Attribute Permutation Steganography Detection using Attribute Position
Changes Count
Iman Sedeeq, Frans Coenen and Alexei Lisitsa
Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K.
{iman.sedeeq, coenen, lisitsa}
Steganography, Attribute Permutation, Classification.
An approach to detecting the presence of HTML Attribute Permutation Steganography (APS) is proposed
and founded on the idea of using a classification (prediction) model. To this end a position changes count
metric, the Attribute Position Changes Count (APCC), is presented with which to capture attribute ordering
information. The main advantage offered by the APCC metric, unlike other APS detection metrics, which tend
to use average values, is that it captures the full range of attribute position changes. A second advantage is that
it can be readily used to define a feature space from which feature vectors can be generated which in turn can
be used to generate a steganography classification model. With a combination of three most known attribute
permutation steganography algorithms and three well known classifiers APCC showed high performance in
each case compared with alternative attribute detection approaches. In terms of AUC metric APCC achieved
best eight out of nine cases and in terms of ACC metric APCC produced best seven out of nine cases. The
reported evaluation demonstrates that the APCC APS detection can be successfully employed to detect hidden
messages embedded in WWW pages using APS, outperforming a number of alternative approaches.
Because of the increased prevalence of Internet usage
in daily life, and the large volumes of WWW ma-
terial that is accessed on a daily bases, there is an
increased concern regarding the security risk posed
by steganography; the practice of hiding data, within
some carrier, typically for malicious purpose. For
steganography to be effective the carrier needs to be
a frequently used medium that does not raise suspi-
cion. HTML files provide a perfect carrier because
of their popularity (hence they do not raise suspicion)
and because the look and feel of the WWW pages rep-
resented by HTML files tends to remain unchanged in
the presence of steganography.
The most common forms of HTML steganogra-
phy are: (i) usage of invisible characters, such as
blank and tab characters, in some prescribed order-
ing (Sui and Luo, 2004), (ii) changing the letter case
in tags using some predetermined system (Zhao and
Lu, 2007) and (iii) attribute permutation whereby the
attributes associated with HTML tags are reordered in
some prescribed manner for the purpose of messages
hiding (Forrest, 2006; Huang et al., 2008; Shen and
Zhao, 2010). This last type of HTML steganography,
Attribute Permutation, has some attractive features
because: (i) its usage does not increase the file size
(unlike in the case where embedded invisible charac-
ters are used) and (ii) it is not easily noticeable by in-
spection of the HTML source file (unlike in the case
where tag letter case switching is used). Three of the
most established algorithms whereby Attribute Per-
mutation Steganography (APS) can be conducted, and
those considered in this paper, are: (i) Deogol (For-
rest, 2006), (ii) Huang et al. (Huang et al., 2008) and
(iii) Shen et al. (Shen and Zhao, 2010).
Most APS detection algorithms to date use a sta-
tistical approach to identifying APS, see for example
(Polak and Kotulski, 2010) and (Sedeeq et al., 2016) .
In (Polak and Kotulski, 2010) a predominant attribute
pair ordering statistic is used, while in (Sedeeq et al.,
2016) a standard deviation measure is adopted. The
central idea presented in this paper is to train a clas-
sification model which can then be used to classify
WWW pages as being either “stego pages” or “nor-
mal pages”. Our approach is inspired by the work
presented in (Jian-feng et al., 2014). Classifier gener-
ation is well understood (Ayodele, 2010; Smola and
Vishwanathan, 2008), the challenge is how to trans-
form the application focused data into a form appro-
priate for classifier generation. Most generators take
as input a feature vector representation of some sort.
Sedeeq, I., Coenen, F. and Lisitsa, A.
Attribute Permutation Steganography Detection using Attribute Position Changes Count.
DOI: 10.5220/0006166400950100
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy (ICISSP 2017), pages 95-100
ISBN: 978-989-758-209-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In the context of APS the requirement is thus to repre-
sent attribute data in a feature vector format. In (Jian-
feng et al., 2014) an attribute position mean distance
and variance statistics were used to populate feature
vectors. However, it is argued in this paper that us-
ing average positions ignores the spread of position
changes, which may in turn be important in the con-
text of APS detection; in other words important infor-
mation is lost when using average values. Instead, this
paper proposes the Attribute Position Changes Count
(APCC) mechanism. The idea is motivated by the
observation that APS entails frequent attribute posi-
tion changes which can thus be used to distinguish
APS WWW pages from non-APS WWW pages. The
APCC metric is fully described, as is its incorpora-
tion into the APCC ASP detection approach. The
proposed approach was evaluated using three WWW
data sets, each seeded with one of the commonly ref-
erenced APS approaches listed above (Forrest, 2006;
Huang et al., 2008; Shen and Zhao, 2010), and three
different classifier generation model paradigms (Neu-
ral Networks, SVM and Naive Bayes). In each case
the operation of the proposed APCC approach was
compared with three alternative algorithms (Polak
and Kotulski, 2010; Sedeeq et al., 2016; Jian-feng
et al., 2014). In eight of the nine cases the proposed
approach produced the best performance.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents some related work relevant
to the work presented in this paper. Section 3 presents
the Attribute Position Changes Count (APCC) mech-
anism. The proposed APCC feature vector generation
mechanism is then presented in Section 4. Section 5
presents the evaluation of the proposed approach. The
paper is completed with some conclusions presented
in Section 6.
The APCC APS detection algorithm proposed in this
paper is designed, unlike other proposed stegongra-
phy detection algorithm (Jian-feng et al., 2014), to
detect hidden messages embedded using any of the
three most well known APS methods: (i) Deogol as
in (Forrest, 2006), (ii) Huang et al. (Huang et al.,
2008) and (iii) Shen et al. (Shen and Zhao, 2010).
The first two methods operate in a similar manner as
follows. The message is transformed to a large num-
ber M, then the remainder of
, where n is the num-
ber of a tag attributes to be utilized, is calculated. This
number is then transformed to a permutation, and the
current tag replaced with this permutation. The dif-
ference between the two methods is in how the de-
sired permutations are generated. The third method
adopted a different APS approach. Here a binary re-
lation was constructed, between tag attributes, using
a binary string. This binary string was transformed to
a permutation and the current tag replaced with this
Previous work on detection of the presence of
messages hiding using HTML APS can be catego-
rized according to whether the systems described are
used in a dynamic (monitoring) context or a static
(non-monitoring) context. The work presented in this
paper falls into the static APS detection category.
In the dynamic context a website is continuously
monitored for APS. Here webpage ”snapshots” are
recorded using some predefined sampling interval.
Two significant examples of this approach can be
found in Polak and Kotulski (Polak and Kotulski,
2010) and Sedeeq et al. (Sedeeq et al., 2016). In Po-
lak and Kotulski (Polak and Kotulski, 2010) an APS
detection method is presented that assumes the APS is
conducted using Deogol (Forrest, 2006). The method
is based on the idea of identifying a predominant at-
tribute pair ordering. For each pair of attributes the
detection algorithm counts how many times the first
attribute appears before the second and vice-versa.
The algorithm then calculated a value W , the num-
ber of attributes pairs that occur in different orderings
divided by the total number of pairings:
W = 1
, a
Where: (i) n is a tag identifier and i is a sequential oc-
currences number for the tag; (ii) R
then represents
the ith occurrence of the tag n with respect to the at-
tribute pair (a
, a
) in the predominant order; and (iii)
C represents the total number of all occurrences of all
attribute pairs in a webpage. W is thus the fraction
of attribute pairs that occur in a different order to the
predominant order (a
, a
). If W is high, this is an
indicator of APS.
In Sedeeq et al. (Sedeeq et al., 2016) a statisti-
cal approach to dynamic APS detection was proposed
whereby the Standard Deviation (SD) of the attribute
positions in webpage tags was used. In this case it
was assumed that the APS had been conducted using
Shen et al. (Shen and Zhao, 2010). For each attribute,
all the positions in all tags are collected and then the
standard deviation for the webpage is calculated. In
(Sedeeq et al., 2016) it was found that a “stego web-
page” always features a higher SD than a non-stego
WWW page.
The APS detection methods described in Polak
and Kotulski and in Sedeeq et al. are both dynamic
methods, for the purpose of the evaluation presented
later in this paper, these methods were thus adapted
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
so that they can be used in a static context. The eval-
uation is presented in Section 5 below.
In the static context WWW pages are considered
in isolation (no need for a webpage history presented
in the terms of a sequence of “snapshots”). An ex-
ample can be found in Jian-feng et al. (Jian-feng
et al., 2014) where an approach is presented, that uses
the idea of learning a classification model that can
be used to predict the presence or absence of APS.
In Jian-feng et al. SVM classification was adopted
(Scholkopf and Smola, 2002), but any other form
of classification model generator could equally well
have been used. Feature vectors were generated us-
ing two statistics: (i) the distance between the at-
tribute mean position benchmark and the sample at-
tribute mean position of the suspicious webpage and
(ii) the variance of attribute positions; APS was again
realised using Deogol (Forrest, 2006). The work pre-
sented in this paper, although also a static approach,
differs from that presented in (Jian-feng et al., 2014)
in that position change counts are used to populate
the feature vectors representation to support classifier
generation. The approach to ASP detection proposed
by Jian-feng et al. (Jian-feng et al., 2014) was used
to compare the operation of the APCC approach, this
is reported on later in this paper in Section 5. Note
that with respect to the Jian-feng et al. approach to
APS the three parameters used were: (i) the number
of attributes to be considered (BA), (ii) the number of
attribute appearances in terms of mean distance (TD)
and (iii) the number of attribute appearance in terms
of variance (TV). The following parameter settings
were recommended: (i) BA = 3, (ii) TD = 3 and (iii)
TV = 3. These were therefore adopted with respect
to the evaluation presented later in this paper.
In normal circumstances (no steganography present)
attributes within HTML tags tend to feature a
consistent ordering, but once attribute permutation
steganography has taken place this consistent order
is no longer the case. Each attribute will have a po-
sition associated with it within the tag where the first
position is given the number 0, the second position 1
and so on. Thus, given an attribute a
belonging to the
set of attributes A featured in a HTML page this will
have a set positions P
= {p
, p
, . . . } associated with
it. In the absence of APS we would expect the values
in P to be more or less constant. Thus by counting the
number of position changes we have an indicator of
the presence (or not) of APS. Given two consecutive
positions, p
and p
we increment the count so far
by one if p
6= p
Table 1: Attribute position changes before and after APS.
Attribute Att. pos. Pos. change Att. pos. Pos. change
before APS count after APS count
content 111111111 0 101001010 7
rel 000000000001111 1 101000110104242 11
This is illustrated in Table 1 with respect to a
fictitious web site, and considers two attributes: (i)
and (ii) rel
. The second column in Table
1 shows the positions of the attributes in the HTML
document that might exist if no APS has taken place.
Note that the first attribute features 9 times and the
second 15 times (hence 9 and 15 positions respec-
tively). The third column then lists the associated po-
sition change counts. The forth column shows the po-
sitions of the attributes in the HTML document that
might exist if APS has taken place, whilst the fifth
column shows the associated position change counts.
Note that a clear distinction can be observed before
and after APS.
Given the above, idea is to use attribute position
change information to represent WWW pages and,
given an appropriately defined training set featuring
both stego and non-stego WWW pages, to train a clas-
sification model for steganography detection. There
are many algorithms available that can be used to
build classification models (also known as prediction
models). Common examples include: (i) Neural Net-
works, (ii) Support Vector Machines and (iii) Naive
Bayes. What these algorithms have in common is that
they take as input a set of feature vectors of length n
generated from an n-dimensional feature space. In our
case the feature space represents the set of attributes
A that we wish to consider. Each dimension repre-
sents an attribute whose values range from 0 to some
The content attribute is used with the meta HTML
tag to provide additional information that can be used by,
for example, www browsers.
The rel is used with the a HTML tag to indicate the
relationship between the current document and the linked
Attribute Permutation Steganography Detection using Attribute Position Changes Count
maximum number of position change counts.
The required training data comprises an n×m ma-
trix where n is the number of webpages in the training
set and m is the number of attributes to be considered.
The value associated with each attribute, or webpage,
is the position change count generated as described
above. Before presenting the proposed algorithm
used for counting the attribute position changes, the
following definitions should be noted:
H is an input webpage.
S: is a set of tags in H that have two attributes or
more, S = {T
, T
, . . . }.
FV is an output feature vector of attributes posi-
tion change counts in S
attName = {a
, a
, ...a
} is the complete set of at-
tributes in S.
): A set of positions in S for attribute a
) = {p
, p
, . . . p
}. Each attribute has
m occurrences such that |attPos(a
)| = m.
): is the number of an attribute (a
) po-
sition changes which is incremented in case of
6= p
The pseudo code for the APCC algorithm is pre-
sented in Algorithm 1. The input to the algorithm
(line 1) is a WWW page H. The output is FV a
feature vector recording the number of attributes po-
sition changes with respect to all the tags within S,
the set of tags with two attributes or more. The al-
gorithm commences by finding S (line 3) then initial-
izing the sets attName and attPos to be empty sets
(lines 4 and 5). Next (lines 7 to 12) the algorithm
loops through each tag in S and each attribute a
each tag and records the attribute name and position
to record, in attName, all attributes names and their
associated positions (recorded in the set attPos). Next
(lines 13 to 22) the algorithm loops through each at-
tribute in attName to calculate the attribute position
change count apcc according to the attPos value asso-
ciated with each. Each calculated apcc value is stored
in FV to generate the desired feature vector for the
Note also that for the training data each feature
vector has a class label associated with it: class 1
represents a stego webpage while class 2 represents
a normal webpage. In real life of course it is this class
label we wish to predict.
To evaluate the proposed APCC approach a collec-
tion of 74 landing webpages from popular websites
were downloaded that covered different domains (ed-
ucation, news, shopping and business). The conjec-
tured advantage of the proposed approach was that it
would operate well regardless of how the APS was
conducted. To demonstrate this the three most com-
monly used APS algorithms, identified in the intro-
duction to this paper, were used to generate three eval-
uation data sets: (i) Deogol, (ii) Huang et al. and (iii)
Shen et al. In each case half of the selected WWW
pages were seeded using APS. The hidden message
was a natural text. For the purpose of incorporating
APS five attributes were selected. Consequently our
feature vectors have five attributes each holding a po-
sition change count. Thus the entire data matrix in
each case measures 74 × 5.
For the evaluation Ten-fold Cross Validation
(TCV) was used throughout whereby the input data
was divided into 10 folds and the classifier genera-
tion process conducted and tested 10 times, each time
using a different fold for the testing. The evaluation
metrics used were those recommended in (Demsar,
2006), namely:
Algorithm 1: Calculate attribute position changes in a web-
1: Input: H
2: Output: FV a feature vector holding position
changes count for attributes in H
3: S = The set of tags with two attributes or more
4: attName= {}
5: attPos= {}
6: k=0
7: for each tag T S do
8: for each attribute a
T do
9: attName= attName+a
10: attPos(a
)= attPos(a
) + a
11: end for
12: end for
13: for each attribute a
attName do
14: apcc = 0
15: for i = 1 to i = m do
16: if attPos(p
) 6= attPos(p
) then
17: apcc = apcc +1
18: end if
19: FV [k] = apcc
20: k = k + 1
21: end for
22: end for
The standard accuracy (Acc) measure that refers
to the percentage of correctly classified samples.
The Area Under the receiver operator character-
istic Curve (AUC); the area under the Receiver
Operator Characteristic (ROC) curve, a graphical
ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy
plot of the true positives rate versus the false pos-
itives rate.
