Generation of Femtosecond Pulses in 1 µm Spectral Range by
Dispersion Managment with Asymptotically Single-mode Hybrid
S. S. Aleshkina
, M. V. Yashkov
, A. K. Senatorov
, L. D. Iskhakova
, M. M. Bubnov
A. N. Guryanov
and M. E. Likhachev
Fiber Optics Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 38 Vavilov Street, Moscow, Russia
Institute of High Purity Substances of Russian Academy of Sciences, 49 Tropinin Street, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Keywords: Hybrid Fiber, Femtosecond Pulse, Asymptotically-singlemode Fiber, Pulse Compression, Dispersion
Compensation, Fiber Laser, Solitons, Dispersion Shifted Fiber.
Abstract: A novel technique for suppression of unwanted modes in the hybrid fiber with anomalous dispersion near 1
µm has been proposed and realized. For this aim a special absorbing layer was placed to the position of the
hybrid mode electric field minimum. As a result all other mode has excessive loss in the spectral region near
1.06 µm. On the contrary the optical loss of the hybrid mode almost does not change. Realized fiber was used
for high quality pulse compression down to duration of 440 fs and energy of about of 20 pJ. Intra-cavity
dispersion management has allowed us to realize a master-oscillator with output pulse energy up to 0.55 nJ
and pulse duration below 700 fs.
Intra- or extra-cavity dispersion management is
essential demand for femtosecond fiber lasers. The
lack of commercially available fibers with anomalous
dispersion in the 1 µm spectral region requires
utilization of bulk elements (diffraction grating (for
example, Okhotnikov, 2003)) for dispersion
compensation, which degrade system reliability. To
keep monolithic laser design specialty fibers with
anomalous dispersion in this spectral region has been
intensively developed. However by now all the
proposed fiber designs have significant drawbacks:
high nonlinearity (in the case of Photonic Cristal
Fibers (Monro, 1999; Akowuah, 2009; Herda, 2008;
Knight, 2000; Lim, 2002)), few-mode propagation
regime (in the case of hollow-core fibers (Lim, 2004;
Kolyadin, 2015; Saitoh, 2009; Bouwmans, 2003)),
sensitivity to temperature and fiber tension (in the
case of high order modes excitation by long-period
gratings (Nicholson, 2007; Ramachandran, 2006)).
Sophisticated production technology for all these
types of fibers, difficulties with splicing to ordinary
fibers (Herda, 2008; Knight, 2000; Lim, 2002; Lim,
2004) and limited operation bandwidth (Likhachev,
2007; Luan, 2004; Isomäki, 2006; Z. Várallyay, 2009;
Kibler, 2009) prevent wide spreading of above
mentioned fiber designs. In the current
communication we have proposed a new type of fiber
for dispersion management that is free from above
mention drawbacks. Utilization of this fiber allowed
us to generate high energy femtosecond pulses near
1.06 µm in different laser schemes.
In our previous work a novel hybrid fiber design
was proposed (Aleshkina, 2013). Refractive index
profile (RIP) of the structure consists of the core with
refractive index higher than that of undoped silica. It
is surrounded by one or few high-index ring layers,
thin depressed layer and undoped silica outer
cladding. From general point of view such fiber is a
multimode. However, the majority of the fiber modes
(including the fundamental one) are localized inside
the high index ring layers. There is only one mode,
which we call hybrid, located in the core region. The
mode electrical field distribution is similar to that of
the Bragg fiber mode (Likhachev, 2007). Similar to
the Bragg fiber the hybrid mode propagates inside the
depressed (relative to the high-index layers) core due
to coherent Fresnel reflections from high index ring
layers. However total internal reflection mechanism
allows propagation of the hybrid mode with a low loss
(effective refractive index of the hybrid mode is
Aleshkina S., Yashkov M., Senatorov A., Iskhakova L., Bubnov M., Guryanov A. and Likhachev M.
Generation of Femtosecond Pulses in 1 Îijm Spectral Range by Dispersion Managment with Asymptotically Single-mode Hybrid Fiber.
DOI: 10.5220/0006144200700075
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology (PHOTOPTICS 2017), pages 70-75
ISBN: 978-989-758-223-3
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
higher than that of undoped silica cladding). The main
advantage of the hybrid mode is that it has anomalous
dispersion in the wavelength region of about 1 m
(Aleshkina, 2013; Aleshkina, 2015). Utilization of the
hybrid fiber as a chirped pulse compressor has
allowed us to decrease pulse duration from 8 ps to 330
fs, energy of the pulses was about 0.005 nJ
(Aleshkina, 2013).
