models for the new method.
All in all, information security risk assessments
using the method based on pairwise weighting tested
in this paper cannot be recommended. However,
before dismissing pairwise weighting altogether,
there are a few possible modifications to be
evaluated. First, the use of the traditional AHP scale
for the comparisons should be compared to the
merits of using other scales, such as scales based on
fewer steps or different sets of values assigned to the
steps of the scale.
Secondly, alternative approaches to selecting the
pairs of threats to be compared should be tested.
Ideally each pair of threats should be compared.
However, such an approach would be highly
cumbersome to the raters since the number of
necessary comparisons grows by roughly the total
amount of threats for each additional threat.
Conversely, the approach used in this study is based
on the lowest possible number of comparisons,
which although less unwieldy cannot easily account
for inconsistencies in inter-respondent ratings.
Redundancy in the comparisons could be used to
decrease the problem of inconsistent weightings and
provide an overall more consistent results among the
respondents. A probable improvement would be to
utilise a software tool to give raters a better
overview of the threats as a whole, while also
facilitating backtracking and further analysis.
Consequently, there is room for more
experiments on using pairwise weighting for
information security risk assessments.
This work was conducted in the FOI research project
Assessment and Analysis of IT Systems, which is
funded by the R&D program of the Swedish Armed
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