Biopotential Conducting Polymer Electrodes Design and Realization
for ECG Measurement
Marek Penhaker, Jan Polomik, Jan Kubicek and Vladimir Kasik
VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, FEECS, K450, 17. Listopadu 15, 708 33, Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic
Keywords: Alternative Biopotential Electrodes, Alternative Conductors, Polymer Electrodes, Polymer Conductors,
Conductive Polymer, ECG Measurement, ECG T-shirt.
Abstract: The paper deals with the design and consequent realization of the alternative non-metal bio-potential
electrodes and leads made from conductive polymers: polyaniline and polypyrrole. These alternative non-
metal biopotential electrodes and leads are intended for measurement of the ECG signal from chest by sensory
T-shirt. The electrodes and leads are fixed on the T-shirt for continuous measurement and monitoring ECG
signal. The alternative electrodes and leads were tested and compared against Ag/AgCl electrodes and
common (metal) electrodes.
The ECG measurement has essential role in a clinical
practise. On the base of the ECG signal, it can be
discovered whether a patient suffers from a heart
disorder or heart disease which may not immediately
appear. Measuring of the whole 12 lead ECG may not
be for certain patients comfortable, can be stressful
and requires patient visit on a clinical workspace. The
future vision is allowing for measurement of ECG
signal from their home. Patient would wear specially
adjusted T-shirt with placed electrodes and leads.
ECG measurement would goes from their home
without presence of medical staff. Practically
commonly used bio-potential electrodes (Ag/AgCl)
has number of disadvantages as if necessity of
electro-conductive gel or paste, inability of their
using during CT examination and Magnetic
resonance, therefore, from the view of patient comfort
and effectivity, they are inappropriate for ECG
detection from T-shirt. (Le, 2016), (Vabiral 2011), )
(Wang, 2016), (Guttler, 2016) (Augustynek 2011)
For this reason, attention should be paid on new
materials which could allow for manufacturing
alternative bio-potential electrodes for user easy and
comfortable ECG measurement by T-shirt. (Cerny
2008, Cerny 2009) One of these materials is
conductive polymers. Polyaniline and polypyrrole
against other materials have a great advantage. Each
surface can be covered by these electrodes they do not
require presence of conductive gel or paste and
exhibit electric conductivity on the level of
semiconductors without any metal in their structure.
By this way, electrodes and leads made from
polyaniline and polypyrrole would be used even
during CT and Magnetic resonance examination.
(Peng, 2015), (Penhaker 2013, 2012) (Posada-
Quintero, 2016), (Chen, 2016), (Jekova, 2016)
(Marek 2015) (Penhaker 2011)
After applying standard polyaniline on fabric, this
fabric becomes so called polyaniline electrode (PANI
electrode). If that fabric is covered by globular
polypyrrole, it creates polypyrrole electrode (PPy
2.1 Fabric Polymerisation by Standard
Standard polyaniline was applied by the following
For preparation of 100ml standard
polyaniline, 2.59 g 0.2M Aniline HCl and
5.71 g 0.25 APS was added.
Penhaker M., Polomik J., Kubicek J. and Kasik V.
Biopotential Conducting Polymer Electrodes Design and Realization for ECG Measurement.
DOI: 10.5220/0006150801340141
In Proceedings of the 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), pages 134-141
ISBN: 978-989-758-216-5
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Aniline HCl was given into bowl (50ml)
with distillated water. We had Aniline HCl
dissolved itself. This approach was repeated
also for APS.
For ensuring even soaking solution into
whole fabric and prevention of their
movement, it was necessary to fabric stretch
and consequently fix on wooden frame.
Fabric fixed on the wooden frame had to
souse several times into aniline HCl
By this way, we let fabric in solution for 30
After taking 30 minutes, content with APS
solution was added to disinfection bowl.
Fabric fixed on wooden frame was
prewashed by reaction mixture until that
time than the fabric reactionary colored.
Figure 1: Fabric prewashing fixed on wooden frame in the
reactionary mixture.
Figure 2: Cotton fabric covered by standard polyaniline.
Figure 3: Carbon fabric covered by standard polyaniline.
2.2 Electrical Resistance Measurement
of Polymer Fabric
Electrical resistance was measured on all polymers
fabrics with using of multi-meter ESCORT 3146A
and two measuring probes L4130. An electrical
resistance was measured in the distance 1, 10 and 16
cm between measuring probes. The resulting
resistance was determined as average resistance value
from these distances. Resistance values are
summarized in Tab. 1.
Table 1: Electrical resistance of all polymer fabrics.
Fabric Electrical resistance at 1 cm
distance\\ []
Cotton fabric (PANI) 11.10
Cotton fabric (PPY) 108
Carbon fabric (PANI) 51
2.3 Adjusting of PANI and PPy
Electrodes for ECG Measurement
In order to electrodes allow for easy fixing to chest
strap (optionally T-shirt), Velcro was used.
Electrodes are made by that way that same pieces
were cut from each fabric (with sewn Velcro) with
size 2x3 cm.
Figure 4: Obverse and reverse (a), PANI cotton electrodes
(b) and carbon electrodes PANI (c).
Biopotential Conducting Polymer Electrodes Design and Realization for ECG Measurement
2.4 Adjusting Chest Strap to ECG
Strap consisted of upper and lower part intended for
ECG measurement was made from rubber bandage
ESMARCH with size 60x1250 mm. By this way
placing of electrodes for consequent one-lead ECG
measurement is reached.
Figure 5: Strap with PPy electrodes connected by
2.5 Testing of Polymer Electrodes
For pilot testing PANI and PPy electrodes, one-lead
ECG device with bio-amplifier g.USB were used. The
measurement went according to measuring flow
chart. Three polymer electrodes of same kind were
fixed by Velcro on predetermined spots. Individual
polymer electrodes were connected to the bio-
amplifier by common wires. One-lead chest ECG on
chest was measured step by step with all polymer
electrodes (PANI – cotton electrodes, PANI – carbon
electrodes and PPy cotton electrodes).
Figure 6: Measurement of one-lead ECG on chest with
using of strap.
2.6 Signals and Results Testing
Measured ECG was recalculated on millivolts with
using MATLAB software (reflecting real values).
Figure 7: One-lead ECG measured by clip electrode
Figure 8: One-lead chest ECG measured by cotton PANI
Chest ECG from cotton electrodes (Fig. 8.) is affected
by movement artefact.
Figure 9: One-lead chest ECG measured by carbon
The movement artefact is present on all electrodes
(PANI, PPy). After connecting wires via crocodiles,
it went to badly fixing of crocodiles, polymer
electrodes movement during measurement. This
movement caused movement artefacts. For this
reason it was necessary to adjust connection between
BIODEVICES 2017 - 10th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
conductor and polymer electrode by the way, so that
movement artefacts were eliminated. Crocodile
stabilization was performed by adhesive tape. One of
the advantages is easy reproducibility of
Figure 10: One-lead chest ECG measured by cotton PPy
Figure 11: One-lead chest ECG measured by cotton PANI
electrodes after adjusting measurement chain.
Figure 12: One-lead chest ECG measured by carbon PANI
electrodes after adjusting measurement chain.
Individual ECG curves measured by all polymer
electrodes were without movement artefacts. Sticking
crocodiles to human body electrode movement
caused by conductor heaviness was prevented.
Figure 13: One-lead chest ECG measured by PPy electrodes
after adjusting measurement chain.
Since chest ECG was measured by polymer
electrodes and limb ECG was measured by clip
Ag/AgCl electrodes, it was not possible to compare
measured ECG values. They were not measured from
a same spot and measurement by polymer and
Ag/AgCl electrodes did not go in the same time, thus
individual ECG signals can be different in pulse
having significant influence on ECG signal.
2.7 Summarization of Chest and Limbs
On the base of the ECG curves is obvious if we ensure
sufficient pressure (contact) of polymer electrode
with skin, ECG can be measured with accuracy
comparable as if Ag/AgCl electrodes. This fact is
proved by correlation coefficient (Tab. 2.) from limbs
measurement where we ensured sufficient contact
with skin.
Table 2: Correlation coefficients comparison for chest and
limbs measurement.
coefficient - chest
coefficient -
Cotton PANI
0.9332 0.9944
Cotton PPy
0.9515 0.9935
Carbon PANI
0.9349 0.9835
Correlation coefficients for cotton PANI and PPy
electrodes were around 0.99. These correlation
coefficients are generally much greater than for chest
measurement where the highest correlation
coefficient (0.95) was achieved on cotton PPy
Biopotential Conducting Polymer Electrodes Design and Realization for ECG Measurement
A reliable T-shirt for ECG measurement should be
slim and copy shape of human body, so that pressure
of polymer electrodes to body would increase. For
achieving required contact polymer electrode with
human body, bandages were sewn to given spots of
T-shirt (upper part of chest and stomach area).
PPy cotton electrode (2x2 cm) was fixed to
Velcro. PANI carbon conductor with length 60 cm
isolated by tubule was placed between electrode and
Velcro and firmly connected with electrode. Velcro
was used for easy undoing electrodes from bandage.
Figure 14: T-shirt with stich bandage and placed polymer
3.1 Prototype T-shirt Testing
Three PPy electrodes with isolated PANI conductors
were fixed by Velcro on defined T-shirt spots. Close
to PPy electrodes, disposable stick AG/AgCl was
stick which was connected via common wires with
second one-lead ECG. Both ECG devices were
connected to same A/D converter which was
connected with PC. ECG in stable position and during
selected movements (run, gait and knee-bend) was
measured by such measuring chain. Run and gait
simulation were simulated on one spot due to short
conductor length.
Figure 15: Measuring chain for measuring one-lead ECG
from T-shirt by PPy cotton electrodes with PANI carbon
conductors and in the same time by stick Ag/AgCl
electrodes (placed on the human body) with common wires.
3.2 Measurement Results
For objective comparison of two measured and
recalculated ECG curves. Such time interval was
selected, so that it contains 10 ECG curves detected
in the same time as if PPy cotton electrodes with
PANI carbon conductors. From these extracted ECG
curves, their difference and correlation coefficient
was calculated. Maximum, minimum, average value
and dispersion of calculated difference were
calculated as well. In the case of movement
simulation, recalculated ECG curves were drawn to
ECG curves in sitting position measured in the
same time by PPy cotton electrodes with carbon
PANI conductors and stick Ag/AgCl electrodes
(placed on human body) and common wires and
graph of the calculated difference of both extracted
and recalculated are shown on Fig. 16. ECG curve
measured by Ag/AgCl electrodes with common wires
is shifted about +1.2 mV, so that do not cover itself
with measured ECG signal by PPy cotton electrodes
with PANI carbon conductors.
Figure 16: ECG curve in sitting position, common Ag/AgCl
electrodes (blue), PPy cotton electrodes (red) and their
difference (violet).
BIODEVICES 2017 - 10th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Figure 17: Curve of ECG signals difference.
The statistical results of ECG measured
simultaneously from T-shirt by PPy cotton electrodes
with PANI carbon conductors and stick Ag/AgCl
electrodes (placed on body) with common conductors
are summarized into Tab. 3.
Table 3: Statistical parameters of sitting position by PPy
cotton electrodes with PANI carbon conductors and stick
Ag/AgCl electrodes with common conductors.
Calculated parameter Parameter value
Maximum of difference
0.15 mV
Minimum of difference
-0.14 mV
Average value of difference
-0.031 mV
Dispersion of difference
0.0021 mV
Correlation coefficient
The first T-shirt prototype did not allow for one-lead
ECG measurement during exercising given activities
representing common physic load. One of the causes
could have been moving connection of polymer
conductors and crocodiles. The second cause could
have been decreased contact of electrode fixed to
lower bandage placed to lower T-shirt part. On the
base of these circumstances, it was approached to
design of final T-shirt prototype for ECG
measurement with directly placed Velcro on T-shirt
without using of bandages. Velcro was placed close
to right and left breast and to the area between chest
and hip-bone. Connection of PPy cotton electrodes
and PANI carbon conductors were same as in the
previous case, only there is the difference of isolation.
Electrical isolation was performed by electrician
tubing. The design of final T-shirt prototype for ECG
measurement is depicted on the Fig. 17.
Figure 18: Final design of T-shirt prototype for ECG
The main aim of our research was design and
practical implementation of the polymer bio-potential
electrodes including their leads with using conductive
polymers of polyaniline or polypyrrole. Final output
is the T-shirt prototype intended for continual
detection and monitoring of ECG signal. Electrodes
were manufactured from cotton fabric with
polyaniline, cotton fabric with polypyrrole and
carbon fabric with polyaniline. All three types of
electrodes were compared from the view of detected
and transmitted signal quality against common
Ag/AgCl electrodes with electro-conductive gel. All
electrodes allowed for ECG measurement from both
chest and limbs. The best results from the view of
quality and amplitude strength were achieved by PPy
cotton electrodes.
On the base of the polymer electrodes and
conductors testing it was approached to realization of
polymer electrode and polymer conductor connection
and their placing on the T-shirt. The best results
during testing were achieved by PPy cotton electrodes
and PANI carbon conductors, therefore, the most
optimal combination of these electrodes was selected
for ECG measurement by T-shirt.
Our research contributes to manufacturing of new
non-metal polymer electrodes and conductors. ECG
measurement from T-shirt was successfully tested in
lab conditions. We achieved good results (conformity
96.7%) on sitting position. On the other hand, ECG
results during performing of predefined exercises we
achieved results affected by artefacts. The significant
movement artefact could have been caused by
technological fixing of polymer electrodes and
connecting polymer conductors with lead conductors
Biopotential Conducting Polymer Electrodes Design and Realization for ECG Measurement
of ECG device. The possible direction of future
polymer work could be testing on CT (Computer
Tomography) and MRI (Magnetic resonance), multi-
lead T-shirt realization and ensuring of resistance
against movement artefacts.
This article has been supported by financial support
of TA ČR ,PRE SEED Fund of VSB-Technical
univerzity of Ostrava/TG01010137. The work and the
contributions were supported by the project
SV4506631/2101 'Biomedicínské inženýrské
systémy XII'.
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Biopotential Conducting Polymer Electrodes Design and Realization for ECG Measurement