CPU, making this a viable option to detect unautho-
rized modifications (Intel, 2013). Another way is the
use of the Intel Trusted Execution Technology (TXT)
which can be used with Intel’s open source bootloader
”tboot”. It should be noted that in order for TXT to
be secure, the use of Dual Monitor Mod (DMM) is
required because otherwise attackers might be able
to avoid detection by hiding in SMRAM (Kallenberg
and Kovah, 2015).
In this paper, we introduced LONGKIT, a novel frame-
work for BIOS/UEFI malware in the SMM which is
written entirely position-independent, fully supports
64-bit computers and is memory-layout aware for tar-
geted interaction with the operating systems kernel.
With the LONGKIT prototype we were able to show
the full potential of concealed malware in the SMM,
where most previous approaches were limited to sim-
ple proof-of-concept scenarios. By implementing two
typical rootkit functionalities (authentication bypass
and system call hooking), we demonstrated the effec-
tiveness of the LONGKIT framework in real-world ap-
plications. Furthermore, we discussed the stealthiness
of LONGKIT and possible ways of identifying future
SMM-based malware.
Based on our comprehensive research and the im-
plementation details provided, further investigation
into practical countermeasures of BIOS/UEFI mal-
ware becomes possible. In order to encourage fu-
ture research into malware and APT defense, all code
will be made available for researchers upon request.
Besides malware, LONGKIT provides many features
which are likely also useful for other SMM research.
The whole code being position independent makes it
very versatile and easily reusable in many different
scenarios. For example, LONGKIT could serve as a
foundation for the development of an open source al-
ternatives to the currently often closed source SMI
handlers provided by many manufacturers. At the
time of writing, the SMI handler used by SeaBIOS is
very minimal and LONGKIT could be used to develop
more sophisticated functionality.
The financial support by the Austrian Federal Min-
istry of Science, Research and Economy and the Na-
tional Foundation for Research, Technology and De-
velopment is gratefully acknowledged.
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LONGKIT – A Universal Framework for BIOS/UEFI Rootkits in System Management Mode