Correction of Attention in a Learning Ability Task with using
Non-invasive Neurostimulation of Peripheral Nervous System
Vladimir Kublanov, Anna Petrenko and Aleksandra Nabiullina
Research Medical and Biological Engineering Centre of High Technologies, Ural Federal University, Mira 19, 620002,
Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Keywords: Neuroscience of Learning, Neuro-electrostimulation, Neuroplasticity, Learning Difficulties, Attention.
Abstract: The paper contains the results of pilot research on neuro-electrostimulation influence with a help of special
field of the current pulses on characteristics of attention, which are some of the main parameters of the learning
process. The method of dynamic correction of the activity of the sympathetic nervous system implemented
by means of the «SYMPATHOCOR-01» device for improving educational and cognitive parameters is
proposed. It is shown that the attention parameters such as speed and productivity can be improved by using
neuro-electrostimulation. Also, it was shown that some of the autonomic nervous system characteristics, in
particular LF and VLF spectral components of heart rate variability, can be chosen as indicators of human
efficiency changes.
At the current stage of science and technology
progress, in terms of implementation of new
technologies, people have to be able to materialize
their potential in order to be fully engaged in social
life. During this process, development of learning
technologies and evaluation of individual learning
capabilities have a special role. Providing of effective
training of difficult technical systems specialists is
now becoming an urgent task in connection with a
rapid development of a technical component of
difficult systems amid decrease in general level of
training. It is caused by a number of factors (including
those of exogenous nature) depending on a situation
in each country.
That is why issues related with improving the
efficiency and speed of learning are the most
important at the present time. Generally, learning
capability means the totality of human intellectual
properties, which express the cognitive activity of the
subject and its ability to assimilate new knowledge,
action, complex forms of activity. Expressing general
abilities, learning capability acts as a general
possibility of mental development, achieving more
generalized knowledge systems, common modes of
action. As an empirical characteristics of the human
capacity to learn, learning ability includes many
indicators and parameters of the human personality.
These include, above all, the cognitive capabilities of
humans (features of sensory and perceptual
processes, memory, attention, thought and speech),
personality characteristics - motivation, character,
emotional displays (Hickok and Small, 2016).
Various departments of a brain participate in these
processes. Brain integrates the complex and varied
input signals from several sensor systems
simultaneously for a quick understanding and
evaluating information at performing complex
operations. The relationship of these systems is
carried out by the operation of neural networks
(DARPA, 2016).
According to one of key principles of
neurobiology, our brain is plastic and is constantly
changing as a result of training. The cognitive reserve
and human adaptive responses to stress, traumatic
events and illnesses are formed in the training
process. Thus, the problems associated with learning,
reflect inefficient using of brain resources (The Royal
Society, 2011). There is the idea of activation of these
resources in order to increase the speed and efficiency
of training. Synaptic plasticity can be enhanced by
activation of certain brain areas via peripheral neuro-
electrostimulation. At the same time there is a release
of neurotransmitters associated with the components
of training, such as acetylcholine, dopamine,
serotonin and noradrenaline.
There are assumptions that the conjunction of
Kublanov V., Petrenko A. and Nabiullina A.
Correction of Attention in a Learning Ability Task with using Non-invasive Neurostimulation of Peripheral Nervous System.
DOI: 10.5220/0006159602690275
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
peripheral neuro-electrostimulation with traditional
learning methods allows to use endogenous neural
circuitry for enhancement of learning quality by
accelerating the setting of neural networks
responsible for the cognitive functions (DARPA,
2016). Therefore, there is an interest to investigate the
possibility of such the approach for education quality
In this paper the results of a pilot research of
neuro-electrostimulation of the peripheral nervous
system on characteristics of attention. As noted
above, these characteristics are one of the main
parameters of the learning process.
2.1 Neuro-electrostimulation Method
The «SYMPATHOCOR-01» device, which
generates spatially distributed field of current pulses,
is selected as the neuro-electrostimulation method
(Kublanov, 2008). The device provides multi-channel
percutaneous non-invasive impact on the pathways of
nerve formations and neck ganglia of the sympathetic
nervous system by the method of dynamic correction
of the activity of the sympathetic nervous system
(DCASNS) (Danilov et al., 2015). The
«SYMPATHOCOR-01» device is permitted for use
in medical institutions of the Russian Federation and
has a state certificate of the Federal Service on
Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development
FSR 2007/00757 от 27.09.2007. Application of
the device does not cause side effects (Kublanov et al
The general view of the «SYMPATHOCOR-01»
device is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The general view of the «SYMPATHOCOR-01»
As it is shown on Figure 1, two multi-element
electrodes in the device have a 13 partial electrodes
by which field of current pulses is formed. The partial
electrodes may act as anodes or cathodes depending
on the field direction of the current pulses. Parameters
field of the current pulses can change in the following
range: the amplitude of the partial current pulses from
0 to 100 mA, the pulse duration of the partial current
from 10 to 100 microseconds, the frequency of the
partial current pulses from 1 to 200 Hz.
It is well known, that the processes in the central
nervous system are the basis of all human mental
activity. It is worth to note here the role of the cerebral
circulation: mental performance (attention, memory
and perception, logical thinking) is reduced at the
deterioration of blood supply to the brain. This feature
determines the search for solutions to manage the
blood supply of the brain. Therefore, those
physiological mechanisms of the sympathetic
nervous system are fundamental which allows to
control the tone of the blood vessels of different
The most important formations that are involved
in the organization of neuro-electrostimulation are as
follows: glossopharyngeal nerve and its branches,
vagus nerve and its branches, the accessory nerve, the
nerve plexus around the carotid artery, the
sympathetic trunk structures (upper cervical node,
middle cervical node, vertebral ganglion, stellate
ganglion), spinal nerves (C2-C4) forming the cervical
plexus and having in its composition afferents.
Figure 2 shows the conventional areas of the nerve
structures location in the neck.
They are as follows:
Area 1 - location of sympathetic trunk;
Area 2 – location of sleepy plexus;
Area 3 - location preferential cervical spinal plexus;
Area 4 - the vagus nerve;
Area 5 - accessory nerve and branches of the
glossopharyngeal nerve (Kublanov et al., 2015).
Figure 2: Conventional areas of the nerve structures
location in the neck.
Regulating centers of vital functions are placed in
the nuclei of the brain stem, midbrain, pons and the
cerebellum, as well as - in the autonomic nuclei of the
brain and spinal cord. Many of the mentioned
pathways are located in the neck.
The nervous formations of neck area are closely
associated with brainstem, which have two-side
connections with midbrain, cerebellum, thalamus,
hypothalamus and the large brain cortex. Presence of
these connections provides participation of the neck
nervous formations in analysis of sensory
stimulation, regulation of the muscle tonus,
autonomic and the highest integrative functions
(Moore et al., 2013, Netter, 2014).
As a stimulation targets can be used not only the
superior cervical ganglia of the sympathetic nervous
system and (or) the stellate ganglion, but also other
components of the sympathetic trunk, the afferent
branches of the cervical plexus, cranial nerves and
their branches (IX, X and XI pair) that are conductive
paths nerve structures of the brainstem. And it
significantly extends the capabilities of the
neurostimulation method (Kublanov et al., 2015).
The stimulation of neck nodes of the sympathetic
trunk affects both the vascular tone of arteries of the
brain, and autonomic spinal nucleus (Klosovskiy,
1951). Thus, our hypothesis is that neuro-
electrostimulation system is able to fully modulate the
autonomic processes and to affect motor control and
cognitive function.
Features of the neuro-electrostimulation realized
using the «SYMPATHOCOR-01» device:
the target of neuro-electrostimulation can be
changed in accordance with current task by
selecting of partial electrodes as anodes of the
multi-element electrode which involved in
formation of the current pulse field;
biotropic parameters of field of current pulse
(amplitude, frequency and duration) are selected
in accordance with the state of autonomic balance:
activity of the sympathetic nervous system is
blocked at sympathicotonia, and is activated at
the frequency of switching the partial electrodes
of the multi-electrode performing the role of
anodes is at least by N times smaller than the
switching frequency of the partial electrodes
performing the role of cathodes;
commutation (switching) of these electrodes is
performed either clockwise, or counter-
clockwise, or in the arbitrary order by a random
law (Kublanov, Petrenko and Babich, 2015).
Parameters of the current pulsed field were as
follows: the amplitude of the partial current pulses is
4mA, the pulse duration of the partial current is 50
microseconds, the frequency of the partial current
pulses is 80 Hz.
2.2 Method for the Estimation of
Attention Parameters
The study was approved by the local ethics committee
at the Ural State Medical University in accordance
with the protocol number 8 on October 16, 2015.
The study involved 15 participants aged 18 to 35
years who gave their informed consent to voluntary
participate in the study.
The study consisted of 4 stages. The sequence
diagram of the experiment is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Sequence diagram.
stage Name of stage Duration, min.
1 Base line 5
2 Stress testing (Bourdon- test) 10
Repeated stress testing
(Bourdon test)
Methodology «Bourdon test» was used for the
estimation of attention parameters (Brunner, 2006).
Table filled with symbols formed randomly was
presented to participants at Bourdon test
performance. Looking through the table row by row,
the participants must locate and highlight certain
characters. Bourdon test is designed to assess the
stability of the volume and switching of attention. The
quality of the test was assessed by the speed of
browsing, the general number of errors, the number
of omission errors, the number of commission errors,
the number of scanned characters and productivity
index. Prior to the study subjects were conducted a
training session to familiarize themselves with the
Bourdon test. Training session and research carried
out on different days.
The adapted subjective questionnaire of acute
mental fatigue by A.B. Leonova was used to assess
the mental fatigue (Leonova and Velichkovskaia,
2002). The questionnaire contains 18 statements
describing different degrees of mental fatigue. Index
of mental fatigue (IMF) was calculated based on these
data. Mental fatigue is the most important factor that
limits human performance in the workplace,
especially in learning activities (Karpenko, 2008).
IMF estimation was carried out after each stage of the
Electrocardiogram (ECG) was recorded during
1,2 and 4 stages. The characteristics of heart rate
variability (HRV) were analyzed as a physiological
indicator of changes of the human functional state
during the study. Encephalan - EEGR-19/26
(Medicom MTD, RF, Taganrog) was used to register
the HRV signal.
It is known that the spectral components of HRV
reflect the physiological changes in the body and
allow to find patterns in the regulation of
physiological and mental (psycho-emotional)
condition of the person: HF component reflects the
activity of the parasympathetic part of the autonomic
nervous system, in particular vagus activity and the
power of respiratory waves; LF component
characterizes the state of the sympathetic division of
the autonomic nervous system, in particular, the
system of regulation of vascular tone; VLF spectral
component is closely related to psycho-emotional
stress and the functional state of the cerebral cortex
(Baevsky, 2001).
Analysis of the spectral components of HRV data
was performed using the in-house software developed
«STATISTICA 10.0» software applications were
used for statistical analysis of the obtained data in the
course of study.
Analysis of variance with repeated measures of
variables (ANOVA) was carried out to assess changes
of the attention parameters obtained in the course of
study "before" and "after" correction procedure with
using neuro-electrostimulation. The main purpose of
the ANOVA is to study the importance of differences
between the of mean values by comparing variance.
As a result of ANOVA significant variance were
received in changing the speed performance, the
productivity index, and the number of scanned
characters. No significant changes were observed for
parameters of the general number of errors, the
number of omission errors, the number of
commission errors. These values are significant at p
0.05 level. Figures 3-5 shows the average values of
the variables obtained in the course of study "before"
and "after" correction procedure with the noted
standard deviation.
Also, the processing of IMF at different stages of
research were evaluated by using ANOVA. Figures 6
shows the average values of IMF at various stages of
study with the noted standard deviation.
Figure 3: Variance analysis of the speed of browsing
"before" and "after” correction procedure.
Figure 4: Variance analysis of the productivity "before" and
"after” correction procedure
Figure 5: Variance analysis of the number of scanned
characters "before" and "after” correction procedure.
Thus the average IMF value in course of the stress test
on the second stage of the study increases, that
indicates the appearance of mild mental fatigue. But
after neuro-electrostimulation correction procedure
IMF reduces and returns to the original background
values in the third stage of the study.
Relative values of the spectral components HFn,
LFn and VLFn were calculated in processing of the
HRV data. At the assessment of the relative values of
the HRV spectral components at different stages of
Figure 6: Variance analysis of the IMF at each stage of
the study significant differences were obtained in LFn
and VLFn components. No significant differences
were observed in the HFn component. VLFn
component is increased in the course of stress test,
and LFn is reduced in the course of stress test. After
the neuro-electrostimulation correction procedure
VLFn and LFn components are approaching to initial
background values. Figure 7 shows the average
values of the HRV spectral components at different
stages of the study with the noted standard deviation.
Figure 7: Variance analysis of the HRV spectral
components at each stage of research.
The results are shown in Tables 2-3.
Then linear discriminant analysis was applied to
determine which variables distinguish (discriminate)
states of participants "before" and "after" neuro-
electrostimulation correction procedure. A step-by-
step analysis algorithm was used to make the analysis.
At each step all variables are reviewed and the only
one selected that contributes the most to the
difference between states. This variable is included in
the model at this stage, and the next step follows
(Duda et al., 2000).
In the course of discriminant analysis, the
variables that make the most significant contribution
to the discrimination states of participants "before"
Table 2: Average values of the Bourdon test parameters and
IMF in the groups "before" and "after" correction.
Variable Before After
IMF 13 5 2
Number of scanned
1561 1971 108
General number of
26 24 6
Number of
omission errors
24 19 6
Number of
commission errors
9 5 5
Speed of browsing 167 197 7
Productivity 1,30 1,53 0,05
Table 3: Average relative values of the HRV spectral
components in the groups "before" and "after" correction.
Variable Before After
0,16 0,15 0,02
LFn 0,29 0,35 0,02
VLFn 0,48 0,42 0,03
and "after" neuro-electrostimulation correction
procedure were chosen. They are as follows: number
of scanned characters, speed of browsing,
productivity, IMF, LF
and VLF
components. Productivity is linearly dependent on the
number of scanned characters, speed of browsing, so
these variables can be excluded. Thus, the four
variables were chosen for discrimination.
With the help of these defined variables, a
discriminant function can be created, which is a linear
equation of the following type:
a + b
are selected variables, a is a constant, and
are the regression coefficients.
Discriminant functions were built in the two-
dimensional plane, in which axes are selected
The results are shown in Figures 8-10.
spectral component was excluded from the
number of variables, because it does not affect the
accuracy of discrimination
. Thus, the discriminant
function consists of 3 variables: productivity, IMF
and VLF
The corresponding discriminant function and its
equation are shown in Figure 11.
The accuracy of the classification of states of
participants "before" and "after" neuro-
electrostimulation correction procedure is 88,5%.
Figure 8: Discriminant functions for states of participants
"before" and "after" neuro-electrostimulation in the
productivity, LF
and VLF
spectral components axes.
Figure 9: Discriminant function for states of participants
"before" and "after" neuro-electrostimulation in the
productivity and IMF axes.
Figure 10: Discriminant functions for states of participants
"before" and "after" neuro-electrostimulation in the IMF,
and VLF
spectral components axes.
Analysis of the obtained results showed the
1. Significant changes were obtained for the
speed of browsing, productivity index and the number
Figure 11: Discriminant function for states of participants
"before" and "after" neuro-electrostimulation
of scanned characters. An average of the speed
browsing and productivity increased up 18%, and the
number of characters scanned up 26%.
2. IMF increased at Bourdon test performance
but after the correction procedure using
"SIMPATHOCOR-01" it dropped and returned to the
original background values.
3. Significant differences were obtained in LF
and VLF
components. No significant differences
were observed in the HF
component. VLF
component increases at performing the Bourdon test
that indicating the psycho-emotional stress, and LF
spectral component reduces that indicating the
decrease in vascular tone, but after the neuro-
electrostimulation correction procedure the indices of
spectral components normalize.
4. As the result of discriminant analysis three
variables were selected, by which the discriminant
function was built for states of participants "before"
and "after" neuro-electrostimulation correction
procedure. They are as follows: productivity, IMF,
and VLF
spectral components. This indicates the
need for an integrative assessment of physiological
and psychometric data.
Thus, during the course of this pilot study it was
showed that the method neuro-electrostimulation of
the peripheral nervous system allows to enhance and
to activate the attention parameters, namely speed of
browsing and productivity, and reduce index of
mental fatigue. At the same time indicators of human
efficiency changes are changes of some
characteristics of the autonomic nervous system, in
particular LF
and VLF
spectral components.
The received data in the course of the pilot study
shown that the application the «SYMPATHOCOR-
01» device for neuro-electrostimulation of the
peripheral nervous system can improve attention
parameters, namely speed of browsing and
productivity. It can demonstrate activation of the
mechanisms underlying human cognitive activity.
Thus, realization of the neuroplasticity principle can
allow to control development of a nervous system and
to intensify process of training and restoration of a
cognitive reserve.
Knowledge of the pathophysiological
mechanisms underlying neuroplasticity, will
optimize therapeutic approaches for development of
science-based correction techniques to restore and to
improve cognitive abilities
(Zhivolupov et al., 2013).
The results of the research can be applied in the
design programs aimed to improve the learning
efficiency and the development of techniques for the
cognitive abilities correction. Also the follow-up
work will involve clinical trials on patients with
various diseases associated with impaired attention
The work was supported by Act 211 Government of
the Russian Federation, contract 02.A03.21.0006.
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