Automatic Visual Detection of Incorrect Endoscope Adaptions in
Chemical Disinfection Devices
Timo Brune
, Björn Brune
, Sascha Eschborn
and Klaus Brinker
University of Applied Sciences Hamm Lippstadt, Marker Allee 76-78, Hamm, Germany
Olympus Surgical Technologies Europe, Kuehnstraße 61, Hamburg, Germany
Keywords: Computer Vision, Feature Detection, Surf, Sift, Registration, Machine Learning, Supervised Learning,
Endoscopes, Disinfection.
Abstract: This paper presents a complete analyzing system for detecting incorrect endoscope adaptions prior to the
use of chemical disinfection devices to guarantee hygienic standards and to save resources. The adaptions
are detected visually with the help of an image registration algorithm based on feature detection algorithms.
On top of the processing pipeline, we implemented a k-nearest neighbor algorithm to predict the status of
the adaption. The proposed approach shows good results in detecting the adaptions correctly.
Endoscopic diagnostic is the main application for
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and has a huge
clinical relevance. An important part of endoscopes
is the quality of the preprocessing of the devices and
the resulting hygiene, to minimize the contamination
of the patient with microbes (Bader, 2002). In the
past microbes have developed resistances against
antibiotics. Consequent hygiene is therefore
indispensable. Muscarella (Muscarella, 2014)
showed that insufficient preprocessed endoscopes
are responsible for the contamination with CRE-
microbes. To guarantee an acceptable hygienic
standard, we need to disinfect the endoscopes. To do
this in a constant quality we apply supervising
preprocessing of the endoscopes.
So called cleaning and disinfection devices for
endoscopes (CDD-E) perform well in cleaning the
endoscope’s exterior and interior, where the
procedure of adaption is rather complex. Medical
employees often do not adapt the endoscopes
correctly to the CDD-E because of this complexity.
These adaption errors lead to a lack of hygiene. The
CDD-E is able to detect these errors and can
terminate the process of cleaning. An interruption
always costs operational time of up to 20 minutes,
water, cleaning chemicals and energy. We have
implemented a system tailored to detect those
adaption errors prior to the disinfection to save these
resources and ensure the quality of the
We consider the margin between an endoscope
adapter and its adaption counterpart in the chemical
disinfection device in order to detect connection
faults. We have transformed the underlying problem
of determining the size of the gap between the
respective parts into an image registration problem
(Handels, 2009). Hence we want to try to align two
reference images of the two sides of the adapter to
an image of the disinfection device which contains
the endoscope and the adaption counterparts. Please
note that this new image is a 2d-projection of the
underlying 3d-scene. In this paper we make use of a
feature-based approach to image registration
(Zitova, 2003). The first step in this processing
pipeline is to detect feature points for each image
independently. In a second step corresponding
feature points on different images are matched.
We detect feature points with two different
feature detection algorithms which detect, describe
and match possible correspondences and compare
their performance on our problem. More precisely
we choose the algorithms scale-invariant feature
transform (SIFT) (Lowe, 2004) and speeded up
robust features (SURF) (Bay, 2008). We describe
these feature detection algorithms in more detail in
Chapter 2.2.4.
On top of the extracted features we use a simple
k-nearest neighbor algorithm to classify correct /
incorrect adaptions. More details are given in