An Anthropomorphic Perspective for Audiovisual Speech Synthesis
Samuel Silva and Ant
onio Teixeira
DETI Dep. of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
IEETA Institute of Electronics Engineering and Informatics of Aveiro, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Audiovisual Speech, Articulatory Synthesis, European Portuguese.
In speech communication, both the auditory and visual streams play an important role, ensuring both a certain
level of redundancy (e.g., lip movement) and transmission of complementary information (e.g., to empha-
size a word). The common current approach to audiovisual speech synthesis, generally based on data-driven
methods, yields good results, but relies on models controlled by parameters that do not relate with how hu-
mans do it, being hard to interpret and adding little to our understanding of the human speech production
apparatus. Modelling the actual system, adopting an anthropomorphic perspective would provide a myriad of
novel research paths. This article proposes a conceptual framework to support research and development of
an articulatory-based audiovisual speech synthesis system. The core idea is that the speech production sys-
tem is modelled to produce articulatory parameters with anthropomorphic meaning (e.g., lip opening) driving
the synthesis of both the auditory and visual streams. A first instantiation of the framework for European
Portuguese illustrates its viability and constitutes an important tool for research in speech production and the
deployment of audiovisual speech synthesis in multimodal interaction scenarios, of the utmost relevance for
the current and future complex services and applications.
Among humans, the most natural form of communi-
cation is speech, which makes it a promising modal-
ity to foster a natural and transparent interaction with
a wide range of devices, from smartphones to intelli-
gent homes. As a result, speech is becoming a com-
mon option as an input and output modality. Speech,
as a form of communication among humans is not
limited to the auditory signal. In fact, the visual fea-
tures of speech production, such as the movement
of the lips, play an important role in adding to the
auditory signal, whether by providing redundant in-
formation or by complementing it (e.g., conveying a
particular emphasis to particular words). Therefore,
output that jointly explores both the auditory and vi-
sual streams of speech, known as audiovisual speech
synthesis, can bring a wide range of advantages over
auditory-only speech in providing a richer and more
resilient method of communication and adding a more
natural feel to human-machine interaction.
Current technologies allow collecting large
amounts of data regarding particular biomechanical
phenomena (e.g., cerebral, muscular, and facial
activity) and a common approach is to use that data
to train models that enable its use for particular inter-
action tasks such as converting a certain myoelectric
signal pattern in a particular action. Although this
is, indisputably, a very important advance and, in
many aspects, the only possible approach considering
our knowledge of the involved physiology and
the current stage of technology, training a model
commonly results in a ’black box’ converting input
data into specific outputs. This often means that the
parameters controlling the model are not actually
related with anatomical or physiological elements
and hard to conceptualize. Therefore, these models
serve their purpose, but provide a limited margin for
customization and a minor contribution to our under-
standing of the phenomena, which continues to be
very partial and limited. However, when technology
allows a deeper insight into the biomechanics of a
phenomena we can move from ’blindly’ modelling
the transformation of inputs into outputs to modelling
the actual system and its components, adopting a
set of more anthropomorphic parameters and, in
this manner, learn about the phenomena and how to
replicate it.
While the literature is prolific in providing sev-
eral methods for audiovisual synthesis (Schabus et al.,
2014), yielding good overall results, these often rely
on data-driven/statistical approaches, i.e., the collec-
Silva S. and Teixeira A.
An Anthropomorphic Perspective for Audiovisual Speech Synthesis.
DOI: 10.5220/0006150201630172
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 163-172
ISBN: 978-989-758-212-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tion of big data sets to train a model or provide the
grounds for concatenation-based systems. The result
is that we end up with systems that: (1) require the
collection of large amounts of data; (2) are strongly
related with the data they are built from; and (3) do
not relate directly with the production system, i.e., the
vocal tract and facial movements.
Regarding speech production, technological ad-
vances enable studying the static and dynamic as-
pects of the vocal tract providing enough information
to support building first models that can be used to
study speech production and enable advancing artic-
ulatory speech synthesis (e.g., Birkholz, 2013; Rubin
et al., 1981; Teixeira et al., 2008), i.e., speech syn-
thesized by replicating the articulatory patterns per-
formed by humans. The advantage of such a bioin-
spired system is that it depends on anthropomorphic
parameters we can understand, and can be used to as-
sess theoretical aspects, including the importance of
particular vocal tract configurations or timings in the
production of specific sounds, while also providing
a speech synthesis system. Likewise, we consider
that an articulatory-based approach to audiovisual
speech synthesis, where we build a model replicat-
ing the audiovisual speech production system, could
provide several advantages, in two domains: (a) it
can be used as a highly customizable tool support-
ing research (Files et al., 2015), enabling experiment-
ing with the different articulators and timings to un-
derstand how speech is produced, how the auditory
and visual streams relate, and serving educational and
clinical applications (Massaro, 2005); (b) it can pro-
vide a more versatile system for deploying richer out-
puts in interaction scenarios. For example, since it
does not depend on the collection of novel data, in
an articulatory approach the voice can be more eas-
ily customized, the visual part completely changed
(ranging from a cartoon-like character to a realisti-
cally looking avatar), and articulatory limitations in-
troduced (for instance, limit the amplitude of the jaw
movement to simulate someone speaking with its jaw
movement hindered).
Following this line of thought, we present the con-
ceptualization and first instantiation of a framework
to support articulatory-based audiovisual speech syn-
thesis oriented to support both the research on the au-
diovisual aspects of speech production and its deploy-
ment as an interaction modality.
The remainder of this article is organized as fol-
lows: section 2 briefly reviews current trends in au-
diovisual speech synthesis; section 3 discusses the
main motivations for pursuing an articulatory ap-
proach to audiovisual speech, in the context provided
by the state-of-the-art, and presents the basic concepts
behind articulatory synthesis; our conceptual view on
how to pursue articulatory audiovisual speech synthe-
sis is described in section 4 and section 5 describes a
first implementation of the described framework; fi-
nally, section 6 presents conclusions and major routes
for future work.
A wide range of approaches to audiovisual speech
synthesis have been presented in the literature. In a
recent review, (Mattheyses and Verhelst, 2015) high-
light four aspects defining an audiovisual speech syn-
thesizer: 1) the properties of the input information
(e.g., text or audio); 2) the properties of the out-
put (e.g., in 2D or 3D); 3) how the visual artic-
ulators are defined (e.g., 3D modelling) and ani-
mated (e.g., anatomy-based or performance-driven
systems (
y et al., 2015) ); and 4) how the dif-
ferent visual configurations that need to be attained
are predicted (e.g., rule-based, concatenative).
When performing visual-only speech synthesis, a
common approach is to use visemes, a visual rep-
resentation of the relevant articulators, to represent
phonemes. Whenever a certain phoneme occurs, the
corresponding viseme is used. Since the visible parts
of the vocal tract (e.g., lips) adopt similar configu-
rations for different sounds, and modelling visemes
may require laborious time and a digital artist (Serra
et al., 2012), it is common to use the same viseme
for multiple phonemes. Then, these visemes work
as keyframes and are animated by interpolating in-
between. In many cases, even though the proposed
systems provide a visual speech synthesis that is
smooth, it does not have any underlying mechanism
to actually implement visual coarticulation. Many
phonemes to one viseme mappings, for example, do
not account for visual coarticulation (Mattheyses and
Verhelst, 2015) and alternatives to minimize this issue
have been proposed by adding visemes for diphones
and triphones).
Additionally, several authors have addressed coar-
ticulation by proposing models that define how the
interpolation between visemes is performed consid-
ering, for example, models of facial biomechanics or
through a model for visual coarticulation in which in-
terpolation between visemes depends on weights as-
sociated with the corresponding phonemes, according
to their dominance (e.g., Cohen and Massaro, 1993).
In recent years, data-driven/statistical approaches
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
have taken the lead (e.g., Schabus et al., 2014). In
concatenative visual synthesis, a data collection stage
is performed considering a corpus that should be
phonetically rich enough to include all the required
phones/segments and relevant contexts. So, when
synthesizing, the system retrieves the longest possi-
ble segments from the database, to minimize the num-
ber of concatenations, and synthesizes the desired au-
diovisual speech. In the case of visual speech based
on 3D models a performance-driven animation is re-
quired entailing data collections that involve complex
For the Portuguese language, just a few audiovi-
sual synthesis systems have been proposed. In a no-
table example, Serra et al. (Serra et al., 2012) propose
an audiovisual speech synthesis system for European
Portuguese (EP) enabling automatic visual speech an-
imation from text or speech audio input. The authors
consider a phoneme-to-viseme strategy for animat-
ing a 3D model and perform a preliminary evaluation
of two different sets of visemes reaching the conclu-
sion that using a small number of visemes (the same
viseme is attributed to more phonemes) has a negative
impact on the perceived quality of the output.
In this section, we present the basic concepts provid-
ing the grounds for articulatory synthesis and, based
on the current state-of-the-art, discuss the main moti-
vations to enrol on an articulatory approach to audio-
visual speech synthesis.
3.1 Articulatory Phonology
In articulatory phonology (Browman and Goldstein,
1990; Hall, 2010), the basic unit of speech is not the
segment or the feature, but the articulatory gesture.
Gestures are a set of instructions that define how a
constriction is formed and released in the vocal tract,
such as lip closure.
In articulatory phonology, the vocal tract con-
figuration is generally defined by considering five
tract variables: lips (LIP), tongue tip (TT), tongue
body (TB), velum (VEL) and glottis (GLO). Ges-
tures are specified based on these variables and the
constrictions’ location (CL) labial, dental, alveo-
lar, postalveolar, palatal, velar, uvular and pharyngeal
and degree (CD) closed (for stops), critical (for
fricatives) and narrow, mid, and wide (for approxi-
mants and vowels). In this context, the gestural spec-
ification for the alveolar stop [t], for example, would
be: tract variable tongue tip, CD: closed, CL: alveolar.
This defines the goal of the gesture: the target.
A gesture is a dynamic action characterized by
several phases: the onset of the movement; its
progress until reaching the target; release, when it
starts moving away from the constriction; and offset,
after which the articulator is no longer under the con-
trol of the gesture.
Gestures are combined to form larger elements
(e.g., syllables and words). This combination is not
a simple matter of their sequence in time. Gestures
blend with other gestures according to phasing prin-
ciples: a certain point in the trajectory of one gesture
is phased with respect to the trajectory of other ges-
tures. The specification of the different gestures in-
volved in articulating a particular word, along with
the time intervals defining the regions of active con-
trol for each gesture, is called a gestural score. Given
that gestures need to be combined, a gestural score is
just the first step for computing articulator’s trajecto-
ries, which will result from its interpretation and mod-
One Matlab implementation of the articulatory
phonology framework described above, named TAsk
Dynamics Application (TADA), has been proposed
by the Haskins Laboratories (Saltzman and Munhall,
1989; Nam et al., 2006). A gestural model considers
the syllables of the input text to generate the gestural
score. This includes the specification of the various
gestures required and their activation intervals based
on models for inter-gestural planning and gestural-
coupling. Gestural scores are considered by the task
dynamic model to generate the final time functions
for articulator trajectories considering the articulators
of the CASY vocal tract model (Rubin et al., 1996).
These trajectories are considered to configure the vo-
cal tract model and provide the basis to compute the
acoustic output (synthetic speech).
3.2 Motivation
Overall, at the current stage of technology, the quality
provided by data-driven/statistical approaches to au-
diovisual speech synthesis surpasses the quality pos-
sible with articulatory approaches. However, an artic-
ulatory approach serves a wider set of goals beyond
the production of the final audiovisual speech output.
The articulatory based approach to speech syn-
thesis starts by not requiring the collection of
large datasets for training. Furthermore, in data-
driven/statistical systems the synthesized speech de-
pends on the nature of the collected data, e.g., age
and gender of the speaker, and creating a new voice
involves almost the same amount of effort and re-
An Anthropomorphic Perspective for Audiovisual Speech Synthesis
sources as the first. An articulatory synthesizer pro-
vides enough versatility to be customized to synthe-
size voices with a wide range of characteristics such
as a specific gender or speech disorder. Therefore,
while a significant effort might be required to attain
a first good quality audiovisual speech synthesis sys-
tem, new voices will not involve as much effort.
The parameters involved in an articulatory-based
speech synthesizer are more intuitive than those con-
trolling a data-driven model since they relate with ac-
tual elements of the real system. This means that
when a particular synthesis goes wrong one can in-
tuitively make sense of what might have happened or
where to perform changes. And this ability to experi-
ment with the different parameters, in search for per-
ceptually better outputs, also contributes to improve
our knowledge about speech production.
An approach that favours a biomechanical per-
spective of the system can also be valuable for educa-
tional and clinical purposes. The audiovisual speech
synthesis system can be used as an assistant tool for
teaching phonetics and therapy, providing an illustra-
tion of the different aspects of speech production.
The consideration of visemes for audiovisual
speech synthesis, although quite common and provid-
ing reasonable results, raises several issues. A partic-
ular viseme assumes that all articulators are under the
influence of a phone, which is not true, since a phone
might be defined by a single gesture (for example,
[b]) without influencing all articulators. Even con-
sidering a weighted approach, to explicitly define the
importance of each viseme, does not address this as-
pect. Additionally, the use of audiovisual concatena-
tive synthesis for clinical purposes (e.g., speech ther-
apy), to provide someone with an illustration of how
to properly articulate a particular token, raises con-
cerns as to whether we are actually providing a proper
reference to the patient. An articulatory-based audio-
visual synthesis approach would provide more solid
ground over which these different aspects can be tack-
Additionally, since the articulatory-based system
models the different articulators and their dynamic
behaviour, one can envisage that if it is associated
with a technology, such as ultrasound imaging, it
might provide instant assessment of speaker perfor-
mance, e.g., during speech therapy exercises, by com-
paring speaker performance with the computed trajec-
tories, and provide specific clues on what to improve
or support the choice of particular exercises to surpass
those difficulties.
Overall, we consider that these aspects support
investing in audiovisual speech synthesis approach
from an articulatory perspective, favouring further
study and understanding of human anatomy, physi-
ology and behaviour, in this context.
In line with the current state-of-the-art and the differ-
ent motivations presented, establishing the relevance
of an articulatory approach to audiovisual speech syn-
thesis, we start by characterizing the envisaged sce-
narios and establish a set of requirements leading
to the conceptualization of a framework supporting
R&D in articulatory audiovisual speech synthesis.
4.1 Scenarios and Requirements
We envisage two distinct scenarios for exploring ar-
ticulatory audiovisual speech synthesis that profit
from each other: (1) improve our knowledge of
speech production and study the synergies between
the audio and visual aspects of speech; and (2) use
audiovisual speech synthesis as a rich output modal-
ity in multimodal interaction.
4.1.1 Scenario 1: Research in Speech Production
A set of technologies (e.g., Scott et al., 2014) and
methods (e.g., Silva et al., 2015) provide an increas-
ing amount of data to characterize different aspects
of speech production, regarding, e.g., the configura-
tion of the vocal tract for producing particular sounds,
coarticulation and synchronization. The collected
data allows a better understanding of the static and
dynamic aspects of speech production, but its value
can be further established if, based on this data, we
are able to postulate rules or even theories that can
be tested (simulated) in an experimental setting. Only
then we will have confirmation that we fully charac-
terized and understand the observed phenomena and
it might potentially trigger our awareness of further
aspects that need clarification. Naturally, this sort
of research, as previously emphasized, requires mod-
elling the articulatory system and not just its outputs.
This rationale also applies to the joint consideration of
auditory and visual speech for which an articulatory-
based audiovisual speech synthesis system would be
an important tool.
Overall, this scenario requires: (1) a system that
is able to move from a text input to an audiovi-
sual speech output, modelling all the different stages;
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
(2) the definition of each language specificity, re-
garding particular sounds and their articulation; (3)
a face model controlled by anthopomorphic parame-
ters, which are easily related with our understanding
of a real speaker; and (4) constant evaluation of re-
sults to assess output (perceptual) quality and guide
future developments.
4.1.2 Scenario 2: Multimodal Interaction
The research in audiovisual speech production should
also enable the deployment of a system that can be
used as an interaction modality. Research in multi-
modal interaction envisages complex contexts such
as ambient assisted living (AAL) where a heteroge-
neous set of users experiences with a multitude of
interactive devices (Almeida et al., 2016; Teixeira
et al., 2016). One concrete example is provided by
the ongoing Marie Curie IAPP project IRIS (Freitas
et al., 2014) focusing on enhancing communication
in a household for a family spanning a wide range of
skills, limitations and motivations. As with text-to-
speech (Almeida et al., 2014), enabling a customiza-
tion of the voice and visual appearance of the avatar,
eventually personalized to a particular context or user,
might also provide improved acceptability. On the
subject of avatar versatility, having a 3D model cov-
ers a broader range of scenarios, from simple 2D front
view up to its insertion in a virtual environment.