An additional advantage of the hybrid fiber is
possibility of its splicing with a conventional step-
index single-mode fiber having a similar mode field
diameter. However, a small fraction (~ 10-20%) of
the modes localized in the high index ring layers is
also excited in this case. The propagation of several
modes in the core has not allowed us to realize the
truly single mode operation regime of the fiber used
as chirped pulse compressor. The autocorrelation
traces had several peaks with different intensity,
moving away from the central peak when fiber length
was increased. Thus an important step for
development of lasers based on hybrid fiber design is
the removal of unwanted modes from the hybrid fiber.
In the present paper, the method of unwanted
modes suppression in the hybrid fiber is
experimentally demonstrated. The realized optical
fiber was used as a chirped pulse fiber compressor, as
well as intracavity dispersion compensation element
of ring soliton laser. In both cases subpicosecond
pulses with Gauss shape were demonstrated. Study of
autocorrelation traces confirms single-mode
propagation regime of the hybrid fiber.
The main idea of the proposed method is based on
introduction of a highly absorbing cylindrical layer to
the position of operating mode minimum. In this case,
the optical loss of the hybrid mode is kept almost
unchanged, while the optical loss of the all other
(unwanted) modes can be made very high. The reason
is that the fraction of unwanted modes power
confined in the absorbing layer is orders of magnitude
higher as compared to that of the hybrid mode. Figure
1a shows a designed RIP of the hybrid fiber.
Calculated dispersion at a wavelength of 1.06 µm is
about 100 ps/(nm km) (Figure 1b). The electrical field
intensity distributions over the radius for the hybrid
mode LP
and modes LP
and LP
located in the
high index ring layers are shows in Figure 1a as well.
It can be seen that the hybrid mode LP
has two
intensity minima, one located inside the fiber core (on
the boundary with high-index ring layer), and the
second one located between the high-index ring
layers (Figure 2a). According to our calculations
optical minimum located between the high index ring
layers is less sensitive to bending, as well as to shift
the operating wavelength. Therefore, from a practical
point of view, introduction of the absorbing layer to
this position is more preferable. To achieve high
optical loss we used doping of the layer with Sm
due to its intense absorption bands in the spectral
region near 1 micron.
Figure 1: a – Designed refractive index profile of the hybrid
fiber and calculated mode field intensity distribution; b –
calculated dispersion of the fiber.
The fiber preform was fabricated by the Modified
Chemical Vapour deposition (MCVD) technique.
The RIP was formed by geranium oxide doping of
silica glass. The absorbing layer is implemented by
solution doping method. Fiber with an external
diameter of 125 m was drawn from this perform and
coated by high refractive-index (n~1.52) acrylate
coating. Measured RIP and image of the fiber end are
shown in Figure 2. Estimated from prefom analysis
Sm ions distribution across the fiber cross section is
shown in Figure 2 as well.
Generation of Femtosecond Pulses in 1 Îijm Spectral Range by Dispersion Managment with Asymptotically Single-mode Hybrid Fiber
Investigation of modal content in the realized
hybrid fiber has showed that after 5 m the only one
hybrid LP
mode can propagates. Unwanted modes
were detected only at fiber lengths shorter than 5m by
displacement of the excitation beam from the fiber
axis. Even in this case the preferable excitation of the
hybrid mode is possible by co-axial splicing. The
estimated hybrid mode field diameter was 5.4
microns. The loss spectrum of the hybrid mode is
shown in Figure 3. Estimation loss of unwanted
modes exceed 14 dB/m. Splicing losses of the hybrid
fiber and standard singlemode step index fiber (core
and cladding diameter of 6 and 125 microns,
correspondingly) at a wavelength of 1.06 m were 2.5
dB. The dispersion measured in 0.5 m of the hybrid
fiber (Hen-Tai Shang, 1981) is shown in Figure 4.
Inaccuracy of measurements is associated with a
small operating spectral range of the hybrid fiber (~
100 nm). This spectral region is limited by
appearance of high order hybrid modes at short
wavelength and cut-off of the hybrid mode in the
longer wavelength.
Figure 2: Measured RIP of the hybrid fiber, evaluated mode
field distribution of the hybrid mode and distribution of the
ions across the fiber cross-section. On the inset the
image of the fiber end obtained by Scanning Electron
Figure 3: Measured optical loss of the hybrid fiber.
Figure 4: Measured dispersion of the hybrid fiber.
First of all, the fabricated hybrid fiber was tested as a
chirped pulse compressor (similar to our previous
work (Aleshkina, 2013)). For this aim the master
oscillator was realized on the base of Semiconductor
Saturable Absorbing Mirror (SESAM) and passive
nonlinear optical loop mirror (scheme is depicted in
Figure 5). Multimode semiconductor pump diode
emitting at a wavelength of 976 nm was used as the
pump source. The pump radiation was launched in the
scheme with a help of 2+1-to-1 pump and signal
combiner. The Yb-doped fiber with cladding
absorption at pump wavelength about 8 dB/m was
used as the active fiber. The length of the active fiber
in the system was 3 m. The Yb-doped fiber core was
approximately 10 m, so a special mode field adapter
was fabricated to match the active fiber and other
passive fibers (core D~ 6 µm) used in the laser
scheme. The amplified signal from the active fiber
was couples to a passive nonlinear optical loop mirror
(NOLM) formed by 3 m of standard passive fiber
(similar to Corning HI1064) together with 30/70
coupler. A similar coupler was used to extract 70% of
the propagated signal outside the cavity and reflect
30% back with a help of SESAM. To ensure
unidirectional propagation inside the laser system,
each tail of the couplers were spliced with isolator.
Polarization controller was used to adjust polarization
state of irradiation inside the laser. The total cavity
length was about 10 m.
PHOTOPTICS 2017 - 5th International Conference on Photonics, Optics and Laser Technology
Figure 5: Chirped pulse oscillator scheme.
Mode-locking regime was achieved at pump
power of about 450 mW. The average output signal
power was 10 mW, the repetition frequency was
20.85 MHz. Typical dissipative solitons with spectral
width of about 11.8 nm was observed in this case
(Figure 6). Femtochrome Research Inc FR-103 mn
autocorrelator with fiber input was used to measure
the pulse duration in our experiments. The laser
system was polarization-insensitive. By this reason an
additional polarization controller based on a standard
optical step index fiber with length of 0.4 m was
places between the laser and autocorrelator. Pulse
width after the master oscillator was estimated to be
about 7 ps (inset of Figure 6).
Figure 6: The measured spectrum and time trace of the
master oscillator.
To carry out the pulse compression, the realized
hybrid fiber was placed between the output end of the
laser and input fiber end of polarization controller
delivering laser emittion to autocorrelator. The Figure
7 and Figure 8 show dependence of the pulse duration
on hybrid fiber length. It is important to emphasize
that even when hybrid fiber length was about 3 m the
autocorrelation traces had Gauss shape. No additional
intensity peaks were observed in autocorrelation trace
that indicated absence of the unwanted modes in the
system. Only with 1 m of the hybrid fiber a slight
broadening of the autocorrelation function was
observed, that we associate with excitation of
undesirable ring modes.
Figure 7: Dependence of pulse duration on length of the
hybrid fiber.
Figure 8: Measured time traces of the pulses after hybrid
When length of the hybrid fiber was equal to 10.5
m the maximum pulse compression down to duration
of 440 fs was observed. The average output power
was 430 W. The signal was decreased by an order
of magnitude due to two splices of hybrid fiber with
standard single-mode fiber (~ 5 dB net) and intrinsic
hybrid mode loss (8 dB for the 10.5 m fiber length).
The energy in the pulse was 0.021 nJ. Taking into
consideration additional standard fiber at the output
of the laser (used in the polarization controller, input
of autocorrelator, etc) the hybrid fiber dispersion at
the wavelength of 1.06 m was estimated to be 63
ps/(nm km). No nonlinear effects were registered in
the hybrid optical fiber. We suggest that it is coursed
Generation of Femtosecond Pulses in 1 Îijm Spectral Range by Dispersion Managment with Asymptotically Single-mode Hybrid Fiber
by relatively large mode field diameter of the realized
hybrid fiber and relatively low electrical field
The hybrid fiber was also used for intracavity
dispersion compensation in soliton laser. Laser
scheme is shown in Figure 9. The length of the hybrid
fiber inside the cavity was 6.5 m. Solitons with pulse
duration as short as 700 fs were obtained at the output
of the source. Typical spectra with Kelly’s peaks and
the autocorrelation function of the output signal are
shown in Figure 10 and Figure 11. Time-bandwidth
product of Gaussian shaped pulses was equal to 0.48.
Output power was 8.6 mW, the repetition frequency
was 15.75 MHz, the pulse energy was 0.55 nJ.
Figure 9: Schematic of the mode-locked soliton laser
Figure 10: Registered spectrum on the output of the soliton
Figure 11: Registered time trace of the soliton laser.
Single-mode propagation regime of the hybrid fiber
with selective mode suppression was demonstrated
on the example of all-fiber chirped pulse compressor.
The usage of the hybrid fiber with length of 10.5 m
allowed us to compress pulses with duration of 7 ps
to 440 fs without deterioration of pulse shape and
quality. The use of the same hybrid fiber in the soliton
laser scheme has allowed us to realize stable pulse
lasing with soliton energy of 0.55 nJ and a peak power
of 850 watts
This work was supported with a grant 14-19-01572
from the Russian Science Foundation. The authors
are grateful to E.M. Dianov, scientific director of the
Fiber Optics Research Center for his continuous
interest in and support of this work.
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Generation of Femtosecond Pulses in 1 Îijm Spectral Range by Dispersion Managment with Asymptotically Single-mode Hybrid Fiber