In general, the use of PCD training is better than
CD training, and FEPCD outperforms PCD training.
This result is pertinent, since FEPCD uses free en-
ergy as a criterion for the goodness of a chain in or-
der to obtain elite samples from the generative model
that can more accurately compute the gradient of
the log probability of training data. FEPCD outper-
forms PCD and CD in terms of accuracy, although
its computational complexity is high and takes rela-
tively longer time in training as compared to the two
methods. Our next goal will be to optimize the per-
formance of FEPCD in order to reduce the computa-
tional complexity.
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Feature Histogram (VFH) descriptor and learned with
both Generative and Discriminative Deep Belief Net-
work (GDBN/DDBN) architectures. GDBN is the
probabilistic model with many Restricted Boltzmann
Machines (RBMs) which are trained sequentially. On
the other hand, DDBN is constructed from the Dis-
criminative Restricted Boltzmann Machine (DRBM)
which is based on RBM and the joint distribution
model. The experimental results using DDBN are en-
couraging, especially that our approach is able to rec-
ognize 3D objects under different views. In a future
work, we will attempt to embed our algorithm in our
robot TurtleBot2 in order to grasp the real-world ob-
jects. Moreover, we will utilize a hybrid deep archi-
tecture that combines the advantage of generative and
discriminative models.
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VISAPP 2017 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications