Figure 10: Results for each character obtained from the user
study showing the mean and variance for each setting.
gested approach was to create new poses by estima-
ting the dense optical flow between the transitioning
frames in each direction and then move the pixels step
wise towards the flow and blend the frames from each
The suggested animation based on optical flow
was compared with animations using a direct al-
pha blending between the transitioning frames and
not performing any animation. This was evaluated
through a web based user study between three diffe-
rent characters. The results showed consistency over
all characters, where the suggested animation with
different similarity measure settings had a higher rate
of preference and perceived realism than using anima-
tions based on alpha blending and using no animation.
Creating an adaptive number of intermediate fra-
mes, which should vary according to the the pose si-
milarity and speed of motion before and after transi-
tioning, could be a possible area for future investiga-
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