segmentation of the nuclei on a digitized histology
dataset of 71 images. The average accuracy for
segmentation results achieved is 96.47%. Table 2
provides a summary of the nuclei detection results
for these images
Table 2: Nuclei Segmentation Results, 71-image Dataset.
Total No.
75107 73791 1662 346
The best result, 100% detection of all the nuclei, was
achieved for an image where the nuclei were non-
overlapping and had larger nuclei as compared to the
other test images. A combination of morphology
operators is proposed as a method to optimize
information preservation while removing noise. In
the worst case (81% accuracy), nearly 20% of nuclei
were not detected, since many small nuclei were
removed in the morphological operations. We
experimented with modifying the algorithm to allow
small objects to be retained; this increased the
accuracy of nuclei detection for one particular image
by 10%, at a cost of drop in overall accuracy over
the 71-image set of 9%, from 96% to 87%. In our
current work, we use the original algorithm and
continue to seek an alternate solution which does not
degrade the overall accuracy. We propose the
simplified spatial cost function Equation (7), as a
cost function that may be generally applicable for
any N-class clustering problem of spatially
distributed objects. Since many problems involve
two classes, our novel technique represented in
Equation (8) is proposed as an optimal solution to
two-class spatial clustering problems.
This research was supported [in part] by the
intramural research program of the National
Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Library of
Medicine (NLM), and Lister Hill National Center
for Biomedical Communications (LHNCBC). We
gratefully acknowledge the medical expertise and
collaboration of Dr. Mark Schiffman and Dr.
Nicolas Wentzensen, both of the National Cancer
Institute’s Division of Cancer Epidemiology and
Genetics (DCEG).
The relatively small set presented here (71
images) is typical for this domain, with other studies
presenting fewer images. The 71 images represent
284 possible grading choices: normal, CIN1, CIN2
and CIN3. The domain addressed here is therefore
quite dependent on expert input. The large number
of segments, 710, and the large number of nuclei
present in each segment, provide a sufficiently large
number of nuclei for application of the methods
outlined here.
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