Application of Component Monitoring on
the Power Control Unit
Component monitoring was applied on the power
control unit provided by a supplier and several issues
were found. For instance, duplicated notifications on
state changes in a situation where a single notifica-
tion is expected and missing notifications when the
system goes on UPS source. Statistical analysis was
also applied on execution traces. The time intervals
for completing the executions of a given command
were collected and plotted in a diagram. The actual
distribution shape showed two peaks whereas a single
peak was expected. Further investigation revealed the
implementation decisions that were the cause of this
The described issues were missed in system level
tests. Component monitoring of behavior including
time improved the testing process.
The need for precise component interface specifica-
tions is longstanding in the industry and has drawn
attention of the research community. We presented
ComMA, a framework for interface behavior specifi-
cation with a rich tool support for different develop-
ment phases. The DSLs in ComMA integrate tech-
niques and results from different research areas and
provide a single entry point for engineers to specify
and develop component interfaces.
We did not employ the full expressive power of
the used formal languages. Instead, DSL constructs
are selected on the basis of the concrete needs of the
engineers and optimized for solving their most recur-
ring problems. Our experience in applying the DSLs
shows that this approach is crucial for the tool and lan-
guage adoption along with pragmatical aspects like
stable editors, ergonomic concrete syntax and visual-
ization. Whenever necessary, capabilities of special-
ized analysis tools can be used by building bridges in
the form of model transformations.
In general, ComMA was successfully applied on
the power control unit and fulfilled the tasks that were
the initial motivation of the framework. The applica-
tion of the techniques to several other components at
Philips is an ongoing work. This will provide further
validation insights.
The developed languages are not business-specific
and are not restricted to the medical domain. They are
aimed at problems that are found in other domains as
well and utilize general techniques thus making the
framework easily generalizable.
Future work intentions include extending the
toolset with transformations to model-based testing
and model checking facilities. Further experimenta-
tion with model learning aims at extending and im-
proving the interface behavior extraction from exist-
ing components.
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MODELSWARD 2017 - 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development