brain at the expense of organs less sensitive to
hypoxia. This increase in cerebral perfusion is
partially independent of the partial pressure of CO
(Reis et al., 1997).
Differentiated heart-generated arterial pulsation
in response to experimental breath-hold may
partially explain the variability in tolerance to
apnoea, hypercapnia and hypoxia observed in
normal subjects.
The high within- and between-subject
reproducibility and repeatability of NIR-T/BSS
measurements have been demonstrated earlier
(Frydrychowski et al., 2002). NIR-T/BSS, like
NIRS, allows for direct within-subject comparisons
(Frydrychowski et al., 2002), (Wagner et al., 2003).
As long as changes from baseline values are
analysed, high between-subject reproducibility is
observed. However, measurements with the use of
infrared light do not allow for direct comparisons
between subjects due to differences in skull bone
parameters (Frydrychowski et al., 2002), (Wagner et
al., 2003).
The analysis showed that Δ
sasTQ>0 depends on
heart rate changes (Δ
HR), mean cerebral blood
flow velocity changes (Δ
CBFV) and pulsatility
index changes (Δ
PI) and Δ
sasTQ<0 depends on
heart rate changes (Δ
HR) and pulsatility index
changes (Δ
PI). This finding indicates two different
modes of regulation.
Using mathematical modeling, we verified the
assumption that ccTQ is predominantly heart-
determined. This is an important step in the further
development of NIR-T/BSS technology toward its
clinical application. Furthermore, the variable heart-
generated arterial pulsation response to experimental
breath-hold described in this study provides new
insights into our understanding of the complex
mechanisms governing adaptation to apnoea in
humans. Finally, we propose a mathematical
methodology that can be used in further clinical
research aimed at the development of personalized
markers that will enable better diagnosis.
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