Detection of Human Rights Violations in Images: Can Convolutional
Neural Networks Help?
Grigorios Kalliatakis
, Shoaib Ehsan
, Maria Fasli
, Ales Leonardis
, Juergen Gall
and Klaus D. McDonald-Maier
School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, Colchester, U.K.
School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, U.K.
Institute of Computer Science III, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany
{gkallia, sehsan, mfasli, kdm},,
Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Representation, Human Rights Violations Recognition.
After setting the performance benchmarks for image, video, speech and audio processing, deep convolutional
networks have been core to the greatest advances in image recognition tasks in recent times. This raises the
question of whether there are any benefit in targeting these remarkable deep architectures with the unattempted
task of recognising human rights violations through digital images. Under this perspective, we introduce a
new, well-sampled human rights-centric dataset called Human Rights Understanding (HRUN). We conduct
a rigorous evaluation on a common ground by combining this dataset with different state-of-the-art deep
convolutional architectures in order to achieve recognition of human rights violations. Experimental results
on the HRUN dataset have shown that the best performing CNN architectures can achieve up to 88.10%
mean average precision. Additionally, our experiments demonstrate that increasing the size of the training
samples is crucial for achieving an improvement on mean average precision principally when utilising very
deep networks.
Human rights violations continue to take place in
many parts of the world today, while they have been
ongoing during the entire human history. These days,
organizations concerned with human rights are in-
creasingly using digital images as a mechanism for
supporting the exposure of human rights and interna-
tional humanitarian law violations. However, utilising
current advances in technology for studying, prose-
cuting and possibly preventing such misconduct from
occurring have not yet made any progress. From this
perspective, supporting human rights is seen as one
scientific domain that could be strengthened by the
latest developments in computer vision. To support
the continued growth of images and videos in human
rights and international humanitarian law monitoring
campaigns, this study examines how vision based sys-
tems can support human rights monitoring efforts by
accurately detecting and identifying human rights vi-
olations utilising digital images.
This work is made possible by recent progress
in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) (LeCun
et al., 1989), which has changed the landscape for
well-studied computer vision tasks, such as image
classification and object detection (Wang et al., 2010;
Huang et al., 2011), by comprehensively outperform-
ing the initial handcrafted approaches (Donahue et al.,
2014; Sharif Razavian et al., 2014; Sermanet et al.,
2013). These state-of-the-art architectures are now
finding their way into a number of vision based ap-
plications (Girshick et al., 2014; Oquab et al., 2014;
Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014a).
A major contribution of our paper is a new, well-
sampled human rights-centric dataset, called the Hu-
man Rights Understanding (HRUN) dataset, which
consists of 4 different categories of human rights vi-
olations and 100 diverse images per category. In this
paper, we formulate the human rights violation recog-
nition problem as being able to recognise a given
input image (from the HRUN dataset) as belonging
to one of these 4 categories of human rights viola-
tions. See Figure 1 for examples of our data. We use
this data for human rights understanding by evaluat-
ing different deep representations on this new dataset,
while we perform experiments that illustrate the effect
of network architecture, image context, and training
data size on the accuracy of the system.
Kalliatakis G., Ehsan S., Fasli M., Leonardis A., Gall J. and McDonald-Maier K.
Detection of Human Rights Violations in Images: Can Convolutional Neural Networks Help?.
DOI: 10.5220/0006133902890296
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 289-296
ISBN: 978-989-758-226-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Examples from all 4 categories of the Human Rights Understanding (HRUN) Dataset.
In summary, our contribution is two-fold. Firstly
we introduce a new human rights-centric dataset
HRUN. Secondly, motivated by the great success of
deep convolutional networks, we conduct a large set
of rigorous experiments for the task of recognising
human rights violations. As part of our tests, we delve
into the latest, top-performing pre-trained deep con-
volutional models, allowing a fair, unbiased compar-
ison on a common ground; something that has been
largely missing so far in the literature. The remain-
der of the paper is organised as follows. Section 2
looks into prior works on database construction and
image understanding with deep convolutional net-
works. Section 3 describes the methodology utilised
for building our pioneer human rights understand-
ing dataset. Section 4 demonstrates the classification
pipeline used for the experiments, while the evalu-
ation results are presented in Section 5, alongside a
thorough discussion. Finally, conclusions and future
directions are given in Section 6.
2.1 Database Construction
Challenging databases are important for many areas
of research, while large-scale datasets combined with
CNNs have been key to recent advances in computer
vision and machine learning applications. While
the field of computer vision has developed several
databases to organize knowledge about object cate-
gories (Deng et al., 2009; Griffin et al., 2007; Tor-
ralba et al., 2008; Fei-Fei et al., 2007), scenes (Zhou
et al., 2014; Xiao et al., 2010) or materials (Liu et al.,
2010; Sharan et al., 2009; Bell et al., 2015) a well-
inspected dataset of images depicting human rights
violations does not currently exist. The first reference
point in standardized dataset of images and annota-
tions was the VOC2010 dataset (Everingham et al.,
2010), which was constructed by utilizing images col-
lected by non-vision/machine learning researchers, by
querying Flickr with a number of related keywords,
including the class name, synonyms and scenes or sit-
uations where the class is likely to appear. Similarly,
an extensive scene understanding (SUN) database
was introduced by (Xiao et al., 2010), containing 899
environments and 130,519 images. The primary ob-
jectives of this work were to build the most complete
dataset of scene image categories. Microsoft’s work
in regard to detection and segmentation of objects tak-
ing place in their natural context, was marked with the
introduction of common objects in context (Lin et al.,
2014) (MS COCO) dataset including 328,000 images
of complex everyday scenes consisted of 91 different
object categories and 2.5 million labelled instances.
More recently (Yu et al., 2015) presented their first
version of a scene-centric database (LSUN) with mil-
lions of label images in each category alongside an
integrated framework which makes use of deep learn-
ing techniques in order to achieve large-scale image
annotation. To our knowledge, this particular work
is the first attempt to construct a well-sampled image
database in the domain of human rights understand-
2.2 Deep Convolutional Networks
For decades, traditional machine learning systems de-
manded accurate engineering and significant domain
expertise in order to design a feature extractor capa-
ble of converting raw data (such as the pixel values
of an image) into a convenient internal representa-
tion or feature vector from which a classifier could
classify or detect patterns in the input. Today, rep-
resentation learning methods and principally CNNs
(LeCun et al., 1989) are driving advances at a dra-
matic pace in the computer vision field after enjoying
a great success in large-scale image recognition and
object detection tasks (Krizhevsky et al., 2012; Ser-
manet et al., 2013; Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014a;
Tompson et al., 2015; Taigman et al., 2014; LeCun
et al., 2015). The key aspect of deep learning repre-
sentations is that the layers of features are not man-
ually hand-crafted, but are learned from data using a
generic-purpose learning scheme. The architecture of
a typical deep-learning system can be considered as
a multilayer stack of simple modules, each one trans-
forming its input to increase both the selectivity and
the invariance of the representation as stated in (Le-
Cun et al., 2015). In the last few years vision tasks
became feasible due to high-performance computing
systems such as GPUs, extensive public image repos-
itories (Deng et al., 2009), a new regularisation tech-
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
nique called dropout (Srivastava et al., 2014) which
prevents deep learning systems from overfitting, rec-
tified linear units (ReLU) (Nair and Hinton, 2010),
softmax layer and techniques able to generate more
training examples by deforming the existing ones.
Since (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) first used an eight
layer CNN (also known as AlexNet) trained on Im-
ageNet to perform 1000-way object classification, a
number of other works have used deep convolutional
networks (ConvNets) to elevate image classification
further (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014b; He et al.,
2015a; Szegedy et al., 2015; He et al., 2015b; Chat-
field et al., 2014). (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014b)
use a very deep CNN (also known as VGGNet) with
up to 19 weight layers for large-scale image clas-
sification. They demonstrated that a substantially
increased depth of a conventional ConvNet (LeCun
et al., 1989; Krizhevsky et al., 2012) can result in
state-of-the-art performance on the ImageNet chal-
lenge dataset (Deng et al., 2009). They also per-
form localization for the same challenge by training
a very deep ConvNet to predict the bounding box
location instead of the class scores at the last fully
connected layer. Another deep network architecture
that has been recently used to great success is the
GoogLeNet model of (Szegedy et al., 2015) where an
inception layer is composed of a shortcut branch and
a few deeper branches in order to improve utilization
of the computing resources inside the network. The
two main ideas of that architecture are: (i) to create a
multi-scale architecture capable of mirroring correla-
tion structure in images and (ii) dimensional reduction
and projections to keep their representation sparse
along each spatial scale. Most recently (He et al.,
2015a) announced the even deeper residual network
(also known as ResNet), featured 152 layers, which
has considerably improved the state-of-the-art perfor-
mance of ImageNet (Deng et al., 2009) classification
and object detection on PASCAL (Everingham et al.,
2010). Residual networks are inspired by the observa-
tion that neural networks lean towards gaining higher
training errors as the depth of the network increases
to very large values. The authors argue that although
the network gains more parameters by increasing its
depth, the network becomes inferior at function ap-
proximation because of the gradients and training sig-
nals loss when they are propagated through numerous
layers. Therefore, they give convincing theoretical
and practical evidence that residual connections (re-
formulated layers for learning residual functions with
reference to the layer input) are inherently necessary
for training very deep convolutional models.
Outside of the aforementioned top-performing
networks, other works worth mentioning are: (Chat-
Figure 2: Constructing HRUN Dataset.
field et al., 2014) where a rigorous evaluation study
on different CNN architectures for the task of object
recognition was conducted and (Zhou et al., 2014)
where a brand-new scene-centric database called
Places was introduced and established state-of-the-
art results on different scene recognition tasks, by
learning deep representations from their extensive
database. Despite these impressive results, human
rights advocacy is one of the high profile domains
which remain broadly missing from the curated list
of problems which were benefited from the continu-
ing growth of deep convolutional networks. We build
on this body of work in deep learning to solve the
untrodden problem of recognising human rights vio-
lations utilising digital images.
Recent achievements in computer vision can be
mainly ascribed to the ever growing size of visual
knowledge in terms of labelled instances of objects,
scenes, actions, attributes, and the dependent rela-
tionships between them. Therefore, obtaining effec-
tive high-level representations has become increas-
ingly important, while a key question arises in the
context of human rights understanding: how will we
gather this structured visual knowledge?
This section describes the image collection proce-
dure utilised for the formulation of the HRUN dataset,
as captured by Figure 2.
Initially, the keywords, with a view to formulate
the query terms, were collected in collaboration with
specialists in the human rights domain. This hap-
pens in order to include more than one query term
for every ‘targeted class’. For instance, for the class
police violence the queries ‘police violence’, ‘police
brutality’ and ‘police abuse of force’ were all used
for retrieving results. Work commenced with the
Flickr photo-sharing website, but in a short time, it
Table 1: Image Collection Analysis from Search Engines.
Retrieved Images Relevant Images
Query Term
Google Bing Google Bing Manually
Child labour 99 137 18 5 77 100
Child Soldiers 176 159 31 13 56 100
Police Violence 149 232 10 16 74 100
Refugees 111 140 10 39 51 100
Detection of Human Rights Violations in Images: Can Convolutional Neural Networks Help?
Figure 3: Side by side examples of irrelevant images with
their respective query term which were eliminated during
the filtering process.
became apparent that its limitations resulted in a huge
number of irrelevant results returned for the given
queries. This happens because Flickr users are au-
thorised to tag their uploaded images without restric-
tion. Subsequently there have been situations where
the given keyword was ‘armed conflict’ and the ma-
jority of the returned images had to do with military
parades. Another similar example was with the given
keyword ‘genocide’ where the returned results in-
cluded protesting campaigns against genocide, some-
thing that may be consider close to the keyword, but
it can not serve our purpose by any means. An-
other shortcoming was the case when people mas-
sively tagged an image deliberately incorrectly in or-
der to acquire an increased number of hits on the
photo-sharing website. Consequently, Google and
Bing search engines were chosen as a better alterna-
tive. Images were downloaded for each class using a
python interface to the Google and Bing application
programming interfaces (APIs), with the maximum
number of images permitted by their respective API
for each query term. All exact duplicate images were
eliminated from the downloaded image set, alongside
images regarded as inappropriate during the filtering
step as illustrated by Figure 3. Nonetheless, the num-
ber of filtered images generated was still insufficient
as shown in Table 1.
For this reason, there were manually added other
suitable images in order to reach the final structure of
the HRUN dataset. We finally ended up with a to-
tal of four different categories, each one containing
100 distinct images of human rights violations cap-
tured in real world situations and surroundings. With
this first attempt, our main intention was to produce
a high quality dataset for the task in hand. For that
reason, the number of categories was kept to a certain
degree for the time being. Expanding the dataset both
in categories and number of images has already been
included in our actual future plans and many other on-
line repositories that might be related to human rights
violations are being checked into thoroughly.
4.1 Transfer Learning
Our goal is to train a system that recognises different
human rights violations from a given input image of
the HRUN dataset. One high-priority research issue
in our work is how to find a good representation for in-
stances in such a unique domain. More than that, hav-
ing a dataset of sufficient size is problematic for this
task as described in the previous section. For those
two reasons, a conventional alternative to training a
deep ConvNet from the very beginning, is to use a
pre-trained model and then use the ConvNet as a fixed
feature extractor for the task of interest. This method,
referred to as transfer learning(Donahue et al., 2014;
Zeiler and Fergus, 2014), is implemented by taking a
pre-trained CNN, replacing the fully-connected layers
(and potentially the last convolutional layer), and con-
sider the rest of the ConvNet as a fixed feature extrac-
tor for the relevant dataset. By freezing the weights of
the convolutional layers, the deep ConvNet can still
extract general image features such as edges, while
the fully connected layers can take this information
and use it to classify the data in a way that is applica-
ble to the problem.
4.2 Pipeline for Human Rights
Violations Recognition
The entire pipeline used for the experiments is de-
picted in Figure 4, and detailed further below. In this
pipeline, every block is fixed except the feature ex-
tractor as different deep convolutional networks are
plugged in, one at a time, to compare their perfor-
mance utilizing the mean average precision (mAP)
Given a training dataset T
consisting of m human
rights violation categories, a test dataset T
ing unseen images of the categories given in T
, and
a set of n pre-trained CNN architectures (C
the pipeline operates as follows: The training dataset
is used as input to the first CNN architecture C
The output of C
, as described above, is then uti-
lized to train m SVM classifiers. Once trained, the
test dataset T
is employed to assess the performance
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: An overview of the human rights violations recognition pipeline used here. Different deep convolutional models are
plugged into the pipeline one at a time, while the training and test samples taken from the HRUN dataset remain fixed. Mean
average precision(mAP) metric is used for evaluating the results.
