Table 1: Estimated minimum number of patterns.
N f
[1/arc length] N
(Initial number of patterns) (Sampling rate) (Minimum number of patterns) Size(vertex) Size(face)
Brian 147 0.38 56 15926×3 23526×3
Eric 153 0.40 62 17266×3 23567×3
Greg 142 0.33 47 16257×3 28023×3
Jeff 221 0.49 109 16080×3 18522×3
Weihong 271 0.33 90 15769×3 26959×3
fvgallary 89 0.30 27 5031×3 9999×3
fvinput 93 0.44 41 16092×3 32116×3
timation of curves’ shape, we used average curvature
of each curve in each unit space. So, curvature infor-
mation can tell us the characteristic of curves which is
matched to signal function. Given a maximal curva-
ture variation, we could find the sampling rate and de-
termined the number of light patterns to be projected
for reliable 3D surface reconstruction. In addition,
we have presented an alternative algorithm to deter-
mine the sampling rate of a surface (or defining the
minimum number of light patterns to be projected on
a surface whose maximal curvatures may be known)
subjected to an active light source probing. Such a
rate, in turn plays a key role in the efficient represen-
tation of a surface and its subsequent reconstruction
from these patterns. While our primary application of
interest lies in the area of biometrics and face mod-
eling, the two-thirds-based sampling criterion may
be exploited in many different settings where surface
representation and sampling are of interest (e.g. sur-
face archiving). Although our sampling rate does not
recover the surface perfectly as the Shannon-Nyquist
Sampling Rate does for 1D signals, the sampling cri-
terion we proposed does not show a considerable in-
formation loss to be recognized. In the future, there
are some technical issues to be considered - quantify-
ing the algorithm efficiency (i.e. computational com-
plexity) and the reconstruction accuracy compared to
the previous methods is needed.
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