Mobile Tutoring System in Facial Expression Perception and
Production for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Sergey Anishchenko
, Alexandra Sarelaynen
, Konstantin Kalinin
, Anastasia Popova
Natalia Malygina-Lastovka
and Kira Mesnyankina
Southern Federal University, Stachki ave., Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Assistance Centre for Families of Children with Special Needs "Sodejstvie", Rostov-on-Don, Russia, {aisarelaynen, kkalinin, anastasp},,
Keywords: Facial Expression Recognition, Action Unit Recognition, Autism.
Abstract: Children with autism spectrum disorder are impaired in their ability to produce and recognize facial
expressions and unable to interpret the social meaning of facial cues. Human interventionists can effectively
train autistic individuals on facial expressions perception and production, they may benefit even more from
computer-based intervention. In this study the tablet PC application was developed for learning facial
expression perception and production. It uses newly designed computer vision algorithm for facial
expression analysis which allows to estimate if the posed expression correct or not and guide users. Clinical
trial was done with participation of 19 volunteer subjects from 6 to 12 years old. It was shown that after
intervention subjects skills in emotion recognition were improved. Ability to transfer newly developed skills
to children’s everyday life was also investigated. Parent’s questioning performed in 6 months after the
intervention demonstrates that 10 out of 19 children were able to recognize emotion and respectively change
their behavior in everyday life.
Recent advances in facial expression analysis with
computer vision tools open huge opportunities for
investigation of issues that have previously been
intractable in the field of behavioural research.
Computer vision technologies become popular in
the investigation of facial expression recognition and
production deficits common to children with autism
spectrum disorder (ASD) (Cockburn et al., 2008;
Gordon, Pierce, Bartlett, & Tanaka, 2014; Hashemi
et al., 2014; Jain, Tamersoy, Zhang, Aggarwal, &
Orvalho, 2012). Besides, low-cost systems which are
under development now aim to replace high level
specialist (Hashemi et al., 2014) in early autism
ASD is clinically diagnosed as impaired
socialization and communicative abilities in the
presence of restricted patterns of behavior and
interests. Children with ASD are impaired in their
ability to produce and perceive dynamic facial
expressions (Adolphs, Sears, & Piven, 2001) and
unable to interpret the social meaning of facial cues.
Several studies have already demonstrated that
human interventionist can effectively train
individuals with an ASD on facial expressions
perception and production (DeQuinzio, Townsend,
Sturmey, & Poulson, 2007). Although efficient,
these methods are time-intensive and require high
level specialist, thus they are burdensome.
Children with ASD may benefit more from
computer-based intervention than from conventional
methods which rely solely on high level specialist
(Grynszpan, Weiss, Perez-Diaz, & Gal, 2014;
Heimann, Nelson, Tjus, & Gillberg, 1995). In object
naming skills development it was found that children
following computer-based instruction learned
significantly more new words and showed greater
motivation for learning than children who
experienced conventional approach (Moore &
Calvert, 2000).
There are two groups of approaches in computer
vision for facial expression analisys. First relies on
geometric position of facial points, second on the
face appearance. Most of the algorithms are
designed to recognize unknown expression or
Action Unit (AU) state shown in the photo. For a
Anishchenko S., Sarelaynen A., Kalinin K., Popova A., Malygina-Lastovka N. and Mesnyankina K.
Mobile Tutoring System in Facial Expression Perception and Production for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
DOI: 10.5220/0006146003190324
In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017), pages 319-324
ISBN: 978-989-758-226-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
training tool the task of computer vision algorithm is
to estimate if the expression given in the photo
matches to particular known expression. For ability
of guiding user in expression production the
algorithm also has to estimate what AU is incorrect
if any and in what way. Besides, the intensity of
expression also has to be estimated to make sure it is
in some average range and not atypically intensive.
Appearance-based method can provide some
information on the emotion intensity. Intensity
correlates with distance from the input feature vector
to the hyper plane learned by SVM (Littlewort et al.,
2011). Taking into account that the photo with
neutral face is available for training tool, more
natural way to estimate intensity is to analyze facial
point geometric displacement distance.
The aim of this work is to (1) develop and
investigate low-cost computer vision tools for tablet
PC which allows to measure correctness of facial
expression and each AU separately and guide user to
product correct expression; (2) investigate influence
of the training tool on childrens ability to recognize
facial expressions; (3) estimate the difference in
computer-based and conventional learning of
expression perception and production; (4)
investigate how the emotion recognition skills
transfer into children’s everyday life.
This work examines potential benefits that
computer vision along with low-cost mobile devices
can provide for teaching children with ASD to
percept and produce facial expressions. It is a first
milestone in a project on developing reliable tools
for teaching autistic children socialization without
high level specialist.
