in 98.46% (2107/2140) in classification and Orange
as 97.85% (2094/2140).
However, white and gray give confusing
classification results of 95.14% (2036/2140) and 90%
(1926/2140) since manual labelling consistency is
difficult for these colors with identical hues. After
adjusting Pillbox image labelling using the output
results, manually misclassified images can be
corrected, which improves classification accuracy to
as high as 99%. However, until labelling is further
investigated, the lower white and gray results are
used in calculating overall accuracy.
Under the idea of basic component colors for
classification, the features are extracted as the basis
of red, green and blue color related features.
Furthermore, the chromaticity, since it combines
saturation and hue (measuring color proportion over
all values of luminance), provides a simple model
for the color perceived by humans. Because of
uncertainty regarding labelling of white and gray,
performance ranged from over 98% for nine of the
colors to 97.85% for orange, 95.14% for white, and
90% for gray. Perfect accuracy (100%) is yielded as
the classification result for both cyan and pink color
Pillbox images. Overall, the classification accuracy
obtained from all the 12 color categories is 97.90%
which is higher than results obtained by (Madsen et
al, 2013) and (Wan et al., 2015).
Future research can be focused on principal
feature analysis to find the most significant features,
accuracy obtained from different current feature
groups. Additional data could enable classification
by unsupervised learning algorithms such as deep
learning. And, as to make the algorithm more
generalized and applicable in real world conditions,
a noise level study on the pill images should be
performed, taking into account non-optimal
condition such as uneven illumination, image blur
and heterogeneous backgrounds, etc.
As the first step in computing the visual content
in pill color recognition, we have already made
progress in reference image-based classification.
Additional research should also focus on imprint
identification, score marks and analysis of
consumer-quality pill identification, to enable
identification of pills under real-world conditions.
The images used in this research are obtained from
the NLM (National Library of Medicine) of National
Institutes of Health Pillbox image data base.
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