Additionally, although the research focus in
speech production might favour a particular language,
for interaction we are also interested in enabling artic-
ulatory audiovisual speech synthesis in multiple lan-
guages. This is in line with recent efforts in the lit-
erature providing a generic speech modality encapsu-
lating support for multiple languages (Almeida et al.,
2014). We also argue that one additional motivation
for evolving an articulatory audiovisual speech syn-
thesizer might come from specific requirements de-
riving from its use in real interaction scenarios. This
is only possible if developers are able to integrate it
in their applications, as made possible, e.g., by a mul-
timodal interaction architecture and framework (e.g.,
Teixeira et al., 2016) in which the audiovisual speech
synthesis modality should be integrated.
This scenario requires, overall: (1) ability to eas-
ily move from our research in audiovisual speech pro-
duction into its deployment as an interaction modal-
ity; (2) methods that exhibit moderate computa-
tional costs and use technologies that are compati-
ble with the large variety of devices envisaged; (3)
language specific modules sufficiently decoupled and
interchangeable to enable support for additional lan-
guages; and (4) customizable visual stream, to sup-
port personalized 3D avatars.
4.2 Conceptual Framework
Considering the authors’ experience in articulatory-
based speech synthesis and the motivations previ-
ously presented, the corner stone of our proposal is
that articulatory-based audiovisual speech synthesis
can inherit from the articulatory speech synthesis ap-
proach and be driven by the same anthropomorphic
In what follows, we present the main conceptual
aspects of a framework to support R&D in articula-
tory audiovisual speech synthesis serving the envis-
aged scenarios and requirements. Our view consid-
ers three main blocks: an audiovisual speech synthe-
sis core supported by an evaluation module and inte-
grated as an interaction modality.
Figure 1 depicts these three blocks and puts into
evidence the synergies that should exist among them,
contributing for advancing the usefulness and qual-
ity of articulatory audiovisual speech synthesis, as de-
tailed in what follows.
Figure 1: Overview of the conceptual framework for per-
forming research and development in articulatory-based au-
diovisual speech synthesis.
4.2.1 Audiovisual Synthesis Core
The audiovisual synthesis core should constitute the
central element of the framework, dealing with the
actual production of the audiovisual output. Figure 2
depicts the main features of the envisaged text-driven
synthesis approach.
The language package deals with all aspects that
are specific in each language such as the gestural
model. The vocal tract static and dynamic modelling
deals with moving from the text and language specific
data to the definition of the different gestures and their
interactions and, finally, to the physiological (anthro-
pological) parameters. These parameters drive a vo-
cal tract model providing the geometry for the speech
An Anthropomorphic Perspective for Audiovisual Speech Synthesis
Figure 2: Main aspects of the articulatory based audiovisual speech synthesis core. The highlight is a set of anthropomorphic
parameters driving both the auditory and visual synthesis.
Figure 3: Diagram depicting the main aspects of the conceptual integration between the audiovisual speech synthesis core and
an interaction modality made available in a multimodal interaction context.
On the visual synthesis side, context specific re-
quirements, such as specific avatar look (e.g., person-
alized to a particular user or a character in a film) are
provided and a custom avatar model is created sup-
porting a set of controls for animation. One of the
notable aspects of this conceptual framework, worth
emphasizing, is that we argue that the anthropolog-
ical parameters (e.g., lip aperture and protrusion),
which drive the auditory synthesis, should also serve
to configure the model used for visual synthesis. Fi-
nally, both streams are rendered to provide audiovi-
sual speech synthesis.
The dashed lines, in figure 2, coming from the
evaluation module, are just to emphasize that this
module, provided certain assessment data, is envis-
aged as being able to exert its influence at different
levels in the audiovisual synthesizer as further ex-
plained ahead.
4.2.2 Interaction Modality
The second aspect we consider relevant is the integra-
tion of the audiovisual speech synthesis system into
an interaction modality, deployed as part of a multi-
modal interaction framework. We argue that, without
this context of use, research in articulatory audiovi-
sual speech synthesis will fall short of its true poten-
tial due to a lack of real application scenarios.
The main aspects regarding this element of the
conceptual framework are depicted in figure 3. The
main components presented for the interaction modal-
ity (i.e., generation, styling and render) derive from
the conceptual view of an output component proposed
by the W3C for a multimodal interaction architec-
ture (W3C Consortium, 2003).
Articulatory audiovisual synthesis entails a con-
siderable level of complexity, particularly regarding
the computation of the articulatory parameters driv-
ing the models. Therefore, since the resulting inter-
action modality can be added to applications running
on any kind of device, the core computations, should
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Figure 4: Main features of the conceptualized evaluation module, part of the proposed audiovisual speech synthesis conceptual
occur outside of the device, if needed. This is also
aligned with another important requirement. If we
want to rapidly move from the research outcomes into
the interaction scenario, placing most of the core on-
line, e.g., as a webservice, enables fast deployment
of new versions without the need to update the in-
stalled applications. The generation module, depicted
in figure 3, would be responsible for managing the
interface with the online service, providing the input
text and requirements. However, it is important to
note that, to preserve some versatility on the modality
side might entail leaving part of the conceptualized
audiovisual speech synthesis core locally, particularly
the decisions about how to style and render features.
These aspects explain why the interaction modality,
although providing an encapsulation of the features
provided by the audiovisual synthesis core, is not con-
ceptualized as containing the whole system.
4.2.3 Evaluation
To validate the outcomes of the produced audiovisual
speech synthesis and to provide feedback that guides
research, evaluation is an important part of the envis-
aged framework and the overall aspects of the eval-
uation module are depicted in figure 4. In this re-
gard, perceptual tests are one of the most used op-
tions in this domain, providing researchers with an
assessment of the adequacy of the outputs regarding,
for example, the synthesis of specific sounds or the
synchronization between audio and visual synthesis.
Nevertheless, even though perceptual tests remain the
most important source of ’gold standards’, the sys-
tematic development of an audiovisual speech syn-
thesis system requires additional evaluation methods
enabling a faster and more frequent assessment of dif-
ferent alternatives, additions, and improvements. For
example, an unsupervised method that could provide
a first evaluation, to guide system evolution before the
much more costly perceptual tests, would be a valu-
able asset. The stream to evaluate, at each time (i.e.,
auditory, visual or both), the focused parameters, and
the text to synthesize should be defined by a set of
criteria that can include, e.g., a specific corpora. The
unsupervised evaluation might be based on features
computed from the considered streams or might re-
quire support data to serve as reference, e.g., features
extracted from video streams of real speakers.
The perceptual tests can also profit from the de-
ployment of the audiovisual system as an interaction
modality. Adding to the more controlled lab settings,
data can also be collected from who is using the in-
teraction modality, potentially covering different con-
texts, and a vital step, we argue, in assessing the ac-
ceptability and usefulness of the audiovisual synthesis
in real scenarios.
Another important aspect regarding evaluation is
how the assessment data might be used, in a feedback
loop, to guide system improvement. The first option
is that the researcher, based on the evaluation out-
comes, makes changes to the system. Another alter-
native, extending the idea of unsupervised assessment
methods, is to enable unsupervised adjustment of sys-
tem parameters based on the evaluation data. Such an
unsupervised evaluation loop would allow automated
parameter tuning (e.g., avatar lip aperture adjustment)
and a systematic assessment of the influence of each
parameter in the overall quality.
In what follows, we present the first instantiation of
the audiovisual speech synthesis conceptual frame-
An Anthropomorphic Perspective for Audiovisual Speech Synthesis
Figure 5: Diagram of the articulatory audiovisual speech synthesis core depicting details regarding the technical options
adopted for each of the main blocks.
work proposed in the previous section. At this mo-
ment, we have a full first instantiation of the audio-
visual speech synthesis core, considerable work re-
garding its integration as an interaction modality and
a very initial sketch of the evaluation module.
5.1 Audiovisual Speech Synthesis Core
Figure 5 depicts the audiovisual speech synthesis
core, following the conceptual structure presented
earlier, but now providing additional detail regarding
the concrete implementation options considered for
each of its blocks.
Considering our research interests and previous
work, this first instantiation of the framework sup-
ports audiovisual synthesis in EP. Note that this is
not a limiting aspect to the versatility of this instan-
tiation, since the change of the language specific el-
ements is the key requirement for the framework to
support another language. In the language specific
block, the main aspect is the data required to derive
gestures from words and we considered previous con-
tributions by Teixeira et al. (Teixeira et al., 2008) and
Oliveira (Oliveira, 2009) providing the gestural def-
inition of EP sounds. The language specific module
also includes the syllabification of the input text, and
its conversion to phonemes which, at this time, is still
not fully automated and relies on a static dictionary.
For the static and dynamic modelling of the vocal
tract we considered TADA that provides the compo-
sition of the gestural score and the dynamic model
computing the articulator trajectories along time con-
sidering coarticulation effects. It is TADA that pro-
vides the antropomorphic parameters concerning lip,
velar and tongue movement that subsequently drive
the auditory and visual synthesis.
Regarding auditory speech synthesis, for the sake
of simplicity, we consider, at this stage, the partial
implementation of the CASY synthesizer, provided
along with TADA (Rubin et al., 1981) that suffers
from a few limitations particularly regarding nasality,
an important aspect for EP. The envisaged alternative
is the consideration of SAPWindows (Teixeira et al.,
2002), which was built for EP, but other alternatives
are possible, e.g., based on the model and synthesizer
proposed by Birkholz (Birkholz, 2013).
As conceptualized, our approach considers the
set of anthropomorphic parameters driving auditory
speech synthesis (e.g., lip and tongue configurations),
as input data for the visual speech synthesis yielding
inherent synchronization among both streams.
The 3D model used (see figure 6) has an advanced
animation rig provided by FACEINMOTION
. It has
two distinctive features that make it interesting in this
context: (1) it enables controlling aspects, such as
lip aperture, with changes propagating smoothly to
the face; (2) the rigging is easily transferable across
models, meaning that personalized avatars can be cre-
ated keeping the bones, i.e., the elements in the avatar
model controlling parts of the face, common among
The articulator trajectories are transformed in an-
imation parameters mostly by performing amplitude
adaptation or by using the same articulator data to
modify a group of bones. For example, lip protrusion
data is used to manipulate bones regarding the upper
and lower lip, and the left and right mouth corners
since the model does not yet support a higher level
BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Figure 6: The photorealistic avatar considered for the in-
stantiation of the conceptual framework.
control for this gesture.
Since animation relies on the articulator trajecto-
ries it is basically independent from the language or
articulatory model considered in TADA, as long as ar-
ticulator trajectories are generated in the same value
5.2 Interaction Modality
To move into the envisaged scenario of deploying the
audiovisual speech synthesis system as an interaction
modality, it has been spread between local and online
First, TADA has been optimized to run faster and
relevant parts converted to C language, overall reduc-
ing the required computation time by half. Then, and
to move it away from its native Matlab environment,
not fitted for integration into an interaction modal-
ity, it was encapsulated inside a RESTful service re-
turning articulators’ trajectories for given sentences.
This also fulfils the goal of putting the computational
weight outside of the local device.
Regarding the rendering of the audiovisual syn-
thesis, we considered that at least part of it needed
to be on the client side to provide some level of con-
trol and customization (e.g., a personalized avatar) on
how the synthesis is integrated and used. Therefore,
the final rendering is performed on the client. Figure 5
depicts the part of the core that is actually performed
by the client device.
For rendering the audiovisual stream, on the client
side, we considered WebGL in conjunction with
Three.js, the later used to manipulate the model ac-
cording to the received anthropomorphic parame-
ters. Using WebGL has the advantage of not re-
quiring the installation of any additional libraries
since it is natively supported by most web browsers,
allowing for out-of-the-box multi-platform, multi-
device support. To make it clear, this does not in-
validate the adoption of another forms of render-
ing, e.g., including the avatar in a complex vir-
tual scene. A simple example video can be found
5.3 Evaluation
At this time, the audiovisual synthesis core already
provides output streams that can be used for percep-
tual tests. However, regarding the unsupervised as-
sessment, we are still at an early stage, studying how
the reference data should be gathered and used.
This article argues in favour of an anthropomorphic
(articulatory) perspective for audiovisual speech syn-
thesis and proposes the main aspects of a concep-
tual framework that should enable its evolution. This
framework considers articulatory audiovisual speech
synthesis as a research tool in speech production, sup-
ported by an evaluation module and tightly connected
to its use in multimodal interaction systems. A first
instantiation of the conceptual framework is also pre-
sented demonstrating the viability of the proposal. It
already provides audiovisual synthesis of simple sen-
tences in EP. At it current stage, it already enables
moving from working on ground work such as ges-
tural models up to having a speaking avatar in a web
Considering the proposed conceptual framework,
our first instantiation still does not fully address eval-
uation. While at its current stage the system can en-
able the execution of perceptual tests, we have yet to
deploy a systematic quantitative evaluation module to
cover all stages of the framework.
Samuel Silva is funded by grant SFRH/BPD/108151-
/2015 from FCT. Research partially funded by IEETA
Research Unit funding (UID/CEC/00127/2013.) and
Marie Curie Actions IRIS (ref. 610986, FP7-
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BIOSIGNALS 2017 - 10th International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing