Finally, knowledge from all three research directions
must be synthesized in an integrative model on social
robots "as a species", providing an overview of
relevant mechanisms and variables of social robot
interaction, and their interrelations. Such knowledge
will then allow design recommendations for specific
domains and use cases.
As exemplified above, entering the domain of social
robots, means entering a domain that asks for other,
possible even more sensible and complex
considerations, than HCI design per se. While social
robots form a great potential to enrich our society,
profound knowledge about the peculiarities of their
species is needed, to bring them into our world with
best effect, and support a fruitful collaboration
between research and practice. We hope the present
considerations may help to outline the importance of
this endeavour, and that our studies will provide a
basis to create better, trusted, and accepted social
robots, in a way that positively contributes to human
(robot) society.
We thank Simon Männlein, Thomas Weber, and
Valentin Zieglmeier for their effort of planning and
conducting experiments, as their help was crucial for
our research.
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