Investigating Graph Similarity Perception: A Preliminary Study and
Methodological Challenges
Tatiana von Landesberger
, Margit Pohl
, G
unter Wallner
, Martin Distler
and Kathrin Ballweg
Interactive Graphics Systems Group (GRIS), Technische Universit
at Darmstadt, Fraunhoferstrasse 5, Darmstadt, Germany
Institute for Design & Assessment of Technology, Vienna University of Technology, Argentinierstrasse 8, Vienna, Austria
Graph Comparison, Evaluation Methodology, Stimulus Development, Perception, Node-link Diagrams.
Graphs have become an indispensable model for representing data in a multitude of domains, including bi-
ology, business, financing, and social network analysis. In many of these domains humans are repeatedly
confronted with the need to visually compare node-link representations of graphs in order to identify their
commonalities or differences. Yet, despite its importance little is known about how much visual differences
affect users’ perception of graph similarity. As a result, more systematic investigations addressing this issue
are necessary. However, from a methodological point of view there are still many open questions regarding the
investigation of graph comparisons. To this end, this paper provides an overview of methodological challenges,
presents results of an explorative study conducted to identify individual factors influencing the recognition of
graph differences, and discusses lessons learned from this study. Our considerations and results can serve as
foundation for further studies in this area and can contribute to the comparability of these investigations.
Humans often use graph visualizations to assess how
(dis)similar graphs are (Gleicher et al., 2011; von
Landesberger et al., 2009; Von Landesberger et al.,
2011). Graphs play an important role in many areas,
for example, in biology, in business, financing, or in
the analysis of social networks. In all these areas net-
work visualizations have to be compared, either dif-
ferent but similar diagrams or dynamic diagrams at
different points in time. It is, therefore, an impor-
tant question how network visualizations should be
designed to support easy and efficient comparison, so
that essential differences are not overlooked.
By now, various visualization techniques sup-
porting visual graph comparison have been devel-
oped (Gleicher et al., 2011; Von Landesberger et al.,
2011). Among the many different types of visual-
izations for representing graph structures we will fo-
cus on node-link diagrams in this paper due to their
widespread use and their appropriateness for small
graphs (see also Ghoniem et al., 2005). Graph min-
ing has proposed dedicated graph similarity func-
tions (Gao et al., 2010). User studies have revealed
factors for good readability of individual graphs (Ar-
chambault and Purchase, 2012; Dwyer et al., 2009;
Kieffer et al., 2016; Purchase, 2002). The latter inves-
tigations have shown the need to study cognitive as-
pects for creating effective individual graph visualiza-
tions. However, there exist only a few guidelines for
designing good comparative visualizations (Gleicher
et al., 2011). Little is known about how much visual
differences affect users’ graph similarity notion.
Therefore, systematic investigations addressing
this issue are necessary. These investigations have to
clarify, on the one hand, how graphs have to be de-
signed to support comparison processes. On the other
hand, methodological issues have to be addressed.
From a methodological point of view, there are still
many open questions regarding the investigation of
graph comparisons. To this end, we conducted an ex-
plorative study to identify influencing factors for the
assessment of differences of graphs by human users.
In the context of this study we realized that there
are still many unresolved methodological problems.
There are methodologies of data collection and anal-
ysis from Cognitive Psychology and HCI which can
be used (e.g., thinking aloud, observation, etc.), but
there are still issues specific to the area of graph com-
prehension which need to be addressed. These issues
are especially related to the development of a dataset
and a set of appropriate stimuli (visualizations) for
von Landesberger T., Pohl M., Wallner G., Distler M. and Ballweg K.
Investigating Graph Similarity Perception: A Preliminary Study and Methodological Challenges.
DOI: 10.5220/0006137202410250
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 241-250
ISBN: 978-989-758-228-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the investigation to ensure that the investigations are
valid and yield results which are useful for designers.
Based on the research questions, the dataset, the graph
layout and structure, and the variations of elements of
the graphs have to be planned carefully to cover the
relevant issues in this context. This is a non-trivial
question which is rarely discussed in the visualization
community. A clarification of these issues can also
aid further research in other areas of information vi-
sualization. In Section 2 we will provide an overview
of these problems.
To address these issues we conducted a study of
perceived similarities between pairs of small labeled
networks shown as juxtaposed node-link diagrams
(see Section 4). We analyzed users’ ratings and state-
ments during visual graph comparison. To avoid con-
founding effects, we constrained the study to small
static comparisons. We present lessons learned from
this study (see Section 6). The presented considera-
tions for methodological issues can serve as a basis
for further studies, enabling comparability among fu-
ture investigations.
1. Definition of an appropriate dataset: The devel-
opment of an appropriate dataset is a challenging en-
deavor. In research on perceived graph similarity, re-
searchers have to decide between realistic and syn-
thetic datasets. Realistic datasets have the advantage
of supporting ecological validity. On the other hand,
the analysis of the perception of similarity of graphs
has to be based on a systematic variation of elements
of the graph. Realistic datasets often do not con-
tain or allow for all these variations. Therefore, in
many cases a synthetic dataset is better suited to sup-
port such research. Such a dataset has to be devel-
oped according to the research questions of the study.
Another important issue is also the content (e.g., the
node labels) of the dataset. Previous knowledge of
participants of a study about the dataset might vary
considerably and produce unintended effects.
2. Development of appropriate visualizations (stim-
uli): When studying the utility and usability of a vi-
sualization the design of the study material is of huge
importance. Researchers have to explain their as-
sumptions about the influence of the features of the
visualizations on the behavior of the users. In the con-
text of graphs and especially graph comparison, there
are three main influencing factors:
Graph layout and structure: The influence of the
graph layout and structure is obvious. On the one
hand, the graph layout should reflect the nature of
the tasks potential users of these graphs would want
to solve. On the other hand, the appearance of the
graph should enable the researchers to clearly iden-
tify influencing elements. Researchers have to con-
sider the trade-off between these two. Sometimes,
a less realistic visualization is a better way to iden-
tify which factors influence the users’ behavior.
Complexity of the graphs: Graphs which are
too complex might be difficult to investigate be-
cause not all influencing factors can be isolated.
Graphs can have different substructures. Even
in simple graphs, there are central and peripheral
nodes. Changes in these nodes have different con-
sequences on the perception of graph similarity.
More complex graphs can contain subgroups which
are clustered together. Adding meaningful labels
to graphs increases their complexity and also influ-
ences the perception of differences in certain ways.
Size of the graphs: The size of the graphs to be
compared is highly relevant. Basic research in
psychology indicates that simple graphs should be
used to be able to easily identify influencing factors
and avoid confounding effects. On the other hand,
larger graphs are more realistic and help to under-
stand how graph comparison works in real life. We
decided to use small graphs for the initial investi-
gation presented in this paper to avoid confound-
ing variables. The research process in psychol-
ogy, and more generally, in social sciences is based
on the idea that clear causal relationships between
independent and dependent variables can only be
identified when all additional influencing factors
can be determined by the researcher and kept con-
stant (Bortz and D
oring, 2007; Zimbardo and Ger-
rig, 2008). When investigating large graphs, a
considerable number of additional influencing vari-
ables has to be taken into consideration, because of
the amount of information available and also be-
cause occlusion makes perception of nodes, links,
and labels difficult (Huang et al., 2006b; McGee
and Dingliana, 2012). We think that it is necessary
to start with very simple graphs to identify basic
mechanisms of perception. When this is achieved
it is possible to add additional complexity in the
3. Systematic variation of elements of the visualiza-
tion: An important issue is the question which ele-
ments of a visualization should be considered for the
investigation. It is often not possible to consider all
kinds of features of a visualization in a study, there-
fore, researchers have to restrict their research to spe-
cific elements. In graphs, such elements might be the
structure or layout of the graph, the design of edges,
IVAPP 2017 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
edge crossings, usage of color, design of nodes, con-
tent (e.g., labels) of nodes etc. If a researcher, for
example, investigates the influence of edge crossings,
the number of edges between nodes, or the node la-
bels on the perception of graph similarity, these el-
ements have to be varied according to a systematic
plan. If these features are varied in combination,
the number of possible combinations will quickly be-
come huge. Therefore, not all variations can usually
be taken into account because participants of exper-
iments will get tired after a fairly limited number of
trials. Thus, researchers have to choose which vari-
ations to include in their experiment. This decision
will depend on the research question.
4. Interaction possibilities: Interaction possibilities
are also elements of a visualization which influence
the users’ behavior, but they have a specific charac-
ter. Sometimes, it makes sense to provide only a few
interaction possibilities to be able to identify the in-
fluence of these possibilities on the sensemaking ac-
tivities of the users more clearly. If there are too many
interaction possibilities in a user test, then it becomes
difficult to analyze the individual influence of each of
these possibilities because they might influence each
other. Interaction possibilities which are especially
relevant for graph comparison are, for example, high-
lighting specific areas of the graph, the possibility for
users to draw on top of the graph to annotate certain
areas, or moving parts of the graph around.
5. Measurement of graph similarity: Beside the is-
sues discussed above, the question on how to mea-
sure the responses from study participants deserves
specific mention as it is an often underestimated yet
essential factor in study design. Quantitative meth-
ods may be more economical when dealing with large
sample sizes but may miss contextual detail such as
why humans perceive graphs as more or less simi-
lar. However, the why may be especially important in
such kind of investigations. Qualitative methods may
shed light on this issue but are more time-consuming
and may thus limit the number of participants. Thus, a
mixed-methods approach, merging quantitative mea-
surements with qualitative methods (e.g., thinking
aloud, video capture, or annotations) seems promis-
ing. In terms of quantitative measurements, the type
of response scale (e.g., dichotomous, nominal, ordi-
nal, continuous) should also be selected with care as
it affects how nuanced the characterization of similar-
ity will be. Lastly, it also remains largely unclear how
many scales are appropriate for measuring graph sim-
ilarity, that is, should a single scale or multiple scales
focusing on different aspects of similarity (e.g., struc-
ture, content) be used.
6. Task: Lastly, the types of tasks users should per-
form need to be considered when designing and eval-
uating visualizations (for a general discussion see,
e.g., Schulz et al. (2013) while Lee et al. (2006) pro-
vide an overview of common tasks related to graph
data analysis). Consequently and ideally, the types
of tasks should thus also be taken into account when
studying the perception of graph similarities. For ex-
ample, if users are performing exploratory tasks their
notion of similarity may be influenced by other fac-
tors than when users engage in specific goal directed
tasks such as, for instance, assessing differences re-
garding the number of adjacent nodes.
In the following we briefly review visual network
comparison techniques and work concerned with per-
ception and cognition factors in graph readability.
3.1 Graph Comparison Visualization
Recent papers survey network visualization and vi-
sual comparison (Beck et al., 2014; Gleicher et al.,
2011; Hadlak et al., 2015; Vehlow et al., 2015;
Von Landesberger et al., 2011). Visual network com-
parison techniques deal with two or with many net-
works (Bremm et al., 2011; Graham and Kennedy,
2010). Gleicher et al. (2011) present three main cat-
egories of visual comparison techniques, including
juxtaposition which is easy to create and understand.
Juxtaposed views are sometimes extended by linking
the corresponding nodes between the graphs (Collins
and Carpendale, 2007; Holten and Van Wijk, 2008).
However, this can be misleading if links do not rep-
resent the inner graph structure well (Bremm et al.,
2011). Highlighting of similar parts shows common-
alities (Bach et al., 2014; Bremm et al., 2011; Holten
and Van Wijk, 2008), and collapsing the identical
parts emphasizes differences (Archambault, 2009).
Both, however, need a graph matching or similarity
function. While juxtaposition relies on user’s mem-
ory, superposition makes use of perception for com-
parison but can, in turn, lead to clutter and does not
scale well. Explicit encoding shows the computer-
determined comparison directly, but encounters prob-
lems with decontextualization and encoding under-
standability. In contrast, juxtaposition gives the user
full freedom to determine his/her comparison inter-
pretation – which is essential for our study. Thus, we
aim to clarify, which factors influence human’s no-
tion of graph similarity eventually leading to design
Investigating Graph Similarity Perception: A Preliminary Study and Methodological Challenges
3.2 Perception and Cognition Aspects in
Graph Visualization
Several works focus on the readability of single
graphs. Research has identified the following graph
readability factors: graph design, graph aesthetics and
layout, graph size, graph semantics as well as users’
background. Huang et al. (2006a) advise how to de-
sign node-link diagrams. They suggest, for example,
to highlight important nodes, to put the most impor-
tant nodes on the top or in the center, or to clus-
ter nodes which belong to the same group. Holten
and van Wijk (2009) recommend designs for directed
edges and Tennekes and de Jonge (2014) suggest node
coloring in hierarchies. McGrath et al. (1997) state
that layout can influence the interpretation of graphs.
Graph aesthetics, such as edge crossing minimiza-
tion, edge length homogeneity, edge angle specifics,
or edge bends play a role for creating readable lay-
outs (see Kobourov et al., 2014; Purchase, 2002; Pur-
chase et al., 2007). Several studies analyzing hu-
man views on graph layouts showed that humans pre-
fer force-directed-like layouts for small undirected
graphs, (e.g., Dwyer et al., 2009; Kieffer et al., 2016;
McGee and Dingliana, 2012).
It is generally accepted that larger networks are
more difficult to process because of the amount of in-
formation available and also because occlusions make
the perception of nodes, links, and labels more dif-
ficult (Huang et al., 2006b; McGee and Dingliana,
2012). Semantic aspects also influence graph percep-
tion (Purchase et al., 2001). Novick (2006) indicates
that performance in the interpretation of node-link di-
agrams depends on the layout of the graph as well as
on the content knowledge of the users. K
orner (2005)
also argues that graph comprehension is a process in-
tegrating visual and conceptual knowledge. The lay-
out of the graph has to reflect the specific nature of
the content, otherwise comprehension may fail.
Only a limited number of studies on perception
and cognitive aspects in comparison of node-link dia-
grams exists. Some interesting insights can be gained
from user studies dealing with dynamic graph visu-
alization (e.g., Archambault et al., 2011). Dynamic
graphs are often presented as several time slices one
after the other (Bach et al., 2014; Beck et al., 2014)
and users have to compare these time slices. Archam-
bault and Purchase (2012) argue that memorability
plays an important role. For example, Diehl and G
(2002) proposed a layout for dynamic graphs preserv-
ing the users’ mental model. Memorability also plays
an important role for juxtaposed graph comparison,
especially for larger graphs (Tominski et al., 2012).
The goal of this preliminary study is to identify fac-
tors which possibly influence the perceived similarity
of small star-shaped networks (see Section 4.1). To
streamline our study we focused on a subset of factors
inspired both by literature and our experience with vi-
sual network comparisons. This initial subset is, of
course, by no means complete but it covers a variety
of frequently occurring changes in graphs.
– The number of visually apparent edge changes.
– Changes in edge crossings as edge crossings are
a factor in graph aesthetics known to influence graph
readability (Purchase, 2002).
– Altering the label of the central node.
Exchanging labels between peripheral nodes
while keeping the graph structure the same (cf. GP1
in Table 1).
Familiarity with the theme of the graph as famil-
iarity may influence graph interpretability (cf. K
2005; Novick, 2006).
Professional background since people with
graph theory knowledge may focus more on structural
changes rather than on visual differences (McGrath
and Blythe, 2004).
4.1 Data Set
As pointed out above we focused on differences be-
tween pairs of juxtaposed labeled node-link diagrams
for our first preliminary study. Because of the multi-
tude of factors which may affect the perceived simi-
larity of graphs we confined the experiment to small
graphs. While this admittedly may limit the general-
izability of our results to graphs of varying sizes this
setting allowed for more control over confounding
factors. Specifically, we used a star-shape-like graph
structure with one central node and five nodes on the
periphery which can also have edges between them.
In these pairs we encoded various differences which
– according to our hypotheses stated above – may in-
fluence the perceived similarity of two graphs. The
dataset was composed of 11 graph pairs (GPs), each
consisting of a reference graph and an altered graph
(see Table 1).
Changes in Edge Structure. We included visual
edge additions (see GP3, GP4, GP7) and edge dele-
tions. Edge deletions were combined with additions
(i.e., edge moves, see GP9, GP10, GP11). These
changes occurred at various locations in the graph
(compare, e.g., GP3 and GP7).
IVAPP 2017 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Table 1: Overview of the experiment graphs (Hollywood theme) with their encoded change factors (F1 = number of edge
changes, F2 = edge crossing change, F3 = label change altering the meaning, F4 = label change without changing the
meaning). Node labels were shortened for illustration purposes. A = Actor, M = Musician, BP = Brad Pitt, AJ = Angelina
Jolie, JL = Jennifer Lopez, WS = Will Smith, and BW = Bruce Willis.
Graph Pair
Label switch between AJ and
0 NO YES NO Label of central node changed.
Added edge between AJ and
BP. Note, AJ and BP are a cou-
Added edge between BP and
BW, AJ and BW switched la-
A and BP switched labels and
thus central node has changed;
added edge between A and AJ.
Same changes as in GP5, but
with a second added edge (be-
tween A and BW).
Added edge between WS and
A and AJ switched labels thus
altering the central node.
... continued on next page
Investigating Graph Similarity Perception: A Preliminary Study and Methodological Challenges
Graph Pair
Removed edge between A and
WS; added edge between WS
and JL.
Added edge between AJ and
BP; removed edge between
AJ and WS. This also removes
the edge crossing.
Same changes as in GP10 (add
and remove edge removing
edge crossing) but the refer-
ence graph is different.
Changes in Edge Crossings. Edge crossings were
present in four reference graphs (GP8 GP11) of
which two pairs also encoded a change in edge cross-
ing (GP10 and GP11).
Change of Center Node. The central node of the
star-like graph has a label which attributes meaning
to the graph. Peripheral nodes support this meaning.
Consequently, this allowed us to test if changing the
label of the central node has semantic implications.
Label Exchange between Peripheral Nodes.
Switching labels on the periphery does not influence
the graph structure but can be considered as a kind
of node reordering. This allowed us to test how
much influence the order of nodes has on the graph
Graph pairs GP4, GP5, and GP6 encoded multiple of
the above described differences. Each graph pair ex-
isted twice, once labeled with names of Hollywood
actors and once with psychology personalities, result-
ing in a total of 22 graph pairs (2 × 11). This allowed
us to assess the factor of familiarity (F
4.2 Procedure
The study was conducted in a controlled environment
(room, table, etc.) on a laptop with touchscreen and a
touch-enabled pen. At the beginning the participants
were informed about the goal and the procedure of the
study. Next, they were instructed on how to use the
tool after which a training phase with a set of three to
five graph pairs followed. Participants were asked to
consider content aspects as well as structural aspects.
Once the participants felt confident with the tool the
main study – consisting of two parts in random order
was conducted: comparing graph pairs with Hol-
lywood actors and with the psychology theme. For
that purpose the reference graph and the altered graph
were shown side-by-side. Within each part all studied
graph pairs were shown in random order. For each
pair participants had to rate its similarity on an 8-point
scale (0 = very different to 7 = identical). During the
study thinking aloud protocols were recorded which
were then transcribed and analyzed for reoccurring
themes. Participants could also make drawings using
the user interface. The study lasted between 30 and
60 minutes.
4.3 Participants
We recruited 24 volunteers master students and re-
search assistants from the [anonymous] university.
12 subjects had a major in computer science and 12
subjects had a background in psychology (F
). Sub-
jects were between 18 and 35 years of age with equal
proportion of females and males. Psychology sub-
jects, in contrast to computer science subjects, had no
background in graph theory or in network visualiza-
tion. All participants but one stated to be familiar with
Hollywood actors and only two participants stated to
be familiar with psychological personalities. Thus,
we assumed that participants were familiar with the
Hollywood topic and the opposite was the case for
the psychology topic (F
IVAPP 2017 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Table 2 lists the distribution of the ratings for the in-
dividual graphs of the Hollywood set. Ratings of the
psychology graph pairs did not differ substantially
from the Hollywood graph pairs (as also confirmed by
statistical analysis which showed no influence of the
graph topic on the ratings, see below) and are thus not
listed due to space restrictions. Informal inspection of
these distributions revealed three patterns which will
be described in detail in the following. We will also
amend the discussion with insights gained from the
analysis of the thinking aloud protocols (see Table 3).
+ Dominant similarity ratings correspond to graph
pairs with small structural differences which do not
alter the meaning of the graph (GP1, GP3, GP4, and
GP7). Analysis of the think aloud protocols revealed
that participants realized that structure and content of
GP1 did not change despite switching the labels of
two nodes. Graph pairs GP3, GP4, and GP7 have
structural differences in the sense that one edge has
been added. Contrary to GP1 they have no label
changes. As expected, the participants focused on
edge related aspects (19, 16, and 20 statements, re-
spectively). An interesting observation could be made
for GP3 where participants specifically stressed the
newly added connection between Angelina Jolie and
Brad Pitt which is also meaningful in a real-life con-
text where both are in a relationship with each other.
Graph pairs where the label of the central node
(i.e., context node) changed (GP2, GP5, GP6, and
GP8) received predominant dissimilar ratings with
the majority of participants noting a change in con-
text. More specifically, with respect to GP2, 22
statements of the thinking aloud protocols were con-
cerned with a context change (actor musician) and
16 statements were related to different content. The
statements regarding GP5, GP6, and GP8 were very
similar. In all three instances, the respondents men-
tioned that the location of the context node changed
(that is, it has been moved to the periphery) (19x, 14x,
21x), highlighted the change in the focus of the rela-
tionships (13x, 14x, 11x), and noted the deleted edge
which formerly connected the persons to their profes-
sion (10x, 11x, 7x).
± Bipolar similar/dissimilar ratings correspond to
graph pairs with both structural and content changes
(GP9, GP10, and GP11). Interestingly, all these
graph pairs together with GP8 (also having a partly
bipolar rating) have a reference graph with an edge
crossing. The bipolar rating distribution is also re-
flected in the participants’ statements. About half of
the respondents mentioned edge changes (13x, 12x,
15x). Others, in turn, primarily focused on content
Table 2: Rating distribution for the Hollywood graph pairs
and rating modes(s). Ratings: very different (0) to identical
(7). Background color reflects the number of ratings from
white (0) to blue (max), D = distribution type, M = median.
GP D Ratings M
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
GP1 + 0 0 0 1 1 3 8 11 6
GP2 - 3 5 8 1 1 3 2 1 2
GP3 + 0 0 4 2 2 7 8 1 5
GP4 + 2 0 4 3 2 9 3 0 5
GP5 - 5 5 8 2 0 2 2 0 2
GP6 - 7 4 7 1 1 4 0 0 2
GP7 + 0 0 1 3 1 9 8 2 5
GP8 ± 2 6 7 2 0 6 1 0 2
GP9 ± 0 1 8 5 0 6 2 2 3
GP10 ± 3 1 7 0 3 7 2 1 4
GP11 ± 0 2 7 2 4 7 2 0 4
aspects, noting, for example, the formation of groups
(5x), the unclear meaning of edges (5x), or the focus
on relationships (11x). It seems that several different
factors influenced the participants’ ratings.
Next, we tested the influence of the above de-
scribed factors (F1-F6) on the perceived graph sim-
ilarity rating using a regression. Due to the ordinal
response scale and the within-subject design we used
general estimating equations (GEE) with an ordinal
logistic regression model and the factors F1 F6 as
predictors (for an introduction to GEE models see,
e.g., Hardin and Hilbe, 2012). Missing responses (3
out of 24 × 22) were excluded from the analysis. All
factors relating to changes were compared by select-
ing the no change condition as reference category.