of the pipeline using mAP. The training and testing
procedures are then repeated after replacing C
the second CNN architecture C
to evaluate the per-
formance of the human rights violation recognition
pipeline. For a set of n pre-trained CNN architec-
tures, the training and testing processes are repeated
n times. Since the entire pipeline is fixed (includ-
ing the training and test datasets, learning procedure
and evaluation protocol) for all n CNN architectures,
the differences in the performance of the classifica-
tion pipeline can be attributed to the specific CNN ar-
chitectures used. For comparison, 10 different deep
CNN architectures were identified, grouped by the
common paper which they were first made public:
a) 50-layer ResNet, 101-layer ResNet and 152-layer
ResNet presented in (He et al., 2015a); b) 22-layer
GoogLeNet (Szegedy et al., 2015); c) 16-layer VGG-
Net and 19-layer VGG-Net introduced in (Simonyan
and Zisserman, 2014b) ; d) 8-layer VGG-S, 8-layer
VGG-M and 8-layer VGG-F displayed in (Chatfield
et al., 2014); and e) 8-layer Places (Zhou et al., 2014),
as they represent the state-of-the-art for image classi-
fication tasks. For further design and implementation
details for these models, please refer to their respec-
tive papers. To ensure a fair comparison, all the stan-
dardised CNN models used in our experiments are
based on the opensource Caffe framework (Jia et al.,
2014) and are pre-trained on 1000 ImageNet (Deng
et al., 2009) classes with the exception of Places CNN
(Zhou et al., 2014) which was trained on 205 scenes
categories of Places database. For the majority of the
networks, the dimensionality of the last hidden layer
(FC7) leads to a 4096x1 dimensional image represen-
tation. Since the GoogLeNet (Szegedy et al., 2015)
and the ResNet (He et al., 2015a) architectures do not
utilise fully connected layers at the end of their net-
works, the last hidden layers before average pooling
at the top of the ConvNet are exploited with 1024x7x7
and 2048x7x7 feature maps respectively, to counter-
balance the behaviour of the pool layers, which pro-
vide downsampling regarding the spatial dimensions
of the input.
5.1 Evaluation Details
The evaluation process is divided into two different
sets of scenarios, each one making use of an explicit
split of images between the training and testing sam-
ples of the pipeline. For the first scenario, a split of
70/30 was utilised, while for the second scenario the
split was adjusted to 50/50 for training and testing
images respectively. Additionally, three distinct se-
ries of tests were conducted for each scenario, each
and every one assembled with a completely arbitrary
shift of the entire image set for every category of the
HRUN dataset. This approach ensures an unbiased
comparison with a rather limited dataset like HRUN
at present. The compound results of all three tests are
given in Table 2 and Table 3 and analysed below.
5.2 Results and Discussion
It is evident from Table 2 and Table 3 that the Slow
CNN architecture performs the best for the child
labour category for both scenarios. VGG with 16 lay-
ers performs the best in the case of child soldiers with
scenario 1, while on the other hand, scenario’s 2 best
performing architecture is Places with VGG-16 com-
ing genuinely close. Places was also the best perform-
ing architecture for the category of police violence for
the two scenarios. Lastly, regarding refugees cate-
gory, the Slow version of VGG was the dominant ar-
chitecture for both scenarios. Since our work is the
Detection of Human Rights Violations in Images: Can Convolutional Neural Networks Help?
Table 2: Human rights violations classification results with a 70/30 split for training and testing images. Mean average
precision (mAP) accuracy for different CNNs. Bold font highlights the leading mAP result for every experiment.
mAP Child Labour Child Soldiers Police Violence Refugees
ResNet 50 100K 42.59 41.12 43.69 43.81 41.73
ResNet 101 100K 42.07 40.48 44.78 42.56 40.48
ResNet 152 100K 45.80 44.27 44.11 48.08 46.73
GoogLeNet 50K 48.62 42.72 40.71 61.91 49.16
VGG 16 4K 77.46 70.79 77.71 83.46 77.87
VGG 19 4K 47.01 31.69 50.98 73.79 31.57
VGG - M 4K 67.93 59.52 62.96 81.45 67.80
VGG - S 4K 78.19 80.17 64.46 87.46 80.68
VGG - F 4K 64.15 45.42 63.20 84.78 63.21
Places 4K 68.59 55.67 65.60 93.17 59.92
Table 3: Human rights violations classification results with a 50/50 split for training and testing images. Mean average
precision (mAP) accuracy for different CNNs. Bold font highlights the leading mAP result for every experiment.
mAP Child Labour Child Soldiers Police Violence Refugees
ResNet 50 100K 70.94 73.15 68.07 70.44 72.09
ResNet 101 100K 68.46 69.50 66.90 68.34 69.09
ResNet 152 100K 76.20 80.60 73.07 72.00 79.12
GoogLeNet 50K 55.92 41.48 60.21 55.52 66.48
VGG 16 4K 84.79 79.15 87.94 89.47 82.59
VGG 19 4K 60.39 35.72 72.67 83.10 50.08
VGG - M 4K 78.94 68.71 82.32 89.99 74.74
VGG - S 4K 88.10 84.84 88.14 91.92 87.50
VGG - F 4K 73.46 53.57 78.78 90.41 71.08
Places 4K 81.40 62.04 89.97 95.70 77.90
first effort in the literature to recognise human rights
violations, we are not able to compare our experimen-
tal results with other works.