The objectives of the evaluation were firstly to an-
alyze the effectiveness of the proposed APCC mecha-
nism in terms of a number of classification model gen-
erators and secondly to compare the operation of the
proposed approach with existing approaches. Both
are considered in further derail in the following two
5.1 Effectiveness of the APCC
For the first of the above objectives three classifier
generation models were considered, as implemented
in Weka machine learning environment (Hall et al.,
2009) : (i) Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) Neural
Network, (ii) SVM and (iii) Naive Bayes. Note that
SVM was used because this was the classification
model used with respect to the APS detection ap-
proach proposed by Jian-feng et al. (Jian-feng et al.,
2014). Recall that the significance of the later is that,
to the best knowledge of the authors, this is the only
other previous work that adopts a classification model
approach to APS detection, however using a very dif-
ferent feature vector representation.
The results are summarized in Tables 2 and 3 (best
results highlighted in bold font). Table 2 shows the
results obtained in terms of average Accuracy (Acc)
while Table 3 shows the results obtained in terms of
the AUC measure. the averaged SD in each case is in
parentheses. From the Tables it can be seen that the
proposed APCC feature vector representation can be
successfully used to train classifiers to distinguish be-
tween normal webpages and stego webpages regard-
less of the adopted APS algorithm. Although best
performance was obtained with respect to Shen et al.
APS. From the tables it can also be seen that there
is little difference in operation between the selected
classifier generators.
Table 2: Average accuracy (Acc) results of APCC (best re-
sults highlighted in bold font).
APS Algorithm MLP SVM NB
Deogol (Forrest, 2006) 93.39% 90.71% 90.89%
(9.71) (10.54) (10.46)
Haung et al. (Huang et al., 2008) 90.36% 93.21% 88.75%
(11.17) (7.18) (13.10)
Shen et al. (Shen and Zhao, 2010) 93.57% 96.07% 93.57%
(10.75) (6.34) (10.75)
Table 3: Average of AUC results of APCC (best results
highlighted in bold font).
APS Algorithm MLP SVM NB
Deogol (Forrest, 2006) 0.97 0.90 0.98
(0.06) (0.11) (0.05)
Haung et al. (Huang et al., 2008) 0.94 0.91 0.96
(0.11) (0.08) (0.07)
Shen et al. (Shen and Zhao, 2010) 0.99 0.95 0.99
(0.03) (0.06) (0.03)
5.2 Comparison with Other Detection
With respect to the second objective, comparisons
were made with the operation of: (i) Polak and Ko-
tulski (Polak and Kotulski, 2010), (ii) Sedeeq et al.
(Sedeeq et al., 2016) and (iii) Jian-feng et al. (Jian-
feng et al., 2014) (all three were discussed in Section
2 above). In order to acquire a complete picture of
APS detection approaches performance in literature,
we include dynamic APS detection approaches such
as Polak and Kotulski (Polak and Kotulski, 2010) and
Sedeeq et al. (Sedeeq et al., 2016) to compare with
APCC. These approaches required a webpage his-
tory monitoring whereby with static approaches like
APCC and that of Jian-feng et al. (Jian-feng et al.,
2014) there is no need for a history of a webpage. In
the case of Polak and Kotulski (Polak and Kotulski,
2010), a dynamic APS detection approach, the algo-
rithm was adapted so that feature vectors were gener-
ated comprised of W values. Each webpage was thus
represented by a single statistical feature W calculated
as described in Section 2. In the case of Sedeeq et
al.(Sedeeq et al., 2016), also a dynamic APS detec-
tion approach, the algorithm was adapted so that fea-
ture vectors were generated comprised of the standard
deviation values. Again, this resulted in each web-
page being represented by one feature, the standard
deviation of attribute positions as described in Sec-
tion 2. For Jian-feng et al.(Jian-feng et al., 2014), an
alternative static approach to APS detection, the rec-
ommended parameter settings were used: (i) BA = 3,
(ii) TD = 3 and (iii) TV = 3. The feature vectors
were generated in the same manner as described in
(Jian-feng et al., 2014).
For the evaluation the three APS algorithms con-
sidered previously (Deogol, Huang et al. and Shen
et al.) and the three classifier generation paradigms
considered previously ( Neural Network MLP, SVM
and Naive Bayes NB) were used. Thus nine differ-
ent combinations. The results are presented in Table
4. In the table the shaded rows highlight the results
obtained using the APCC algorithm. From the table
it can be seen that the APCC mechanism can effec-
tively detect hidden messages regardless of the APS
Attribute Permutation Steganography Detection using Attribute Position Changes Count
Table 4: Comparison of APCC results with other detection approaches (best results highlighted in bold font).
Classifier Detection Approach in APS Algorithm
Deogol Huang et al. Shen et al.
(Forrest, 2006) (Huang et al., 2008) (Shen and Zhao, 2010)
Polak and Kotulski (Polak and Kotulski, 2010) 74.64% 0.78 47.32% 0.48 44.46% 0.33
Sedeeq et al.(Sedeeq et al., 2016) 75.36% 0.88 68.10% 0.84 61.37% 0.65
Jian-feng et al. (Jian-feng et al., 2014) 86.61% 0.93 78.93% 0.91 77.32% 0.88
APCC 93.39% 0.97 90.36% 0.94 93.57% 0.99
Polak and Kotulski (Polak and Kotulski, 2010) 61.96% 0.65 48.57% 0.50 47.32% 0.46
Sedeeq et al. (Sedeeq et al., 2016) 76.79% 0.77 74.70% 0.74 58.10% 0.59
Jian-feng et al.(Jian-feng et al., 2014) 88.04% 0.88 81.43% 0.82 75.54% 0.75
APCC 90.71% 0.90 93.21% 0.91 96.07% 0.95
Polak and Kotulski (Polak and Kotulski, 2010) 70.63% 0.75 51.43% 0.47 51.61% 0.53
Sedeeq et al. (Sedeeq et al., 2016) 78.04% 0.89 74.70% 0.84 61.01% 0.65
Jian-feng et al.(Jian-feng et al., 2014) 91.96% 0.99 89.64% 0.91 79.82% 0.89
APCC 90.89% 0.98 88.75% 0.96 93.57% 0.99
algorithm used. Inspection of the table indicates that,
with respect to accuracy Acc, the APCC approach
produced best results in seven of the nine cases; and,
with respect to AUC, the best result in eight of the
nine cases. It is interesting to note that the dynamic
techniques of Polak and Kotulski, and Sedeeq et al.,
did not perform well. This is probably because neither
technique was well suited to usage in a static con-
text. It is also interesting to note that the technique
proposed by Jian-feng et al. worked well when us-
ing NB classification (Jian-feng et al, originally used
SVM classification to evaluate their approach).
In this paper a novel approach to detecting HTML
Attribute Permutation Steganography (APS) has been
suggested. The approach is founded on the usage of a
proposed Attribute Position Changes Count (APCC)
metric, the main contribution of the paper. This met-
ric offers the dual advantages that: (i) it serves to cap-
ture more detail concerning APS than methods that
use average statistical values and (ii) it can be readily
used to generate feature vectors with which to train an
APS classification model. The evaluation was con-
ducted by considering three alternative APS meth-
ods and three classifier generation paradigms (thus
three-by-three combinations) and in each case com-
paring the proposed APCC APS detection approach
with three alternative APS detection approaches from
the literature. In eight out of the nine cases the pro-
posed approach produced the best AUC value, and in
seven out of the nine cases the best accuracy ACC
value, thus indicating that the proposed approach can
be successfully employed to detect attribute permuta-
tion steganography. A deeper analysis is required in
order to understand cases when Jian-feng et al. (Jian-
feng et al., 2014) performs better than APCC. Further
work includes development and evaluation of novel
metrics and algorithms for HTML steganography de-
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ICISSP 2017 - 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy