition
The transposition algorithm can be motivated by ex-
pressing the pseudoinverse in terms of an orthonor-
malized basis. We orthonormalize the B
and extract the deformation directions from the blend-
shape matrix, because both share the same vector
spans. Therefore, we apply the Gram-Schmidt pro-
cess (Cheney and Kincaid, 2009), and store the ex-
tracted orthonormal matrix in Q. After, we substitute
the new Q matrix instead of B
in Equation 3 with a
scaling step-size matrix R for the point movements.
The new pseudoinverse equation becomes:
w = (QQ
Q(Rm) (10)
In Equation 10, Q is an orthonormal matrix.
Thereby, QQ
becomes an identity matrix. The new
update function turns into w = Q(Rm). According to
Jacobian Transpose suggestion, weight update can be
represented as w = B
m. To minimize the scaling
step-size of the point movements we apply the fol-
lowing minimization:
− QRk
The solution of Equation 11 shows us R = Q
Alternatively, least square process can be replaced
with a simple qr factorization. Then, R is substituted
to Equation 10 and the final weight update function
w = B
m (12)
Reviewing these steps, we see that when the basis
is orthogonal, the pseudoinverse can be reduced to the
transposition approach. In turn, the bad behavior of
the pseudoinverse can be understood in terms of the
lack of orthogonality of the basis.
GRAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications