scribes the data acquisition, the subjects, the record-
ing material, the signal pre-processing and the gen-
eration of the acoustic thoracic images. Section 3
presents our observations for the regional distribu-
tion and the lung sound amplitude for different air-
flow rates. In Section 4, we discuss the results and
Section 5 concludes the paper.
2.1 Data Acquisition
We recorded the lung sounds with a multichannel
recording device, which enables the simultaneous
recording of airflow (Messner et al., 2016). The
device is equipped with a multichannel lung sound
recording front-end and a pneumotachograph.
The recording front-end is a foam pad covered
with artificial leather, a similar construction as the
Stethographics STG 16 (Murphy, 2007). On the sur-
face of the pad, we arranged 16 lung sound transduc-
ers (LSTs) with a fixed pattern. The pattern is compa-
rable with the one proposed in (Sen and Kahya, 2006).
Based on the approach with air-coupled electret-
6cm 6cm
1 2
5 6
11 12
15 16
Figure 1: Multichannel recording front-end of the lung
sound recording device (Messner et al., 2016). 16 lung
sound transducers are distributed on the foam pad. The cen-
ter line represents the spine.
condenser microphones (Pasterkamp et al., 1993), we
modified Littmann Classic II chest pieces for the LST
design. By placing the foam pad under the back of the
subject, we perform the recording of the lung sounds
in supine position on an examination table.
We use standard audio recording equipment for
the analogue pre-filtering, pre-amplification, and dig-
itization of the LST signals. The sampling frequency
is f
= 16 kHz and the resolution is 24 bit. Before
the analog-to-digital conversion of the LST signals,
we apply a Bessel high-pass filter with a cut-off fre-
quency of f
= 80 Hz and a slope of 24 dB/oct.
We measure the airflow with a pneumotachograph
Schiller SP 260. The airflow signal is sampled with a
frequency f
= 400 Hz.
We calibrate the recording device with a Br¨uel &
Kjær sound calibrator Type 4231, a sound source with
a sinusoidal waveform at a frequency of f = 1 kHz
and with a sound pressure level of 94 dB. We adjusted
the microphone preamplifiers of the LSTs to reach the
same signal level for the sound calibrator.
2.2 Subjects and Material
At airflow rates of 0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 1.3 and 1.7 l/s, we
recorded lung sounds over the posterior chest of four
lung-healthy subjects. The subjects held the pneu-
motachograph with both hands and wore a nose clip.
The subjects breathe steadily during inspiration at the
given airflow rates and with natural breathing dur-
ing expiration. The recording setup provided a real-
time feedback for the airflow rate. The subjects were
placed on the pad with a defined distance d ≈ 7 cm
between the 7th cervical vertebra (C7) and the cen-
ter line of the topmost row of sensors. The recording
material of one subject consists of 16-channel lung
sound recordings at five different airflow rates, with
4-8 breathing cycles within 30 seconds, respectively.
The subjects were four male volunteers, with no diag-
nosed lung diseases and with the following metadata:
age (27, 27, 26, 27 years), weight (78, 75, 75, 75 kg)
and height (1.8, 1.78, 1.89, 1.72 m).
The used multichannel recording front-end is ro-
bust against ambient noise. However, in lung sound
recordings, interfering signals are caused by the heart,
bowels and body movement. These can distort the
signal energy values from lung sound signals. To en-
sure uncontaminated lung sound recordings, we man-
ually labeled the sections containing heart, bowel and
other interfering sounds.
2.3 Signal Pre-processing
We applied a bandpass filter, with a lower cut-off fre-
quency f
= 150 Hz and an upper cut-off frequency
= 250 Hz, to the 16 lung sound signals. To cal-
culate the energy, we used a sliding window with a
length of 50 ms and an overlap of 75 %.