However the results are unquestionably promising
and reveal that the best performing CNN architectures
can achieve up to 88.10% mean average precision
when recognising human rights violations. On the
other hand, some of the regularly top performing deep
ConvNets, such as GoogLeNet and ResNet, fell short
for this particular task compared to the others. Such
weaker performance occurs primarily because of the
limited dataset size, whereby learning millions of pa-
rameters of those very deep convolutional networks is
usually impractical and may lead to over-fitting. An-
other interpretation could be due to the inadequate
structure of the image representation deducted from
the last hidden layer before average pooling compared
to the FC7 layer of the others. Furthermore, it is
clear that by utilising the 50/50 split of images in the
course of scenario 2, there is a considerable boost in
performance of the human rights violations recogni-
tion pipeline as compared to the first scenario when
a split of 70/30 was employed for training and test-
ing images respectively. Figure 5 depicts the effect
of two varying training data sizes (scenario 1 vs sce-
nario 2) on the performance of different deep convolu-
tional networks. Remarkably with scenario 2, where
the half and half split was applied, accomplishes a no-
table improvement on mean average precision which
spans from 4.03% up to 36.33% across all four HRUN
categories which were tested. Only on two occas-
sions scenario 2 was outperformed by scenario 1, both
of them while GoogLeNet was selected for the cate-
gories of ‘child labour’ and ‘police violence’. This
observation strengthens the point of view discussed
above relative to the last hidden layer of this model.
Nonetheless, in all instances a mean average preci-
sion greatly above 40% was achieved, which can be
regarded as an impressive outcome given the uncon-
ventional nature of the problem, the limited dataset
which was adopted for learning deep representations
and the transfer learning approach that was employed
Recognising human rights violations through digital
images is a new and challenging problem in the area
of computer vision. We introduce a new, open hu-
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 5: Comparison of deep convolutional networks performance, with reference to mAP, for the two diverse scenarios
appearing in our experiments. The number on the left side of the slash denotes the training proportion of images, while the
name on the right implies the testing percentage.
man rights understanding dataset, HRUN, designed
to represent human rights and international human-
itarian law violations found in the real world. Using
this innovative dataset we conduct an evaluation of re-
cent deep learning architectures for human rights vi-
olations recognition and achieve results that are com-
parable to prior attempts on other long-standing hall-
mark tasks of computer vision in the hope that it
would provide a scaffold for future evaluations, and
good benchmark for human rights advocacy research.
The following conclusions have derived: Digital im-
ages that can be rated as appropriate for human rights
monitoring purposes are rare and characterising them
requires great effort, expertise and vast time. Utilis-
ing transfer learning for the task of recognising hu-
man rights violations can provide very strong results
by employing a straightforward combination of deep
representations and a linear SVM. Deep convolutional
neural networks are constructed to benefit and learn
from massive amounts of data. For this reason and
in order to obtain even higher quality recognition
results, training a deep convolutional network from
scratch on an expanded version of the HRUN dataset
is likely to further improve results. Inspired by the
high-standard characteristics of legal evidence, in the
future we would like to have the means to clarify three
different questions set by every human rights monitor-
ing mechanism: what, who and how, and expand our
dataset to a wider range of categories in order to in-
clude them. We also presume that further analysis of
joint object recognition and scene understanding will
be beneficial and lead to improvements in both tasks
for human rights violations understanding.
We acknowledge MoD/Dstl and EPSRC for provid-
ing the grant to support the UK academics (Ales
Leonardis) involvement in a Department of Defense
funded MURI project. This work was also sup-
ported in part by EU H2020 RoMaNS 645582, EP-
SRC EP/M026477/1 and ES/M010236/1.
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