The developed training tool is the tablet PC
(iPad>=2 with iOS>=8, Apple Inc.) application. It
consists of two parts. First is the set of images for
learning significant facial areas for six basic
emotions (happiness, surprise, sadness, fear, disgust,
anger) (Ekman & Rosenberg, 2012). Second is the
tool for training emotion production by imitation. In
the second part the photo with sample is displayed
on the screen and user has to pose the same
expression then press the button for analysis.
Computer vision algorithm performs detailed
analysis of each AU and guides the user in case of
mistake by highlighting incorrect AU in his photo
with animated contour.
2.1 Facial Expression Assessing
The overall idea of the face expression analysis in
the developed tool is to estimate AUs state
comparing geometric distribution of facial feature
points in the input photo with one in the neutral
photo and after that check if the AUs state is within
predefined range for the particular emotion which
child choose for training.
Face contour is detected by means of the Active
Shape Model implemented in CSIRO Face Analysis
SDK (M. Cox, J. Nuevo, 2013). Once the contour
detected it is normalized by scaling. Two points
which location is least affected by expression are
used for computing the scaling coefficient (Fig. 1).
All facial images are normalized so that the distance
between the abovementioned points is 250 px. We
assume that face is in near frontal orientation hence
no head pose adjustment performed.
Figure 1: The dots show the face shape detected by
CSIRO, while the line demonstrates the points used for
computing coefficient for normalization by scaling.
After normalization six parameters (one per AU)
are computed from the face shape (Table 1). The
difference between corresponding AUs parameters
in neutral and input images is used as characteristic
of the state of AUs. If the state of the AU is within
the predefined range for particular emotion then it is
considered as correct one, otherwise AU is incorrect.
If all AUs corresponding to particular emotion are
correct then expression is also correct.
Correspondence of AUs and emotion in this
project is in line with (Wallace & Ekman, 1983).
The predefined range for each AU in each emotion
was computed on the basis of the Warsaw Set of
Emotional Facial Expression Pictures (Olszanowski
et al., 2015).
Along with correctness estimation the developed
approach allows to figure out how particular AU
must be changed to match the emotion. It enables
possibility to guide child during training. This is the
main reason why this approach was chosen instead
of classifier-based one which allows only binary
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 1: List of parameters.
# Parameter Description
The sum of the distances between
the opposite points on upper and
lower eyelids (Fig. 2 top left).
The sum of the distances between
the point on a nose bridge and five
points on the eyebrow contour (Fig.
2 top right).
The distances between the point on
the nose basement and points on the
nostril wings (Fig. 2 bottom left).
The distance between the rightmost
point and the leftmost point of the
Upper lip
The distance between the point on
the nose basement and the middle
point of the upper lip outer contour
(Fig. 2 bottom right).
The sum of the distances between
five opposite points on the outer lip
Figure 2: The scheme of the AU parameters computed
from the face shape.
Photo of the neutral face of each child is taken
and AUs parameters are extracted just once before
training. The developed method of AU estimation
does not need any image set for training classifier
because it is based on comparison of neutral and
input face shape.
There are some limitations in the face shape
fitting algorithm which do not allow to estimate the
state of AU in some expressions. In particular the
model of the mouth shape variation does not cover
corners lowering. Hence, the emotion of sadness
cannot be assessed without extra algorithm for more
detailed analysis of the AU. Therefore, guiding for
production of sadness was solely relying on the
trained specialist.
2.2 Training Tools
The described above computer vision algorithm is
implemented in C++ and integrated into the tablet
PC application which is used in the following way.
Before training a child takes a picture with the
neutral face which is used for AU state analysis. At
the beginning of training he has to choose emotion
to train. The training itself consists of learning
expressions and their production.
Learning part consists of the emotional face
images specially designed to emphasize areas with
important AU (Fig. 3 left, center). The child has to
swipe and examine all images with highlighted AUs
important for the selected expression. At the end the
child has to pass a little test by selecting emoticon
corresponding to the expression (Fig. 3 right).
Figure 3: Facial images for learning expression
(happiness). Left and centre pictures contain a bounding
box for which is highlighting the significant areas (mouth
and eyes). The area besides the box is blurred. Right:
emotional face with emoticons.
In the production part of the tool a photo with a
sample of the emotion is demonstrated to the child
and at the same time he sees himself in the
viewfinder of the frontal camera (Fig. 4). He has to
pose emotion and take a picture of himself by
pressing button. The photo is processed as described
in sec. 2.1 and if the expression is incorrect the user
is guided by animated AU contour.
Figure 4: The screen in the tutoring application for
learning of expression production. It contains the image
with the sample expression (top) and camera viewfinder
Data for training as well as information on
results are stored on the remote server. It has a web
interface for data managing and logs analyzing. The
Mobile Tutoring System in Facial Expression Perception and Production for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
application can be synchronized with the server
using API accessed over HTTP.
2.3 Data Collection and Analysis
The study was done with autistic children at the
Assistance Centre for Families of Children with
Special Needs "Sodejstvie", Rostov-on-Don, Russia
by the licensed specialists. Approval for this study
was obtained from the Institutional Review Board at
the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don,
Russia. Parents and children were instructed and
their signed agreements were collected before the
Nineteen volunteer subjects participated in the
study, 2 girls and 17 boys, from 6 to 12 years old.
Before the study children underwent
neuropsychological and psychological tests with the
purpose to estimate their ability to participate in the
study. The trained specialist observed the children
during the study constantly. He gave instructions
before training and controlled the overall process.
Advantage of the tablet PC is in its wide
availability and mobility. Besides, it motivates
children to be involved in the training. The
drawback is unconstraint illumination and poses that
increase the error rate in the image processing
Trained specialist performed constant
observation of the training process and in case of
software failure gave respective instructions to
prevent children’s frustration. Beforehand children
were instructed that the trainer’s instructions are
more important than the tablet PC ones.
Subjects were separated into two groups for
which different type of intervention was applied.
The first group children (n=13) participated in the
training with the tablet PC (below referred to as PC-
based intervention). The second group (n=6)
participated in the study designed for the same
purpose (learn expression perception and
production) but without any devices (below referred
to as conventional intervention). The printed photo
and mirrors were used to train children in the second
group. The purpose of subject separation is to
estimate the difference in PC-based and
conventional interventions.
Before and after both kinds of interventions the
children passed the following test to estimate and
quantify their skills. They examined 24 printed
photos and sketches (4 pictures per one basic
emotion), which they had never seen before, with
the emotional faces and tried to recognize emotion.
Hence the study consisted of 3 steps. The first step is
designed for testing initial ability of emotion
recognition. The second step is the training either
with or without tablet PC. The last step is designed
to test the ability to recognize expression after the
intervention. Besides, in 6 months after the
interventions parents were questioned to assess
children’s ability to transfer their skills to everyday
The difference in children’s skills in emotion
recognition before and after PC-based intervention
was estimated by computing average number of
correct answers in test with 24 photos. The result
was 16.62 (4.11) and 22.46 (2.93) respectively
(value in parentheses indicates standard deviation).
Obviously after the intervention the skills in emotion
recognition were improved. Analysis of correct
answers separately for each emotion reviled that
initially children could recognize happiness and
sadness quite well (Fig. 5, emotion #1 and 2). After
intervention they could recognize all emotions at
similar level (Fig. 5).
Figure 5: Number of correct answers before and after PC-
based intervention averaged over subjects (n=13) in the
task of emotion recognition in 24 pictures (4 pictures per
emotion): 1) happiness, 2) sadness, 3) surprise, 4) fear, 5)
anger, 6) disgust.
We did not observe significant difference
between two groups of children (PC-based and
conventional interventions). The number of correct
answers for children with conventional intervention
before and after study was 14.88 (7.57) and 21.5
(1.82) respectively.
We also observed that motivation of both groups
was approximately the same. Though, the advantage
of the tablet PC is in its potential ability to replace
trained specialist with less trained one as for
VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
example members of children’s families. It will
definitely make the training technique more widely
available and help children to develop highly
important skills.
Six months after the intervention subjects’
parents were questioned about children’s ability to
transfer learned skills in their everyday life. Further
analysis of the answers revealed that there were 4
groups of children. In the first group (1 child) even
though after intervention the subject demonstrated
progress in 6 months the skills were lost even for the
same images as were used during training. In the
second group (4 children) there was no transfer
admitted at all, though they could recognize
emotions in the training photos. In the third group (4
children) the subjects were able to recognize
emotion in their everyday life. For example in
cartoon movies or in parents but they used that
ability only by request from parents. In the forth
group (10 children) the subjects used their ability to
recognize emotions in everyday life and sometimes
they could change their behavior based on the
recognized emotion. Some of them were also more
easily involved in games than before intervention.
Some of them used their ability to recognize
emotion only with members of their family but at
least 2 of them have changed the behavior with other
- not autistic children.
An algorithm for facial images analysis was
developed and integrated into emotion perception
and production mobile training tools for guiding
children in facial expression learning.
Initial clinical study with 19 children with ASD
was conducted. After intervention involving the
developed tools children’s skills were improved and
in some cases transferred into their everyday life.
This is the initial milestone toward development
of the reliable application that can guide children in
their training of perception and production of facial
expression without requirements of high level
specialist participation, which can make the training
tool more widely available.
The future work will focus on development of
reliable algorithm for detailed analysis of AU in a
wide range of environmental conditions and
incorporation of information on head pose into the
expression analysis algorithm.
Work supported by RFH grant 15-36-01343,
SFedU grant 213.01-2014/001 VG and RFBR
grant 16-31-00384.
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VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications