related to each frequency bandwidth separately
accomplished high classification success rate of
more than 90% (Table 2 and 3). However, if the
results from Table 2 (CSR_min = 50%) are
compared with the one presented in Staroveski,
Brezak and Udiljak, 2015, (Table 5) where
frequency bandwidth was 50 kHz, a slight
improvement in classifier accuracy can be observed,
particularly in the case of the features extracted from
the samples with narrowest bandwidth of 5 kHz.
Table 5: Classification success rates of tests composed of
all drill wear features (AE signal energies) of the 50 kHz
frequency bandwidth that individually fulfilled condition
CSR_min ≥ 50% (Staroveski, Brezak and Udiljak, 2015).
CSR of the tests, %
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Avg.
50 86.1 91.7 94.4 86.1 91.7 90
Combination of energy features from different
frequency bandwidths (Table 4) obtained very
similar results to those presented in Table 2 and 3.
Analysis of medical drill wear features extracted
from the AE signals in the frequency domain using
different frequency bandwidths has been presented
in this study. Features were used to identify one of
the three drill wear levels. Application of the AE
signals in medical drill wear monitoring can be very
useful due to the fact that that type of the signal has
already shown insensitivity to variations of bone
mechanical properties. This study has additionally
confirmed high precision of the AE signals in drill
wear level classification from sharp to completely
worn drill. Although only slight improvement has
been observed in comparison with the results from
one of the previous study (around 6% higher
classification precision), it can nevertheless
positively contribute to the design of a reliable and
precise multi-sensor medical drill wear estimators.
Their purpose would be to reduce mechanical and
thermal bone damages in the case of fully automated
next-generation bone drilling machines applications.
This work has been fully supported by the Croatian
Science Foundation under the project number IP-09-
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