walking velocity. Sensors used for fall detection
should be selected and optimised with respect to
their sensitivity as to enable the monitoring system
to detect short abrupt changes in person’s velocity or
In light of the results presented in this paper, the
impulse-radar sensors seem to be promising means
for reliable fall prevention since they enable the
through-the-wall monitoring of persons (as the
electromagnetic waves propagate through non-metal
objects) and highly accurate estimation of their
velocity; those sensors are, however, less
appropriate for fall detection because of the
relatively low rate of data acquisition. On the other
hand, the accelerometric sensors appear to be not
well-suited for the long-term monitoring of the
person’s gait characteristics, but better satisfy the
requirements related to fall detection, due to their
higher sensitivity, significantly higher rate of data
acquisition, and suitability for outdoor use.
One may thus conclude that both types of sensors
studied in this paper, viz. impulse-radar sensors and
accelerometric sensors, are in some way
complementary, and therefore the combined use of
both of them may contribute to the increase in the
reliability of the monitoring of elderly and disabled
This work has been initiated within the project
PL12-0001 financially supported by EEA Grants –
Norway Grants (http://eeagrants.org/project-portal/
project/PL12-0001), and finished within the
statutory project supported by the Institute of
Radioelectronics and Multimedia Technology,
Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology,
Warsaw University of Technology.
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