Real-world Pill Segmentation based on Superpixel Merge
using Region Adjacency Graph
Sudhir Sornapudi
, R. Joe Stanley
, Jason Hagerty
and William V. Stoecker
Missouri University of Science and Technology, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rolla, MO, U.S.A.
Stoecker & Associates, Rolla, MO, U.S.A.
{ssbw5, stanleyj, jrh55c, wvs}
Segmentation, Clustering, Superpixels, Graph Theory, Region Adjacency Graph, Threshold Cut.
Misidentified or unidentified prescription pills are an increasing challenge for all caregivers, both families
and professionals. Errors in pill identification may lead to serious or fatal adverse events. To respond to this
challenge, a fast and reliable automated pill identification technique is needed. The first and most critical
step in pill identification is segmentation of the pill from the background. The goals of segmentation are to
eliminate both false detection of background area and false omission of pill area. Introduction of either type
of error can cause errors in color or shape analysis and can lead to pill misidentification. The real-world
consumer images used in this research provide significant segmentation challenges due to varied backgrounds
and lighting conditions. This paper proposes a color image segmentation algorithm by generating superpixels
using the Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC) algorithm and merging the superpixels by thresholding
the region adjacency graphs. Post-processing steps are given to result in accurate pill segmentation. The
segmentation accuracy is evaluated by comparing the consumer-quality pill image segmentation masks to the
high quality reference pill image masks.
According to National Library of Medicine (NLM,
2016), unidentified and misidentified pills present a
challenge to patients, family members and health pro-
fessionals. Misidentified pills constitute a safety haz-
ard. In the US, nine out of 10 people over age 65 take
more than one prescription pill which may increase
the chance of pill misidentification. This can lead to
adverse drug events (ADE). This situation calls for
automatic pill identification, enabling anyone to eas-
ily verify whether a pill with different shape, imprint
or color is a generic equivalent to the drug he or she
was already taking. In an era of increasing polyphar-
macy and widespread use of 7-day pill dispensers,
rapid and accurate automatic pill identification has
lifesaving potential.
During the last decade, the improvement in
computational power and digital camera technol-
ogy has facilitated advances in machine vision re-
search, yielding significant progress in automa-
tion of medical and industrial computer vision sys-
tems. Automatic identification of prescription drugs
is now an increasingly important biomedical re-
search topic. Large prescription drug databases are
now available to researchers. These databases in-
clude the National Library of Medicine (NLM) Pill-
box database (Pillbox, 2016), DailyMedPlus (Dai-
lymedplus, 2016), WebMD (WebMD, 2016), and (, 2016). These resources pro-
vide various features of a pill, where users can man-
ually access information on pill size, color, shape,
and imprint, to allow pill identification (Caban et al.,
2012). However, identification by manual website ac-
cess is error prone and time-consuming. There is a
need for an automatic pill identification system that is
Figure 1: Consumer-quality pill images.
Sornapudi S., Joe Stanley R., Hagerty J. and V. Stoecker W.
Real-world Pill Segmentation based on Superpixel Merge using Region Adjacency Graph.
DOI: 10.5220/0006135801820187
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 182-187
ISBN: 978-989-758-225-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fast, reliable and easy to use.
Segmentation is the first and most critical step in
the pill identification process. Segmentation isolates
the pill from background, enabling accurate analysis
of the pill features. The images in Figure 1 are typi-
cal of pill images used in this project. These are ex-
amples of consumer-quality images provided by the
NLM Pill Image Recognition Challenge 2016. Sim-
ple thresholding on the images in Figure 1 leads to
significant segmentation errors, due to shadows and
uneven lighting. These challenges are not present in
the reference pill images shown in Figure 2.
The main objective of the NLM Pill Image Recog-
nition Challenge was to use computer vision algo-
rithms to rank lower-quality consumer images of pre-
scription pills after training with high quality refer-
ence images as shown in Figure 2. These freely avail-
able high quality digital images and associated data
(C3PI, 2016) were generated by NLM as part of the
Computational Photography Project for Pill Identifi-
cation. Although this challenge provided progress to-
ward automatic pill identification, there is as yet (Fall
2016) no reliable and accurate automatic pill identifi-
cation technology available.
The Consumer-quality images as shown in Figure
1 have issues such as low illumination, noisy back-
ground and pill shadows, all of which pose great chal-
lenges in pill segmentation. When pill images include
noisy background, feature extraction algorithms can
determine false features. Hence, there is a need to de-
velop a segmentation algorithm to reduce these prob-
Figure 2: Reference pill images.
The proposed clustering segmentation algorithm
includes three important steps (Xu and Wunsch,
2005). Initially, pre-processing is done to over-
segment the pill images by obtaining superpixels
based on the modified k-means clustering algorithm.
Secondly, a region adjacency graph is obtained from
the over-segmented pill image to merge the regions
within a certain threshold. Finally, various post-
processing steps are applied to obtain the desired
The goal of this paper is to accurately segment
consumer-quality pill images captured using com-
monly available digital cameras and smartphones. Af-
ter successful segmentation of the pill, in future work,
features like shape, imp- print and color will be ex-
tracted. These features help is comparing, correlating
and ranking the consumer- quality images using the
high-quality reference images.
The main objective of the paper is to segment
consumer-quality pill images which are affected by
background noise and shadows. Once the pill is iso-
lated, feature extraction is more reliable.
The proposed algorithm initially smoothes the im-
age to reduce noise using a Gaussian smoothing fil-
ter. The simple linear iterative clustering (SLIC) al-
gorithm (Achanta et al., 2012) algorithm is then ap-
plied to generate superpixels. The resultant image is
con- verted into a region adjacency graph and thresh-
olded to merge the superpixels. A final binary mask
is obtained by thresholding color planes, applying an
opening operation, filling holes, and applying a con-
vex hull. A bounding box is applied to obtain only the
segmented pill region.
2.1 SLIC Superpixels
The pre-segmentation of an image is a crucial step
before applying region adjacency graphs. This step
includes the generation of superpixels. Superpixels
are a group of pixels which share similar character-
istics with their neighboring pixels. They capture
the image redundancy and subsequently reduce com-
plexity in performing further image processing tasks.
There are various approaches to generate superpixels
(Boykov and Jolly, 2001)(Shi and Malik, 2000)(Co-
maniciu and Meer, 2002)(Felzenszwalb and Hutten-
locher, 2004)(Achanta et al., 2012). This paper uses
the SLIC algorithm to generate superpixels because
it is faster, more memory efficient, and has better
boundary adherence than its predecessors. A detailed
step-by-step procedure of the SLIC algorithm is pro-
vided in Achanta et al (Achanta et al., 2012).
The pill image is initially pre-processed using
a Gaussian smoothing filter with standard deviation
2. The SLIC algorithm, which generates superpixels
based on k-means clustering (Kanungo et al., 2002),
Real-world Pill Segmentation based on Superpixel Merge using Region Adjacency Graph
is applied. The search space in the SLIC algorithm
is limited to a specific region around a cluster cen-
troid. This reduces the number of distance calcula-
tions which in turn reduces the complexity and run
time. Also it considers a weighted distance approach
by combining both color and spatial proximity. These
features allow the algorithm to outperform existing
state-of-the-art superpixel methods. The search is
done for 10 iterations after initializing the cluster cen-
troids. This generation of superpixels may be re-
garded as an over-segmentation process.
The output is a labelled image, as the algorithm
assigns a unique label for each superpixel. An average
color value of all pixels in a superpixel is calculated
and assigned to the respective superpixel as shown in
Figure 3.
Formally let, µ
denote the mean of a set of colors
, p
,..., p
in region R, as given by equation (1):
where N is the total number of pixels in that re-
2.2 Region Adjacency Graph
A region adjacency graph (Tremeau and Colantoni,
2000) is created as a step towards merging of super-
pixels. The initial pre-segmentation, that is, initial
generation of superpixels is crucial to create an as-
sociated adjacency graph. There is no loss of visual
information in the pre-segmentation process. Pixels
are only merged if they belong to same superpixel re-
The over-segmented image is now considered as a
graph. The centroid of each superpixel in the image
is a node in the graph. All nodes in the adjacent re-
gions are joined to form an edge as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 3: Pill segmented with superpixels with compactness
factor = 12.
This collection of edges is called the region adjacency
Figure 4: Labelled image (zoomed) with region adjacency
graph, showing edges as lines.
The weight for the edge between two adjacent
nodes (van der Walt et al., 2014) can be defined in var-
ious ways. The superpixels can be merged using these
edge weights. As each superpixel is of uniform aver-
age color, the edge weights are defined by the differ-
ence of average color between the adjacent superpixel
regions. The regions connected with a lower edge
weight have similar color features and were merged
using a threshold value of 29, empirically determined
from a dataset of 30 random images from the provided
consumer quality images. The adjacent superpixel re-
gions are merged if the edge weight is lower than the
pre-determined threshold value; if the edge weight is
higher than the threshold value, the graph is cut as
shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: (a) Superpixels with graph cut (zoomed).
(b) Merged regions with graph cut (zoomed).
As a result, a fully connected region adjacency
graph (RAG) is divided into disconnected regions
with threshold-cuts as shown in Figure 6. The pixels
of newly generated regions are assigned to the aver-
age color value of the merged regions. This reduces
segmentation complexity substantially and results in
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
easier generation of the pill mask.
2.3 Post-processing
The image resulting from merging superpixel regions
by RAG thresholding is still affected by the shadows
of the pill. The outer shadow needs to be merged with
the background and the inner shadow shall be merged
with the object (pill).
When background color intensity is close to the
Pill color intensity, segmentation errors occur upon
merging. To overcome this problem, a histogram of
the image resulting after RAG thresholding is plotted
as shown in Figure 7. Since, the background occu-
pies most of the area in the image, the majority of the
pixels share the same intensity level as observed in
Figure 7. The bin of the histogram with background
pixels has the highest probability. All pixels sharing
this most probable bin value are assigned to zero in-
tensity. This eliminates the problem stated above.
Figure 6: Superpixels merge using RAG.
Figure 7: Histogram of image from figure 6.
On analyzing the color intensity values of vari-
ous pill images, the red and blue planes contribute the
majority of intensity changes from pill to its shadow.
After reviewing 30 random consumer-quality images
(previously used to determine the threshold for region
connecting), threshold cutoff values of 105 and 83
were chosen for red and blue planes respectively. An
Figure 8: Binary Mask of the Pill.
OR operation is applied to masks from both planes to
generate a single binary mask.
A morphological opening (erosion followed by di-
lation) is then done to remove blobs of radius less than
9 pixels with a circular structuring element. Any holes
in the mask are filled with a flood fill operation. A
final mask is generated by applying the convex hull
operation on the filled mask as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 9: Boundary marked on the pill (zoomed).
A distinct boundary along the edges of the pill is
shown in the overlay image for this mask, Figure 9. A
bounding box is applied to this mask to obtain the pill
region as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10: Result of bounding-box.
The proposed pill segmentation algorithm showed
favorable accuracy results for the 5000 consumer-
Real-world Pill Segmentation based on Superpixel Merge using Region Adjacency Graph
quality pill images provided by the NLM system.
Since the algorithm uses a color segmentation ap-
proach, some of the pills with color similar to back-
ground color were completely merged with the back-
ground, resulting in a complete black mask. This is
the primary limitation of the proposed algorithm.
The algorithm produced accurate segmentation re-
sults on the 2000 high-quality reference pill images as
shown in Figure 12. These images are chosen as the
benchmark for comparing the segmentation results of
consumer-quality pill images.
The 5000 consumer-quality masked pill images
were scored manually to analyze the accuracy of the
segmentation with respect to segmentation of refer-
ence pill images. Results show accurate segmentation
for 2243 pills, as shown in figure 11(left). For 1862
pills, some shadow is included along with the pill
in the mask (Figure 11, center). The remaining pill
images (17.9%) have false segmentation (Figure 11,
right) due to the challenges mentioned above. In sum-
mary, the proposed algorithm produces acceptable
segmentation accuracy for 82.1% of 5000 consumer-
quality pills.
Figure 11: Bounding-box of segmented Consumer Pill Im-
Figure 12: Bounding-box of segmented Reference Pill Im-
The time taken to run the algorithm (written in
python v2.7) on each pill image (of varying size with
largest being 2400 x 1600) on Intel Core i5 2400
processor, 8 GBytes DDR3 RAM and 512 MBytes
AMD RADEON HD 6350 graphics card is on aver-
age 683.95 seconds. In order to make the segmenta-
tion proceed faster, a scaling factor is introduced and
applied to reduce and resize the input image. Also the
number of superpixels, and the disk size for morpho-
logical operation are reduced as input image is scaled-
down. But there is a trade-off with the quality of the
mask generated as lower scaling factors are consid-
ered as shown in Figure 13. This is shown in Table
Figure 13: Segmentation results with scale factor 1(left),
0.4(center), 0.1(right).
1. The quality of generated binary masks on aver-
age is provided in Table 1 corresponding to 82.1% of
consumer-quality images with acceptable segmenta-
tion accuracy. The quality of the binary mask pro-
duced from each of those images for varying scale
factor (i = 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, ..., 0.1) are computed by equa-
tion 2.
100 (2)
Where Q
is the segmentation quality of the bi-
nary mask, p
is number of pixels in the object region
of binary mask and p
.0 is the number of pixels in
the object region of binary mask for a scale factor of
1.0. The speed factor, calculated as the ratio of the
average run-time to process each image at a particular
scale factor to that of the run-time to process the pill
image with scale factor 1.0. To provide best segmen-
tation results at a faster rate, a scaling factor of 0.4 is
considered to be the optimum value upon reviewing
all the image masks from the dataset.
Table 1: Effect of scaling factor on segmentation accuracy
and speed factor for individual pills.
Speed Factor Average Q
1.0 1.00x 100%
0.9 1.11x 97.82%
0.8 1.66x 97.76%
0.7 1.95x 97.43%
0.6 2.93x 97.10%
0.5 4.12x 96.67%
0.4 6.19x 98.46%
0.3 10.30x 94.07%
0.2 19.08x 89.80%
0.1 40.30x 83.19%
The proposed method of merging superpixel re-
gions using a region adjacency graph threshold-cut
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
approach to successfully segment consumer-quality
pills with few limitations. Application of a resiz-
ing factor gave some promising results for algorithm
speed, with a trade-off in quality of mask.
Although the process has eliminated the back-
ground noise and produced excellent results for most
of the pills and capsules, the shadows caused by pill
illumination is still a challenge for some pills. Pills
with similar background color also pose a great chal-
lenge in boundary determination. Finding an adapt-
able solution that works for all 5000 pills is challeng-
ing. Further analysis needs to be done to get accurate
segmentation for all the consumer-quality pills.
This project was originally developed as an en-
try to the Pill Image Recognition Challenge con-
ducted by the National Library of Medicine. The
5000 consumer-quality image data- sets were ac-
cessed from the NLM database. Future work corre-
sponds to extraction of various features that are cru-
cial to match the given consumer-quality pill images
to their reference images using rank scoring.
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Real-world Pill Segmentation based on Superpixel Merge using Region Adjacency Graph