serves as a knowledge base for the automatic
derivation of UI variants. The data-centric ap-
proach allows the reuse of the model in different
contexts and - by using a non-proprietary representa-
tion for the model - the sharing and integration into
different environments.
In this paper a model-driven approach for the auto-
matic generation of UIs for dialog-based linked data
applications is presented. It is based on an UI-
agnostic, ontological model of the processed appli-
cation data enhanced by type-related, structural and
behavioural information to generate non-trivial UIs.
Additionally, it contains information on how input
data maps to linked data input of target business
services – enabling the generated UIs to be used in a
linked data services ecosystem.
In the course of the paper, the information needs
are identified and a meta-model is derived from
which non-trivial UIs can be inferred. The infor-
mation needs are mapped to an ontological descrip-
tion, relying on RDF/OWL constructs to get a non-
proprietary representation. The mapping of input
data to target ontology instances is shown and the
process to derive UIs and target data is outlined.
Finally, the evaluation is presented which provides
an implementation of the generation process for UIs
from an Application Ontology.
The results of the evaluation indicate the feasibil-
ity of the proposed Application Ontology to be used
for generating UIs for dialog based linked data ap-
plications. Since the number of artefacts is reduced
to a single, UI-agnostic application model, contain-
ing information for UI generation and produce an
outcome understood by linked data services, the
manual step for building UIs can be eliminated.
Using a universal representation as RDF/OWL al-
lows the application model to be sharable and the
contained semantics can be exploited using standard
tools for reasoning on the model and instances.
The approach is intentionally limited to dialog
based, interview-like applications, that are very
important and frequently used in enterprise infor-
mation systems (e.g., in the insurance domain).
Since a limited set of applications was used for anal-
ysis, we do not claim completeness of the identified
interaction patterns. The practical use of the ap-
proach might bring forth additional interaction pat-
terns, extending the basic information set in future.
Regarding the proposed use of ontologies, the evalu-
ation strongly indicates the usefulness for UI deriva-
tion – though it uses proprietary annotations and
thus restricting its universality. Future work might
concentrate on finding more general ways for incor-
porating the information.
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