Assessment methods. Various initiatives emerges to
extend the use of risk assessment to the privacy
domain. E.g., the Commission nationale de
l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL - In English:
National Commission on Informatics and Liberty)
proposes a privacy risks assessment method, which
can be integrated in a privacy impact assessment
(Netha, 2016). The National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) is also developing a specific
privacy risk management model and framework and
attempting to integrate it with its security risk
management framework. These initiatives can be
seen as an extension to the Australian National
eHealth Security and Access Framework approach
(Netha, 2016), as they do not only address the CIA
triad, but additional objectives associated with
privacy. As the privacy objectives of the individuals
are translated into objectives of the organization, they
however remain focalized on fully assessing the risks
(the combination of both threat and impact) on the
organization. The PMM, as an extension of the SST,
is an artefact that could sustain the PIA management.
Therefore, the preliminary work related to the
mapping between the risk and the BSE could serve as
a good basis considering that risk of enterprise
privacy breach is a function of the tuple privacy
threat, privacy impact, privacy vulnerability. Based
on the integration of BSE - PMM, and given the
alignment between the risk concepts and the BSE, it
is possible to extrapolate the enterprise PIA to the
sectorial level as well.
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