Assured Reinforcement Learning with Formally Verified Abstract Policies
George Mason
, Radu Calinescu
, Daniel Kudenko
and Alec Banks
Department of Computer Science, University of York, Deramore Lane, York, U.K.
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory, Salisbury, U.K.
Reinforcement Learning, Safety Constraint Verification, Abstract Markov Decision Processes.
We present a new reinforcement learning (RL) approach that enables an autonomous agent to solve decision
making problems under constraints. Our assured reinforcement learning approach models the uncertain en-
vironment as a high-level, abstract Markov decision process (AMDP), and uses probabilistic model checking
to establish AMDP policies that satisfy a set of constraints defined in probabilistic temporal logic. These for-
mally verified abstract policies are then used to restrict the RL agent’s exploration of the solution space so as
to avoid constraint violations. We validate our RL approach by using it to develop autonomous agents for a
flag-collection navigation task and an assisted-living planning problem.
Reinforcement learning (RL) is a machine learning
technique where an autonomous agent uses the re-
wards received from its interactions with an initially
unknown Markov decision process (MDP) to con-
verge to an optimal policy, i.e. the actions to take
in the MDP states in order to maximise the obtained
rewards (Wiering and Otterlo, 2012). Although suc-
cessfully used in applications ranging from gaming
(Szita, 2012) to robotics (Kober et al., 2013), stan-
dard RL is not applicable to problems where the poli-
cies synthesised by the agent must satisfy strict con-
straints associated with the safety, reliability, perfor-
mance and other critical aspects of the problem.
Our work addresses this significant limitation of
standard RL, extending the applicability of the tech-
nique to mission-critical and safety-critical systems.
To this end, we present an assured reinforcement
learning (ARL) approach that restricts the explo-
ration of the RL agent to MDP regions guaran-
teed to yield solutions compliant with the required
constraints. Given limited preliminary knowledge
of the problem under investigation, ARL builds a
high-level abstract Markov decision process (AMDP)
(Marthi, 2007) model of the environment and uses
probabilistic model checking (Kwiatkowska, 2007)
to identify AMDP policies that satisfy a set of con-
straints formalised in probabilistic computation tree
logic (PCTL) (Hansson and Jonsson, 1994). The
constraint-compliant (i.e. “safe”) abstract policies
obtained in this way are then used to resolve some of
the nondeterminism of the unknown problem MDP,
inducing a restricted MDP that the RL agent can ex-
plore without violating any of the constraints.
As multiple safe abstract policies are generated
during the probabilistic model checking stage of
ARL, our approach retains only the abstract policies
that are Pareto-optimal with respect to optimization
objectives associated with the analysed constraints
and/or specified additionally. For example, the con-
straints for the RL problem from one of the case
studies described later in the paper specify a mea-
sure of the maximum healthcare cost permitted for an
assisted-living system. The Pareto-optimal abstract
policies that ARL retains for this RL problem (i) guar-
antee that this maximum threshold is not exceeded,
and (ii) cannot be replaced by (known) policies that
reduce both the healthcare cost and an additional op-
timization objective that reflects the level of distress
for the patient using the system.
Our ARL approach complements the recent re-
search on safe reinforcement learning (Garc
ıa and
andez, 2015). The existing results from this area
focus on specifying bounds for the reward obtained by
the RL agent or for simple measures associated with
this reward (Abe et al., 2011; Castro et al., 2012; De-
lage and Mannor, 2010; Geibel, 2006; Moldovan and
Abbeel, 2012; Ponda et al., 2013). In contrast to these
approaches, ARL uses probabilistic model checking
to formally establish safe AMDP policies associated
with the broad range of safety, reliability and perfor-
Mason G., Calinescu R., Kudenko D. and Banks A.
Assured Reinforcement Learning with Formally Verified Abstract Policies.
DOI: 10.5220/0006156001050117
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2017), pages 105-117
ISBN: 978-989-758-220-2
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
mance constraints that can be formally specified in
PCTL (Hansson and Jonsson, 1994) extended with re-
wards (Andova et al., 2004). To the best of our knowl-
edge, these types of highly useful constraints are not
supported by any existing safe RL solutions.
To assess the effectiveness and generality of ARL,
we thoroughly evaluated its application through two
case studies that addressed different types of RL prob-
lems within different application domains. The first
case study tackles a navigation problem based on the
benchmark RL flag-collection domain (Dearden et al.,
1998), which we extended with an element of risk
that requires the application of ARL. The second case
study involves solving a planning problem to assist a
dementia sufferer perform the task of hand-washing,
and is adapted from a real-world application from the
assisted-living domain (Boger et al., 2006). In both
case studies, ARL generated Pareto-optimal sets of
safe abstract policies, which were successfully used
to drive the RL agents’ exploration towards solutions
satisfying a range of reliability and performance con-
straints associated with the two problems.
The rest of our paper is organized as follows.
In Section 2, we compare our work with related re-
search from the area of safe reinforcement learning.
Next, Section 3 introduces the terminology and tech-
niques that underpin the operation of ARL. Section 4
presents a motivating example that we use to illus-
trate the application of our ARL approach, which is
described in Section 5. The two cases studies that we
used to validate ARL are presented in Section 6, and
Section 7 concludes the paper with a brief summary
and a discussion of future work directions.
Our assured reinforcement learning approach be-
longs to a class of RL methods called safe rein-
forcement learning (Garc
ıa and Fern
andez, 2015).
However, existing safe RL research focuses on en-
forcing bounds on the reward obtained by the RL
agent or on simple measures related to this reward.
Geibel (2006) proposes a safe RL method that sup-
ports an inequality constraint on the reward cumu-
lated by the RL agent or a maximum permitted prob-
ability for such a constraint to be violated. Delage
and Mannor (2010) and Ponda et al. (2013) introduce
RL methods that enforce similar constraints through
generalizing chance-constrained planning to infinite-
horizon MDPs. Thanks to the wide range of safety,
reliability and performance properties that can be ex-
pressed in PCTL, our ARL approach supports a much
broader range of RL constraints, which includes those
covered in (Delage and Mannor, 2010; Geibel, 2006;
Ponda et al., 2013).
Other recent research on safe RL includes the
work of (Moldovan and Abbeel, 2012), who introduce
an approach that enforces the RL agent to avoid irre-
versible actions by entering only states from which it
can return to the initial state. Similar approaches are
proposed by Castro et al. (2012) and Abe et al. (2010).
Thus, Castro et al. (2012) exploit domain knowledge
from financial decision making and robust process
control to enforce constraints on the cumulative re-
ward obtained by the RL agent, on the variance of
this reward, or on a combination of the two. Along
the same lines, Abe et al. (2010) present a safe RL
method that enforces high-level business and legal
constraints during each value iteration step of the RL
process, and apply their method to a tax collection op-
timization problem. ARL is complementary to the ap-
proaches proposed in (Abe et al., 2011; Castro et al.,
2012; Moldovan and Abbeel, 2012) as it supports dif-
ferent types of constraints. In particular, the PCTL-
encoded constraints used by our approach are not spe-
cific to any domain or application like those from
(Castro et al., 2012) and (Abe et al., 2011).
ARL is unique in its use of an abstract MDP and
of probabilistic model checking to constrain the RL
agent’s exploration to safe areas of the environment.
Built with only limited knowledge about the problem
to solve, this AMDP has a significantly smaller state
space and action set than the (unknown) MDP model
of the environment (Li et al., 2006; Marthi, 2007;
Sutton et al., 1999), allowing the efficient analysis
of problem aspects associated with the required con-
straints. In contrast, existing safe RL methods mod-
ify the reward function to “penalize” agent actions as-
sociated with high variance in the probability of at-
taining the reward (Mihatsch and Neuneier, 2002) or
to avoid irreversible actions (Moldovan and Abbeel,
2012); or use domain knowledge to keep away from
unsafe states (Driessens and D
zeroski, 2004).
Unlike existing safe RL approaches, ARL synthe-
sises a Pareto-optimal set of safe AMDP policies that
correspond to a wide range of trade-offs between rele-
vant attributes of the optimisation problem. Although
multi-objective RL (MORL) research (Liu et al., 2015;
Vamplew et al., 2011) has considered the problem
of learning a policy that satisfies conflicting objec-
tives, existing MORL methods, e.g. (Barrett and
Narayanan, 2008; G
abor et al., 1998; Mannor and
Shimkin, 2004; Moffaert and Now
e, 2014), do not
support the broad range of optimisation objectives
that can be specified in ARL using reward-augmented
PCTL constraints.
Finally, our ARL approach builds on preliminary
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
results that we described in a recent work-in-progress
paper (Mason et al., 2016), which it significantly ex-
tends through formalising the stages of the approach,
through the addition of an assisted-living case study
that confirms the applicability of ARL to planning
problems, and through the inclusion of new experi-
mental results and insights from these experiments.
Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) (Wiering and
Otterlo, 2012) are a formalism for modelling sequen-
tial decision-making problems where an autonomous
agent can perceive the current environment state s and
select an action a from a set of actions. Performing
the selected action a results in the agent transitioning
to a new state s
and receiving an immediate reward
r R.
An MDP is formally defined as a tuple (S,A,T, R),
where: S is a finite set of states; A is a finite set of ac-
tions; T : S×A×S [0,1] is a state transition function
such that for any s,s
S and any action a A that is
allowed in state s, T (s,a,s
) gives the probability of
transitioning to state s
when performing action a in
state s; and R : S×A×S R is a reward function such
that R(s, a,s
) = r is the reward received by the agent
when action a performed in state s leads to state s
Given an MDP (S,A,T,R), we are interested in
finding a deterministic policy π : S A that maps each
state in S to one of the actions permitted in that state
and maximizes the reward accrued by an autonomous
agent that follows the policy. When all MDP elements
are known, the problem can be solved using dynamic
programming, e.g. by means of value or policy it-
eration algorithms. In scenarios where the transition
function T and/or the reward function R are unknown
a priori, RL is employed as described below.
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a machine learning
technique where an autonomous agent with no ini-
tial knowledge of an environment must learn about
it through exploration, i.e. by selecting initially arbi-
trary actions while moving from one state of an un-
known MDP to another. By receiving rewards af-
ter each state transition, the RL agent learns about
the quality of its action choices. The agent stores
this knowledge it gains about the quality of a state-
action pair (s, a) S × A in the form of a Q-value
Q(s,a) R. Updates to Q-values are done using
a temporal difference learning algorithm such as Q-
learning (Watkins and Dayan, 1992), whose formula
Q(s,a) Q(s,a) + α[r + γ · max
) Q(s,a)],
shows the Q-value Q(s,a) being updated after select-
ing action a in state s earned the agent a reward r and
took it to state s
, where α (0,1] is the learning rate
and γ [0,1] is the discount factor.
The Q-value updates propagate information about
rewards within the environment over the state-action
pairs, enabling the RL agent to exploit the knowledge
it has learned. Thus, when the agent revisits a state,
it can perform an action based on a pre-defined pol-
icy instead of a randomly selected action. As an ex-
ample, with the ε-greedy policy the agent acts ran-
domly with probability ε and selects the highest Q-
value action with probability 1 ε (Wiering and Ot-
terlo, 2012). Provided that each MDP state is visited
infinitely many times and the learning rate α satisfies
certain conditions, the algorithm is guaranteed to con-
verge to an optimal policy. In practice, a finite num-
ber of learning iterations (i.e. episodes) is typically
enough to obtain a policy sufficiently close to the op-
timal policy.