GEE model estimates are shown in Table 4, signif-
icant factors are written in italics. To complement
the evaluation, we also assessed differences in the
ratings between specific graph pairs in order to de-
velop a better understanding of the significant pre-
dictors. For that purpose we used pairwise Wilcoxon
signed-rank tests with a significance level of .05. For
reasons of comparability, however, we will restrict
pair-wise comparisons to graph pairs which only have
one difference in graph changes (e.g., one vs. two
added edges) or have the same changes in the refer-
ence graphs. In the following, we discuss the GEE
results in more detail.
- Number of Visually Apparent Edge Changes:
The number of added and removed edges showed to
be a significant factor lowering the similarity rating
both for one edge (B = 1.510, OR = 0.22) and
two edge differences (B = 1.897, OR = 0.15).
This result was expected, as it seems natural that
larger changes lead to lower similarity. This was
Investigating Graph Similarity Perception: A Preliminary Study and Methodological Challenges
Table 3: Three most frequent statements for each graph pair.
# Most frequent statements
GP1 20 12 7
not important
GP2 22 16 7
graph does
not make
GP3 19 15 6
extra edge relationship
graph does
not make
GP4 16 10 10
extra edge arrangement
GP5 19 14 10
location of
focus is on
deleted edge
to profession
GP6 14 13 11
location of
focus is on
deleted edge
to profession
GP7 12 8 6
extra edge edge changed meaning of
edges unclear
GP8 21 11 7
location of
focus is on
deleted edge
to profession
GP9 13 13 5
edge changed deleted edge
to profession
GP10 12 6 5
edge changed edge crossing formation of
GP11 15 7 5
edge changed edge crossing meaning of
edges unclear
also confirmed by a pairwise Wilcoxon signed-
rank test comparing GP5 with GP6 which differ
only in one edge (changing one vs. two edges,
Z = 3.471, p = .001).
- Changes in Edge Crossings lower the rating
significantly (B = 0.771, OR = 0.46). The signif-
icance of this factor could be confirmed by compar-
ing ratings of GP9 and GP10, both having two edge
changes, but only one graph pair has an edge crossing
change (Z = 3.801, p < .001).
- Change of Center Node is the factor which
lowers the rating by the largest extent (B = 3.221,
OR = 0.04). This is also supported by a Wilcoxon
pairwise test of GP1 and GP2 which both have a la-
bel change once on the periphery and once in the
center (Z = 4.120, p < .001). The central node
change seems to dominate over the size of visual edge
changes. As an example, graph pairs GP5 and GP6
have the same central node change. Both graph pairs
have also a visual edge change, but of a different size
(one or two). Interestingly, the subjects rated both
graph pairs similarly (Z = 0.403, p = .687).
- Label Switch Leading to Visual Rearrange-
ment does not have a significant impact on the rating
(B = 0.121, OR = 0.89). Analysis of the think
aloud protocols showed that most users recognized
the irrelevance of these label changes on the graph
structure. Thus, they did not consider them in their
- Familiarity with the Graph Topic does not in-
fluence the rating significantly in our case (B = 0.102,
OR = 1.11). Thinking aloud indicates that the partic-
ipants paid attention to the same visual and structural
factors in both cases. The users could infer meaning
changes even for the psychology graphs despite their
unfamiliarity. This result should, however, be inter-
preted with caution as not all graphs may be easily in-
terpreted when users are unfamiliar with the topic. In
our case, both conditions included names of person-
alities and consisted of a very small number of nodes.
This could have eased their interpretation.
- Users’ Professional Background was not a
significant factor (B = 0.092, OR = 1.1). This sug-
gests that the readability of changes in small labeled
graphs with a star-shaped structure is irrespective
from graph theory knowledge and visualization
Apart from the results gained by the study described
in this paper we could also identify methodological
challenges for the investigation of the perception of
graph similarity.
In general, it may seem preferable to use realistic
datasets for the investigation of visualizations. For the
investigation of the perception of similarity of graphs,
however, in most cases only synthetic datasets are ad-
visable because a significant subset of variations of
features has to be analyzed. These variations are usu-
ally not available in a realistic dataset and have to be
constructed according to the research questions. In
addition, the previous knowledge of the participants
of the study, which has some relationship to the con-
tent of a dataset, has also to be taken into account. In
our investigation, this knowledge did not have much
influence on the results. Nevertheless, there is some
IVAPP 2017 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications
Table 4: GEE predicting the effect of the tested factors on the perceived graph similarity rating. Odds ratios (OR) are
calculated by exponentiation of the B coefficient. Reference categories for the individual predictors are given in brackets and
significant predictors are highlighted in italics.
Predictor (reference) B OR 95% CI
– Nr. of edge changes (0)
1 edge change -1.510 0.22
-2.08 to -0.94
2 edge changes -1.897 0.15
-2.59 to -1.20
– Edge crossing change (no) -0.771 0.46
-1.41 to -0.13
– Label Change with meaning (no) -3.221 0.04
-3.90 to -2.54
– Label change without meaning (no) -0.121 0.89 -0.56 to 0.32
– Graph topic (Hollywood) 0.102 1.11 -0.18 to 0.38
– Profession (Computer Science) 0.092 1.10 -0.64 to 0.83
p < .05;
p < .001
indication that in other studies this influence was sig-
nificant (e.g., Shah and Hoeffner, 2002). Further re-
search has to identify the reasons for the presence or
absence of this influence.
The different features of the graphs have to be in-
vestigated systematically. There is a large amount of
features which can influence the perception of simi-
larities of graphs. In our investigation we only used
the number of edges, edge crossings, and content
(specifically, node labels) as features influencing the
behavior of the participants. Our first results suggest
that content plays an important role and changing the
label of the central node is more relevant than chang-
ing the label of peripheral nodes. Changes in the num-
ber of edges and edge crossings also have some influ-
ence. It depends on the preference of the participants
which aspects are more important to them. If both
types of changes (content and structure) are present, a
bipolar distribution of the similarity ratings can occur,
indicating that there are two distinct groups of partic-
ipants, one taking content more into account, and the
other for whom structure is more important. How-
ever, there are still many open issues in this context
(e.g., are semantic changes distinguished from visual-
only changes, that is, changes where the data stays
the same but the layout changes), and many other fea-
tures of graphs have to be investigated. The system-
atic variation is essential for the investigation, espe-
cially the combination of various features. In our case
it was combining number of edges, number of edge
crossings, and labels of graphs. Even developing an
investigation plan for the variation of such a limited
amount of features was challenging. We had espe-
cially to take into account that the cognitive load on
the participants was manageable. Experience shows
that participants are only able to rate a limited num-
ber of graph pairs in one experiment. Therefore, we
think that a number of investigations following each
other has to be conducted to study a relevant part of
all possible variations.
We did not provide the participants with interac-
tion possibilities to avoid confounding effects. It can
be argued that, for example, the number of edges or
the change of node labels can be detected more eas-
ily when the possibility of highlighting is provided.
Therefore, the influence which edges or edge cross-
ings play have to be studied in isolation without tak-
ing the confounding factors of interaction into ac-
count. This also indicates that a number of consecu-
tive studies with an increasing amount of complexity
and interactivity should be conducted.
We think that the challenge of developing an appropri-
ate dataset and appropriate stimuli (i.e., variations of
visualizations) for evaluation purposes is sometimes
underestimated. For systematic basic research in this
area which can uncover the influence of individual
features of a visualization, this activity is neverthe-
less necessary. In this paper, we try to demonstrate
issues related to this question using the example of
graph comparison. We also provided a first overview
of contributing factors which are relevant in this area.
This is by no means a comprehensive list of such fac-
tors. We intend to investigate this issue in more detail
in future work. Based on this work, we want to con-
duct several studies with graphs of increasing com-
plexity and interactivity to identify influencing factors
for graph comparison. We already presented first ten-
tative results of such a study. The goal of this work is
to develop guiding principles for the design of graphs
which can support graph comparison efficiently.
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IVAPP 2017 - International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications