scene region.
When the value of B is too large, the intensity of
recovered sky regions may exceed 255 resulting in
loss of information. When the value of B is too
small, variation range of recovered pixels is too
small lead to low contrast. Through a large number
of experiments, it is appropriate when B is 100.
In Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7 we compare our
result with He’s result. In Figure 5 Middle, the
intensity of scene is darker than actual scene (e g:
the red elliptical box) and color distortion occurs in
sky patches. In Figure 6 Middle, the reflected light
of water surface (see in the red elliptical box) is
mistaken for haze and the distant scene is darker
than actual scene. Artificial light (see in the red
elliptical box) is exist in Figure 7 Left, and is
mistaken for atmospheric light in Figure 7 Middle.
Therefore, the color of whole image is darker than
the actual color. Artificial light which atmospheric
light is larger than land surface is same as sky.
In Figure 8, Fattal can’t achieve a proper result.
The overall recovered image is darker than real
reflection image. In Meng’s result sky regions
appear color distortion, and there is a perfect
recovery in land surface regions. Our results keep
the actual color of sky and have the state-of-the-art
In this paper, we propose a method to solve the
defect of dark channel prior-dark channel prior does
not perform well in sky-images. Through the above
discussion, our method has the state-of-the-art result
for images which covered sky. But, our method may
not work well for some particular images (e. g.,
images containing snow). The reason is that we need
to divide the input image into sky region and land
surface scene. Since the atmospheric light used in
these two regions is different and the edge of
segmented image is not accurate, the edge between
them become more conspicuous, or may be brighter
than sky region. We intend to solve the problem
using image matting (Chuang et al., 2001; Levin et
al., 2006) in future research.
The authors would like to thank the Advanced
Sensor and Integrated System Lab, Graduate School
at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University, for financially
supporting this research under project
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