performed for each gesture independently as the en-
tire recognition flow. The final decision is achieved
through a decision fusion.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 reviews template matching methods
based on the longest common subsequence (LCSS).
Section 3 describes the proposed method. Next, sec-
tion 4 exposes data sets used for our experiments.
Section 5 reviews and discusses the results obtained.
Finally, Section 6 draws a conclusion.
In this paper we present a new approach, based on the
LM-WLCSS. Our state of the art briefly summarizes
related methods. We first introduce the training phase
of the Segmented and Warping LCSS. Then, the
recognition phase of these methods are described re-
spectively. We also present the LM-WLCSS as our
technique is derived from it. Finally, we present our
contributions to the LM-WLCSS.
Templates matching methods (TMMs) (Hart-
mann and Link, 2010) based on Dynamic Time Warp-
ing (Hartmann and Link, 2010), were demonstrated
as non-efficient in presence of noisy raw signals (Vla-
chos et al., 2003). To handle such data, Long-Van et
al. (2012) have introduced two new methods, based
on Longest Common Subsequence (LCSS), Segment-
edLCSS and WarpingLCSS. Both methods share the
same training phase. This training allows converting
accelerometer data into strings. This is due to the fact
that LCSS is based on a problem that relies upon
strings. For this, raw signals must be quantized. The
quantization step, proposed in (Long-Van et al.,
2012), involves computing clusters upon the training
data with the K-Means algorithm. Those centroids are
associated with pre-defined symbols to form strings.
Therefore, each gesture instance is represented as a
sequence of symbols. A LCSS score is associated
with each sequence. The higher the LCSS score is be-
tween two elements, the greater the similarity is. A
gesture instance is thus defined as a temporary tem-
plate. The final motif is chosen based on the one with
the highest average LCSS score. However, in order to
be able to compute whether a signal belongs to a ges-
ture class or not, a rejection threshold is associated
with the template. This threshold is defined as the
minimum LCSS between the previously elected tem-
plate and all other gesture instances of the same class.
Yet, Nguyen-Dinh et al. (2014b) have suggested a
new rejection threshold calculation, based on the
mean μ
and standard deviation σ
of LCSS scores for
the given class c. The resulting threshold ε is defined
as ε= μ
, where h is an integer that allows ad-
justing the sensitivity of the algorithm for this class.
In the Segmented LCSS recognition process, the
stream is stored in a sliding window OW. Each sam-
ple of this window is associated with previously gen-
erated centroids and its related symbol, based on the
minimum Euclidean distance. Then, this new string is
entirely compared to the template computed during
the training. If the resulting score exceeds the rejec-
tion threshold, of the associated class, then the gesture
is associated to c. However, a gesture may be spotted
as belonging to more than one class. To resolve such
conflicts, a resolver may be added, as proposed in
(Long-Van et al., 2012). It is based on the normalized
NormSim(A, B) = LCSS(A,B)/max(
), where
are respectively the length of A and B
strings. The class with the highest NormSim is then
marked as recognized. However, the Segmented
LCSS method implies to recompute the score each
time the sliding window is shifted. As a result, the
computation time is O(T
) (with T the size of the
longest template) in the worst case. However, without
OW the LCSS algorithm cannot find boundaries of in-
coming gestures. In this way, Long-Van et al. (2012)
have introduced a new variant of the LCSS called
The WLCSS method removes need of a sliding
window and improves the computational cost as it au-
tomatically determines gesture boundaries. In this
new variant, quantized signals are still compared to
the template of a given class. Nevertheless, this ver-
sion only update the score for each new element,
starting from zero. This score grows when a match
occurs and decreases thanks to penalties otherwise.
The penalty consists of a weighted Euclidean distance
between symbols, whether it is a mismatch, a repeti-
tion in the stream or even in the template. In a newer
version presented in (Nguyen-Dinh et al., 2014b), the
distance is normalized. Once the matching score is
updated, the final result is output by the same decision
maker used in the SegmentedLCSS method. The re-
sulting time complexity for this new method is O(T).
Although the computational cost WLCSS is one order
of magnitude lower than the SegmentedLCSS, the
memory usage remains O(T
) in the worst case.
Recently, Roggen et al. (2015) have proposed a
new, microcontroller optimized, version of the
WLCSS algorithm called Limited Memory and
WLCSS (LM-WLCSS). Identically to previous meth-
ods, this one is designed to spot motif in noisy raw
signals and focuses on a single sensor channel. In this
way, a quantization step may not be required. More-
over, the training phase of this new variant has also