3.1 Model Overview
In order to design our agent, a model has been pro-
posed as shown in Figure 1. In this model there
are two components that receive input from the V2G
driver, battery usage behaviour and user incentives.
Two factors will be considered to shape battery usage
behaviour: time, and vehicle usage (habit). In more
detail, V2G drivers determine the times when they
need to drive their car and when they can park their
car. one driving times are given, parking times can be
identified, which can be used to sell and buy the elec-
tricity. The second factor considered is vehicle usage
(habit). In this study, vehicle usage is defined as the
daily driving distance and the average speed.
The data on battery usage behaviour and user in-
centives will be sent to the V2G agent, which is a ma-
jor component of this model, and it will use this infor-
mation to trade with the power market. Specifically,
this agent will buy and sell electricity from and to the
power market, trying to calculate the best time to buy
and sell by predicting price behaviour. In doing so, it
will maximize the V2G drivers’ utility, which is the
monetary profit and the level of battery power that is
returned to the V2G driver at the end of a day. There is
a further important component in this model, namely
the power market, which models the real power mar-
ket. There are a number of factors that should be con-
sidered in designing such a market, such as the real
time pricing market.
The model shown in Figure 1 is of a simple mar-
ket, and is used to both understand the problem com-
prehensively and to design the model precisely. One
of the user incentives to be considered is price sensi-
tive. Furthermore, only a single type of power mar-
ket has been considered, namely the day-ahead price
(DAP) market. We chose the DAP market because
it is more practical to the people to plan for the fol-
lowing day power market price. In the DAP mar-
ket, quotes for day-ahead delivery of electricity are
offered together for every hour of the following day.
The information set to be used for quoting might not
be the same for every hour. Here, the V2G agent fo-
cuses on the power market side and in future work,
the driving behaviour and the user incentives will be
3.2 Problem Formulation
In more detail, the proposed model will incorporate
V2G driver behaviour, which has been defined in this
study as usage time. Moreover, it will employ elec-
tricity prices for the next day, since we consider only
the day ahead price market. By using these two types
of information the model will maximize the V2G
driver utility function by deciding the the best action
for every hour of the day, apart from the usage time
allocated to users to drive their cars. The utility has
been defined here as the monetary profit and the level
of battery power that is returned to the V2G driver at
the end of a day. Table 1 has been used to explain the
notations in details.
Table 1: Overview of the main notations used.
notation Description
a The vector which contains the chosen
action for each hour
= 0 Do nothing
= 1 Charging
= -1 Discharging
B State of charge
Desired amount of battery level be-
fore using time
Initial value for the battery
n Total of hours day
electricity price at time t
T Number of time steps and can be de-
fined as a T = {1, 2, ..., n}
Start of using time
End time of using
Available time which the agent can
charging or discharging or do nothing
V(x) Function represent the battery of
charge which left for the driver at the
end of the day
Before representing it mathematically, based on
the Table 1, the notations of our model will be dis-
cussed. We will explain using an example. Let us
assume a driver wants to use his or her car from time
until time T
, that will be considered as saying
to the agent that during this period of time it cannot
do anything represented in Equation 7. By exclud-
ing this usage time, the agent can define the period of
time during which it could charge a
= 1, discharge
= -1, or do nothing a
= 0, as represented in Equa-
tion 4. Agent will charge (buy) or discharge (sell)
from or to the market by considering the hour price
p. Moreover, let us assume the driver plans to go to
another city and he or she has an initial amount of bat-
tery at the start of the day of b
, and needs to have
a certain amount of battery b
to achieve this goal
without any delay; this issue has been determined by
Equation 8. At the end of the day the remaining bat-
tery state of charge has been represented as a func-
tion V(x), where is x ∈ B. Furthermore, we define the
utility as the monetary profit and the level of battery
power that is returned to the V2G driver at the end