Figure 3: In-vivo photoacoustic ophthalmic angiography of
the posterior segment of a BLAB/c mouse. (a) Retinal
vasculature and (b) sclera choroidal vasculature.
mouse’s sclera as shown in Fig. 3 (b).
PAM have been studied as useful molecular
imaging tool with contrast agents in various medical
fields. PAM will be also used as a preclinical imaging
tool in ophthalmology for drug development and
diagnosis of disease targeted with specific receptors
such as the vascular endothelial growth factor using
nanoparticles or dyes. In addition, if PAM is
combined with various ophthalmic imaging tools
(OCT, fundus, and SLO), we can obtain structural,
functional, and molecular information.
In conclusion, we demonstrated real-time display
photoacoustic ophthalmic angiography using laser-
scanning OR-PAM at a mouse’s anterior and
posterior segment. We could display MAP images
with 500 500 pixels as volumetric images at 0.98
fps when we used a nanosecond pulse laser with 300-
kHz pulse repetition rates. In further study, we will
obtain molecular images to apply diagnosis of ocular
disease using bio-conjugated contrast agents, which
are based on optical absorbance such as nanoparticles
and dyes.
This work was supported by the “Development of
Platform Technology for Innovative Medical
Measurement Program (KRISS-2016-16011064)”
from the Korea Research Institute of Standards and
Science. It was also supported by grants from the
“Pioneer Research Center Program (2012-0009541)”
and the “Nano Material Technology Development
Program (2014M3A7B6020163)” through the
National Research Foundation (NRF), Rep. of Korea.
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