Abstract MDPs (AMDPs) are high-level represen-
tations of MDPs in which multiple MDP states are
aggregated, e.g. based on their similarity (Li et al.,
2006), and the MDP actions are replaced by tempo-
rally abstract options (Sutton et al., 1999). As an ex-
ample, instead of an agent performing a sequence of
stepwise movements to transition through a series of
Cartesian coordinates from room A to enter room B
in a navigation problem, in an associated AMDP each
location would be a single state and the option would
simply be to “move” from room A to room B. Ac-
cordingly, an AMDP is orders of magnitude smaller
than its MDP counterpart, can often be built with very
limited knowledge about the environment, and can
be solved and reasoned about much faster (Marthi,
Consider an MDP (S,A,T,R) and a function
z : S
S that maps each state s S to an abstract state
S such that
S = z(S). Then, the AMDP induced
by the state-mapping function z is a tuple (
T ,
S is the set of abstract states;
A is the set of op-
T :
S ×
A ×
S [0,1] is a state transition func-
tion such that
T ( ¯s,o, ¯s
) =
sS,z(s)= ¯s
)= ¯s
for any ¯s, ¯s
S and any option o
A; and
R :
S ×
A ×
S R is a reward function such that
R( ¯s, o) =
sS,z(s)= ¯s
for any ¯s
S and any o
A, where w
0 is the
weight of state s, calculated based on the expected
Assured Reinforcement Learning with Formally Verified Abstract Policies
frequency of occurrence of state s in the abstract state
z(s) (Marthi, 2007).
A parameterised AMDP uses parameters to spec-
ify which option to perform in each AMDP state (Xia
and Jia, 2013). An abstract policy selects the values
of these parameters, resolving the nondeterminism of
the AMDP, and thus transforming it into a discrete-
time Markov chain with a single option for each state.
Probabilistic model checking is a mathematically
based technique for establishing reliability, perfor-
mance and other nonfunctional properties of sys-
tems with stochastic behaviour (Kwiatkowska, 2007).
Given a Markovian model of the analysed system,
probabilistic model checking tools, such as PRISM
(Kwiatkowska et al., 2011) and MRMC (Katoen et al.,
2011), use efficient symbolic algorithms to efficiently
examine its entire state space, producing results that
are guaranteed to be correct. The technique has been
successfully used to analyse nonfunctional properties
of systems ranging from cloud infrastructure (Cali-
nescu et al., 2012) and service-based systems (Ca-
linescu et al., 2013) to unmanned vehicles (Gerasi-
mou et al., 2014). Typical properties that can be es-
tablished using the probabilistic model checking in-
clude: What is the probability that the agent will
safely reach the goal area? and What is the expected
level of distress for the dementia patient? in the
flag-collection navigation problem and in the assisted-
living planning problem from our case studies, re-
Probabilistic model checking operates with MDPs
whose states are labelled with atomic propositions
that specify basic properties of interest that hold in
each MDP state, e.g. start, goal, or RoomA. MDPs la-
belled with atomic propositions enable the analysis of
properties that express probabilities and temporal re-
lationships between events and are specified in a prob-
abilistic variant of temporal logic called probabilistic
computational tree logic (PCTL) (Hansson and Jons-
son, 1994). Given a set of atomic propositions AP, a
state formula Φ and a path formula Ψ in PCTL are
defined by the grammar:
Φ ::= true | a | ¬Φ | Φ
| P
Ψ ::= XΦ | Φ
| Φ
, (1)
where a AP, {<,,,>}, p [0,1] and k
N; and a PCTL reward state formula (Kwiatkowska
et al., 2007) is defined by the grammar:
Φ ::= R
] | R
] | R
[FΦ] | R
[S], (2)
where r R
. State formulae include the logical op-
erators and ¬, which allow the formulation of dis-
junction () and implication ().
Figure 1: Flag-collection mission. (Dearden et al., 1998)
extended with security cameras. The diagram shows the
flag positions A–F, the start and goal positions for the agent,
and the cameras and their field of view.
The semantics of PCTL are defined with a sat-
isfaction relation |= over the states and paths of an
MDP (S,A, T,R). Thus, s |= Φ means Φ is satisfied
in state s. For any state s S, we have: s |= true;
s |= a iff s is labelled with the atomic proposition a;
s |= ¬Φ iff ¬(s |= Φ); and s |= Φ
iff s |= Φ
and s |= Φ
. A state formula P
[Ψ] is satisfied in
a state s if the probability of the future evolution of
the system satisfying Ψ satisfies p. For an MDP
path s
..., the “next state” formula X Φ holds
iff Φ is satisfied in the next path state (i.e. in state
); the bounded until formula Φ
holds iff
before Φ
becomes true is some state s
, x < k, Φ
is satisfied for states s
to s
; and the unbounded
until formula Φ
removes the constraint x < k
from the bounded until. For instance, the PCTL
formula P
[¬RoomA U goal] formalises the con-
straint ‘the probability of reaching the goal without
entering RoomA is at least 0.95’.
The notation F
Φ trueU
Φ, and FΦ
trueUΦ is used when the first part of a bounded un-
til, and until formula, respectively, are true. The re-
ward state formulae (2) express the expected cost at
timestep k (R
]), the expected cumulative cost
up to time step k (R
]), the expected cumula-
tive cost to reach a future state that satisfies a property
Φ (R
[FΦ]), and the expected steady-state reward in
the long run (R
Finally, probabilistic model checkers also support
PCTL formulae in which the bounds ‘ p and r
are replaced with =?’, to indicate that the compu-
tation of the actual bound is required. For example,
goal] expresses the probability of succeed-
ing (i.e. of reaching a state labelled goal) within 20
time steps.
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
We motivate the need for assured reinforcement learn-
ing using an extension of the benchmark RL flag-
collection mission from (Dearden et al., 1998). In the
original mission, an agent needs to find and collect
flags scattered throughout a building by learning to
navigate through its rooms and hallways. In our ex-
tension, certain doorways between areas are provided
with security cameras, as shown in Figure 1. Detec-
tion by a camera results in the capture of the agent and
the termination of its flag-collection mission.
Unknown to the agent, the detection effectiveness
of the cameras decreases towards the boundary of
their field of view, so that the camera-monitored door-
ways comprise three areas with decreasing probabil-
ities of detection: direct view by the camera, par-
tial view, and hidden. We assume that the detec-
tion probabilities for the camera-monitored doorways
from Figure 1 and the camera-view areas have the val-
ues from Table 1.
Table 1: Agent detection probabilities.
Camera view
Direct Partial Hidden
HallA RoomA
HallB RoomB
HallB RoomC
RoomC RoomE
0.18 0.12 0.06
0.15 0.1 0.05
0.15 0.1 0.05
0.21 0.14 0.07
Consider now a real-world application where the
agent is an expensive autonomous robot pursuing a
surveillance mission or a search-and-rescue opera-
tion. In this scenario, its owners are interested in the
safe return of robot, but do not want it to behave “too
safely” or it will not collect enough flags. Therefore,
they specify the following constraints for the agent:
The agent should reach the ‘goal’ area with pro-
bability at least 0.75.
The agent should cumulate more than two flags
before it reaches the ‘goal’ area.
Subject to these constraints being satisfied, they are
interested to maximise:
The probability that the agent reaches the ‘goal’.
The number of collected flags.
As a result, the agent owners additionally want to
know the range of possible trade-offs between these
two conflicting optimization objectives. In this way,
the right level of trade-off can be selected for each in-
stance of the mission. Note that formulating the con-
straints C
and C
into a reward function and using
standard RL to solve the problem is not possible be-
cause an RL agent aims to maximize its reward rather
than to maintain it within a specified range.
Our ARL approach takes as input the following infor-
mation about problem to solve:
1. Partial knowledge about the problem;
2. A set of constraints C = {C
,.. . ,C
} that must
be satisfied by the policy learnt by the RL agent;
3. A set of objectives O = {O
,.. . , O
} that the
RL policy should optimise (i.e. minimise or max-
imise) subject to all constraints being satisfied.
The optimisation objectives O can be associated with
problem properties that appear in the constraints C
(like in our motivating example), or also with ad-
ditional problem properties (as in the assisted-living
planning problem from Section 6). The partial knowl-
edge must contain sufficient information for the as-
sembly of an abstract MDP supporting the formali-
sation in PCTL and the probabilistic model checking
of the n >0 constraints and m 0 optimisation objec-
tives. For instance, for constraint C
from our moti-
vating example, it is enough to know the hidden-view
detection probabilities of the cameras (as the agent
should be able to learn the best area for crossing the
doorway). Note that the partial knowledge about the
environment assumed by ARL is necessary: no con-
straints could be ensured during RL exploration in the
absence of any information about the environment.
Furthermore, ARL assumes that sufficient learning is
undertaken by the RL agent to find an optimal policy
for safety requirements to be assured; suboptimal RL
policies may not satisfy the safety requirements.
Under these assumptions, our ARL approach:
(i) generates a Pareto-optimal set of “safe” abstract
policies that satisfy the constraints C and are Pareto
non-dominated with respect to the optimisation ob-
jectives O; and (ii) learns a (concrete) policy that sat-
isfies the constraints C and meets trade-offs between
objectives O given by a Pareto-optimal abstract policy
selected by the user. ARL comprises three stages:
1. AMDP construction This stage devises a pa-
rameterised AMDP model of the RL problem
that supports the probabilistic model checking of
PCTL-formalised versions of the constraints C
and of the optimisation objectives O.
2. Abstract policy synthesis This stage generates
the Pareto-optimal set of “safe” abstract policies.
3. Safe learning This stage uses a user-selected
abstract policy from the Pareto-optimal set to en-
force state-action constraints for the exploration
of the environment by the RL agent, which sub-
sequently learns an optimal policy that complies
Assured Reinforcement Learning with Formally Verified Abstract Policies
with the problem constraints and meets the opti-
misation objective trade-offs associated with the
selected abstract policy.
The three ARL stages are described in detail in the
remainder of the section.
Stage 1: AMDP Construction. In this ARL stage,
all features that are relevant for the problem con-
straints and optimisation objectives must be extracted
from the available partial knowledge about the RL en-
vironment. This could include locations, events, re-
wards, actions or progress levels. The objective is to
abstract out the features that have no impact on the so-
lution attributes that the constraints C and objectives
O refer to, whilst retaining the key features that these
attributes depend on. This ensures that the AMDP is
sufficiently small to be analysed using probabilistic
model checking, while also containing the necessary
details to enable the analysis of all constraints and op-
timisation objectives.
In our motivating example, the key features are the
locations and connections of rooms and halls, the de-
tection probabilities of the cameras and the progress
of the flags collected. Instead of having each Carte-
sian coordinate within a room or hall as a separate
state, the room or hall as a whole is considered a sin-
gle state in the AMDP. Also, we only consider the
hidden-view detection probability per camera since
these are the probabilities that the RL agent will learn
for the optimal points to traverse the doorways. These
abstractions yield a 448-state AMDP for our flag-
collection problem, compared to 14,976 states for the
RL MDP (which is unknown to the agent). Note that
the number of AMDP states is larger than the number
of locations (i.e. rooms and halls) because different
AMDP states are used for each possible combination
of a location and a number of flags collected so far.
The actions of the full RL MDP are similarly ab-
stracted. For example, instead of having the cardinal
movements at each location of the building from our
motivating example, abstract actions (i.e. options
cf. Section 3) are specified as simply the movement
between locations. Thus, instead of the four possi-
ble actions for each of the 14,976 MDP state, the 448
AMDP states have only between one and four pos-
sible options each. The N options that are available
for an AMDP state correspond to the N 1 passage-
ways that link the location associated with that state
with other locations, and can be encoded using a state
parameter that takes one of the discrete values 1, 2,
. . . , N. The parameters for AMDP states with a single
passageway (corresponding to rooms A, B and E from
Figure 1) can only take the value 1 and are therefore
discarded. This leaves a set of 256 parameters that
Algorithm 1: Abstract policy synthesis heuristic.
2: PS {}
3: while ¬DONE(PS) do
5: for π P do
6: if
(M ,π,c) then
7: dominated = false
8: for π
PS do
9: if DOM(π, π
,M ,O) then
10: PS PS \ {π
11: else if DOM(π
,π, M ,O) then
12: dominated = true
13: break
14: end if
15: end for
16: if ¬dominated then
17: PS PS {π}
18: end if
19: end if
20: end for
21: end while
22: return PS
23: end function
24: function DOM(π
,M ,O)
25: return
o O · PMC
(M ,π
(M ,π
o O · PMC
(M ,π
(M ,π
26: end function
correspond to approximately 4 × 10
possible ab-
stract policies.
Finally, this ARL stage is also responsible for la-
belling the AMDP with atomic propositions enabling
its probabilistic model checking, and for the PCTL
formalisation of the constraints C and optimisation
objectives O in terms of these atomic propositions.
For our flag-collection mission, this involves associ-
ating an atomic proposition goal with the AMDP
states corresponding to the agent reaching the ‘goal’
area (with any number of collected flags), and formal-
ising the constraints and optimisation objectives from
Section 4 as follows:
: P
[F goal] O
: maximize P
[F goal]
: R
[F goal] O
: maximize R
[F goal]
Stage 2: Abstract Policy Synthesis. In this ARL
stage, the generic heuristic from Algorithm 1 is used
to find constraint-compliant abstract policies for the
RL problem. Given an AMDP M , a set of constraints
C and a set of optimisation objectives O (all obtained
in Stage 1 of ARL), the function GENABSTRACT-
POLICIES from Algorithm 1 synthesises an approx-
imate Pareto-optimal set of abstract policies that sat-
isfy the constraints C and are Pareto non-dominated
with respect to the optimisation objectives O. The
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
abstract policy set PS returned by this function in
line 22 starts empty (line 2), and is assembled iter-
atively by the while loop in lines 3–21 until a termi-
nation criterion ¬DONE(PS) is satisfied. This crite-
rion (not shown in Algorithm 1) may involve ending
the while loop after a fixed number of iterations, or
after several consecutive iterations during which PS
is left unchanged. Each iteration of the while loop
first identifies a set P of “candidate” abstract policies
in line 4, and then updates the Pareto-optimal policy
set in the for loop from lines 5–20. Our algorithm
is not prescriptive about the method used to get new
candidate policies. As such, the function GETCAN-
DIDATEPOLICIES from line 4 can be implemented
using a metaheuristic such as the genetic algorithm
used to synthesise Markovain models in (Gerasimou
et al., 2015), a simple heuristic like hill climbing, or
just random search.
To decide how to update PS, the for loop in lines
5–20 examines each candidate abstract policy π as
follows. First, the boolean function PMC
invokes a probabilistic model checking tool) is used
to establish whether using policy π for the AMDP M
satisfies every constraint c C (line 6). If it does, π
is deemed “safe” and the inner for loop in lines 8–15
compares it to each of the abstract policies already in
PS by using the Pareto-dominance comparison func-
tion DOM defined in lines 24–26, where the prob-
abilistic model checking function PMC
(M , π,o)
computes the value of the optimisation objective o
O for the policy π of M .
Every policy π
PS that
is Pareto dominated by π is removed from PS (lines
9–10). If π is itself Pareto-dominated (line 11), the
flag dominated (initially false, cf. line 7) is set to true
in line 12 and the inner for loop is terminated early
in line 13. Finally, the new abstract policy is added
to the Pareto-optimal policy set if is not dominated by
any known policy (lines 16–18).
Stage 3: Safe Learning. The final stage of ARL
exploits the previously obtained approximate Pareto-
optimal set of abstract policies. A policy is selected
from this set by taking into account the trade-offs that
different policies achieve for the optimisation objec-
tives used to assemble the set. The high-level op-
tions from the abstract policy are used as rules for
which of the corresponding low-level MDP actions
A policy π
is said to Pareto-dominate another policy
with respect to a set of objectives O iff π
gives superior
results to π
for at least one objective from O, and for all
other objectives π
it is at least as good as π
(Liu et al.,
2015). Without loss of generality, the definition of DOM
from Algorithm 1 assumes that all objectives from O are
maximising objectives.
the RL agent should, or should not, perform in order
to achieve the required constraints. For instance, as-
sume that the selected abstract policy for our motivat-
ing example requires the agent to never enter RoomA.
In this case, should the agent be at Cartesian coordi-
nates (5,9) (i.e. the position immediately to the North
of the Start position), the action to move North and
thus to enter RoomA is removed from the agent’s ac-
tion set, for this specific state. Disallowing actions
that are not associated with the safe options of the ab-
stract policy results in the RL agent learning low-level
behaviours that are guaranteed to satisfy the safety
This restriction of actions necessarily reduces the
RL agent’s autonomy, however, it is not removed en-
tirely. Specifically, to ensure that the agent behaves
according to the safety requirements, exploration of
actions that can result in safety violations, i.e. those
actions which contradict the abstract policy, are re-
stricted. Otherwise, the agent is free to explore its
environment as it normally would. For example, in
the motivating example, the agent’s exploration is re-
stricted only by which rooms it can enter. The agent
must still explore the environment to learn the flag lo-
cations within the rooms as well as the doorway areas
safest to cross, information which is unknown a priori
and therefore not contained within the abstract poli-
cies. Although abstract policy constraints may yield
suboptimal RL policies with respect to the RL model
in its entirety, this key feature assures safety.
To evaluate the efficacy and generality of ARL we ap-
plied it to two case studies from different domains.
The first case study is based on the navigation task
described in Section 4, where the learning agent must
navigate a guarded building with the objective of col-
lecting flags distributed throughout. The second case
study is a planning problem adapted from (Boger
et al., 2006), where a system has been designed to
assist a dementia sufferer perform the task of washing
their hands.
For each case study we conducted a set of four ex-
periments. An initial experiment was first conducted
which was a traditional RL implementation of the
case study problem. This experiment serves as a base-
line which we contrast with the ARL experiments in
order to determine the effects of our method. Fol-
lowing the baseline experiment a further three exper-
iments were undertaken where RL in Stage 3 of ARL
was applied using a different abstract policy from the
Pareto-optimal set of abstract policies constructed in
Assured Reinforcement Learning with Formally Verified Abstract Policies
Stage 2 using an implementation based on random
search for function GETCANDIDATEPOLICIES from
Algorithm 1.
For all experiments we use a discount factor γ =
0.99 and a learning rate α = 0.1 which decays to 0
over the learning run, experiment-specific parameters
are shown where relevant in the remainder of this sec-
tion. All parameters have been chosen empirically in
line with standard RL practice. As is convention when
evaluating stochastic processes, we repeated each ex-
periment multiple times (i.e. five times) and we eval-
uated the final policy for each experiment many times
(i.e. 10,000 times) in order to ensure that the results
are suitably significant (Arcuri and Briand, 2011).
We evaluate the learning progress of each experi-
ment after each learning episode during a run. Error
bars for the standard error of the mean show the statis-
tical significance of the learning over the five learning
runs that we performed for each experiment (Figures
3, 4, 7 and 8). Evaluation of the learned RL policies
was done once a learning run had finished (Tables 3
and 7).
6.1 Guarded Flag Collection
This case study is based on the scenario described in
Section 4 and referred to throughout Section 5. In the
interest of brevity, the details presented in these two
previous sections will not be repeated here.
In our RL implementation, the reward structure
was defined as follows: the agent receives a reward
of 1 for each flag it collects and an additional reward
of 1 for reaching the ‘goal’ area of the building. If
the agent is captured it receives a reward of -1 and
any flags that have been previously collected are dis-
We used the AMDP constructed during the first
ARL stage as described in Section 5. In the sec-
ond ARL stage, we generated 10,000 abstract policies
with parameter values (i.e. state to action mappings)
drawn randomly from a uniform distribution. Out of
these abstract policies, probabilistic model checking
using the tool PRISM identified 14 policies that sat-
isfied the two constraints from Section 4. Figure 2
shows the QV results obtained for these 14 abstract
policies, i.e. their associated probability of reach-
ing the ‘goal’ area and expected number of flags col-
lected. The approximate Pareto-front depicted in this
figure was obtained using the two optimization objec-
tives described in Section 5, i.e. maximizing the ex-
pected number of flags collected and the probability
of reaching the ‘goal’ area of the building.
Three abstract policies were selected to use in
each of the ARL experiments during the safe learn-
Probability of reaching ‘goal’
Expected reward
Abstract policy
Figure 2: Pareto-front of abstract policies that satisfy the
constraints from Section 4.
Table 2: Selected abstract policies to use for ARL in the
guarded flag-collection.
Probability of
Reaching ‘goal’
A 0.9 2.85
B 0.81 3.62
C 0.78 4.5
ing stage, as explained in Section 5. The properties of
these three abstract policies are shown in Table 2.
The baseline experiment, which was a standard
RL implementation of the case study, used an ε = 0.8
and performed 2 × 10
learning episodes, each with
10,000 steps. This did not, however, reach a global
optimum. Even after extensive learning runs, in ex-
cess of 10
learning episodes, conventional RL did
not attain a superior solution. In contrast, in our ex-
periments where ARL was used (cf. abstract policy
C, Table 3), a superior policy was learned much faster,
further demonstrating the advantages of our approach.
Figure 3 shows the learning progress for this experi-
0 0.2 0.4
0.8 1 1.2 1.4
1.8 2
Expected Reward
Figure 3: Learning for guarded flag-collection with no ARL
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
0.5 0.6
0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Expected Reward
Abstract policy A
Abstract policy B
Abstract policy C
Figure 4: Learning for guarded flag-collection with ARL
applied using the selected abstract policies A, B and C.
Table 3: Results for baseline and ARL experiments for
guarded flag-collection.
Probability of
Reaching ‘goal’
None 0.72 0.0073 4.01 0.031
A 0.9 0.0012 2.85 0.0029
B 0.81 0.0019 3.62 0.0037
C 0.78 0.0012 4.5 0.0041
Next, we present the three ARL experiments, one
for each of the abstract policies from Table 2. Since
the abstract policy had the effect of guiding the agent
with regard to the locations to enter next, less explo-
ration by the agent was required and fewer learning
episodes were necessary. Therefore, we used ε = 0.6
which decayed to zero over the learning run and 10
episodes were needed for the learning to converge.
Figure 4 shows the RL learning progress for each of
the abstract policies used for ARL.
The learned policies for each of the experiments
were evaluated and the results summarized in Table 3.
The experiments where an abstract policy was ap-
plied resulted in an RL policy that: (a) satisfied the
problem constraints and optimisation objectives spec-
ified in Section 4; and (b) matched the probability of
reaching the ‘goal’ area and the expected reward of
the abstract policy (cf. Table 2). The baseline exper-
iment gave results that do not satisfy our constraints,
which was expected given that only 14 of the 10,000
abstract policies synthesised by ARL satisfied these
6.2 Autonomous Assistance for
Dementia Sufferer
Dementia is a common chronic illness with signifi-
cantly debilitating consequences. As the illness pro-
gresses, it becomes increasingly difficult for the suf-
Table 4: Hand washing subtasks.
Subtask Atomic proposition
Turn tap on on
Apply soap soaped
Wet hands under tap wet
Rinse washed hands rinsed
Dry hands dried
ferer to perform even simple tasks, making it neces-
sary for a caregiver to provide assistance with such
To alleviate the duties of the caregiver and the cost
to healthcare, the project described in (Boger et al.,
2006) has developed an automated system that helps
a dementia patient perform the task of washing their
hands. For our second case study we used a simulated
version of this assisted-living system. For the purpose
of our system, the hand-washing task can be decom-
posed into the subtasks listed in Table 4. This table
also shows the atomic propositions (i.e. boolean la-
bels, cf. Section 3) that we will use in this section to
indicate whether each of the subtasks has been com-
It is possible for the dementia sufferer to regress
in this task by repeating subtasks they have already
performed, or by performing the wrong subtask for
the stage of the hand-washing process they have
reached. Figure 5 depicts the workflow carried out
by a healthy person while progressing with the task
(black, continuous-line nodes and arrows) and the
possible regressions that a dementia sufferer could
make (red dashed-line nodes and arrows). For ease of
reference, the states of the workflow is labelled with
a state ID (s
to s
) and with the atomic propositions
that hold in that state.
The probabilities of the dementia sufferer pro-
gressing and regressing (not shown in Figure 5) vary
at each stage of the task and between sufferers. For
the purpose of our evaluation, we carefully decided
these probabilities based on the subtask complexity,
as indicated in (Boger et al., 2006).
The system is designed so that if the user fails to
perform one of the next correct subtasks then it may
provide a voice prompt instructing the user what sub-
task to do next. The system learns what style of voice
is most appealing to the user based on how conducive
different styles of prompt are at the user succeeding
with the overall task. Voice styles vary in gender,
sternness of the instructions (mild, moderate or strict)
and volume (soft, medium or loud). The appeal of the
voice style will induce an increase in the probabil-
ity that the dementia sufferer progresses compared to
no prompt being given, with the least appealing voice
Assured Reinforcement Learning with Formally Verified Abstract Policies
Figure 5: Workflow of washing hands, showing the subtasks at each stage of progress with the progression of a healthy person
in black continuous lines and the possible regressions of a dementia sufferer in red dashed lines.
Table 5: Constraints and optimisation objectives for the assisted-living system.
ID Constraint (C) or optimisation objective (O) PCTL
The probability that the caregiver provides as-
sistance should be at least 0.05
The probability that the caregiver provides as-
sistance should be at most 0.2
The level of dementia sufferer distress due to
multiple voice prompts should be minimised
minimise R
[F done m = MAX MISTAKES]
The probability of calling the caregiver should
be minimised (subject to C
and C
being sat-
minimise P
yielding the smallest increase and the most appealing
yielding the largest increase.
For our system we wish to determine when to give
a prompt to the user and when it becomes necessary
to call the caregiver (because the user is not making
progress despite repeated prompts). Overloading the
user with prompts can become stressful, and therefore
each prompt has a negative reward of 1. Whilst call-
ing the caregiver will be of relief to the user as well as
ensuing the completion of the task, doing it too fre-
quently will become stressful to the caregiver or, in
a care home, will overstretch the personnel resources
available. Therefore, the caregiver should assist on
some occasions, but most of the time not; thus the
action to call the caregiver has a negative reward of
300. Completing the task results in a reward of 500.
Note that the rewards for calling the caregiver and for
completing the task are only necessary in the RL sim-
ulation for learning to appropriately progress and are
not necessary in the AMDP.
Finally, we desire that the caregiver be present at
least once every one-to-four days, to ensure that the
sufferer receives the caregiver’s attention regularly.
Assuming that a person washes their hands approx-
imately five times a day, the probability that the care-
giver should assist the dementia sufferer during any
one hand-washing should be between
/20 and
/5, i.e.
between 0.05 and 0.2. This constraint, and an addi-
tional, manually-specified optimisation objective for
the abstract policy synthesis stage of ARL can be
formalised in PCTL as shown in Table 5, where m
is the number of mistakes made at any given time,
MAX MISTAKES is the threshold for the maximum
number of mistakes that result in calling the caregiver,
distress is the reward structure for stress to the demen-
tia sufferer, and done is the atomic proposition asso-
ciated with the completion of the hand-washing task
by the user (cf. Figure 5).
We constructed the AMDP for this system based
on the workflow shown in Figure 5, where each work-
flow stage represents a different AMDP state. To ab-
stract the RL MDP we only used in the AMDP the
transition probabilities and the best style of prompt
which the RL agent aims to learn. We encoded an ab-
stract policy for this AMDP using an array of 12 pa-
rameters, one for each stage of the task from Figure 5
other than stage 10 (where the task is complete). The
parameter associated with each workflow stage rep-
resents the minimum number of total user mistakes
that warrant giving a prompt at that stage. Each pa-
rameter can take values between zero (always give
a voice prompt) and the maximum number of mis-
takes allowed before calling the caregiver (never give
a voice prompt).
We generated 10,000 abstract policies using ran-
dom search, and we used the probabilistic model
ICAART 2017 - 9th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Probability of calling the caregiver
Distress to dementia sufferer
Abstract policy
Figure 6: Abstract policies and Pareto-front for the assisted-
living system.
Table 6: Selected abstract policies used during the safe
learning stage of ARL for the assisted-living system.
Probability of Calling
the Caregiver
Distress to
Dementia Sufferer
A 0.08 2.17
B 0.13 1.70
C 0.17 1.38
checker PRISM to identify the 786 abstract policies
that satisfied constraints C
and C
from Table 5. Two
optimisation objectives were used to assemble the ap-
proximate Pareto-front (and the set of Pareto-optimal
abstract policies) in the abstract policy synthesis stage
of ARL. The former objective was objective O
Table 5. The latter objective (O
from Table 5) was
derived from constraint C
, i.e. we aimed to min-
imise the probability of calling the caregiver. Figure 6
shows the entire set of safe abstract policies, as well as
the Pareto-front. For the last stage of ARL (safe learn-
ing), we carried out experiments starting from three
abstract policies from different areas of the Pareto-
front shown in Figure 6. Table 6 lists these three ab-
stract policies with their associated attributes (i.e. the
probability to call the caregiver and the level of dis-
tress to the dementia sufferer).
We chose a value of ε = 0.5 for all experiments
in this case study. Figure 7 shows the average learn-
ing of all ve learning runs of the baseline experiment
(without ARL), with error bars used to show the stan-
dard error of the mean. For this experiment 1 × 10
episodes were necessary to reach an optimal policy
and each episode had a maximum of 1,000 steps.
Following the baseline experiment, we carried out
a series of experiments for each of the three selected
abstract policies from Table 6, the learning progress
of these experiments is shown in Figure 8. More
learning episodes were necessary for the ARL ex-
periments since for many states the abstract policies
0 0.2 0.4
0.8 1
Expected Reward
Figure 7: Learning for assisted-living system with no ARL
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
0.5 0.6
0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Expected Reward
A.P. A
A.P. B
A.P. C
Figure 8: Learning for assisted-living system with ARL ap-
plied using the selected abstract policies A, B and C.
prevented a prompt being given, delaying the agent’s
ability to explore and learn about different prompt
Contrasting the results from the baseline experi-
ment and the ARL experiments, it is clear that the ac-
tion constraints are having the expected effect on the
learned policy. In particular, comparing the probabil-
ities of calling the caregiver and the level of distress
to the dementia sufferer against those that were ver-
ified for the abstract policies, the action constraints
are having the desired effect, with all the results being
close to or matching the values shown in Table 6. The
slight difference from the abstract policy C’s proba-
bility of calling the caregiver can be attributed to the
policy not being entirely optimal and further learning
should reduce the variance to zero.
For assured RL we proposed the use of an abstract
MDP formally analysed using quantitative verifica-
tion. Safe abstract policies are identified and used as
Assured Reinforcement Learning with Formally Verified Abstract Policies
Table 7: Results from baseline and ARL experiments for the assisted-living system.
Abstract Policy
Probability of Calling
the Caregiver
Standard Error
Distress to
Standard Error
None 4.02 × 10
4.28 × 10
8.31 4.03 × 10
A 0.08 4.95 × 10
2.17 3.25 × 10
B 0.13 5.17 × 10
1.70 2.22 × 10
C 0.18 4.27 × 10
1.38 1.84 × 10
a means to restrict the action set of an RL agent to
those actions that were proven to satisfy a set of re-
quirements, adding to the growing research on safe
RL. Through two qualitatively different case studies,
we demonstrated that the ARL technique can be ap-
plied successfully to multiple problem domains. ARL
assumes that partial knowledge of the problem is pro-
vided a priori, and makes the typical assumption that
with sufficient learning the RL agent will converge to-
wards an optimal policy.
ARL supports a wide range of safety, performance
and reliability constraints that cannot be expressed us-
ing a single reward function in standard RL and are
not supported by existing safe RL techniques. Fur-
thermore, the use of an AMDP allows the application
of ARL where only limited knowledge of the prob-
lem domain is available, and ensures that ARL scales
to much larger and complex models than would other-
wise be feasible. Additionally, the expressive nature
of PCTL formulae and the construction of the AMDP
enables convenient on the fly experimentation of con-
straints and properties without requiring modification
of the underlying model.
Future work on ARL includes researching a
means of updating the AMDP should it not accurately
reflect the RL MDP. In the event that the RL agent
encounters information in the RL MDP that does not
correlate with the AMDP, or should the RL system
dynamics change during runtime, a means of feeding
back this information to update the AMDP can be de-
veloped, e.g. based on (Calinescu et al., 2011; Cali-
nescu et al., 2014; Efthymiadis and Kudenko, 2015).
After updating the AMDP the constraints will need to
be reverified and, if necessary, a new abstract policy
will be generated.
Additionally, we intend to exploit some of the
more sophisticated constraints that can be specified
in PCTL. For example, bounded until PCTL formu-
lae can place constraints on the number of time steps
taken to achieve a certain outcome, e.g. for our
assisted-living case study the formula P
] requires the agent to ensure, with a proba-
bility of at least 0.75, that the user washes their hands
with water and soap and then rinses them (thus reach-
ing stage s
of the workflow from Figure 5) within
eight subtasks, without switching the tap on and off
unnecessarily (by entering stages s
or s
of the
This paper presents research sponsored by the UK
MOD. The information contained in it should not be
interpreted as representing the views of the UK MOD,
nor should it be assumed it reflects any current or fu-
ture UK MOD policy.
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Assured Reinforcement Learning with Formally Verified Abstract Policies