For the offset BAL, the mode structure in Fig. 11
resembles the modes of the standard BAL, but
individual lateral modes are not able to be resolved.
The blurred mode profile could result from the non-
uniform current injection. The indistinct quality of the
modes demonstrates the limitations for isolating
lateral modes. Lasers with irregular mode structures
and mode spacing smaller than 3 pm cannot be
properly resolved with this spectrometer, limited by
the resolution of the Echelle grating (Misak, 2015).
Figure 11: Spectrally dispersed modes of the offset BAL.
While using a scanning beam profile to determine M
via the ISO standard method produces reliable and
consistent results, other methods exist that provide
accurate measurements in less time. Schmidt et al
demonstrated a system that measures the modal
amplitudes to measure the beam quality in real-time
while maintaining agreement with ISO11146 beam
quality measurements. In order to acquire the modal
amplitudes, the system employed computer generated
holograms and complex analysis (Schmidt et al,
2011). With the Echelle spectrometer shown in this
work, similar measurements of the modal power can
be made, provided that the mode separation is large
enough to spatially isolate the modes on the camera.
With the appropriate numerical analysis, BALs and
tapered lasers with similar characteristics to those in
this work can be used for modal decomposition M
measurements with the spectrometer. Multimode
VCSELs have also been shown to have enough
spatial separation in previous work (Misak, 2015).
Beam quality remains an important factor in many
high power applications. With more in-depth analysis
of the multimode structures and the impact of higher
order modes on beam quality, engineers can develop
new techniques to improve the performance of high
power laser diodes. Further analysis can be performed
by utilizing the spatial separation between modes
with the Echelle spectrometer described in this work.
This tool provides as basis for additional research into
the impact mode power distribution on the beam
quality of diode lasers.
The authors acknowledge the support provide by
NASA with award number NNX16AD20G.
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